Liberals Have Gone Off the Deep End Make Crazy Wag the Dog Claim

They have become publicly anti-American to an astounding degree.
I guess we should have expected this, I remember how anti-American the liberals were when they opposed the war with Iraq after 9/11.

Opposing the war with Iraq after 9/11 was the most American thing anyone could have done.

It turned out, not unexpectedly, to be one of the most colossal fuck ups in the last century.

Because we stayed, yes. Although in spite of his foibles, an argument could have been made for permitting Saddam to continue his habit of throwing Islamists into plastic shredders.
They have become publicly anti-American to an astounding degree.
I guess we should have expected this, I remember how anti-American the liberals were when they opposed the war with Iraq after 9/11.

Opposing the war with Iraq after 9/11 was the most American thing anyone could have done.

It turned out, not unexpectedly, to be one of the most colossal fuck ups in the last century.
And to remind BK the fuck up was given by another favorite of his GWB He sure knows how to pick em

Beats Gore and Kerry any day of the week.
Opposing the war with Iraq after 9/11 was the most American thing anyone could have done.
It turned out, not unexpectedly, to be one of the most colossal fuck ups in the last century.
Better to fight them over there than over here.
They have become publicly anti-American to an astounding degree.
I guess we should have expected this, I remember how anti-American the liberals were when they opposed the war with Iraq after 9/11.

Opposing the war with Iraq after 9/11 was the most American thing anyone could have done.

It turned out, not unexpectedly, to be one of the most colossal fuck ups in the last century.
And to remind BK the fuck up was given by another favorite of his GWB He sure knows how to pick em

Beats Gore and Kerry any day of the week.
Yeah how many did we lose in iraq that we wouldn't have with a Dem president ?? Are you for real??
Democrats don't seem to care that they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Former Rep (D)Katie Hill accused Trump of starting a war with Iran to deflect attention away from impeachment.

Let's set the record straight. Iran attacked us first. We merely responded in an extremely forceful and effective manner. The Democrats would rather Trump disappear and crawl into a shell like Obama did when terrorists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi. Instead...Trump killed the mastermind of the attack as well as hit several of their operational bases in Iraq. Democrats wanted him to tell them before he launched the attack so they could tip-off their Iranian friends.



Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) accused President Trump on Friday of attempting to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment.

This disgraced former congresswoman, who resigned from Congress after mounting allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional staffers, accused the president of trying to “start a war to distract from impeachment.”

“A lot of us have been wondering for a long time now if @realDonaldTrump was going to try to start a war to distract from impeachment,” she wrote. “With his trial heading to the Senate imminently, we’ve got our answer, folks”

Hill’s remark follows the U.S. airstrike that resulted in the death of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, who directed terrorist proxies across the region and is responsible for the death of thousands. The Pentagon described it as a defensive action, confirming that Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement read. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” Katie Hill Accuses Trump of Starting a War to Distract from Impeachment
Because we stayed, yes. Although in spite of his foibles, an argument could have been made for permitting Saddam to continue his habit of throwing Islamists into plastic shredders.

It was not the staying, it was changing the power structure in the region permanently. There was a very good argument for leaving Saddam alone. He was only a threat to those close to him and that was limited after the first Gulf war. Bush I knew what would happen if Saddam was removed.

Just think...had Saddam not been removed there would never have been an ISIS crisis as he would have crushed them long before they became anything. There likely would not have been the "Arab Spring" and all the problems it caused and Iran would still have a legit rival in the area.
If you didn't think libs were crazy before, read this:

Libs have totally lost touch with reality.

<<I anticipated that the current president would start a war. Is Donald Trump now, indeed, in the process of doing that, not against my fictional target, Honduras, but against Iran – a somewhat bigger fish?
Word of the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard General Qasem Soleimani came at the end of the working day Thursday, US Eastern time – and Congress had not been notified in advance.>>

If this doesn't convince you to vote Republican in 2020, nothing will.
Curious how Trump made the same claim about Obama
TDS has no bounds...............they only care about getting rid of Trump........not the facts that led to this........or what the FAILURES of OBAMA did to us.
TDS has no bounds...............they only care about getting rid of Trump........not the facts that led to this........or what the FAILURES of OBAMA did to us.
I think the Democrats have become the greatest weapon our enemies have.
They and their media are giving aid to the enemy and are a massive security risk.
TDS has no bounds...............they only care about getting rid of Trump........not the facts that led to this........or what the FAILURES of OBAMA did to us.
I think the Democrats have become the greatest weapon our enemies have.
They and their media are giving aid to the enemy and are a massive security risk.
They are so screwed in the head now they ignore what caused this hit..................They are LUNATICS.
So, Trump claims attacks were imminent. Pentagon says no. Soleimani travels in the light of day. He could be taken out at any time.

Impotus is drowning in his impeachment as there is now concrete evidence Trump ordered the funds frozen.

He is lying about an attack. He lies everyday, why would anyone believe this.
Impeach 44?

If you didn't think libs were crazy before, read this:

Libs have totally lost touch with reality.

<<I anticipated that the current president would start a war. Is Donald Trump now, indeed, in the process of doing that, not against my fictional target, Honduras, but against Iran – a somewhat bigger fish?
Word of the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard General Qasem Soleimani came at the end of the working day Thursday, US Eastern time – and Congress had not been notified in advance.>>

If this doesn't convince you to vote Republican in 2020, nothing will.
Curious how Trump made the same claim about Obama
So, Trump claims attacks were imminent. Pentagon says no. Soleimani travels in the light of day. He could be taken out at any time.

Impotus is drowning in his impeachment as there is now concrete evidence Trump ordered the funds frozen.

He is lying about an attack. He lies everyday, why would anyone believe this.

FACT: Soleimani was a piece of shit

FACT: Soleimani is now a pile of ashes.

Sounds like an improvement for America to have an archterrorist like this animal face his end so suddenly and so completely.

Its my understanding , which could be wrong I guess, that these Drones are controlled and steered by young men at a base in the Nevada desert.
TWITTER is putting conservative posters in temporary suspension for their support of Trump killing a terrorist general.
Bengahzi no big deal plus it was set off by a wacist disrespectful video of hate and white supremacy.....we even perp walk the fall guy in chains

This is Trumps Benghazi ......where unlike Benghazi not one dead american was dragged like a dog through the streets and broadcast to the world


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