Liberals on this board blame Obama for nothing

I mean seriously, when someone cant even say that someone is a good dad the partisanship has to be at epic levels

How the hell do WE know if that clown is a good father? How the hell can you know if I am a good father or you are a good father?

Just because the asshole runs around in Mom jeans, and rides a girls bicycle doesn't make him a good "father". I would settle for him being a mediocre president right now, rather than the abject failure he is...

Has Obama done ANYTHING right? Anything at all?

Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.
How the hell do WE know if that clown is a good father? How the hell can you know if I am a good father or you are a good father?

Just because the asshole runs around in Mom jeans, and rides a girls bicycle doesn't make him a good "father". I would settle for him being a mediocre president right now, rather than the abject failure he is...

Has Obama done ANYTHING right? Anything at all?

Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

And this is why YOU are everything that is wrong with this country. You and every blatantly partisan hack like you.
Has Obama done ANYTHING right? Anything at all?

Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

And this is why YOU are everything that is wrong with this country. You and every blatantly partisan hack like you.

Oh Lawdy! I guess you won't be voting republican? Let's see. I served my country for 22 years, been wounded in the service of same. Graduated from College, retired from Another career AFTER the Army, raised two College educated children. Both are married and have given my Wife and I three beautiful Grandchildren. My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for well over thirty years. We own 260 acres with horses, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. I have a beautiful view of the mountains every day and am in zero debt.

I'm proof that a black man can "make it" in this country IN SPITE of you liberal Nazis who would have preferred that I live on the "gubmit" dole. Yet, because I have opinions that differ from your shallow way of thinking I am what's wrong with this country.

Three words for you Nazi - Go To Hell.
Nonsense. He's approved most of the XL pipeline. There is the domestic spying. The various wars he took over lasted too long. Uses too much religiousy talk....
Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

And this is why YOU are everything that is wrong with this country. You and every blatantly partisan hack like you.

Oh Lawdy! I guess you won't be voting republican? Let's see. I served my country for 22 years, been wounded in the service of same. Graduated from College, retired from Another career AFTER the Army, raised two College educated children. Both are married and have given my Wife and I three beautiful Grandchildren. My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for well over thirty years. We own 260 acres with horses, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. I have a beautiful view of the mountains every day and am in zero debt.

I'm proof that a black man can "make it" in this country IN SPITE of you liberal Nazis who would have preferred that I live on the "gubmit" dole. Yet, because I have opinions that differ from your shallow way of thinking I am what's wrong with this country.

Three words for you Nazi - Go To Hell.

Thanks for the cute story. None of that changes the fact that you are a partisan hack and as closed minded as they come. YOU are the problem.
How the hell do WE know if that clown is a good father? How the hell can you know if I am a good father or you are a good father?

Just because the asshole runs around in Mom jeans, and rides a girls bicycle doesn't make him a good "father". I would settle for him being a mediocre president right now, rather than the abject failure he is...

Has Obama done ANYTHING right? Anything at all?

Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

Yep and isn't he the guy that never salutes the flag? The guy that turns his back on it?? The guy that only want the military around when its a photo op? I guess the lefties just haven't noticed that about THE ONE.

He's a asshole yet all the lefttards on this board think he's wonderful. I guess they see nothing wrong with a POTUS who has no use for anything American except to try to change it.

I'll be glad when the poser is gone.
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What ever happened to the party of personal responsibility?

Iraq and Afghanistan were Bush's fault
The Great Bush Economic Collapse of 2008 was Bush's fault
Gitmo was Bush's fault
Shutting down government was a Republican act
Congressional Gridlock is the doing of Republicans
WOW guess you hate Bush and are pretty sure the Dems had nothing to do with any of your named bs.

Of course that has nothing to do with the failing of Barry boy but then you don't see any failings. Just THE ONE.

LMAO at ya lefty.
"Liberals on this board blame Obama for nothing"

It's the anal penetration matter how much it hurts they keep on smiling.
Has Obama done ANYTHING right? Anything at all?

Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

Yep and isn't he the guy that never salutes the flag? The guy that turns his back on it?? The guy that only want the military around when its a photo op? I guess the lefties just haven't noticed that about THE ONE.

He's a asshole yet all the lefttards on this board think he's wonderful. I guess they see nothing wrong with a POTUS who has no use for anything American except to try to change it.

