Liberals Never Learn - They Reward Pelosi for MORE Failure

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Pelosi was in charge when the Democrats suffered their historic, record-setting ass-kicking in 2014.

Pelosi was in charge when Democrats suffered another record-setting historic loss this year, depleting Liberals positions the lowest they have had since 1928.

The 'dictator-wannabe' is the same bit@h that told Americans they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA until it had been imposed on them.

So Libtards reward the Millionaire Globalist, Elitist Non-representative Govt FAILURE again, giving her Constituents and the American people another big ol' 'F* YOU'!

The only bright side is the longer Pelosi remains the more the DNC has collapsed.

Pelosi holds onto leadership
- Pelosi holds onto leadership

"House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday fended off a challenge to her long leadership reign, defeating Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) in a closed-door vote."

*** Remember when the Democrats lost control of the House and Senate - to keep Pelosi in a position of Power the Liberals threw BLACK Representative James Clyburn out of his minority leader seat - they MADE UP a fake position to keep the minority happy - and gave his seat to Pelosi, once again REWARDING her FAILURE.
Pelosi was in charge when the Democrats suffered their historic, record-setting ass-kicking in 2014.

Pelosi was in charge when Democrats suffered another record-setting historic loss this year, depleting Liberals positions the lowest they have had since 1928.

The 'dictator-wannabe' is the same bit@h that told Americans they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA until it had been imposed on them.

So Libtards reward the Millionaire Globalist, Elitist Non-representative Govt FAILURE again, giving her Constituents and the American people another big ol' 'F* YOU'!

The only bright side is the longer Pelosi remains the more the DNC has collapsed.

Pelosi holds onto leadership
- Pelosi holds onto leadership

"House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday fended off a challenge to her long leadership reign, defeating Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) in a closed-door vote."

*** Remember when the Democrats lost control of the House and Senate - to keep Pelosi in a position of Power the Liberals threw BLACK Representative James Clyburn out of his minority leader seat - they MADE UP a fake position to keep the minority happy - and gave his seat to Pelosi, once again REWARDING her FAILURE.
They get what the deserve, an old dried up hag. See how that worked for Hillary?
Pelosi was in charge when the Democrats suffered their historic, record-setting ass-kicking in 2014.

Pelosi was in charge when Democrats suffered another record-setting historic loss this year, depleting Liberals positions the lowest they have had since 1928.

The 'dictator-wannabe' is the same bit@h that told Americans they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA until it had been imposed on them.

So Libtards reward the Millionaire Globalist, Elitist Non-representative Govt FAILURE again, giving her Constituents and the American people another big ol' 'F* YOU'!

The only bright side is the longer Pelosi remains the more the DNC has collapsed.

Pelosi holds onto leadership
- Pelosi holds onto leadership

"House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday fended off a challenge to her long leadership reign, defeating Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) in a closed-door vote."

*** Remember when the Democrats lost control of the House and Senate - to keep Pelosi in a position of Power the Liberals threw BLACK Representative James Clyburn out of his minority leader seat - they MADE UP a fake position to keep the minority happy - and gave his seat to Pelosi, once again REWARDING her FAILURE.

Yesssss.......good, I hope she helps the Republicans take more state legislatures and gain more seats in the House........
It just gets better and better. Trump wins, then liberals have delusions of recounts and fucking with the electoral college and they live through another loss and now this, Pelosi still in charge, democrats are still the party of the freakshow a identity politics.

It was not the Democrat Congress's mistake.

They had to vote for her, before they could find out who she was.
Wow are the democrats stupid. They are buying it. They are buying the line that identity politics and that type of fascism in the courts, forced gay marriage had made no mark on the middle voters. WOW....just WOW.... Time to watch them fade into irrelevance.. You watch. They're going to try to repackage gay cult shit to market to the middle voters; who will once again vomit it back up on their shoes election 2018 & 2020. There is no way the middle voter will ever find two men playing "mom" and dad to children or two lesbians playing mom and "dad" to kids digestible, much less palatable... Ever. Nor will they accept deranged males parading as females.

