Liberals In The U.S. Aren't The Only Ones Who See The True Nature Of Conservatives

Ah, no it never gets old; it's rather entertaining when people get so triggered by measly words floating through cyber space by a random person whom they will likely never meet. Also to be noted the electoral college has it's faults as do other systems such as the popular vote :) also complimentary lube to ease the butt-hurt.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a fucking bitch
Truer words have never been spoken.
No, "there would be no trump if there was no Obama"... them are true words
No, Trump's rise can be blamed mostly on the failure of the American K-12 education system.
Obama tried to force his shit down peoples throats, fortunately America said fuck you. Now we have Trump in there reversing all of the shit fuckface Obama forced on America.

Obama's policies only benefited progressives, they were a fucking curse on everybody else.. fact
Political parties rarely win three terms in the presidency. It's not surprising that a republican became president. What is so embarrassing and pathetic about the 2016 election is that Trump won it. If ANY other republican in the 2016 presidential race had become president instead, i wouid have shrugged it off as predictable. The fact that Trump is what republicans elected as their nominee shows how stupid Americans have become.
Well, millions of Americans had to eat shit for eight years, obamas policies only benefited progressives and were in absolute curse everyone else...
What comes around goes around I guess… Karma is a fucking bitch

Like leftards liked to say "Elections have consequences"......but what they really meant was elections only have consequences as long as leftards win is to laugh.
The GOP are a bunch of worthless slobs, career politicians who have failed at everything else in life. The sorry bastards tried to get to people that could Could not even get elected dogcatcher before Trump was elected president, Spineless McCain and Soulless Romney.
Karma is a fucking bitch… LOL
There would be no trump if there was no obama. This is false, trump co-existed with obama during his life. Are you stating without humanity there would be no inhumanity? Ha! Without a life you would have no life! HAHA! What a joke. Funneey. Joke.
Truer words have never been spoken.
No, "there would be no trump if there was no Obama"... them are true words
No, Trump's rise can be blamed mostly on the failure of the American K-12 education system.
Obama tried to force his shit down peoples throats, fortunately America said fuck you. Now we have Trump in there reversing all of the shit fuckface Obama forced on America.

Obama's policies only benefited progressives, they were a fucking curse on everybody else.. fact
Political parties rarely win three terms in the presidency. It's not surprising that a republican became president. What is so embarrassing and pathetic about the 2016 election is that Trump won it. If ANY other republican in the 2016 presidential race had become president instead, i wouid have shrugged it off as predictable. The fact that Trump is what republicans elected as their nominee shows how stupid Americans have become.
Well, millions of Americans had to eat shit for eight years, obamas policies only benefited progressives and were in absolute curse everyone else...
What comes around goes around I guess… Karma is a fucking bitch
God why am I not surprised you completely missed the point? A republican win for the presidency wasn't a surprise. It's Trump himself that makes it so goddamn embarrassing. Our country has become a political humiliation to the rest of the world. Again, I wouldn't even say that if ANY other republican candidate in the 2016 race had won instead. I just don't get why you idiots can't wrap your minds around this. This isn't about the left vs the right ideology when it comes to why people loathe Trump. People loathe him because he is fucking stupid and has the emotional maturity of a 14 year girl. We on the left would GLADLY take GW Bush over that Neanderthal and that says a lot.
There would be no trump if there was no obama. This is false, trump co-existed with obama during his life. Are you stating without humanity there would be no inhumanity? Ha! Without a life you would have no life! HAHA! What a joke. Funneey. Joke.
Cause and effect… Like I said Karma is a fucking bitch
No, "there would be no trump if there was no Obama"... them are true words
No, Trump's rise can be blamed mostly on the failure of the American K-12 education system.
Obama tried to force his shit down peoples throats, fortunately America said fuck you. Now we have Trump in there reversing all of the shit fuckface Obama forced on America.

Obama's policies only benefited progressives, they were a fucking curse on everybody else.. fact
Political parties rarely win three terms in the presidency. It's not surprising that a republican became president. What is so embarrassing and pathetic about the 2016 election is that Trump won it. If ANY other republican in the 2016 presidential race had become president instead, i wouid have shrugged it off as predictable. The fact that Trump is what republicans elected as their nominee shows how stupid Americans have become.
Well, millions of Americans had to eat shit for eight years, obamas policies only benefited progressives and were in absolute curse everyone else...
What comes around goes around I guess… Karma is a fucking bitch
God why am I not surprised you completely missed the point? A republican win for the presidency wasn't a surprise. It's Trump himself that makes it so goddamn embarrassing. Our country has become a political humiliation to the rest of the world. Again, I wouldn't even say that if ANY other republican candidate in the 2016 race had won instead. I just don't get why you idiots can't wrap your minds around this. This isn't about the left vs the right ideology when it comes to why people loathe Trump. People loathe him because he is fucking stupid and has the emotional maturity of a 14 year girl. We on the left would GLADLY take GW Bush over that Neanderthal and that says a lot.
Like I said, those that don't have any use for progressive ideals had to eat shit for the last eight years... elections have consequences.

Obama's policies were absolutely of no use in the total curse to millions, what did anyone expect? I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd.
I am thankful that Trump is a bull in a China shop that is Washington DC. And with the deep state(the real "swamp") controlling the federal government hopefully they disappear although that's wishful thinking I'm certain.

The GOP ran to sorry ass piece of shit for candidates in the last two elections before Trump, spineless McCain Soulless Romney... both of which cannot win dogcatcher. People across the nation or just pissed off that such a worthless party… Whatever damages the federal government is a good thing.
I was perfectly aware of the point, the entire post was satire. Humor me funny.
There's a pretty good chance that Trump will beable to nominate possibly three Supreme Court justices, as a one issue voter all I got to say is it's worth it.
The last eight years have been coyote ugly
No, Trump's rise can be blamed mostly on the failure of the American K-12 education system.
Obama tried to force his shit down peoples throats, fortunately America said fuck you. Now we have Trump in there reversing all of the shit fuckface Obama forced on America.

