Liberals in New Yawk Hate Glen Beck.

or.... someone who is trying to make money and generate ratings......

you are so simple minded.

Beck is definitely a money maker. I could use a bit of that douchery.

so could I, but I have a heart and feel that scamming on your values is not right.

Well, I didn't say the dude isn't a scam artist. I just think the man pulls in a grip of cash. Of course, the bile that issues forth from his putrid pie hole puts himself and his family at risk. But, it's all in a day's work, right?
Just to be sure: We all know Glenn Beck is just acting, right? Right?
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Beck is definitely a money maker. I could use a bit of that douchery.

so could I, but I have a heart and feel that scamming on your values is not right.

Well, I didn't say the dude isn't a scam artist. I just think the man pulls in a grip of cash. Of course, the bile that issues forth from his putrid pie hole puts himself and his family at risk. But, it's all in a day's work, right?
Just to be sure: We all know Glenn Beck is just acting, right? Right?

Cool. So if someone attacks Michelle Obama, that'll be Barack's fault too, right?

Your nickname suits you. You really are silly.
so could I, but I have a heart and feel that scamming on your values is not right.

Well, I didn't say the dude isn't a scam artist. I just think the man pulls in a grip of cash. Of course, the bile that issues forth from his putrid pie hole puts himself and his family at risk. But, it's all in a day's work, right?
Just to be sure: We all know Glenn Beck is just acting, right? Right?

Cool. So if someone attacks Michelle Obama, that'll be Barack's fault too, right?

Your nickname suits you. You really are silly.

u can blame whomever you like, but those that hurl the insults are the guilty party. i do not play the game of deceptive responsibility. i only copulate the azzes, so I must be polite and serve my interests.
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Sure some liberals hate Beck. Where is there any news in that?

Some conservatives hate Olberman too.
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Beck is definitely a money maker. I could use a bit of that douchery.

so could I, but I have a heart and feel that scamming on your values is not right.

Well, I didn't say the dude isn't a scam artist. I just think the man pulls in a grip of cash. Of course, the bile that issues forth from his putrid pie hole puts himself and his family at risk. But, it's all in a day's work, right?
Just to be sure: We all know Glenn Beck is just acting, right? Right?

yes, but I liked Groucho Marx better, and will whatch Groucho anyday before I ever watch Beck. Groucho made more sense.
so could I, but I have a heart and feel that scamming on your values is not right.

Well, I didn't say the dude isn't a scam artist. I just think the man pulls in a grip of cash. Of course, the bile that issues forth from his putrid pie hole puts himself and his family at risk. But, it's all in a day's work, right?
Just to be sure: We all know Glenn Beck is just acting, right? Right?

Cool. So if someone attacks Michelle Obama, that'll be Barack's fault too, right?

Your nickname suits you. You really are silly.

No, that's not right. There are a million wingnuts out there. If you go out of your way to attract them, they will come. I don't blame Beck for what some freako does. On the other hand, he's got to know he's attracting the loonies.
Get some big thick motherfuckers around you, Beck! You got the money, shit. Roll like the mob!
Well, I didn't say the dude isn't a scam artist. I just think the man pulls in a grip of cash. Of course, the bile that issues forth from his putrid pie hole puts himself and his family at risk. But, it's all in a day's work, right?
Just to be sure: We all know Glenn Beck is just acting, right? Right?

Cool. So if someone attacks Michelle Obama, that'll be Barack's fault too, right?

Your nickname suits you. You really are silly.

No, that's not right. There are a million wingnuts out there. If you go out of your way to attract them, they will come. I don't blame Beck for what some freako does. On the other hand, he's got to know he's attracting the loonies.
Get some big thick motherfuckers around you, Beck! You got the money, shit. Roll like the mob!

So same with Obama, right? If some idiot throws something at Michelle, that will be Barack's fault. Good to know.
Sure some liberals hate Beck. Where is there any news in that?

Some conservatives hate Olberman too.

Some conservatives like Olberman too.

Sure some conservatives hate Beck.

try not to put everyone into a box you assume they should be, it keeps one from seeing the whole picture.
Sure some liberals hate Beck. Where is there any news in that?

Some conservatives hate Olberman too.

Some conservatives like Olberman too.

Sure some conservatives hate Beck.

try not to put everyone into a box you assume they should be, it keeps one from seeing the whole picture.

Yep my point.
Those who paint with a broad brush are just overcompensating for their narrowness of vision.
Sure some liberals hate Beck. Where is there any news in that?

Some conservatives hate Olberman too.

The actual point - because you clearly missed it - is not about Beck. It is about the fact that someone in the crowd threw a glass of wine at his wife. So, is that acceptable or not?

This is not fucking rocket science, just replace Beck and his wife with the commentator of your choice and - if you would blame that individual, fine. If you would blame the fucking moron who threw the object, then that is fine too.... actually, more than fine.... that would be the intelligent stance.

What I find particularly worrying is that the actual point seems less important than the people involved.

You people - and by 'you people' I mean those who seem to think this is about Beck - you are the problem in this country.
Sure some liberals hate Beck. Where is there any news in that?

Some conservatives hate Olberman too.

The actual point - because you clearly missed it - is not about Beck. It is about the fact that someone in the crowd threw a glass of wine at his wife. So, is that acceptable or not?

This is not fucking rocket science, just replace Beck and his wife with the commentator of your choice and - if you would blame that individual, fine. If you would blame the fucking moron who threw the object, then that is fine too.... actually, more than fine.... that would be the intelligent stance.

What I find particularly worrying is that the actual point seems less important than the people involved.

You people - and by 'you people' I mean those who seem to think this is about Beck - you are the problem in this country.

and your the soultion to every problem. If Beck can't defend his wife in public then he should get out of the public, Sure the guy was wrong, but if it twas my wife, I'd be on your azz in a NY minute.
Liberals have become the party of intolerance. They started out as all inclusive,diversity and now it's their way or the highway.
Only our way of thinking is correct.
Now it's is hatred toward conservatives, because we don't want to embrace their philosophy.
Liberals have become blind and narrow minded. The very thing that they accuse conservatives of being.
Cool. So if someone attacks Michelle Obama, that'll be Barack's fault too, right?

Your nickname suits you. You really are silly.

No, that's not right. There are a million wingnuts out there. If you go out of your way to attract them, they will come. I don't blame Beck for what some freako does. On the other hand, he's got to know he's attracting the loonies.
Get some big thick motherfuckers around you, Beck! You got the money, shit. Roll like the mob!

So same with Obama, right? If some idiot throws something at Michelle, that will be Barack's fault. Good to know.

Obama has the Secret Service to protect Michelle. If some tard manages to throw some shit at Michelle, somebody has definitely not done his job.
"Violence"? If Beck said it, it must be true! He's never lied about anything! Beck would never, ever blow something out of proportion!

See, someone intentionally kicked a glass of wine on his wife's back! He's so bad ass that he can mind read someone's intent!

And pictures of his family! Oh dear!

And people pointed at him!

Good thing his "security detail" was there to protect him.

I guess getting paid "beaucoup" bucks to be a political shock jock has a downside.

People don't like your sorry ass.

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