Liberals now calling fetus an "organ of her own body"

Why doesn't the pro fetus crowd start a fund to adopt babies of pregnant women that would normally have an abortion ? Because that's putting their money where their mouths are. Talk is cheap. Funny, the fetus pro life crowd didn't mind bush/cheney murdering Iraqi babies at all. They even voted again for these murdering skunks after knowing there were no WMD's and it was all a setup. These are the same hypocrites that would rather see children lose food stamps or medical care if it means raising taxes on billionaires.

By the way if a pregnant woman gets in a car pool lane and has no passengers in her car except the child she's carrying, she can be ticketed. Spend your time changing this law maybe instead of endless wasted hours whining about Obama and fetuses, you cheapskate, lazy armchair computer warriors.

I have had this compromise for years, and not one lifer has taken me up on it -

We ban abortion, so women are forced to give birth, and we force the lifers to adopt them.

Each group of people is forced to do something they don't want to do, but the lifers run a mile when I suggest this.
Abortion control must be returned to the states and they can do what they want with it.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Noam Chomsky: The fetus is an 'organ' of woman?s body

Thu Apr 04, 2013

DUBLIN, April 4, 2013 ( – Noam Chomsky, the most cited academic in the world, said that an unborn baby is “an organ” and a part of the mother's “own body” during a recent guest lecture at an Irish college.

"There is a strong debate at the moment with regards to a woman's right to control an organ of her own body - namely the fetus,” Chomsky said during a question and answer session at University College Dublin on Tuesday night. “There is legislation being enacted in several U.S. states to define personhood as a fertilized egg.”

"Pretty soon you can imagine legislation prohibiting the washing of hands because thousands of cells are flaked off that could be turned into a stem cell and you can grow a fetus - so you're killing a person,” he said.

“It's attacks on women's rights," he concluded

Strange how you fetus masterbaters care only about fetus's not children who are already living:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Maybe they could start a 'Take a fetus home day". Maybe have rick santorum as their leader.
Why doesn't the pro fetus crowd start a fund to adopt babies of pregnant women that would normally have an abortion ? Because that's putting their money where their mouths are. Talk is cheap. Funny, the fetus pro life crowd didn't mind bush/cheney murdering Iraqi babies at all. They even voted again for these murdering skunks after knowing there were no WMD's and it was all a setup. These are the same hypocrites that would rather see children lose food stamps or medical care if it means raising taxes on billionaires.

By the way if a pregnant woman gets in a car pool lane and has no passengers in her car except the child she's carrying, she can be ticketed. Spend your time changing this law maybe instead of endless wasted hours whining about Obama and fetuses, you cheapskate, lazy armchair computer warriors.

Wow this guy is nuts....and they do setup to adopt babies, it's called charity....and many....gasp...evil churches do it.....but being a retard you wouldnt know that.

But you think the US went over to kill Iraqi babies...God you as stupid as my dog's pile of shit......and then the raise taxes on the rich to pay for the hit just about all the liberal talking points.....almost...see if you can give us a few more
Why doesn't the pro fetus crowd start a fund to adopt babies of pregnant women that would normally have an abortion ? Because that's putting their money where their mouths are. Talk is cheap. Funny, the fetus pro life crowd didn't mind bush/cheney murdering Iraqi babies at all. They even voted again for these murdering skunks after knowing there were no WMD's and it was all a setup. These are the same hypocrites that would rather see children lose food stamps or medical care if it means raising taxes on billionaires.

By the way if a pregnant woman gets in a car pool lane and has no passengers in her car except the child she's carrying, she can be ticketed. Spend your time changing this law maybe instead of endless wasted hours whining about Obama and fetuses, you cheapskate, lazy armchair computer warriors.

I have had this compromise for years, and not one lifer has taken me up on it -

We ban abortion, so women are forced to give birth, and we force the lifers to adopt them.

Each group of people is forced to do something they don't want to do, but the lifers run a mile when I suggest this.

lots of pro lifers adopt would help it the rules werent so stupid here, which is why they have to get kids from sister in law adopted a kid from's cheaper and takes waaaaaaay less time..... but you dont know anything about fertility issues or shut the fuck up about it.