I'll be glad when the poser is gone.

No you won't.

You'll still be a miserable old fuck who lets Fox News brainwash you to believe that the evil democrats are out to get you. That won't stop once Obama is gone, which means you'll still be the miserable, selfish bore that you are.
Maybe Republicans should try helping to fix Bush's mess instead of just bashing Obama for not being able to single-handedly fix Bush's god-damned mess?


What mess? It has been 8 years since the democrats took control of the country and 6 years since Obama and look what we have to show for it. Disaster everywhere and all you post is liberal sound bites. You are no more interested in solving anything as is Obama. Problems, or crisis, is how the democrats get their power so they are happy with disaster it makes them more powerful, in their mind.

Time to quit blaming the minority party and start blaming the majority party who doesn't care or doesn't want to work with anyone.
And this is why YOU are everything that is wrong with this country. You and every blatantly partisan hack like you.

Oh Lawdy! I guess you won't be voting republican? Let's see. I served my country for 22 years, been wounded in the service of same. Graduated from College, retired from Another career AFTER the Army, raised two College educated children. Both are married and have given my Wife and I three beautiful Grandchildren. My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for well over thirty years. We own 260 acres with horses, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. I have a beautiful view of the mountains every day and am in zero debt.

I'm proof that a black man can "make it" in this country IN SPITE of you liberal Nazis who would have preferred that I live on the "gubmit" dole. Yet, because I have opinions that differ from your shallow way of thinking I am what's wrong with this country.

Three words for you Nazi - Go To Hell.

Thanks for the cute story. None of that changes the fact that you are a partisan hack and as closed minded as they come. YOU are the problem.

He also enjoys long moonlit walks on the beach, thai food and he's a gemini

Also a hard hack
Looks like a whole bunch of lefty Ostriches have their heads stuck in the sand. Hiding from the truth? We can still see you, and make no mistake, Barry's hateful, attack on the citizens of America will affect all you poor, easily manipulated lefties just as much as it will those of us in/on the right

The cancer currently occupying the People's house is spreading at an alarming rate and can only be neutralized by immediate impeachment proceedings...followed by prolonged imprisonment in a facility
teeming with the most vicious and dangerous scum of the earth.
Seriously? No - he has not. Well, he rides a girl's bike well and I guess he shoots a nice game of golf. Other than that? Nadda.

And this is why YOU are everything that is wrong with this country. You and every blatantly partisan hack like you.

Oh Lawdy! I guess you won't be voting republican? Let's see. I served my country for 22 years, been wounded in the service of same. Graduated from College, retired from Another career AFTER the Army, raised two College educated children. Both are married and have given my Wife and I three beautiful Grandchildren. My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for well over thirty years. We own 260 acres with horses, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. I have a beautiful view of the mountains every day and am in zero debt.

I'm proof that a black man can "make it" in this country IN SPITE of you liberal Nazis who would have preferred that I live on the "gubmit" dole. Yet, because I have opinions that differ from your shallow way of thinking I am what's wrong with this country.

Three words for you Nazi - Go To Hell.

God bless you Randall Flagg.....I have two neighbors who are close to your success. They carry themselves with respect for neighbors I ever had.
Democrats rarely if ever hold there own accountable same with Republicans that's why we are in the mess we are in.

Not totally true. Nixon left because Republicans held him accountable.

Cantor has been ousted because he was held accountable.

The democrats point to Republican infighting as a sign of weakness. Which is true I guess when you look at the lock step democrat party. I look at the infighting as good at least they are not like democrats are in lock step on the wrong side of every problem.

The Tea Party, is there anything like it on the democrat side? A party within a party willing to take on the leaders? I sure don't see anything like them in the democrat party. And that is why they get attacked by both sides. And what in reality is their message? Government accountability and financial responsibility and to that the establishment has a problem. Go figure.
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Looks like a whole bunch of lefty Ostriches have their heads stuck in the sand. Hiding from the truth? We can still see you, and make no mistake, Barry's hateful, attack on the citizens of America will affect all you poor, easily manipulated lefties just as much as it will those of us in/on the right

The cancer currently occupying the People's house is spreading at an alarming rate and can only be neutralized by immediate impeachment proceedings...followed by prolonged imprisonment in a facility
teeming with the most vicious and dangerous scum of the earth.

That is not sand.

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