Liberals on Georgia School Board Close School Down After a Few Covid Cases

You think they are going to do something that might endanger his health or life? Not when it's the president's child.
But everyone else should?


This guy trump even bragged that he never even took care of his own kids, Change a diaper? Never! How do you respect a guy who can't even care for his own baby?
Michelle is so bad as a mother she had her own mother at the white house barking orders at the hire help who took care of her daughters.
Really? Would they do this if just six kids had the flu or a cough?

---In-person school at North Paulding High School in Dallas has been called off for Monday and Tuesday after six students and three staff members tested positive for the coronavirus after the first week of school.---

Maybe you missed it but this virus is not only deadly but extremely contagious
Really? Would they do this if just six kids had the flu or a cough?

---In-person school at North Paulding High School in Dallas has been called off for Monday and Tuesday after six students and three staff members tested positive for the coronavirus after the first week of school.---

Maybe you missed it but this virus is not only deadly but extremely contagious
Contagious? I haven't caught it yet.
" Would they do this if just six kids had the flu or a cough? "
GGGAWD ewe 'MAGA'cide 'Supremacists' are
the weirdest fucking 'Alt'- KGB Glee Cult ever
Contagious? I haven't caught it yet.
So since YOU haven't caught's not contagious?

170,000 people have caught it and DIED from far...
170,000 died while supposedly having the many of them actually died FROM the virus is a whole other story! That number was always going to be grossly inflated because hospitals got paid more if a patient died of Covid instead of irreversible cancer or a heart attack.
170,000 died while supposedly having the many of them actually died FROM the virus is a whole other story! That number was always going to be grossly inflated because hospitals got paid more if a patient died of Covid instead of irreversible cancer or a heart attack.
The number of "excess deaths" shows that SOMETHING killed between 1600,000 and 200,000 more people than have died on average
Really? Would they do this if just six kids had the flu or a cough?

---In-person school at North Paulding High School in Dallas has been called off for Monday and Tuesday after six students and three staff members tested positive for the coronavirus after the first week of school.---

This is not the flu or a cough. They are being prudent. Anyone you disagree with is a leftist. It shows what a moron you are.
Over the last 100 years there have been around 10 global pandemics and this is the only one that calls for country wide lockdowns.

Sweden didn't.

What's their deal? Anyone know?

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