Liberals = Eisenhower-era Republicans?

Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.

An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.
America spent 2-3 times on infrastructure, science and r&d during the 40's, 50's and 60's compared to today.
Back that up, please.
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.

An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.

America spent 2-3 times on infrastructure, science and r&d during the 40's, 50's and 60's compared to today. Social spending on welfare is one thing but things that create jobs is quite another. China, India and nearly every major society spends on themselves if they want to advance and we see this today.

The private sector plays a important hand in the economy but to say that the public doesn't? Is changing history.

To be fair, they were building an interstate highway system so that takes lots of money.

But yes, our infrastructure is terribly underfunded.
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.

An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.

America spent 2-3 times on infrastructure, science and r&d during the 40's, 50's and 60's compared to today. Social spending on welfare is one thing but things that create jobs is quite another. China, India and nearly every major society spends on themselves if they want to advance and we see this today.

The private sector plays a important hand in the economy but to say that the public doesn't? Is changing history.

To be fair, they were building an interstate highway system so that takes lots of money.

But yes, our infrastructure is terribly underfunded.

It isn't underfunded....they get more than enough money to fund it....they waste, steal or lose that money.....and then ask for more.......
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.
An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.
Did you read the article? No?
Funny how you judge from ignorance and then complain about bias.

It was the private sector that shipped industry to china and later onto Mexico. Just for a little extra profit off the backs of "slaves"! This certainly wasn't the public sector that stabbed us in the back.

The 19th century deregulation is a very bad idea and that is what the national review seems to want. All creditability washings down the shitter with that.
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.

Was he wrong?
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.

It was much easier to demonize him before the wall fell.....

Communism - McCarthy Was Right

Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Vanona Intercepts -- FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 -- the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct. Whether it was stealing atomic secrets or influencing U.S. foreign policy, communist victories in the 1940s were fed by an incredibly vast spy and influence network..............

Speakers detailed many of the cover-ups used to smear McCarthy. Veteran journalist and teacher Stan Evans, director of National Journalism Center, told of the Tydings Committee, which had investigated McCarthy's charges of communists in government. Its report had exonerated everybody. Among the accused it stated categorically that there was no evidence against Owen Lattimore, a man McCarthy said was a major figure in the communist conspiracy. Lattimore had been Roosevelt's key advisor on China policy. Yet Evans showed evidence from 5,000 pages of FBI files on him -- files released only a few years ago to the public, although the White House had access to them.

However, evidence before the committee showed that Lattimore had supported Soviet policy at every turn, even declaring that the Stalin purge trials in Russia, "sound like democracy to me." With then-Vice President Henry Wallace in Russia, Lattimore compared concentration camps to the Tennessee Valley Authority, and later urged Washington to abandon China to communism and to withdraw from Japan and Korea. FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, who had fed information to McCarthy, broke with him afterwards, fearing McCarthy would prejudice FBI sources of information for its criminal prosecutions.
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.

nah, that's just another RW moron, pay no attention.
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.
An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.
Did you read the article? No?
Funny how you judge from ignorance and then complain about bias.
It was the private sector that shipped industry to china and later onto Mexico. Just for a little extra profit off the backs of "slaves"! This certainly wasn't the public sector that stabbed us in the back.
The 19th century deregulation is a very bad idea and that is what the national review seems to want. All creditability washings down the shitter with that.
I see you did not read the article either.
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.

Was he wrong?
Yes, and drank himself to death in his forties.
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.
An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.
Did you read the article? No?
Funny how you judge from ignorance and then complain about bias.

I know what it is about. Liberals are communists trying to take your property and guns. Did I nail it? Yes.

Here is an article you should read.

Conservatives evil and psychopathy Science makes the link -

I mean its on the internet so it must be true.
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.
An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.
Did you read the article? No?
Funny how you judge from ignorance and then complain about bias.
I know what it is about. Liberals are communists trying to take your property and guns. Did I nail it? Yes.
Thank you for proving my point.
I do appreciate how open you are about your mindless partisan bigotry.
Rachel Maddow:
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is this true?
Are today's liberals in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform?

He deported a couple of million illegals.
I guess if she wants to deport 10 or 15 million, she can call herself Ike.
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.

Was he wrong?
Yes, and drank himself to death in his forties.

McCarthy was right....
To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.

Was he wrong?
Yes, and drank himself to death in his forties.

McCarthy was right....
He was a lying fear-mongering drunk, and those were his good qualities.
Rachel Maddow:
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is this true?
Are today's liberals in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform?

I'd say a considerable portion of the Democratic Party is that way. Not gonna get a 90% top tax rate any time soon though.
Rachel Maddow:
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is this true?
Are today's liberals in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform?
Post it but very likely much of it is fine. He wasn't an Any Rand kid or a reactionary asshole like the Repubs of today.

Really, look up Operation Wetback. Ike actually had a clue on dealing with illegals.
You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.

Was he wrong?
Yes, and drank himself to death in his forties.

McCarthy was right....
He was a lying fear-mongering drunk, and those were his good qualities.

And a gambling womanizing perpetual liar who forged his CO's signature to get a fake military commendation.

Fun trivia: the only book he ever read was "Mein Kampf" -- which he got on loan from his pal Urban VanSusteren. Greta's dad.
OMG, another McCarthy supporter.

Was he wrong?
Yes, and drank himself to death in his forties.

McCarthy was right....
He was a lying fear-mongering drunk, and those were his good qualities.

And a gambling womanizing perpetual liar who forged his CO's signature to get a fake military commendation.

Fun trivia: the only book he ever read was "Mein Kampf" -- which he got on loan from his pal Urban VanSusteren. Greta's dad.
Yes, he lived with the Van Susterens for a while.

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