This is just pathetic. It's embarrassing. It's criminal that George Soros and his money has so much influence over the democratic party to the point of having them become extinct. Hello ass sex and teaching it to kids in school...goodbye affordable healthcare, green energy, women's rights, good wages and all the rest. Thanks King George!!

And in the end, ass-sex cult values will also become extinct as the next generation or two are raised more conservative as the pendulum has swung further right... Isn't that ironic? It's like they're lining up to take a giant suicide pill; starting first with the best platforms and the last to die: the deranged sex cult. It's always like that though...A parasite usually clings fast to its host until the very last, when the host collapses dead. Then the parasite is left to die as well.

Retaining Pelosi is the sign that a body bloated with rainbow tapeworms is still in complete denial of the perils of its infestation... This denial is so comically-obvious that it has become a meme..

Saturday Night Live's Colin Jost vv on "Weekend Update".. 11-19-2016 (caught it...the audience ROARED with laughter! :lmao: )

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Can you name one person that should replace her?

The Democratic Leadership is a mess and staying the course might be the only choice at this moment... Not defending Pelosi but looking over the list there is no one that can work with GOP leadership the way Pelosi can if the GOP Speaker of the House need votes.
Pelosi was in charge when the Democrats suffered their historic, record-setting ass-kicking in 2014.

Pelosi was in charge when Democrats suffered another record-setting historic loss this year, depleting Liberals positions the lowest they have had since 1928.

The 'dictator-wannabe' is the same bit@h that told Americans they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA until it had been imposed on them.

So Libtards reward the Millionaire Globalist, Elitist Non-representative Govt FAILURE again, giving her Constituents and the American people another big ol' 'F* YOU'!

The only bright side is the longer Pelosi remains the more the DNC has collapsed.

Pelosi holds onto leadership
- Pelosi holds onto leadership

"House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday fended off a challenge to her long leadership reign, defeating Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) in a closed-door vote."

*** Remember when the Democrats lost control of the House and Senate - to keep Pelosi in a position of Power the Liberals threw BLACK Representative James Clyburn out of his minority leader seat - they MADE UP a fake position to keep the minority happy - and gave his seat to Pelosi, once again REWARDING her FAILURE.
That should be good news for the GOP, since they have the most political power, the states and federal, since the 1860's!
Can you name one person that should replace her?

The Democratic Leadership is a mess and staying the course might be the only choice at this moment... Not defending Pelosi but looking over the list there is no one that can work with GOP leadership the way Pelosi can if the GOP Speaker of the House need votes.
Yeah, the Ryan guy from the Rust Belt.

Staying the course? :lmao: You mean teaching ass sex to little kids in school and having deranged boys using girls' showers in schools? Having "Adam Ruins Everything" run on a network that pitches it's shows to kids, including them in their cast of episodes as "learning content". (Last night's episode was how it's OK to get herpes and you shouldn't be afraid of plenty of sex therefore...featuring two just barely legal, & obviously unmarried youngsters as "the questioning couple").

You've GOT to be kidding me??! You think that complete bullshit is ever going to be accepted by middle voters?? Every church in the Rust Belt, South and Midwest would have to be burned to the ground before that happened. I know they're trying to get that done, but God is stronger than pond scum/Tru TV...
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Can you name one person that should replace her?

The Democratic Leadership is a mess and staying the course might be the only choice at this moment... Not defending Pelosi but looking over the list there is no one that can work with GOP leadership the way Pelosi can if the GOP Speaker of the House need votes.
Yeah, the Ryan guy from the Rust Belt.

Staying the course? :lmao: You mean teaching ass sex to little kids in school and having deranged boys using girls' showers in schools? You've GOT to be kidding me??! You think that complete bullshit is ever going to be accepted by middle voters?? Every church in the Rust Belt, South and Midwest would have to be burned to the ground before that happened.

Name a Democrat to replace her with?

House members that you believe that should replace her and my bet you can not name one, so as you write about ass sex and opposite sex using bathrooms does not change the fact the leadership has no one to replace her with because they did they would!

