Liberals On Abortion

Liberals on abortion: "Safe, legal and rare"

That's it. It is that simple.

oy vey but ever look at a list of names of the early abortion promoters? Theres something quite striking about it.
"California Governor Clarifies That Free Healthcare Only Offered To Illegal Immigrants Who've Made It Safely Out Of The Womb
July 11th, 2019

SACRAMENTO, CA—California is offering free healthcare to illegal immigrants, once again becoming the first state in the nation to enact a wacky proposal that sounds like the right's satire of the left and not an actual policy.

But Governor Gavin Newsom was quickly forced to clarify that the free healthcare offer only applies to immigrants who've made it safely out of the womb. Immigrants who are still in the womb are still subject to killing at a moment's notice.

"We wanted to do the compassionate thing here," Newsom said at a press conference. "We have to pay for the healthcare of people who are coming here illegally, even though many of our own citizens don't have healthcare coverage."

Newsom said that once the announcement was made, however, unborn immigrant babies got the idea that they would be safe, protected, and cared for in the state. "Nothing could be further from the truth," he clarified. "If you're not born, you're fair game for having your brains suctioned out." The governor recommended that unborn babies evacuate the womb "as quickly as possible" in order to qualify for the free healthcare offer.

"If I were you, I'd be hightailing it out of there, because, hoo boy---we'll kill ya."
California Governor Clarifies That Free Healthcare Only Offered To Illegal Immigrants Who've Made It Safely Out Of The Womb
This man is more dangerous to our American Republic than Putin, China, or Iran. Liberals exist to destroy our country.

No. Stupid people are infinitely more dangerous.
Yes. Liberals. Thank you.

Stupid ones are. You're welcome.
Guess you’re just smarter than us boobs that cherish the sanctity of innocent human life and a woman’s womb. What happens after that comes down to parenthood. During my time in service I have saw great acts of kindness from U.S. Marines that are trained to kill. Deep down we all love(or should love) our children. Parents should not put them in harms way for selfish reasons.
"California Governor Clarifies That Free Healthcare Only Offered To Illegal Immigrants Who've Made It Safely Out Of The Womb
July 11th, 2019

SACRAMENTO, CA—California is offering free healthcare to illegal immigrants, once again becoming the first state in the nation to enact a wacky proposal that sounds like the right's satire of the left and not an actual policy.

But Governor Gavin Newsom was quickly forced to clarify that the free healthcare offer only applies to immigrants who've made it safely out of the womb. Immigrants who are still in the womb are still subject to killing at a moment's notice.

"We wanted to do the compassionate thing here," Newsom said at a press conference. "We have to pay for the healthcare of people who are coming here illegally, even though many of our own citizens don't have healthcare coverage."

Newsom said that once the announcement was made, however, unborn immigrant babies got the idea that they would be safe, protected, and cared for in the state. "Nothing could be further from the truth," he clarified. "If you're not born, you're fair game for having your brains suctioned out." The governor recommended that unborn babies evacuate the womb "as quickly as possible" in order to qualify for the free healthcare offer.

"If I were you, I'd be hightailing it out of there, because, hoo boy---we'll kill ya."
California Governor Clarifies That Free Healthcare Only Offered To Illegal Immigrants Who've Made It Safely Out Of The Womb
This man is more dangerous to our American Republic than Putin, China, or Iran. Liberals exist to destroy our country.

No. Stupid people are infinitely more dangerous.
Yes. Liberals. Thank you.

Stupid ones are. You're welcome.
Guess you’re just smarter than us boobs that cherish the sanctity of innocent human life and a woman’s womb. What happens after that comes down to parenthood. During my time in service I have saw great acts of kindness from U.S. Marines that are trained to kill. Deep down we all love(or should love) our children. Parents should not put them in harms way for selfish reasons.

"Guess you’re just smarter than us boobs that cherish the sanctity of human life and a woman’s womb."

