Liberals now talking "execution" of Trump and republicans

“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” he writes. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt).”

“And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.”

According to US Code (18 USC § 2381) the entire Obama Regime should be executed.

Obama should face the gallows, like the Clintons but he won't.

Ain't karma a bitch?

What goes around, comes around.
View attachment 133463
Yes, that is EXACTLY what you do.

You've been busted as a hypocrite.

Enjoy the karma, baby.
Naw lib, I started saying that yesterday about your sorry kind, and all you are doing is trying to twist it back on me and it's not working. What you have done here, while you follow the failed liberal play book, is you have made it clear that you support traitors. You can try to demonize me all you like, but you are failing. It's not making me mad so you won't the get the reaction you hope for. What it does is make me chuckle a little at the depths you libs will drop to to hurt this country with your lies deceptions and over that past few days, attempts at murder.
If there is one thing we have learned since Trump was elected, it is that hypocritical pseudocons are far thinner skinned than the radical leftists.

Poor babies. When they hear the same kind of rhetoric coming back at them which they have been spewing for the past eight years, they grow faint and weak with shock.

"Gee whillikers! Golly! Such nasty talk, I need to sit down..."
Scalise in critical condition after attack by gunman at baseball field

Scalise in critical condition after attack by gunman at baseball field
“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” he writes. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt).”

“And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.”

According to US Code (18 USC § 2381) the entire Obama Regime should be executed.

Obama should face the gallows, like the Clintons but he won't.

Ain't karma a bitch?

What goes around, comes around.
View attachment 133463
The Right follows Goebbels' advice regularly.
TARD: We must execute Obama!

LIBBY: We must execute Trump!

TARD: Oh my god, did you see that libby say we should kill Trump! Incredible. My moral sensitivities are just SHOCKED at such violent talk! I am outraged beyond belief. I do believe I am going to faint.
Except Obama didn't receive over 20,000 death threats the day of his inauguration on Twitter alone....

Despite the media lying about how many death threats Obama received for weeks to perpetrate a racist "fear of a black planet" narrative.
I never said you were inciting violence. The DNC is the Democratic Nation Committee as opposed to the rank and file members, who can be anybody.

Before advocating for the ultimate punishment you must have missed the part where the author called for a trial and if convicted.....

I apologize for saying you might be full of shit. We should all be more cordial to each other because ultimately we are all on the same team.
You missed the part when this happened....
Missouri fair bans rodeo clown wearing Obama mask

I didn't see the Obama Clown in Jefferson City mentioned once in that post.

What does that have to do with the rule of law. Was he put on trial for treason or invited to Texas to perform?
So when will someone be fired for the "Julius Caesar" play?

When will "Shakespeare in the Park" ban the performance forever?

The point is that you want to be able to talk about executions of Republicans for unproven crimes in the largest left wing site in the world without consequence, but your party whined and bitched about a Obama mask in a rodeo performance in the middle of nowhere.

You are an idiot.

You're just ignorant.

It’s Outrageous to Suggest That Any Production of Julius Caesar Could Glamorize Assassination

Delta Airlines pulled its support of the Public Theater, which produces the annual, free outdoor performances of the Bard. Bank of America, a major sponsor of the Public, followed suit, withdrawing its support of the show while retaining its funding of the theater in general. These announcements come on the heels of a few days of pot-stirring by right-wing outlets like Fox News and Breitbart, which objected to the play’s depiction of a Caesar with an extra-long tie, Slavic wife, and red baseball hat–clad supporters.

Delta’s decision is misguided. It’s also disingenuous. During the Obama presidency, Minneapolis’ Guthrie Theater, along with the Acting Company, a well-regarded classics company that tours nationally, presented a Julius Caesarin which Caesar bore an intentional resemblance to Obama.* Not only was there no controversy, Delta sponsored the tour of the show and continued sponsoring TAC the next season.

Delta was right then, and it is wrong now.
The rodeo clown show was literally JUST A MASK. The firing of the clown and the banning of Obama masks at that performance is FAR worse than what Delta did.

Again, you are an idiot.

Remember when MSNBC and CNN tried to convince you dumbasses that the name "Obamacare" was racist years after the Democrats coined the term to boost Obama's popularity?

I do...

Aww, more ignorance? Take it up with Jefferson City Rodeo Association. The Clown was invited to work in Texas.

Double your pleasure.

Who Coined 'Obamacare'?
If there is one thing we have learned since Trump was elected, it is that hypocritical pseudocons are far thinner skinned than the radical leftists.

Poor babies. When they hear the same kind of rhetoric coming back at them which they have been spewing for the past eight years, they grow faint and weak with shock.

"Gee whillikers! Golly! Such nasty talk, I need to sit down..."
and yet here you are whining, the hypocrisy fits you well.
TARD: We must execute Obama!

LIBBY: We must execute Trump!

TARD: Oh my god, did you see that libby say we should kill Trump! Incredible. My moral sensitivities are just SHOCKED at such violent talk! I am outraged beyond belief. I do believe I am going to faint.
Listen liar, the difference is traitors should get a fair trial. YOU just want them shot dead on a baseball field.
Regressive said:
TARD: We must execute Obama!

LIBBY: We must execute Trump.

LIBBY: Picks up a gun and starts shooting at people.

