Liberals now calling fetus an "organ of her own body"

You have Democrat lawmakers doing the same thing. Please spare me your false outrage. Just what do you gain by saying the government should stay out of your body when it's up there on Capitol Hill fighting for the right to tell you how to control your body? One side telling you that you can't, the other that you can. But both sides make up the Government for whom you wish to keep out of your innards.

This double standard is amazing with Liberal women. You have male lawmakers on the Democrat side making opinions on female anatomy all the time... wheres the outrage Noomi? Huh?

I thought as much. Have a seat.

no she loves obamacare and loves bloomburg telling people what they can and cant eat, drink, do's not only stupid, it's completely naive.

Where have I said that I supported the soda ban? I never did, because I don't.

really??? what about obamacare? You know that's the goal of it, is to tell people what they can and cant do under the guise of health?

Well i'm shocked you dont agree with bloomburg
Giving credit? The Left hates science.

Yea LOL Science? Like the bible thumping kooks and inbreed right wing "creation"science": inbreeds believe in, you mean that science? LOLl :disbelief::disbelief::rofl::rofl:

The science of the human body, about which you obviously know nothing you murder masturbator.

Do not reply to polkow...That's the best way to get rid of assholes..Ignore them and they go away quietly into the night.
Abortion control must be returned to the states and they can do what they want with it.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Noam Chomsky: The fetus is an 'organ' of woman?s body

Thu Apr 04, 2013

DUBLIN, April 4, 2013 ( – Noam Chomsky, the most cited academic in the world, said that an unborn baby is “an organ” and a part of the mother's “own body” during a recent guest lecture at an Irish college.

"There is a strong debate at the moment with regards to a woman's right to control an organ of her own body - namely the fetus,” Chomsky said during a question and answer session at University College Dublin on Tuesday night. “There is legislation being enacted in several U.S. states to define personhood as a fertilized egg.”

"Pretty soon you can imagine legislation prohibiting the washing of hands because thousands of cells are flaked off that could be turned into a stem cell and you can grow a fetus - so you're killing a person,” he said.

“It's attacks on women's rights," he concluded

A fetus is a part of a woman's body for the duration of pregnancy. What is wrong with stating the truth?

Sorry, you're being intellectually dishonest on this one. Organs are formed during fetal development, not after sex. So how about we DO start with the truth.
A fetus is a part of a woman's body for the duration of pregnancy. What is wrong with stating the truth?

because it's a seperate person....that is the truth. So Noam Chomsky thinks that dead skin cells can make babies or stem cells? For such an esteemed academic, he is stupid, I thought liberals were big fans of science, how do you come up with the dumbass idea?

Oh and trust me, conservatives love personal hygene, it's the libtards that like to do the hippie no taking a shower for a week thing.

A fetus is not a person, and if it was separate from the woman, it would be able to survive without the attachment to her, wouldn't it?

I've seen babies that were born four months premature, that by your definition would still have been a "fetus." With assistance from those in the outside world, it did live without the nourishment of the umbilical and the safety of the womb.

Your argument is flawed.
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no she loves obamacare and loves bloomburg telling people what they can and cant eat, drink, do's not only stupid, it's completely naive.

Where have I said that I supported the soda ban? I never did, because I don't.

really??? what about obamacare? You know that's the goal of it, is to tell people what they can and cant do under the guise of health?

Well i'm shocked you dont agree with bloomburg

I am fine with Obamacare and I don't give a shit how much soda and junk people eat, as long as they suffer the consequences and don't demand free medical treatment because of it.
because it's a seperate person....that is the truth. So Noam Chomsky thinks that dead skin cells can make babies or stem cells? For such an esteemed academic, he is stupid, I thought liberals were big fans of science, how do you come up with the dumbass idea?

Oh and trust me, conservatives love personal hygene, it's the libtards that like to do the hippie no taking a shower for a week thing.

A fetus is not a person, and if it was separate from the woman, it would be able to survive without the attachment to her, wouldn't it?

I've seen babies that were born six months premature, that by your definition would still have been a "fetus." With assistance from those in the outside world, it did live without the nourishment of the umbilical and the safety of the womb.

Your argument is flawed.

No baby is born 6 months early. A four month old fetus cannot survive outside the womb - and once it is born, it is not as fetus. It is a fetus while inside, and attached to the woman. Once outside the womb, its a baby.
Abortion control must be returned to the states and they can do what they want with it.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Noam Chomsky: The fetus is an 'organ' of woman?s body

Thu Apr 04, 2013

DUBLIN, April 4, 2013 ( – Noam Chomsky, the most cited academic in the world, said that an unborn baby is “an organ” and a part of the mother's “own body” during a recent guest lecture at an Irish college.

"There is a strong debate at the moment with regards to a woman's right to control an organ of her own body - namely the fetus,” Chomsky said during a question and answer session at University College Dublin on Tuesday night. “There is legislation being enacted in several U.S. states to define personhood as a fertilized egg.”

"Pretty soon you can imagine legislation prohibiting the washing of hands because thousands of cells are flaked off that could be turned into a stem cell and you can grow a fetus - so you're killing a person,” he said.

“It's attacks on women's rights," he concluded

A fetus is a part of a woman's body for the duration of pregnancy. What is wrong with stating the truth?

That is one nasty lopking skank in your avatar
Abortion control must be returned to the states and they can do what they want with it.

A fetus is a part of a woman's body for the duration of pregnancy. What is wrong with stating the truth?

Sorry, you're being intellectually dishonest on this one. Organs are formed during fetal development, not after sex. So how about we DO start with the truth.

A fetus is part of a woman's body. I said nothing about organs.