Just read a lot of comments by conservatives about wanting to kill illegal aliens.

is THAT an example of "cherishing the sanctity of human life"?
This man is more dangerous to our American Republic than Putin, China, or Iran. Liberals exist to destroy our country.

No. Stupid people are infinitely more dangerous.
Yes. Liberals. Thank you.

Stupid ones are. You're welcome.
Guess you’re just smarter than us boobs that cherish the sanctity of innocent human life and a woman’s womb. What happens after that comes down to parenthood. During my time in service I have saw great acts of kindness from U.S. Marines that are trained to kill. Deep down we all love(or should love) our children. Parents should not put them in harms way for selfish reasons.

"Guess you’re just smarter than us boobs that cherish the sanctity of human life and a woman’s womb."

Just read a lot of comments by conservatives about wanting to kill illegal aliens.

is THAT an example of "cherishing the sanctity of human life"?
Innocent life. Breaking a law is an intentional act.
"California Governor Clarifies That Free Healthcare Only Offered To Illegal Immigrants Who've Made It Safely Out Of The Womb
July 11th, 2019

SACRAMENTO, CA—California is offering free healthcare to illegal immigrants, once again becoming the first state in the nation to enact a wacky proposal that sounds like the right's satire of the left and not an actual policy.

But Governor Gavin Newsom was quickly forced to clarify that the free healthcare offer only applies to immigrants who've made it safely out of the womb. Immigrants who are still in the womb are still subject to killing at a moment's notice.

"We wanted to do the compassionate thing here," Newsom said at a press conference. "We have to pay for the healthcare of people who are coming here illegally, even though many of our own citizens don't have healthcare coverage."

Newsom said that once the announcement was made, however, unborn immigrant babies got the idea that they would be safe, protected, and cared for in the state. "Nothing could be further from the truth," he clarified. "If you're not born, you're fair game for having your brains suctioned out." The governor recommended that unborn babies evacuate the womb "as quickly as possible" in order to qualify for the free healthcare offer.

"If I were you, I'd be hightailing it out of there, because, hoo boy---we'll kill ya."
California Governor Clarifies That Free Healthcare Only Offered To Illegal Immigrants Who've Made It Safely Out Of The Womb
This man is more dangerous to our American Republic than Putin, China, or Iran. Liberals exist to destroy our country.

No. Stupid people are infinitely more dangerous.
How could anyone hold a baby in their arms at any point during their life and support abortion?

I support that skank down on the street corner having the choice to get one.
This man is more dangerous to our American Republic than Putin, China, or Iran. Liberals exist to destroy our country.

No. Stupid people are infinitely more dangerous.
Yes. Liberals. Thank you.

Stupid ones are. You're welcome.
Guess you’re just smarter than us boobs that cherish the sanctity of innocent human life and a woman’s womb. What happens after that comes down to parenthood. During my time in service I have saw great acts of kindness from U.S. Marines that are trained to kill. Deep down we all love(or should love) our children. Parents should not put them in harms way for selfish reasons.

"Guess you’re just smarter than us boobs that cherish the sanctity of human life and a woman’s womb."

Just read a lot of comments by conservatives about wanting to kill illegal aliens.

is THAT an example of "cherishing the sanctity of human life"?
International human language is in the eyes. When you take children off the street and signal that bad shit is coming connects. No doors, no windows, shooting is getting ready to start.
us boobs that cherish the sanctity of innocent human life and a woman’s womb.

.....are just different than me, not boobs. I don't believe in the divinity or holiness of human life at any stage. Doesn't mean I don't cherish or love innocent babies.
us boobs that cherish the sanctity of innocent human life and a woman’s womb.

.....are just different than me, not boobs. I don't believe in the divinity or holiness of human life at any stage. Doesn't mean I don't cherish or love innocent babies.
It is the definitive baseline of what makes us human. Governments don’t take care of people...people take care of their fellow man.
us boobs that cherish the sanctity of innocent human life and a woman’s womb.