Obama's policies only benefited progressives, they were a fucking curse on everybody else.. fact
Political parties rarely win three terms in the presidency. It's not surprising that a republican became president. What is so embarrassing and pathetic about the 2016 election is that Trump won it. If ANY other republican in the 2016 presidential race had become president instead, i wouid have shrugged it off as predictable. The fact that Trump is what republicans elected as their nominee shows how stupid Americans have become.
Well, millions of Americans had to eat shit for eight years, obamas policies only benefited progressives and were in absolute curse everyone else...
What comes around goes around I guess… Karma is a fucking bitch
God why am I not surprised you completely missed the point? A republican win for the presidency wasn't a surprise. It's Trump himself that makes it so goddamn embarrassing. Our country has become a political humiliation to the rest of the world. Again, I wouldn't even say that if ANY other republican candidate in the 2016 race had won instead. I just don't get why you idiots can't wrap your minds around this. This isn't about the left vs the right ideology when it comes to why people loathe Trump. People loathe him because he is fucking stupid and has the emotional maturity of a 14 year girl. We on the left would GLADLY take GW Bush over that Neanderthal and that says a lot.
Like I said, those that don't have any use for progressive ideals had to eat shit for the last eight years... elections have consequences.

Obama's policies were absolutely of no use in the total curse to millions, what did anyone expect? I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd.
I am thankful that Trump is a bull in a China shop that is Washington DC. And with the deep state(the real "swamp") controlling the federal government hopefully they disappear although that's wishful thinking I'm certain.

The GOP ran to sorry ass piece of shit for candidates in the last two elections before Trump, spineless McCain Soulless Romney... both of which cannot win dogcatcher. People across the nation or just pissed off that such a worthless party… Whatever damages the federal government is a good thing.
I'm so sick of the bullshit narrative that Trump is "shaking up" Washington because he's in an outsider. He is shaking up Washington because he is a moron with an unprecedented amount of incompetence for the job. He is a whiny, insecure little bitch who talks like a 9 year old and you dumbasses see him as some kind of alpha male. It's so pathetic.
Obama tried to force his shit down peoples throats, fortunately America said fuck you. Now we have Trump in there reversing all of the shit fuckface Obama forced on America.

Obama's policies only benefited progressives, they were a fucking curse on everybody else.. fact
Political parties rarely win three terms in the presidency. It's not surprising that a republican became president. What is so embarrassing and pathetic about the 2016 election is that Trump won it. If ANY other republican in the 2016 presidential race had become president instead, i wouid have shrugged it off as predictable. The fact that Trump is what republicans elected as their nominee shows how stupid Americans have become.
Well, millions of Americans had to eat shit for eight years, obamas policies only benefited progressives and were in absolute curse everyone else...
What comes around goes around I guess… Karma is a fucking bitch
God why am I not surprised you completely missed the point? A republican win for the presidency wasn't a surprise. It's Trump himself that makes it so goddamn embarrassing. Our country has become a political humiliation to the rest of the world. Again, I wouldn't even say that if ANY other republican candidate in the 2016 race had won instead. I just don't get why you idiots can't wrap your minds around this. This isn't about the left vs the right ideology when it comes to why people loathe Trump. People loathe him because he is fucking stupid and has the emotional maturity of a 14 year girl. We on the left would GLADLY take GW Bush over that Neanderthal and that says a lot.
Like I said, those that don't have any use for progressive ideals had to eat shit for the last eight years... elections have consequences.

Obama's policies were absolutely of no use in the total curse to millions, what did anyone expect? I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd.
I am thankful that Trump is a bull in a China shop that is Washington DC. And with the deep state(the real "swamp") controlling the federal government hopefully they disappear although that's wishful thinking I'm certain.

The GOP ran to sorry ass piece of shit for candidates in the last two elections before Trump, spineless McCain Soulless Romney... both of which cannot win dogcatcher. People across the nation or just pissed off that such a worthless party… Whatever damages the federal government is a good thing.
I'm so sick of the bullshit narrative that Trump is "shaking up" Washington because he's in an outsider. He is shaking up Washington because he is a moron with an unprecedented amount of incompetence for the job. He is a whiny, insecure little bitch who talks like a 9 year old and you dumbasses see him as some kind of alpha male. It's so pathetic.
Funny as it may sound, l know the feeling. The last eight years getting fed socialist/progressive bullshit sucked ass. Obama came across to me as a self-righteous career politician who was pussy wipped to the 9th degree... all along only serving progressives.
A Famous career politician recently said elections have consequences… Karma is a fucking bitch
Oh look! Another "contard"/"libturd" thread.


What section is this in? Leftist Brits have been being indoctrinated for well over 30

years now. Their minds are mush. They don't think critically.

Their country is being overrun by Muslims. They're screwed, we're not.

Well for you and Alex Jones anyway. For the normals not so much. :itsok:
In the following video, John Cleese makes a spot-on observation of U.S. conservatives, especially since the last election.

Truth is truth, it doesn't matter if it's said by an American, a German, a Brit, or anyone else.


View attachment 136238

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


The rest of the world knows the US is to be shunned until orange-turd is out. He's destroyed our image in the free world. It is just a tiny minority in the US that still support this clusterf$%k.

One wonders at this point, when the stock market crashes again in the next year or two, will they still support the fake non-business man slash national prepper.

How bad did the Hag have to be to lose to trump?

WHy did the DNC shaft Bernie?

she lost out b/c she sold out to her fellow elitists.

bern got assed b/c he was to honest about the left wanting socialism

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