Liberals get family evicted from home because of Confederate flag in window


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Still waiting for someone to explain why the confederacy was evil. It can't be due to slavery since the Union had 4 slave states of its own.

After Confederate Flag Is Spotted in Window Family Gets Eviction Notice Video

july 9 2015
[Genice Horta appeared horrified as she recounted seeing a Confederate flag hanging in a window in her family’s home in Naples, Florida

And the “he” behind the hanging of the Confederate flag? Horta’s 15-year-old mentally disabled son who she said “doesn’t understand the controversy.”

The incident occurred during Fourth of July week — and to Horta’s son, any flag was appropriate.

But despite the reason for the mishap, the property management company representing Timberwood of Naples issued Horta an eviction notice — and she said was it was driven by the Confederate flag incident.
t3h Blaze?

She should appeal this, it's next to impossible to evict anyone in Florida, she can drag it out for months. Of course I myself would rather move than deal with a commie landlord
Really Dorothy? Did you think that up all by yourself or did you steal it from ProgressiveUnderground?
I need to see more evidence before passing judgment. The tenant says it was due to the flag in her window. But what is s the full story? Was she behind on rent, and only using the flag incident as a way to shift blame? Is the story even real?

To the op: How do you know the management company is run by liberals? Anyway, you shouldn't paint all liberals with the same brush. I support the removal of the Confederate flag from state houses/govt property, but as far as I'm concerned, any private citizen, business or corporation should be free to fly whichever flag they choose.
little squirt AKA big Urn is siding w/ the seceders. Who woulda' guessed? :dunno:
And considering the story is from The Blaze, it's pretty much guaranteed that it's bullshit.
Those 4 non seceding slave states didn`t commit treason against the USA. Unlike 7 of the traitor slave states they had no ordinance of secession that specifically mentioned SLAVERY as the reason for leaving the union. See the difference now shitinspeedos? It was about slavery despite what you`ve been home schooled to believe.
Those 4 non seceding slave states didn`t commit treason against the USA. Unlike 7 of the traitor slave states they had no ordinance of secession that specifically mentioned SLAVERY as the reason for leaving the union. See the difference now shitinspeedos? It was about slavery despite what you`ve been home schooled to believe.
There was no treason. One country defended itself from the aggression of the country to it's north.
There is nothing in the US Constitution prohibiting secession, and no power granted to the President to force states to join or remain in, the Union.
Still waiting for someone to explain why the confederacy was evil. It can't be due to slavery since the Union had 4 slave states of its own.

After Confederate Flag Is Spotted in Window Family Gets Eviction Notice Video

july 9 2015
[Genice Horta appeared horrified as she recounted seeing a Confederate flag hanging in a window in her family’s home in Naples, Florida

And the “he” behind the hanging of the Confederate flag? Horta’s 15-year-old mentally disabled son who she said “doesn’t understand the controversy.”

The incident occurred during Fourth of July week — and to Horta’s son, any flag was appropriate.

But despite the reason for the mishap, the property management company representing Timberwood of Naples issued Horta an eviction notice — and she said was it was driven by the Confederate flag incident.

I see a law suite in the property managers future.
There is nothing in the US Constitution prohibiting secession, and no power granted to the President to force states to join or remain in, the Union.

That is obviously true and yet lincoln always claimed otherwise!!!! He insisted the constitution banned secession but of course he could never quote any such passage. Why did he start a war in which he was so clearly in the wrong.?

Did the fool confuse the constitution with the Articles of Confederation, formally the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union??

The Articles were replaced by the constitution and the C makes no mention of "perpetual union".
Saul Alynski at work.
"Pick your target. Freeze your target. Polarize your target. Paralyze your target."
In Connecticut, in the town with one of the highest dispensing rates of narcotic prescriptions per capita, a lady spotted the Confederate Flag for sale in a flea market so she called police
This is the same state where the Governor has an administrative assistant who once worked for the KGB.
She should appeal this, it's next to impossible to evict anyone in Florida, she can drag it out for months. Of course I myself would rather move than deal with a commie landlord

Sassy just doesn't believe property owners have any rights.
Both her and the Property Management Company were asked to provide the specific language IN the eviction notice relating to the Flag - and so far they can't do it. (Actually the Property Management company is bound by privacy rules, so they can't report the content of the eviction notice - which means the tenant can say what ever she wants, and she has wisely kept the notice private).

This suggests that she was evicted for other reasons or additional reasons, but that the Leninist Rightwing media is only telling a portion of the story.

I'd hate to find out this was another Joe the plumber - a bullshit opportunist who is taking advantage of the Rightwing media's willingness to bend a story to meet their political agenda.

I'm NOT saying that a Naples property management company would never do something like this because they most certainly would; I'm saying that because the Rightwing media tends to lie and distort when they believe the cause is just, it's getting harder to trust them.

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