.....are just different than me, not boobs. I don't believe in the divinity or holiness of human life at any stage. Doesn't mean I don't cherish or love innocent babies.
It is the definitive baseline of what makes us human. Governments don’t take care of people...people take care of their fellow man.

I can see you've been attacked by a philosopher once upon a time.
us boobs that cherish the sanctity of innocent human life and a woman’s womb.

.....are just different than me, not boobs. I don't believe in the divinity or holiness of human life at any stage. Doesn't mean I don't cherish or love innocent babies.
It is the definitive baseline of what makes us human. Governments don’t take care of people...people take care of their fellow man.

I can see you've been attacked by a philosopher once upon a time.
John Locke definitely . Kant...some. Rousseau...for sure his take on the level and veils of government control over man.
thousands of black and latino women will die if we dont allow access to abortion. this is not hyperbole!
thousands of black and latino women will die if we dont allow access to abortion. this is not hyperbole!

Millions die if we do.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Your statement is conjecture, mine is fact.
"The National Education Association approved a new "business item" expressing support for abortion access during its annual conference in Houston.

"[T]he NEA will include an assertion of our defense of a person's right to control their own body, especially for women, youth, and sexually marginalized people," the resolution states. "The NEA vigorously opposes all attacks on the right to choose and stands on the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade."

The NEA is the largest teachers' union in the U.S. with more than 3 million members. It collected nearly $400 million from American educators in 2018, according to federal labor filings. The union is also one of the most politically active in the country, spending $70 million on politics and lobbying in 2017 and 2018. Nearly all of the union's political action committee spending went to Democrats during the midterm cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

"NEA's 2019 adopted New Business Items (NBIs) reveal what savvy teachers have known for decades: state and national teachers' unions are essentially the political action committee of the Far-Left,"
Largest U.S. Teachers' Union Endorses Abortion
Millions die if we do.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total.

Fetuses aren't people, and there were just as many abortions occuring before Roe v. Wade as after.

The problem you anti-choice nuts have is you think that Roe opened some floodgate.

It didn't.

Abortion laws were not like the murder laws. They weren't investigated, they weren't prosecuted, they weren't enforced.

Think of them more like the prostitution laws. Prostitution is illegal, but there are still a bunch of strip joints, happy ending massage parlors and escort services to meet the sex needs of people who don't want to waste time dating.

Abortion in 1972 was like that. It was technically illegal, but women could go to their OB/GYN, get an abortion, and something else would be written down on the chart.

The only time the authorities cared is if someone goofed up and the woman was injured, but even then, it wasn't prosecuted as a homicide.
By definition it's impossible to abort a baby once it's born.

No doubt. I'd say they were discussing the ethics of euthanasia, not after-birth abortion.

That's just a not "cutting edge" enough description I guess.

There is no such thing as after birth abortion.

The definition of abortion is to terminate a pregnancy.

If the fetus is already born, the pregnancy is already terminated. There's nothing to abort. The birth is the end of the pregnancy and no abortion is needed.

I'm surprised I have to post the real meaning of the word abortion but here goes.

Definition of abortion

1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: such as
a: spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation— compare MISCARRIAGE
b: induced expulsion of a human fetus
c: expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy

They are discussing euthanasia which isn't abortion. I'm not surprised that far right radical extremist conservatives don't know the meaning of those words. All they care about is forcing their views on our nation.

They are the most evil people I've ever encountered.
1. Why did you feel forced to insert 'convicted,' dunce????

Everyone knows it....and even the Liberals admit it now.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.

Low life lying imbeciles??? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

You come here posting lies and bullshit and then fling insults at anyone who calls you out on your lies.

You call other people stupid but you’re the one who voted for Trump. Think that pretty much sums up your intellectual abilities. You voted for a lying conman and you have the unmitigated gall to call your betters “imbeciles”.

I never know that.

But....speaking of lies.....

Are these accurate quotes of yours?

“It's not a child, and it's not alive. To refer to a zygote or a fetus….”

Pro-abortion? Why?

“…pretend that those who are not yet living, are alive and have rights.”