Noam Chomsky is a man, what does he know about a woman's body? This is rich!! :lmao:

I guess its okay for you that Republican lawmakers are trying to control women's bodies as we speak? Hypocrite.

While you're busy chasing after Koalas to get your jollies, we're having an adult conversation about matters that are quite frankly none of your concern.
Now, bugger off you twit.

Noam Chomsky is a man, what does he know about a woman's body? This is rich!! :lmao:

I guess its okay for you that Republican lawmakers are trying to control women's bodies as we speak? Hypocrite.

While you're busy chasing after Koalas to get your jollies, we're having an adult conversation about matters that are quite frankly none of your concern.
Now, bugger off you twit.

Abortion affects me. I think this conversation involves my rights more than it involves yours.
A fetus is not a person, and if it was separate from the woman, it would be able to survive without the attachment to her, wouldn't it?

I've seen babies that were born six months premature, that by your definition would still have been a "fetus." With assistance from those in the outside world, it did live without the nourishment of the umbilical and the safety of the womb.

Your argument is flawed.

No baby is born 6 months early. A four month old fetus cannot survive outside the womb - and once it is born, it is not as fetus. It is a fetus while inside, and attached to the woman. Once outside the womb, its a baby.
Bullshit....A fetus is viable at 20-24 weeks. With modern medical technology, such a premature baby can indeed survive and flourish.
so melodramatic. you suggested that an organ had to be functional and necessary for life. you were wrong. so I ask you again, noting your evasion, what constitutes an organ?

Your article notes that guy is one of the most cited academic in the world. I recommend you procure an educated counterargument if you want to disagree with him.

I can trump his opinion quite easily.

I'm a mother of three children. He's the mother of none. And as each baby grew inside me, the wonder of life was miraculous.

Not an organ, not a fetus, not a parasite. A baby.

Quite funny that people such as Noomi insist on thinking she speaks for the entirety of womanhood. I applaud your absolute destruction of her premise. I hope your children are doing well, ma'am.
I guess its okay for you that Republican lawmakers are trying to control women's bodies as we speak? Hypocrite.

While you're busy chasing after Koalas to get your jollies, we're having an adult conversation about matters that are quite frankly none of your concern.
Now, bugger off you twit.

Abortion affects me. I think this conversation involves my rights more than it involves yours.

You're not American..So, no, you don't have a say.
And in the US, there is no such right as "more equal"..
Mind your own fucking business and worry about your own country.
Where have I said that I supported the soda ban? I never did, because I don't.

really??? what about obamacare? You know that's the goal of it, is to tell people what they can and cant do under the guise of health?

Well i'm shocked you dont agree with bloomburg

I am fine with Obamacare and I don't give a shit how much soda and junk people eat, as long as they suffer the consequences and don't demand free medical treatment because of it.

Well then you shouldnt like obamacare and you sound like one of those mean republicans.....hilarious

they can do whatever they want just dont expect anything for free....God you sound just like me on that.......
I guess its okay for you that Republican lawmakers are trying to control women's bodies as we speak? Hypocrite.

While you're busy chasing after Koalas to get your jollies, we're having an adult conversation about matters that are quite frankly none of your concern.
Now, bugger off you twit.

Abortion affects me. I think this conversation involves my rights more than it involves yours.

So self centered. That attitude has lead to the deaths of millions of full grown adults in this world. No, abortion affects everyone.
I've seen babies that were born six months premature, that by your definition would still have been a "fetus." With assistance from those in the outside world, it did live without the nourishment of the umbilical and the safety of the womb.

Your argument is flawed.

No baby is born 6 months early. A four month old fetus cannot survive outside the womb - and once it is born, it is not as fetus. It is a fetus while inside, and attached to the woman. Once outside the womb, its a baby.
Bullshit....A fetus is viable at 20-24 weeks. With modern medical technology, such a premature baby can indeed survive and flourish.

At 24 weeks, it hasn't been born six months early, has it? Unless you think pregnancy lasts for 11-12 months?
While you're busy chasing after Koalas to get your jollies, we're having an adult conversation about matters that are quite frankly none of your concern.
Now, bugger off you twit.

Abortion affects me. I think this conversation involves my rights more than it involves yours.

So self centered. That attitude has lead to the deaths of millions of full grown adults in this world. No, abortion affects everyone.

Millions of adults have died? Because of what?

Abortion doesn't affect you. Your next door neighbor could have an abortion and you wouldn't be affected because you wouldn't know about it. You cannot be affected by something you are not aware of.
A fetus is not a person, and if it was separate from the woman, it would be able to survive without the attachment to her, wouldn't it?

I've seen babies that were born six months premature, that by your definition would still have been a "fetus." With assistance from those in the outside world, it did live without the nourishment of the umbilical and the safety of the womb.

Your argument is flawed.

No baby is born 6 months early. A four month old fetus cannot survive outside the womb - and once it is born, it is not as fetus. It is a fetus while inside, and attached to the woman. Once outside the womb, its a baby.

Love modern technology, so you're hagling over the months? What is your basis for life?
really??? what about obamacare? You know that's the goal of it, is to tell people what they can and cant do under the guise of health?

Well i'm shocked you dont agree with bloomburg

I am fine with Obamacare and I don't give a shit how much soda and junk people eat, as long as they suffer the consequences and don't demand free medical treatment because of it.

Well then you shouldnt like obamacare and you sound like one of those mean republicans.....hilarious

they can do whatever they want just dont expect anything for free....God you sound just like me on that.......

I am happy with my socialised medicine here, but I think that if people eat junk and get fat, or smoke and get sick as a result of that, they should be on their own. They knew the risks, after all...

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