Liberals Estatic: Obama Hailed As Earning His Nobel Prize With Iran Nuclear Deal

He earned it with his speeches and policy his first 6 months, and in the opinion of 90 per cent of the world, NOT being an ugly American, my way or the highway, idiotic axis of evil, war mongering, incompetent, ignorant, jackass...
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Correcting the Bushtard mistake of the Iraq War was when he earned the prize.

yeah that went so well he thought he'd do another one....


The Afghanistan was not a mistake. The Iraq War was. Now Iraq is the toady of Iran. Smooth move, conservatives. Thanks alot.

so just exactly what did Obama accomplish in Afg......?
yeah that went so well he thought he'd do another one....


You mean the war we should of focused on in the first place?:eusa_shifty:

we did focus on it in the first place.....Osama bin Laden and the Taliban were knocked back into Pakistan....where bin Laden was finally found and killed...

70% of all the casualties in Afghanistan happened under Obama....and he basically did nothing 'cept apologize for the burning of some Korans.....

i guess to libs that's just more reason for his Nobel Peace prize....:mad:
Your stupidity and lack of basic history is amazing. It is like you are actually trying to be stupid. Your ability to make up stories that are not based on facts is mind bending. Fortunately I can laugh at a person like you. Bobby Jindal may have called for the gop to stop being "the stupid party" but with people like you in the gop he is calling for an impossibility.
After 9/11 bush called for Afghanistan to turn over bin Laden. When the leaders of Afghanistan said no, bush orded the invasion. In a short period of time we had the Taliban and al Qaida on the run. In fact, we were in a postion to destroy both of these terrorist groups. However, shortly after we had the Taliban and al Qaida running for their lives, bush started spouting his lies about Saddam. (The Iraqies had WMD and were preparing an attack against the US. Never mind that they had no navy or air force or way to attack America, we had to attack Iraq to defend ourselves.). The majority of the troops were then pulled out of Afghanistan and moved to Iraq. In other words, we pretty well deserted the country which opened the door for the Talliban and al Qaida to rearm and restock which is exactly what they did.
When Obama took office he faced two wars that HE HAD NOT STARTED. To his credit he followed through with bush's plans to withdraw troops from Iraq which ended that war.
Because bush had a chance to end the war in Afghanistan earlier and had not taken it, the task landed on Obama's back. If bush had finished the job in Afghanistan the Taliban and al Qaida that would never had a chance to rearm and resupply themselves..
The bottom line is this, more troops may have died in Afghanistan during the Obama presidency but if bush had NOT pulled troops out of Afghanistan to fight in Iraq THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO WAR IN AFGANISTAN BY THE TIME OBAMA TOOK OFFICE.

The liberals and media are kicking in the propaganda overdrive tonight claiming Obama has earned his 'Nobel Peace Prize' for negotiating with Iran and coming to an agreement on stopping their nuclear weapons quest. This is all bullshit anyway you see it. Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of these times and in the end, Chamberlains actions had devastating consequences and Obama's actions with Iran's deal could be just as severe as back in 1939.

Peace In Our Time!

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith: Obama Has Earned His Nobel

So let's just give everyone a Nobel Peace Prize and maybe in 5 or 6 years, they will do something to earn it?
American Presidents who have won the Nobel Prize: Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama. Wilson, Carter, and Obama are Democrats. Roosevelt is a republican but if you look at his presidency today's republicans would call him a RINO. He pushed for national health care and he initiated forty lawsuits against big trusts. He helped pass the Hepburn Act which set price limits on railroads and also the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. That led to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The bottom line is he grew the government (UNDER THE BUS WITH HIM!!!!!!!!.!
You mean the war we should of focused on in the first place?:eusa_shifty:

we did focus on it in the first place.....Osama bin Laden and the Taliban were knocked back into Pakistan....where bin Laden was finally found and killed...

70% of all the casualties in Afghanistan happened under Obama....and he basically did nothing 'cept apologize for the burning of some Korans.....

i guess to libs that's just more reason for his Nobel Peace prize....:mad:
Your stupidity and lack of basic history is amazing. It is like you are actually trying to be stupid. Your ability to make up stories that are not based on facts is mind bending. Fortunately I can laugh at a person like you. Bobby Jindal may have called for the gop to stop being "the stupid party" but with people like you in the gop he is calling for an impossibility.
After 9/11 bush called for Afghanistan to turn over bin Laden. When the leaders of Afghanistan said no, bush orded the invasion. In a short period of time we had the Taliban and al Qaida on the run. In fact, we were in a postion to destroy both of these terrorist groups. However, shortly after we had the Taliban and al Qaida running for their lives, bush started spouting his lies about Saddam. (The Iraqies had WMD and were preparing an attack against the US. Never mind that they had no navy or air force or way to attack America, we had to attack Iraq to defend ourselves.). The majority of the troops were then pulled out of Afghanistan and moved to Iraq. In other words, we pretty well deserted the country which opened the door for the Talliban and al Qaida to rearm and restock which is exactly what they did.
When Obama took office he faced two wars that HE HAD NOT STARTED. To his credit he followed through with bush's plans to withdraw troops from Iraq which ended that war.
Because bush had a chance to end the war in Afghanistan earlier and had not taken it, the task landed on Obama's back. If bush had finished the job in Afghanistan the Taliban and al Qaida that would never had a chance to rearm and resupply themselves..
The bottom line is this, more troops may have died in Afghanistan during the Obama presidency but if bush had NOT pulled troops out of Afghanistan to fight in Iraq THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO WAR IN AFGANISTAN BY THE TIME OBAMA TOOK OFFICE.

nothing in what i said that was incorrect....tell me what was it exactly was that Obama accomplished in Afg....i won't be holding my breath for an answer...
The liberals and media are kicking in the propaganda overdrive tonight claiming Obama has earned his 'Nobel Peace Prize' for negotiating with Iran and coming to an agreement on stopping their nuclear weapons quest. This is all bullshit anyway you see it. Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of these times and in the end, Chamberlains actions had devastating consequences and Obama's actions with Iran's deal could be just as severe as back in 1939.

