Liberals on this board blame Obama for nothing

The border is flooded with children due to what Obama put out they are saying he would not deport children. Liberal. Not his fault. The fence was not fixed prior to him being in office. Although he has been in office and has done nothing to fix it

Actually he's deported more people than any other President. But hey - don't let facts get in the way of your little tantrum - keep going.

Have you ever actually seen the u.s/mexico border other than major crossings? You aren't going to stop it with a fucking fence you idiot.
Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

And this is why YOU are everything that is wrong with this country. You and every blatantly partisan hack like you.

Oh Lawdy! I guess you won't be voting republican? Let's see. I served my country for 22 years, been wounded in the service of same. Graduated from College, retired from Another career AFTER the Army, raised two College educated children. Both are married and have given my Wife and I three beautiful Grandchildren. My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for well over thirty years. We own 260 acres with horses, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. I have a beautiful view of the mountains every day and am in zero debt.

I'm proof that a black man can "make it" in this country IN SPITE of you liberal Nazis who would have preferred that I live on the "gubmit" dole. Yet, because I have opinions that differ from your shallow way of thinking I am what's wrong with this country.

Three words for you Nazi - Go To Hell.

You did what Americans should do and made something of yourself, VERY GOOD. Being black has nothing to do with it you did not rise about your race you, in my opinion, you took advantage of the opportunities available to all men, again BRAVO. You are a good man because you are a good man. Your children will be good people because they were raised by good people. That is the way it should be and that is what conservatives have been saying all along.
What exactly are you congratulating Randall on? :lol: Getting his wife pregnant? Having grandkids? Living? :lol:

Oh yes BRAVO Randall for living and procreating you are a saint womp womp.
Maybe Republicans should try helping to fix Bush's mess instead of just bashing Obama for not being able to single-handedly fix Bush's god-damned mess?


What mess? It has been 8 years since the democrats took control of the country and 6 years since Obama and look what we have to show for it. Disaster everywhere and all you post is liberal sound bites. You are no more interested in solving anything as is Obama. Problems, or crisis, is how the democrats get their power so they are happy with disaster it makes them more powerful, in their mind.

Time to quit blaming the minority party and start blaming the majority party who doesn't care or doesn't want to work with anyone.

Yes....national health care...out of Iraq...OBL dead...getting out of Afghanistan....DADT dead...the advancement of civil rights for law-abiding, tax-paying gay citizens.....and......................................everyone still has their guns.

And this is why YOU are everything that is wrong with this country. You and every blatantly partisan hack like you.

Oh Lawdy! I guess you won't be voting republican? Let's see. I served my country for 22 years, been wounded in the service of same. Graduated from College, retired from Another career AFTER the Army, raised two College educated children. Both are married and have given my Wife and I three beautiful Grandchildren. My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for well over thirty years. We own 260 acres with horses, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. I have a beautiful view of the mountains every day and am in zero debt.

I'm proof that a black man can "make it" in this country IN SPITE of you liberal Nazis who would have preferred that I live on the "gubmit" dole. Yet, because I have opinions that differ from your shallow way of thinking I am what's wrong with this country.

Three words for you Nazi - Go To Hell.

You did what Americans should do and made something of yourself, VERY GOOD. Being black has nothing to do with it you did not rise about your race you, in my opinion, you took advantage of the opportunities available to all men, again BRAVO. You are a good man because you are a good man. Your children will be good people because they were raised by good people. That is the way it should be and that is what conservatives have been saying all along.

How do you know he is a good person? Because he had some kids and owns some goats?
Oh Lawdy! I guess you won't be voting republican? Let's see. I served my country for 22 years, been wounded in the service of same. Graduated from College, retired from Another career AFTER the Army, raised two College educated children. Both are married and have given my Wife and I three beautiful Grandchildren. My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for well over thirty years. We own 260 acres with horses, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. I have a beautiful view of the mountains every day and am in zero debt.

I'm proof that a black man can "make it" in this country IN SPITE of you liberal Nazis who would have preferred that I live on the "gubmit" dole. Yet, because I have opinions that differ from your shallow way of thinking I am what's wrong with this country.

Three words for you Nazi - Go To Hell.

You did what Americans should do and made something of yourself, VERY GOOD. Being black has nothing to do with it you did not rise about your race you, in my opinion, you took advantage of the opportunities available to all men, again BRAVO. You are a good man because you are a good man. Your children will be good people because they were raised by good people. That is the way it should be and that is what conservatives have been saying all along.

How do you know he is a good person? Because he had some kids and owns some goats?

I have an Ouija board.
The far left is incapable of holding their own accountable. Their programming will not allow it, unless there needs to be a sacrifice made to the far left gods.
You did what Americans should do and made something of yourself, VERY GOOD. Being black has nothing to do with it you did not rise about your race you, in my opinion, you took advantage of the opportunities available to all men, again BRAVO. You are a good man because you are a good man. Your children will be good people because they were raised by good people. That is the way it should be and that is what conservatives have been saying all along.

How do you know he is a good person? Because he had some kids and owns some goats?

I have an Ouija board.

Right, so you don't know.
Oh Lawdy! I guess you won't be voting republican? Let's see. I served my country for 22 years, been wounded in the service of same. Graduated from College, retired from Another career AFTER the Army, raised two College educated children. Both are married and have given my Wife and I three beautiful Grandchildren. My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for well over thirty years. We own 260 acres with horses, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. I have a beautiful view of the mountains every day and am in zero debt.

I'm proof that a black man can "make it" in this country IN SPITE of you liberal Nazis who would have preferred that I live on the "gubmit" dole. Yet, because I have opinions that differ from your shallow way of thinking I am what's wrong with this country.

Three words for you Nazi - Go To Hell.