Whaaaa she fucked someone on the first date and needs an escape hatch.....nope....
I would be a strong supporter of free birth control, and anyone who rallied against that would be an idiot - including PP, if they showed opposition to it.
I cannot believe that anyone would care more about making money from abortions than about preventing them.

Well I am opposed to free birth costs money to R&D it, it costs money to produce it (like the jobs of manufacturing it), so i'd rather people pay for their shit....nothing wrong with that...why do liberals think everything should be free.....if they dont make money off of it, how do they pay the people manufacturing it?

Because free birth control means people would be more likely to use it, and abortion would decline (hopefully) which would be what the pro lifers want.

no we want dont have to fuck like a jack rabbit......sorry your hedonistic self cant figure it out......dont be a ho. And dont dont worthless dumbass men that have no job or skills.....I mean Jesus it's not that hard
The retarded from the pro-"choice" crowd in here is palpable.

They seem to really believe that fetuses are organs, that fetuses are not separate beings from the mother, that fetuses are the same being as the mother, that a fertilized egg is the same thing as the contents of a stomach after eating, and that fetuses are, for some peculiar reason, the same thing as a transplanted heart.


Every argument is designed to do one thing. Remove humanity from babies so that it is okay to kill them.

44,000 people die each year due to lack of health care that other countries poorer than USA provide for their citizens. We can't have universal health care in USA because of pro fetus republican scum that worry more about tax breaks for billionaires.
Well I am opposed to free birth costs money to R&D it, it costs money to produce it (like the jobs of manufacturing it), so i'd rather people pay for their shit....nothing wrong with that...why do liberals think everything should be free.....if they dont make money off of it, how do they pay the people manufacturing it?

Because free birth control means people would be more likely to use it, and abortion would decline (hopefully) which would be what the pro lifers want.

no we want dont have to fuck like a jack rabbit......sorry your hedonistic self cant figure it out......dont be a ho. And dont dont worthless dumbass men that have no job or skills.....I mean Jesus it's not that hard

Using birth control is taking responsibility.
Well I am opposed to free birth costs money to R&D it, it costs money to produce it (like the jobs of manufacturing it), so i'd rather people pay for their shit....nothing wrong with that...why do liberals think everything should be free.....if they dont make money off of it, how do they pay the people manufacturing it?

Because free birth control means people would be more likely to use it, and abortion would decline (hopefully) which would be what the pro lifers want.

no we want dont have to fuck like a jack rabbit......sorry your hedonistic self cant figure it out......dont be a ho. And dont dont worthless dumbass men that have no job or skills.....I mean Jesus it's not that hard

It's about the fetus, not the parent. You have an opportunity to save the fetus. I showed in a previous post how to do it. Clean up the ghetto language for the children though, you don't want them to become foul mouthed low lifes do you?
Because free birth control means people would be more likely to use it, and abortion would decline (hopefully) which would be what the pro lifers want.

no we want dont have to fuck like a jack rabbit......sorry your hedonistic self cant figure it out......dont be a ho. And dont dont worthless dumbass men that have no job or skills.....I mean Jesus it's not that hard

Using birth control is taking responsibility.

Yes and getting a job to pay for them is part of that.
Because free birth control means people would be more likely to use it, and abortion would decline (hopefully) which would be what the pro lifers want.

no we want dont have to fuck like a jack rabbit......sorry your hedonistic self cant figure it out......dont be a ho. And dont dont worthless dumbass men that have no job or skills.....I mean Jesus it's not that hard

It's about the fetus, not the parent. You have an opportunity to save the fetus. I showed in a previous post how to do it. Clean up the ghetto language for the children though, you don't want them to become foul mouthed low lifes do you?

Oh come on I like to be direct and use direct language, I despise euphamisms unless I'm mocking someone...ok now the goal is to save the kid no matter the stage of adoption is great and a very noble goal, but once you decide to have sex you know the possibilities and if you unite a sperm and egg you have a person.....

So how pro abortion are you?> Are you opposed to abortion personally or are you full out abortion is fine and noone should be ashamed to have one?
Abortion control must be returned to the states and they can do what they want with it.

