Liberals on this board blame Obama for nothing

He is their God and they follow him mindlessly. If Obama said drinking piss was the thing to do...all the liberals would be pissing bottles, gurgling it down and talking about how good it taste. Then they would go on to explain why Republican's are stupid and racist because they don't drink piss.
He is their God and they follow him mindlessly. If Obama said drinking piss was the thing to do...all the liberals would be pissing bottles, gurgling it down and talking about how good it taste. Then they would go on to explain why Republican's are stupid and racist because they don't drink piss.

Usually posts like yours are more revealing about yourself. :D
The border is flooded with children due to what Obama put out they are saying he would not deport children. Liberal. Not his fault. The fence was not fixed prior to him being in office. Although he has been in office and has done nothing to fix it

Iraq.. Says this is Bush fault , Even though this is happening on his watch and if he would have kept some forces there this would have not happened.

Benghazi. Says its not Obama fault.. Blames Congress for not funding them more but the signs where there this would happen. Stevens begged for more security . Libs said about the funds but we had enough funds to buy new cars for other embassies in this same time frame

Fast And Furious .. Says Bush had the same thing under him but that is not true. Under Bushs Gun running they were actually tracked.. So this is not Obamas fault either..

This is a few examples...

SO LIBS .. How long does Obama have to be in office before he is accountable.. He is the President, Commander in Chief .. When is he to blame for the failures in the USA

Remember the tea baggers held up the economy unless they got their spending cuts? I guess since you guys insist we implement your policies you have to continue to accept responsibility for the outcome.

What is the GOP's plan to bring wages up? Please don't say lower taxes or eliminate regulations PLEASE!

Oh, and how can Obama be responsible when this is what the GOP did to him all 6 years?

3 Charts Explain Why Democrats Went Nuclear on the Filibuster | Mother Jones
He is their God and they follow him mindlessly. If Obama said drinking piss was the thing to do...all the liberals would be pissing bottles, gurgling it down and talking about how good it taste. Then they would go on to explain why Republican's are stupid and racist because they don't drink piss.

We don't believe in god(s). And it was bush who said he talked to god, remember? :cuckoo:
No you won't.

You'll still be a miserable old fuck who lets Fox News brainwash you to believe that the evil democrats are out to get you. That won't stop once Obama is gone, which means you'll still be the miserable, selfish bore that you are.

LMAO. You don't know me at all there RD.

Of course you think you do but then you think Barry's wonderful as well. So much for your thought process.

I wouldn't waste my time being miserable about anything. As for Fox News? Don't watch it or any other news. In fact I read way more than I ever watch TV. The only show I watch is the Walking Dead.

Selfish bore?? Gotta laugh at ya RD. I'm selfish in your eyes because I don't want my tax dollars to support all those things you hold so fucking dear. You know. Like wanting to assume resonsibility for everyone who can't take care of themselves. Thats your DUTY. Not mine.

Have a good one you dutybound magnanimous with other peoples money prick. LOL I said. Miserable old fuck. :eusa_clap:

Nope. Just telling it like I see it.

Of course you would call me miserable because I don't agree with you.

Have a good one you dutybound, magnaimouse with other peoples money, prick. LOL
He is their God and they follow him mindlessly. If Obama said drinking piss was the thing to do...all the liberals would be pissing bottles, gurgling it down and talking about how good it taste. Then they would go on to explain why Republican's are stupid and racist because they don't drink piss.

We don't believe in god(s). And it was bush who said he talked to god, remember? :cuckoo:

Government is your god.
The border is flooded with children due to what Obama put out they are saying he would not deport children. Liberal. Not his fault. The fence was not fixed prior to him being in office. Although he has been in office and has done nothing to fix it

Iraq.. Says this is Bush fault , Even though this is happening on his watch and if he would have kept some forces there this would have not happened.

Benghazi. Says its not Obama fault.. Blames Congress for not funding them more but the signs where there this would happen. Stevens begged for more security . Libs said about the funds but we had enough funds to buy new cars for other embassies in this same time frame

Fast And Furious .. Says Bush had the same thing under him but that is not true. Under Bushs Gun running they were actually tracked.. So this is not Obamas fault either..

This is a few examples...

SO LIBS .. How long does Obama have to be in office before he is accountable.. He is the President, Commander in Chief .. When is he to blame for the failures in the USA

I hold him accountable for idiots like you :doubt:
Responsible right to responsible left on this board blame Obama for nothing except for what he ahs screwed up.

88% of America simply gives those who like the American Thinker and Breitbart and Glenn Beck and so forth the finger: rightfully so.
The far left is incapable of holding their own accountable. Their programming will not allow it, unless there needs to be a sacrifice made to the far left gods.
the right's program is so good that they don't know they are programed.
it also blocks their ability to notice that everyone else can see their programing but them...
to see this work of the programmers art in action just walk into a group of them and yell Ronald Reagan...they will cheer as they were programmed too....wait a few seconds and yell, sucked as president...and watch the circuits fry..

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