She's has no real power and can only provide votes if needed and that is all, so now tell me one just one Democrat Politician in the House without looking them up and I will point to their flaws for you.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Hooking the wagon to Pelosi and claiming this will bring you victory pretty much proves that point.

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If you hired an engineer to build you a bridge and it keep collapsing as it neared completion, then you ought to realize that the engineers are just stringing you along and dont know what the hell they are doing. If you had these liberals come even close to successfully predicting the election results this year, then one could argue that they got it wrong but were close and still recognized experts in their profession.

But the Professional Political Class in its entirety got the election totally and completely wrong AND THAT IS THEIR JOB. THEY ONLY DO ONE THING AND THEY COULD NOT GET EVEN THAT RIGHT. And when people seriously suggest that maybe Trump could win, these Political pros did not respond with carefully reasoned argument, no they would just laugh at you, much like the liberals here on these forums do BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING RATIONAL TO RESPOND WITH.

It is time to dump our current political class and rebuild from the ground up.

The Democratic Party has proven itself to be intellectually bankrupt in any meaningful way that interacts with the Real World. Yes, they are glib and can memorize reams of useless information, but they have no clue about how to discern what is valuable data and what is ideological horse shit.

They have painted themselves into a demographic corner, allying with Identity Politicians who are anti-white race baiting frauds. They have put their whole bankroll on the Hispanic Demographic Win side bet and the recent events show that it was a losing bet, but instead of shifting to a better bet, THEY HAVE DOUBLED DOWN.

So all they have left are the crooks, the fraudsters like Stein and the losers like Pelosi who doe snot understand what a freaking fool she really truly is.

The Party of Jefferson and Jackson has been at war with itself for thirty years and is finally 'winning' by driving that glorious old party deep into the ash heap of history.
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Can you name one person that should replace her?

The Democratic Leadership is a mess and staying the course might be the only choice at this moment... Not defending Pelosi but looking over the list there is no one that can work with GOP leadership the way Pelosi can if the GOP Speaker of the House need votes.
Yeah, the Ryan guy from the Rust Belt.

Staying the course? :lmao: You mean teaching ass sex to little kids in school and having deranged boys using girls' showers in schools? You've GOT to be kidding me??! You think that complete bullshit is ever going to be accepted by middle voters?? Every church in the Rust Belt, South and Midwest would have to be burned to the ground before that happened.

Name a Democrat to replace her with?

House members that you believe that should replace her and my bet you can not name one, so as you write about ass sex and opposite sex using bathrooms does not change the fact the leadership has no one to replace her with because they did they would!

She's has no real power and can only provide votes if needed and that is all, so now tell me one just one Democrat Politician in the House without looking them up and I will point to their flaws for you.

In the Senate I'd have said Kristen Gillibrand. For the house though I'd go with Kathleen Rice.

Representative Rice is a former US Attorney and a former District Attorney. While Trump is getting ready to push for wild new powers for the FBI wouldn't it have been nice to have an experienced Prosecutor out there to argue for civil rights?

Nah. Go with the old busted record that nobody listens to. That will work much better. Perhaps Pelosi will organize a walk out to protest the Republicans passing legislation to plant land mines on the border. That will really show them.

When the old answer doesn't work then try something different. Anything but the same thing that hasn't ever worked.

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I'm delighted the DEMs hung on to Pelosi!
Nancy and Warren and Ellison!
The fucking triphecta of 100% guaranteed REP power for the next few decades!
This is the time for liberals to break with the Democratic party and form a new party. All it would take is for Sanders to be willing to lead.
While Sanders has shown some grat vision and to be a great leader in most respects, his endorsement of Identity Politics and Black Lies Matter has demonstrated he cannot take the Democratic Party all the way where it needs to go; a color blind championing of the working class of all races, genders and religions.
It's a foolish move by Congressional Democrats. Too bad Congressional Republicans are clearing the way for Ryan and Mitch to retain their leadership roles. Same as it ever was.
^^ even mdk and I agree...and THAT alone should be a warning enough to the idiot democrats who retained Pelosi...
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