Peace In Our Time!

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith: Obama Has Earned His Nobel

So let's just give everyone a Nobel Peace Prize and maybe in 5 or 6 years, they will do something to earn it?
American Presidents who have won the Nobel Prize: Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama. Wilson, Carter, and Obama are Democrats. Roosevelt is a republican but if you look at his presidency today's republicans would call him a RINO. He pushed for national health care and he initiated forty lawsuits against big trusts. He helped pass the Hepburn Act which set price limits on railroads and also the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. That led to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The bottom line is he grew the government (UNDER THE BUS WITH HIM!!!!!!!!.!

yep......4 insideous progressives 'won' the Nobel prize....:eusa_hand:
So Obama earned his peace prize by having Kerry go out and make the world more unstable.
The liberals and media are kicking in the propaganda overdrive tonight claiming Obama has earned his 'Nobel Peace Prize' for negotiating with Iran and coming to an agreement on stopping their nuclear weapons quest. This is all bullshit anyway you see it. Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of these times and in the end, Chamberlains actions had devastating consequences and Obama's actions with Iran's deal could be just as severe as back in 1939.

Peace In Our Time!

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith: Obama Has Earned His Nobel

Why are so many conservatives eager for war on Iran? Didn't you learn a lesson from the Iraq War's failure?

Removing Iraq's brutal dictator was not a failure. It had to be done and now Iraqi's have free elections and can put anyone they want in office.

That's like saying when you have had a hard-on, penetration had to be done.
So let's just give everyone a Nobel Peace Prize and maybe in 5 or 6 years, they will do something to earn it?
American Presidents who have won the Nobel Prize: Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama. Wilson, Carter, and Obama are Democrats. Roosevelt is a republican but if you look at his presidency today's republicans would call him a RINO. He pushed for national health care and he initiated forty lawsuits against big trusts. He helped pass the Hepburn Act which set price limits on railroads and also the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. That led to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The bottom line is he grew the government (UNDER THE BUS WITH HIM!!!!!!!!.!

yep......4 insideous progressives 'won' the Nobel prize....:eusa_hand:

Yep, and they didn't bring peace. They only brought war.
The liberals and media are kicking in the propaganda overdrive tonight claiming Obama has earned his 'Nobel Peace Prize' for negotiating with Iran and coming to an agreement on stopping their nuclear weapons quest. This is all bullshit anyway you see it. Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of these times and in the end, Chamberlains actions had devastating consequences and Obama's actions with Iran's deal could be just as severe as back in 1939.

Peace In Our Time!

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith: Obama Has Earned His Nobel

So let's just give everyone a Nobel Peace Prize and maybe in 5 or 6 years, they will do something to earn it?
American Presidents who have won the Nobel Prize: Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama. Wilson, Carter, and Obama are Democrats. Roosevelt is a republican but if you look at his presidency today's republicans would call him a RINO. He pushed for national health care and he initiated forty lawsuits against big trusts. He helped pass the Hepburn Act which set price limits on railroads and also the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. That led to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The bottom line is he grew the government (UNDER THE BUS WITH HIM!!!!!!!!.!

Those . . ahem . . . "accomplishments" of Teddy Roosevelt were all economic disasters. That's how we know he should have been a Democrat. The foreign policy of Wilson, Carter and Obama have all lead to more war and bloodshed, especially in the case of Wilson.
The liberals and media are kicking in the propaganda overdrive tonight claiming Obama has earned his 'Nobel Peace Prize' for negotiating with Iran and coming to an agreement on stopping their nuclear weapons quest. This is all bullshit anyway you see it. Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of these times and in the end, Chamberlains actions had devastating consequences and Obama's actions with Iran's deal could be just as severe as back in 1939.

Peace In Our Time!

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith: Obama Has Earned His Nobel

Why are so many conservatives eager for war on Iran? Didn't you learn a lesson from the Iraq War's failure?

Removing Iraq's brutal dictator was not a failure. It had to be done and now Iraqi's have free elections and can put anyone they want in office.

It was a big failure.

And it de-stabilized a rather big country and caused all sorts of problems for countries at it's borders..including Iran.

That's why you're around :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::eek:

No, that is why Titan missiles are around gay boy.

They can reach Iran, right?

Titan II 395-C Missile Silo Vandenberg AFB California

Titan missiles were retired long ago. They aren't around.


The missile silo I was on my way to in 1979 at FE Warren AFB, I would think, still has the same missile in it, whether it is "retired" or not. I could be wrong, but exactly what nuclear weapons we do or do not have and if they are active or not is a closely guarded secret by the U.S.
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