Strange how you fetus masterbaters care only about fetus's not children who are already living:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Maybe they could start a 'Take a fetus home day". Maybe have rick santorum as their leader.

What a cruel son of a bitch you are. You are either completely evil or a moron not to know the sad story of the child that died.
And why it that the woman's fault? Why should she be forced to carry it inside her until it can survive??

Noomi, I know you aren't a horrid soul. I know we've talked abortion before. I've told you I can understand the sad but true stories out there.

What should we do if we were to come together? How could we at least make the world work under horrid circumstances?

I'm not being flippant here. My solution truly would be absolutely free birth control.

Yes I'm conservative in my old age :eusa_shhh: well maybe not over cougar years :)

Free birth control as to avoid any unwanted pregnancies. I guarantee you Planned Parenthood would lobby against it.

There's great money to be made at the abortion clinics.

See what you and I would come up against?

I would be a strong supporter of free birth control, and anyone who rallied against that would be an idiot - including PP, if they showed opposition to it.
I cannot believe that anyone would care more about making money from abortions than about preventing them.

One day for true, I'd like to have a serious discussion on this. Women only.And only women willing to discuss all options. Just one thread for us.

I think you already know that although heartbreaking as it is, I do understand why women who are being tormented physically day in and day out and on the move to try to leave their husbands will abort for example.

I'm not a fool. Nor am I heartless. I understand. I don't condemn. Maybe we could get that thread together and we could really talk about true issues that confront women.
Noomi, I know you aren't a horrid soul. I know we've talked abortion before. I've told you I can understand the sad but true stories out there.

What should we do if we were to come together? How could we at least make the world work under horrid circumstances?

I'm not being flippant here. My solution truly would be absolutely free birth control.

Yes I'm conservative in my old age :eusa_shhh: well maybe not over cougar years :)

Free birth control as to avoid any unwanted pregnancies. I guarantee you Planned Parenthood would lobby against it.

There's great money to be made at the abortion clinics.

See what you and I would come up against?

I would be a strong supporter of free birth control, and anyone who rallied against that would be an idiot - including PP, if they showed opposition to it.
I cannot believe that anyone would care more about making money from abortions than about preventing them.

One day for true, I'd like to have a serious discussion on this. Women only.And only women willing to discuss all options. Just one thread for us.

I think you already know that although heartbreaking as it is, I do understand why women who are being tormented physically day in and day out and on the move to try to leave their husbands will abort for example.

I'm not a fool. Nor am I heartless. I understand. I don't condemn. Maybe we could get that thread together and we could really talk about true issues that confront women.

It'd have to be a thread in which only respectful debate was offered - free from trolls and people saying that women should just keep their legs closed, because that doesn't further any debate.

I would be willing to have a discussion with you, though.
I would be a strong supporter of free birth control, and anyone who rallied against that would be an idiot - including PP, if they showed opposition to it.
I cannot believe that anyone would care more about making money from abortions than about preventing them.

One day for true, I'd like to have a serious discussion on this. Women only.And only women willing to discuss all options. Just one thread for us.

I think you already know that although heartbreaking as it is, I do understand why women who are being tormented physically day in and day out and on the move to try to leave their husbands will abort for example.

I'm not a fool. Nor am I heartless. I understand. I don't condemn. Maybe we could get that thread together and we could really talk about true issues that confront women.

It'd have to be a thread in which only respectful debate was offered - free from trolls and people saying that women should just keep their legs closed, because that doesn't further any debate.

I would be willing to have a discussion with you, though.

You both know where the clean debate forum is. If you were expecting a clean debate here, you were sorely mistaken.
And why it that the woman's fault? Why should she be forced to carry it inside her until it can survive??

Noomi, I know you aren't a horrid soul. I know we've talked abortion before. I've told you I can understand the sad but true stories out there.

What should we do if we were to come together? How could we at least make the world work under horrid circumstances?

I'm not being flippant here. My solution truly would be absolutely free birth control.

Yes I'm conservative in my old age :eusa_shhh: well maybe not over cougar years :)

Free birth control as to avoid any unwanted pregnancies. I guarantee you Planned Parenthood would lobby against it.