"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“…a zygote is not a human being.”

"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“ It's not a "human being", until it's sentient, aware, and able to breathe on its own. “

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

“The fetus is NOT a human being. “

The Politics of Pregnancy.

Seriously consider changing your avi to ‘DeadLizard.’

When the child can breathe on its own, unassisted, it's a living breathing person. Until then it is NOT. Not in science and not in the Bible.

How many pregnancies have you had? How many children. Your abject ignorance and your willingess to abdicate your right to make such a life-altering and personal decision to the government is the absolute antithesis of "freedom" and "free will", both of which you CLAIM to believe in, but in actuality, you support government overreach into your most personal decisions.

You hypocrisy and your claims to moral high grounds is laughable, and your claims that the government should have this power over you, shows that you are not in fact, in favour of freedom or God given free will.

A woman I knew was adamantly opposed to abortion rights and she railed against me marching in the pro-choice march when I was 6 months pregnant. In fact, the march organizers took one look at me and put me at the head of the march, holding the "Don't Lose the Right to Choose" banner. I knew I was carrying a girl baby, and I marched for both of us. This conservative friend was mortified that I would do such a thing. She had her first abortion when she was 15 and I've lost track of the number of abortions she's had. Three that I know of, but she opposed these rights for others.

My choice has always been to have the baby. That is what being "pro-choice" means. But then I've never been single or pregnant, or poor and pregnant. I was married, gainfully employed, and living in a country which gave me paid maternity leave, universal health care, and income supports for young families. A country that lives "family values" instead of talking about them.

If you don't believe in abortion, DON'T HAVE AN ABORTION. As for the rest of the women in America, what they do is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

So basically, you're saying, "Never mind medical fact. Define science by my uneducated perceptions and my mindless emotional reactions, so that I can keep telling myself I'm a good person without ever having to be one!"

Donny grifter has been accused of rape, so he must be a rapist.

I just heard, "Every topic is about how Trump is guilty of every evil in the world!!!!!" Tell me, if I ask you to name the planets in our solar system, will your response be, "Donny Grifter!!!! He did XYZ that I was told to accuse him of today!!!" as well?
I never know that.

But....speaking of lies.....

Are these accurate quotes of yours?

“It's not a child, and it's not alive. To refer to a zygote or a fetus….”

Pro-abortion? Why?

“…pretend that those who are not yet living, are alive and have rights.”

"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“…a zygote is not a human being.”

"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“ It's not a "human being", until it's sentient, aware, and able to breathe on its own. “

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

“The fetus is NOT a human being. “

The Politics of Pregnancy.

Seriously consider changing your avi to ‘DeadLizard.’

When the child can breathe on its own, unassisted, it's a living breathing person. Until then it is NOT. Not in science and not in the Bible.

How many pregnancies have you had? How many children. Your abject ignorance and your willingess to abdicate your right to make such a life-altering and personal decision to the government is the absolute antithesis of "freedom" and "free will", both of which you CLAIM to believe in, but in actuality, you support government overreach into your most personal decisions.

You hypocrisy and your claims to moral high grounds is laughable, and your claims that the government should have this power over you, shows that you are not in fact, in favour of freedom or God given free will.

A woman I knew was adamantly opposed to abortion rights and she railed against me marching in the pro-choice march when I was 6 months pregnant. In fact, the march organizers took one look at me and put me at the head of the march, holding the "Don't Lose the Right to Choose" banner. I knew I was carrying a girl baby, and I marched for both of us. This conservative friend was mortified that I would do such a thing. She had her first abortion when she was 15 and I've lost track of the number of abortions she's had. Three that I know of, but she opposed these rights for others.

My choice has always been to have the baby. That is what being "pro-choice" means. But then I've never been single or pregnant, or poor and pregnant. I was married, gainfully employed, and living in a country which gave me paid maternity leave, universal health care, and income supports for young families. A country that lives "family values" instead of talking about them.

