Liberals need to just shut up


Another example of why electing Republicans over Democrats doesn't ever fix a damn thing. We still get mostly the same terrible government that would have got with the filthy ass Democrats.

Great example of why this country is so screwed and not likely to get any better.

I wonder if that was part of some deal Trump cut with the Muslim assholes in order to get more support from them to go after ISIS. If is was then it was a terrible deal.

See Moon Bats. Trump was elected and he gives us the same sorry shit that we would have got with Crooked Hillary so what the hell are you snowflakes bitching about? You get your filthy ass Progressive shit so just shut the hell up from now on.

U.S. Quietly Lifts Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed In

WASHINGTON — Despite repeated efforts by President Trump to curtail refugee resettlements, the State Department this week quietly lifted the department’s restriction on the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States.

The result could be a near doubling of refugees entering the country, from about 830 people a week in the first three weeks of this month to well over 1,500 people per week by next month, according to refugee advocates. Tens of thousands of refugees are waiting to come to the United States.
What's that? You want me to talk more? Don't mind if I do.
The point flew past your head like RAF bombers towards ISIS targets.

The overall number of refugees is not the issue. We want them vetted.

1500 brain surgeons per week would not be an issue.

1500 Bin Ladins per week would be an issue.

Merkel admitted something like 500,000 migrants with ZERO vetting. That is the issue.

The correct number of Muslim refugees that we should allow in is ZERO. We have enough of the bastards in this country already. We have enough Mexicans, Muslims and other third world shitheads.

1500 a week of the assholes is 1501 too many.

The Liberals still get their Muslims. That is what they wanted. Maybe not the million that Crooked Hillary wanted to bring in but they still get enough to turn other cities into another Dearborn.

Although Trump is better than a Crooked Hillary he is still a big government Liberal for the most part and that is why I didn't vote for him. Things like this is validation on why electing Republicans over Democrats isn't going to fix the damage of Liberalism.

A bit heavy handed, but I agree overall.

Hell, if a pediatric neurologist wants to flee Syria and live in the USA, he should be welcomed.

I'd rather not have immigrants who intend to use our freedoms against us for some apocalyptic wet dream.
The point flew past your head like RAF bombers towards ISIS targets.

The overall number of refugees is not the issue. We want them vetted.

1500 brain surgeons per week would not be an issue.

1500 Bin Ladins per week would be an issue.

Merkel admitted something like 500,000 migrants with ZERO vetting. That is the issue.

The correct number of Muslim refugees that we should allow in is ZERO. We have enough of the bastards in this country already. We have enough Mexicans, Muslims and other third world shitheads.

1500 a week of the assholes is 1501 too many.

The Liberals still get their Muslims. That is what they wanted. Maybe not the million that Crooked Hillary wanted to bring in but they still get enough to turn other cities into another Dearborn.

Although Trump is better than a Crooked Hillary he is still a big government Liberal for the most part and that is why I didn't vote for him. Things like this is validation on why electing Republicans over Democrats isn't going to fix the damage of Liberalism.

A bit heavy handed, but I agree overall.

Hell, if a pediatric neurologist wants to flee Syria and live in the USA, he should be welcomed.

I'd rather not have immigrants who intend to use our freedoms against us for some apocalyptic wet dream.

"A bit" heavy handed?

Not sure I can pick my jaw up off the floor after reading a wag describe refugees --- people fleeing terror --- as "assholes". I mean this way outdoes Ann Coulter.

Another example of why electing Republicans over Democrats doesn't ever fix a damn thing. We still get mostly the same terrible government that would have got with the filthy ass Democrats.

Great example of why this country is so screwed and not likely to get any better.

I wonder if that was part of some deal Trump cut with the Muslim assholes in order to get more support from them to go after ISIS. If is was then it was a terrible deal.

See Moon Bats. Trump was elected and he gives us the same sorry shit that we would have got with Crooked Hillary so what the hell are you snowflakes bitching about? You get your filthy ass Progressive shit so just shut the hell up from now on.

U.S. Quietly Lifts Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed In

WASHINGTON — Despite repeated efforts by President Trump to curtail refugee resettlements, the State Department this week quietly lifted the department’s restriction on the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States.

The result could be a near doubling of refugees entering the country, from about 830 people a week in the first three weeks of this month to well over 1,500 people per week by next month, according to refugee advocates. Tens of thousands of refugees are waiting to come to the United States.

Do you know what is really wrong with this country? It's the end product of the Dumbing Down of America. There are too many people in this country who think, and sound, like you.

Do you know what is really wrong with this country? It's the end product of the Dumbing Down of America. There are too many people in this country who think, and sound, like you.

Then there are the shitheads like you that want bring in more goddamn Muslims to this country. Talk about stupidity but that takes the cake.

Just think. You are being helped by Trump. That must be a pisser for you Moon Bats.
The vetting we should do is:

Are you a Mexican?
- yes
Then fuck you asshole, we already have too many Mexicans

Are you a Muslim?
Then fuck you asshole, the last thing we need are more of you shitheads.
The point flew past your head like RAF bombers towards ISIS targets.

The overall number of refugees is not the issue. We want them vetted.

1500 brain surgeons per week would not be an issue.

1500 Bin Ladins per week would be an issue.

Merkel admitted something like 500,000 migrants with ZERO vetting. That is the issue.