There's great money to be made at the abortion clinics.

See what you and I would come up against?

I would be a strong supporter of free birth control, and anyone who rallied against that would be an idiot - including PP, if they showed opposition to it.
I cannot believe that anyone would care more about making money from abortions than about preventing them.

My bold.

Who pays for this free birth control, Noomi? Just who exactly? Not just Planned Parenthood, but the taxpayer.
I would be a strong supporter of free birth control, and anyone who rallied against that would be an idiot - including PP, if they showed opposition to it.
I cannot believe that anyone would care more about making money from abortions than about preventing them.

Well I am opposed to free birth costs money to R&D it, it costs money to produce it (like the jobs of manufacturing it), so i'd rather people pay for their shit....nothing wrong with that...why do liberals think everything should be free.....if they dont make money off of it, how do they pay the people manufacturing it?

Because free birth control means people would be more likely to use it, and abortion would decline (hopefully) which would be what the pro lifers want.

Thaaat's full of crap and you know it. This is where the abortion argument fails. So we just give it freely to women who by their own folly got themselves pregnant? Sure, here in America free birth control solves everything, including stupidity.
Is it currently unconstitutional for an individual state to legalize abortion at any time before birth if that state so chose?
Your question makes no sense in relation to the quoted statement. IF you worded it as thus:

Is it currently constitutional for an individual state to ban abortion at any time before birth if that state so chose?
Then that would make sense as that is what I was talking about. Nowhere did I state that abortion was unconstitutional. What I DID state is that banning abortion in the late stage of a pregnancy IS constitutional and therefore, at some point, the woman’s right to privacy is OVERRIDDEN. This is cold hard fact as band have been upheld.

The fetus is not a person. That's why you see so many people at the state and federal level trying to pass legislation or amend constitutions to declare it to be a person.

If it were already a person such amendments would be superfluous.
Person was a bad word to use. I meant HUMAN. Most pro-choice people refuse to call it a HUMAN. They want to lessen the gravity of the decision of killing someone, another human, in the developmental stage by referring to it as an embryo. That is a correct term, but it is still human, a HUMAN embryo.

Science uses the terms zygote, embryo, fetus, etc., etc., for all sorts of species, and yet you think it is some grand sociological conspiracy to promote abortion?

Stay here inside with the rest of us normal people. The ledge is very narrow, and very high up.
Good job. You managed to completely ignore the content of my post, make claims that I never stated AND prove my point all in one.
And why it that the woman's fault? Why should she be forced to carry it inside her until it can survive??

Noomi, I know you aren't a horrid soul. I know we've talked abortion before. I've told you I can understand the sad but true stories out there.

What should we do if we were to come together? How could we at least make the world work under horrid circumstances?

I'm not being flippant here. My solution truly would be absolutely free birth control.

Yes I'm conservative in my old age :eusa_shhh: well maybe not over cougar years :)

Free birth control as to avoid any unwanted pregnancies. I guarantee you Planned Parenthood would lobby against it.

There's great money to be made at the abortion clinics.

See what you and I would come up against?

I would be a strong supporter of free birth control, and anyone who rallied against that would be an idiot - including PP, if they showed opposition to it.
I cannot believe that anyone would care more about making money from abortions than about preventing them.

Nothing is free. You need to state exactly what you are for rather than obscuring it with half-truths. What you are advocating is for others to pay for birth control. That is the reality of the situation and it is wrong. Your life and your privacy is YOURS. You might do as you please, have sex when you want and have abortions as you want but no one else should be paying for your life decisions. That burden is yours to bear and I am not going to bear it for you.

I have had this compromise for years, and not one lifer has taken me up on it -

We ban abortion, so women are forced to give birth, and we force the lifers to adopt them.

Each group of people is forced to do something they don't want to do, but the lifers run a mile when I suggest this.
Except you are forgetting the one key that most pro-choice advocates seem to forget: personal responsibility. In your case, you advocate for others to pay for the birth control, others to raise the child and the person that crated the child in the first place to kill it before it is born. All of these are centered around alleviating the responsible party for the act they participated in. She had sex and now she has to deal with the consequences.