If you don't believe in abortion, DON'T HAVE AN ABORTION. As for the rest of the women in America, what they do is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

So you admit you did post every one of those absurd statement.....'lies'?????

Witness has admitted her guilt.....

.....take her away.

Did they take your hockey helmet away so the rest of the kids wouldn't you know you're "developmentally delayed" when you went to school.

I'm not your "witness", and my statements are all true. There is no guilt here, at least not on my part.

I support your right to choose to be an Judas goat for stripping women of their God given rights, but I will not let you lie with inpunity.

We just proved you to be a liar and a fool.

Why are you back?

You stupid bitch, once again claiming victory for yourself when you've done nothing, proven nothing, and have nothing, to back yourself up.

We've seen every one of your loser dog and pony show posts wherein you claim you're not lying, which in and of itself is a lie, that you're not as stupid as your posts would lead us to believe, and you've somehow proven us wrong, with links to Russian websites and fake news blogs.

Try finding one credible scientific source to back you up in your assertions that a fetus is a living human being. The Bible states that God formed Adam, shaped him, and then "breathed life" into him.

"Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being".

He was formed, he was complete, but he wasn't a living being until he received the "breathe of life". We die when we cease to breathe, our bodies will die and very quickly. Two or three minutes at most. Unless a child draws a breathe, they are not considered a person under the law.

So prove you're not an idiot and find your proof that you're right.

So here's how this went:

PC provided reams of quotes from linked sources, like always.

Dragontwat provided her personal opinion, stated as fact, with no supporting evidence, and called PC a liar because she didn't agree, and we all know that disagreeing with Dragontwat's asserted opinions is the same thing as lying, correct?

PC denied being a liar.

Dragontwat then asserted that PC had "proved nothing", which - in the face of PC's many links and citations - amounts to "I don't want it to be true, so it's not proof!" Then Dragontwat went on to her "Aha!" moment of quoting the Bible and insisting that it trumps centuries of medical science, even though there's no way in the world that Dragontwat would EVER actually accept the Bible as the standard of judgement in any other case.

Am I observing this debate between an intelligent human being (PC) and a talking dog who has allegedly learned to walk on its hind legs accurately?
So you admit you did post every one of those absurd statement.....'lies'?????

Witness has admitted her guilt.....

.....take her away.

Did they take your hockey helmet away so the rest of the kids wouldn't you know you're "developmentally delayed" when you went to school.

I'm not your "witness", and my statements are all true. There is no guilt here, at least not on my part.

I support your right to choose to be an Judas goat for stripping women of their God given rights, but I will not let you lie with inpunity.

We just proved you to be a liar and a fool.

Why are you back?

You stupid bitch, once again claiming victory for yourself when you've done nothing, proven nothing, and have nothing, to back yourself up.

We've seen every one of your loser dog and pony show posts wherein you claim you're not lying, which in and of itself is a lie, that you're not as stupid as your posts would lead us to believe, and you've somehow proven us wrong, with links to Russian websites and fake news blogs.

Try finding one credible scientific source to back you up in your assertions that a fetus is a living human being. The Bible states that God formed Adam, shaped him, and then "breathed life" into him.

"Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being".

He was formed, he was complete, but he wasn't a living being until he received the "breathe of life". We die when we cease to breathe, our bodies will die and very quickly. Two or three minutes at most. Unless a child draws a breathe, they are not considered a person under the law.

So prove you're not an idiot and find your proof that you're right.
You’re relying on political correctness as your common sense… It really shows how stupid you really are...
Yeah and it’s best if you keep your opinion to yourself

You first Evgeny.

I'm relying upon facts, evidence, and science, all of which fools like you and Political Hack deny.

You're relying on what you want to believe, and you're pretending that simply stating it's true amounts to "facts, evidence, and science", you senile wart. You just cited the Bible, and explained how what it says about the creation of Adam is the "scientific" definition of life. And we both know that if anyone cited the Bible to YOU as proof of something., you'd have your Depends in an uproar in .5 seconds flat.

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