Fixed a quote by certain regressive here.
“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” he writes. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt).”

“And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.”

According to US Code (18 USC § 2381) the entire Obama Regime should be executed.

Obama should face the gallows, like the Clintons but he won't.

Ain't karma a bitch?

What goes around, comes around.
View attachment 133463
The Right follows Goebbels' advice regularly.
You couldn't tell it by watching you.
If your views are right centered or left centered there is no problem. if you promote hate & violence, some poor impressible person will ruin there life or the life of others, why? because of the lie, there are sex rings in pizza places. all republicans are evil, its the 20% of crazy people from both sides who put all of us at risk.
nah - this is just run of the mill violence both sides condone and do...

HuffPost Hides Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

Shooter attempts massacre of Republicans days after HuffPo piece
Dan Lyman | - JUNE 15, 2017 568 Comments


The HuffPost has removed an article that called for President Donald Trump to be executed, along with all members of his administration and GOP leadership who are complicit in advancing his agenda centered around national security and economic prosperity.

The now-deleted piece was published on June 11 – just days before domestic terrorist James Hodgkinson attempted to massacre dozens of GOP lawmakers during an early morning baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

In the article, headlined “Impeachment Is No Longer Enough; Donald Trump Must Face Justice” HuffPo contributor David Fuller declares that the President must be prosecuted for treason and put to death if found guilty, before going on to demonstrate why he believes Trump and most of the Republican Party are indisputably guilty of treason.

“Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed,” writes Fuller. “Donald Trump has been President of the United States for just shy of six months now. I think that most of us among the electorate knew that his presidency would be a relative disaster, but I am not sure how many among us expected the catastrophe our nation now faces.”

In the concluding paragraph, Fuller also makes his case for why the “ultimate punishment” of the President must also be exacted on more Republicans – emphasizing his desires by adding bold font to a line about execution, as demonstrated below.

“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” he writes. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt).”

“And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.”
Infowars .. sure. LOL

HuffPo Pulls Article Calling For ‘Ultimate Punishment’ Of Trump

HuffPo scrubs Jason Fuller’s ‘ultimate punishment’ Trump piece after Scalise, GOP shooting
TARD: We must execute Obama!

LIBBY: We must execute Trump!

TARD: Oh my god, did you see that libby say we should kill Trump! Incredible. My moral sensitivities are just SHOCKED at such violent talk! I am outraged beyond belief. I do believe I am going to faint.
excet TARD is more likely to beat some ass as faint.

i've yet to see a conservative ask for a safe space.
The Democrat Party has embarked on an aggressive radicalization agenda. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day is unprecedented and unforgivable. I mean, how many more radicalized Democrat 'Manchurian Candidates' are out there? Hundreds? Thousands? Scary thought, huh?
The Democrat Party has embarked on an aggressive radicalization agenda. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day is unprecedented and unforgivable. I mean, how many more radicalized Democrat 'Manchurian Candidates' are out there? Hundreds? Thousands? Scary thought, huh?
The Democrat Party has embarked on an aggressive radicalization agenda. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day is unprecedented and unforgivable. I mean, how many more radicalized Democrat 'Manchurian Candidates' are out there? Hundreds? Thousands? Scary thought, huh?

Oh, there's nothing funny about it. How many radicalized Democrat 'Manchurian Candidates' are out there? This recent nutter can't be alone. There has to be many more. Very dark times for sure.
If there is one thing we have learned since Trump was elected, it is that hypocritical pseudocons are far thinner skinned than the radical leftists.

Poor babies. When they hear the same kind of rhetoric coming back at them which they have been spewing for the past eight years, they grow faint and weak with shock.

"Gee whillikers! Golly! Such nasty talk, I need to sit down..."
Your time frame is a little short. Obviously, you were not paying attention when Reagan was inspiring the sort of ire subsequently directed at Bubba, then W, then Obama, and now at Trump. There's plenty of blame to go around, and I don't see it stopping any time soon, especially now that the bullets are flying. Until Republicans start killing democrats, democrats own this level of violence.
The Democrat Party has embarked on an aggressive radicalization agenda. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day is unprecedented and unforgivable. I mean, how many more radicalized Democrat 'Manchurian Candidates' are out there? Hundreds? Thousands? Scary thought, huh?

Sounds like a Liberal Cat-ass-trophy.

Gives a whole new meaning to the word "Triggered" now doesn't it

Be very careful what you say in pubic too. There might be one of them Manchurian Demons next to you, in line at the covfefe shop, just waiting to go on a rampage upon being accidentally triggered.
The Democrat Party has embarked on an aggressive radicalization agenda. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day is unprecedented and unforgivable. I mean, how many more radicalized Democrat 'Manchurian Candidates' are out there? Hundreds? Thousands? Scary thought, huh?

Oh, there's nothing funny about it. How many radicalized Democrat 'Manchurian Candidates' are out there? This recent nutter can't be alone. There has to be many more. Very dark times for sure.

Nuts who like guns? Tens of millions of them.
And by "liberals", the OP means "some person that nobody ever heard of or cares about, and whose crazy idea was immediately squashed by the liberals."
In contrast, conservatives always heap praise on other conservatives who call for violence.
The two sides are very different that way. Liberals condemn violence, conservatives support it.

Hmmm....interesting POV

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