It always interests me that people make these arguments and then revert right back to the other side when it comes to the man. When someone suggests that the man should not be beholden as a slave if the woman has a child (a decision that he has no part in whatsoever) the standard response is that he should not have had sex with her then. This might not be your position, you have not spoken to this at this point BUT I suspect that it might be. The two points are completely counter to each other and all center around the idea that she somehow is incapable of taking responsibility. The underlying ‘reasoning’ behind your proposed compromise is deeply flawed and untenable.

The legality of abortion has nothing to do with the raising of the child. Abortion itself is an indecent act and something that people should simply not do. The reason that abortion should be legal is simply because of biological fact. There is nothing you can do to prevent abortion and legalizing, controlling and informing are the best methods to limit abortion and make those instances where it is still performed safe. It is here that arguments for abortion should be contained because it is here that the arguments make sense and can’t be well refuted.
Where have I said that I supported the soda ban? I never did, because I don't.

really??? what about obamacare? You know that's the goal of it, is to tell people what they can and cant do under the guise of health?

Well i'm shocked you dont agree with bloomburg

I am fine with Obamacare and I don't give a shit how much soda and junk people eat, as long as they suffer the consequences and don't demand free medical treatment because of it.

Obamacare is at least 2700 pages, how in the hell can you even possibly know you are fine with something you, and I, can know very little about? You are fine with it because the democrats tell you to be fine with it there is no other answer.
Not fused? I don't think you actually understand how fetal development works. The placenta literally burrows into the uterus, fusing the tissues together. In fact, if you go to the wikipedia article on placenta, it uses the word FUSION to describe the inseparable connection during development. The placenta and umbilical cord carry the nutrients pumped to it from the mother's circulation to the baby. Oxygen, vitamins, amino acids, and other basic building blocks required for development do not spontaneously come from the baby, nor are they magically produced by the placenta.

You really don't know much about this topic on which you proclaim understanding, do you?

So no, they are not individual separate beings.

You seem to continue confusing the words UNIQUE and SEPARATE. These are not the same, and one does not denote the other. The placenta has its own DNA that is different than the mother. It too is not a separate unique being.

You either read something that I didn't say or I wasn't clear enough in what I did say. What I said was that fetus and mother are not fused. Are they joined together via the umbilical cord and placenta (which are fused)? Yes. Joined together does not mean they are one entity. Fetus and mother are two separate entities, two separate beings, one growing/developing within the other, not two beings fused together as one being. They are two separate beings.

If they were not individual separate beings then when a woman aborted a fetus part of her would also die/be changed/cease to be. When a woman has an abortion the only thing that no longer continues to exist is the fetus (a developing being), which is a separate individual, a separate human being. It is unique in that no other exactly like is has ever been or will be again.

If they are one being why was Scott Peterson charged with two counts of murder?
I still think you're missing something vital here. OK let's backup. The umbilical cord is part of the fetus. It's directly connected. On the other end, it's directly part of the placenta. The placenta is fused to the uterus. OK now I know this is tricky logic here, but if A is fused to B, and B is fused to C, then A is fused to C via B. The fetus is fused to the mother by way of placenta, which happens to also be fetal in origin. So to summarize, a structure directly carrying fetal DNA is directly fused to a structure carrying mother's DNA. If you sever any part of that connection, the fetus dies.

PUT ANOTHER WAY: IF YOU SEPARATE THE TWO AT ANY POINT, THE FETUS DIES. So you should probably stop claiming they are separate. You can still use the word unique, just realize it has nothing to do with anything being individual or separate.

As for what happens when a woman has an abortion: she loses both the fetus and the inner part of her uterus that was supporting it. Everything involved in the fusion goes, mother and fetus alike. Luckily, women can regrow that lost tissue. Or do I need to explain menstruation as well?

What I see you saying is that if the means for the unborn child to be living is taken away it dies, like duh. Same thing for the child which is born, take away it means of breathing or source of nutriments and it will also die. Matter of fact that is what they do to babies born during an abortion and are still living. Quite ghoulish.

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