I don't think the Muslims refugees are brain surgeons and if they were would you really want them operating on your child's brain?. The refugee may be able to pass the vetting but what happens when their children get radicalized? We see that all over, don't we?

The issue is that we don't need to bring in any more Muslims or Mexicans or any other shitheads into this country. We have enough of them already and there is absolutely no reason to bring in any more. Trump ran on a platform to stop that crap and now he is quietly trying to renege on what he promised.

Trump will do a much better job than Crooked Hillary but the point that you missed is that it isn't good enough.

We elect Republicans to be better than the Democrats because we all know Democrats are a disaster. However, we usually find out that the Republicans are only marginally better than the Democrats. This is a great example. It is not enough to talk a good game but you have to execute.
The OP should know that the reason behind this is a fiscal one. Trump doesn't have the authority to stop programs put in place by acts of congress. The slowdown in allowing refugees in had to do with the funds being temporarily suspended.

Trump can't claim credit for this humanitarian victory.
"Liberals need to just shut up"

Typical of most on the right: conservatives’ fear of – and contempt for – dissent and free expression. are stupid....

It is people like you attacking and beating people you disagree with, preventing conservatives from speaking at colleges....and inciting violence at political rallies....moron.
Reality misses you completely. It just floats on by you daily.
The point flew past your head like RAF bombers towards ISIS targets.

The overall number of refugees is not the issue. We want them vetted.

1500 brain surgeons per week would not be an issue.

1500 Bin Ladins per week would be an issue.

Merkel admitted something like 500,000 migrants with ZERO vetting. That is the issue.

Democrats have always vetted refugees and other seeking asylum. Trump lied when he said you have no idea who is coming into the US.

But then Trump lied about pretty much everything.
The point flew past your head like RAF bombers towards ISIS targets.

The overall number of refugees is not the issue. We want them vetted.

1500 brain surgeons per week would not be an issue.

1500 Bin Ladins per week would be an issue.

Merkel admitted something like 500,000 migrants with ZERO vetting. That is the issue.

Democrats have always vetted refugees and other seeking asylum..

You actually believe your tripe dont you?

Not one person paying attention believes that bullshit

Do you know what is really wrong with this country? It's the end product of the Dumbing Down of America. There are too many people in this country who think, and sound, like you.

Then there are the shitheads like you that want bring in more goddamn Muslims to this country. Talk about stupidity but that takes the cake.

Just think. You are being helped by Trump. That must be a pisser for you Moon Bats.
And there are people like you who lie about us wanting to "bring in more goddamn muslims to this country". And thank you for proving that it IS all about muslims with you.....not terrorists.
The point flew past your head like RAF bombers towards ISIS targets.

The overall number of refugees is not the issue. We want them vetted.

1500 brain surgeons per week would not be an issue.

1500 Bin Ladins per week would be an issue.

Merkel admitted something like 500,000 migrants with ZERO vetting. That is the issue.

Democrats have always vetted refugees and other seeking asylum..

You actually believe your tripe dont you?

Not one person paying attention believes that bullshit

Actually, it is the people paying attention that know we've always vetted refugees and that it is a lengthy process. Idiots that watch Fox are the only ones thinking otherwise.

Another example of why electing Republicans over Democrats doesn't ever fix a damn thing. We still get mostly the same terrible government that would have got with the filthy ass Democrats.

Great example of why this country is so screwed and not likely to get any better.

I wonder if that was part of some deal Trump cut with the Muslim assholes in order to get more support from them to go after ISIS. If is was then it was a terrible deal.

See Moon Bats. Trump was elected and he gives us the same sorry shit that we would have got with Crooked Hillary so what the hell are you snowflakes bitching about? You get your filthy ass Progressive shit so just shut the hell up from now on.

U.S. Quietly Lifts Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed In

WASHINGTON — Despite repeated efforts by President Trump to curtail refugee resettlements, the State Department this week quietly lifted the department’s restriction on the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States.

The result could be a near doubling of refugees entering the country, from about 830 people a week in the first three weeks of this month to well over 1,500 people per week by next month, according to refugee advocates. Tens of thousands of refugees are waiting to come to the United States.
Based on email by low level State Department employee.

Do you know what is really wrong with this country? It's the end product of the Dumbing Down of America. There are too many people in this country who think, and sound, like you.

Then there are the shitheads like you that want bring in more goddamn Muslims to this country. Talk about stupidity but that takes the cake.

Just think. You are being helped by Trump. That must be a pisser for you Moon Bats.
And there are people like you who lie about us wanting to "bring in more goddamn muslims to this country". And thank you for proving that it IS all about muslims with you.....not terrorists.
But the greatest threat to our nation is Muslim terrorist. One bad apple as they say.

Do you know what is really wrong with this country? It's the end product of the Dumbing Down of America. There are too many people in this country who think, and sound, like you.

Then there are the shitheads like you that want bring in more goddamn Muslims to this country. Talk about stupidity but that takes the cake.

Just think. You are being helped by Trump. That must be a pisser for you Moon Bats.
And there are people like you who lie about us wanting to "bring in more goddamn muslims to this country". And thank you for proving that it IS all about muslims with you.....not terrorists.
But the greatest threat to our nation is Muslim terrorist. One bad apple as they say.
Atm, people in Oregon might disagree.

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