You did what Americans should do and made something of yourself, VERY GOOD. Being black has nothing to do with it you did not rise about your race you, in my opinion, you took advantage of the opportunities available to all men, again BRAVO. You are a good man because you are a good man. Your children will be good people because they were raised by good people. That is the way it should be and that is what conservatives have been saying all along.

How do you know he is a good person? Because he had some kids and owns some goats?

But remember these same guys cant tell if Obama is a good father or not. Maybe he should write a paragraph on a message board because public life is just too private for them to know. HAR HAR
You did what Americans should do and made something of yourself, VERY GOOD. Being black has nothing to do with it you did not rise about your race you, in my opinion, you took advantage of the opportunities available to all men, again BRAVO. You are a good man because you are a good man. Your children will be good people because they were raised by good people. That is the way it should be and that is what conservatives have been saying all along.

How do you know he is a good person? Because he had some kids and owns some goats?

I have an Ouija board.

Makes sense since Randall is brain dead :lol:
Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

Yep and isn't he the guy that never salutes the flag? The guy that turns his back on it?? The guy that only want the military around when its a photo op? I guess the lefties just haven't noticed that about THE ONE.

He's a asshole yet all the lefttards on this board think he's wonderful. I guess they see nothing wrong with a POTUS who has no use for anything American except to try to change it.

I'll be glad when the poser is gone.

No you won't.

You'll still be a miserable old fuck who lets Fox News brainwash you to believe that the evil democrats are out to get you. That won't stop once Obama is gone, which means you'll still be the miserable, selfish bore that you are.

LMAO. You don't know me at all there RD.

Of course you think you do but then you think Barry's wonderful as well. So much for your thought process.

I wouldn't waste my time being miserable about anything. As for Fox News? Don't watch it or any other news. In fact I read way more than I ever watch TV. The only show I watch is the Walking Dead.

Selfish bore?? Gotta laugh at ya RD. I'm selfish in your eyes because I don't want my tax dollars to support all those things you hold so fucking dear. You know. Like wanting to assume resonsibility for everyone who can't take care of themselves. Thats your DUTY. Not mine.

Have a good one you dutybound magnanimous with other peoples money prick. LOL
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Liberals being insane, stupid and evil don't care what Obama does and when it doesn't work out....they blame the GOP for Obama's plan failing.
The OP has half of it right. The liberals on this board wont blame Obama for anything....and the conservatives on this board wont blame the GOP for anything.

If two people (or organizations) agree about EVERYTHING it means one of them isn't really thinking for themselves. In the case of USMB it's sad, but many posters don't actually think for themselves and are just parrots for the Republicans and Democrats. There's always exceptions of course....but they seem to be few on here at least.

This is where (at least in my case) you're full of crap. I DESPISED Bush. Most worthless "president" the republicans have ever put forward. Still not as incompetent as the fool we are saddled with now - but stupid none the less. He allowed a Congress (controlled by democrats the last two years of his presidency) to drive our economy off a cliff (Thanks Bwany Fwank and Chris Dodd)

He allowed Wall street to run wild and he bowed to democrats, rather than tell them to go to hell.

See how easy it is? Bush sucked - Barry sucks worse. If this is the "best" this country has to offer - we are done.

I think you missed the very end of my post where I clearly said that there are exceptions.....most conservatives on here wont say what you said. Kudos to you!
Yep and isn't he the guy that never salutes the flag? The guy that turns his back on it?? The guy that only want the military around when its a photo op? I guess the lefties just haven't noticed that about THE ONE.

He's a asshole yet all the lefttards on this board think he's wonderful. I guess they see nothing wrong with a POTUS who has no use for anything American except to try to change it.

I'll be glad when the poser is gone.

No you won't.

You'll still be a miserable old fuck who lets Fox News brainwash you to believe that the evil democrats are out to get you. That won't stop once Obama is gone, which means you'll still be the miserable, selfish bore that you are.

LMAO. You don't know me at all there RD.

Of course you think you do but then you think Barry's wonderful as well. So much for your thought process.

I wouldn't waste my time being miserable about anything. As for Fox News? Don't watch it or any other news. In fact I read way more than I ever watch TV. The only show I watch is the Walking Dead.

Selfish bore?? Gotta laugh at ya RD. I'm selfish in your eyes because I don't want my tax dollars to support all those things you hold so fucking dear. You know. Like wanting to assume resonsibility for everyone who can't take care of themselves. Thats your DUTY. Not mine.

Have a good one you dutybound magnanimous with other peoples money prick. LOL I said. Miserable old fuck. :eusa_clap:
Democrats rarely if ever hold there own accountable same with Republicans that's why we are in the mess we are in.

Not totally true. Nixon left because Republicans held him accountable.

Cantor has been ousted because he was held accountable.

The democrats point to Republican infighting as a sign of weakness. Which is true I guess when you look at the lock step democrat party. I look at the infighting as good at least they are not like democrats are in lock step on the wrong side of every problem.

The Tea Party, is there anything like it on the democrat side? A party within a party willing to take on the leaders? I sure don't see anything like them in the democrat party. And that is why they get attacked by both sides. And what in reality is their message? Government accountability and financial responsibility and to that the establishment has a problem. Go figure.

True there are exceptions but on the whole it's a rare thing.
Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

Yep and isn't he the guy that never salutes the flag? The guy that turns his back on it?? The guy that only want the military around when its a photo op? I guess the lefties just haven't noticed that about THE ONE.

He's a asshole yet all the lefttards on this board think he's wonderful. I guess they see nothing wrong with a POTUS who has no use for anything American except to try to change it.

I'll be glad when the poser is gone.

No you won't.

You'll still be a miserable old fuck who lets Fox News brainwash you to believe that the evil democrats are out to get you. That won't stop once Obama is gone, which means you'll still be the miserable, selfish bore that you are.


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