Liberals Giving Terrorist National Freedom Hero Honor....WTF?

Trying to find out about this so-called award. Who gives it out? I can't find anything on it.

AND WHY NOT? Why should the Democrats stop now??? I mean, look at how Obama bent over backwards for that scum-sucking POS Bowe Bergdahl and his commie parents??? And I won't even bring up sanctuary cities. If ever there was a candidate on the WRONG SIDE of EVERY issue, it was Obama. And if ever there was a party of people ALWAYS on the WRONG SIDE of every situation doing the exact ass-backwards zero opposite of every other person's common sense of decency, it is the DEMOCRAT LIBERALS. And the stupider and wronger it is, the more loudly they fight to do it!!!

I MEAN, if your were to have a PERSON and a PARTY that was intending to do maximum harm to the USA in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE, can you think of anything Obama and the Democratic Party would do different???
You don't see problem with U.S. making a deal to supply arms to Saudis, do you? Will end up in terrorist hands.
Trying to find out about this so-called award. Who gives it out? I can't find anything on it.

Just type in NY puerto rican day parade controversy and let it fly.

Basically the NYC council speaker is a closet Puerto Rican Nationalist (who for some reason lives in NYC, go figure) and had the Parade Committee create this award for this dude. This freaked out a ton of corporate sponsors and Puerto Rican Law Enforcement associations and people, and then freaked out some of the politicians, which led to him saying he would just march and not accept the award, but now it seems people are getting hung up on the wording.

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