Liberals on this board blame Obama for nothing

Maybe Republicans should try helping to fix Bush's mess instead of just bashing Obama for not being able to single-handedly fix Bush's god-damned mess?


Except it's not Bush's mess. The President has been in charge for the last 6 years. it's his baby. The buck stops with him no matter how much you want to pretend it's all someone elses fault.

You gotta love these Nazis. Barry has been on the throne now for 6 years and STILL won't take responsibility for a damned thing.

Just finished watching the season finale of "Game of thrones" and I can't help but believe that THIS is what should happen to this "boy King"

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The republicans simply do not understand. Democrats don't really support Obama. We just sort of hired him to keep the desk occupied until the republicans actually nominate someone who is not completely clueless and hopeless. Unfortunately, we may have to hire Hillary next, for the same reason. I read this morning that one of the Duck Dynasty guys is going in to politics, so god knows who the republicans will nominate next. Come on, guys...Jindal is not bad enough? Ted Nugent, anyone?
The border is flooded with children due to what Obama put out they are saying he would not deport children. Liberal. Not his fault. The fence was not fixed prior to him being in office. Although he has been in office and has done nothing to fix it

Iraq.. Says this is Bush fault , Even though this is happening on his watch and if he would have kept some forces there this would have not happened.

Benghazi. Says its not Obama fault.. Blames Congress for not funding them more but the signs where there this would happen. Stevens begged for more security . Libs said about the funds but we had enough funds to buy new cars for other embassies in this same time frame

Fast And Furious .. Says Bush had the same thing under him but that is not true. Under Bushs Gun running they were actually tracked.. So this is not Obamas fault either..

This is a few examples...

SO LIBS .. How long does Obama have to be in office before he is accountable.. He is the President, Commander in Chief .. When is he to blame for the failures in the USA

Like I've said a thousand times - if this were a republican administration, the Nazis on the left would be screaming at the top of their little pussy lungs for their heads on pikes on Pennsylvania Avenue.

The border is flooded with children due to what Obama put out they are saying he would not deport children. Liberal. Not his fault. The fence was not fixed prior to him being in office. Although he has been in office and has done nothing to fix it

Iraq.. Says this is Bush fault , Even though this is happening on his watch and if he would have kept some forces there this would have not happened.

Benghazi. Says its not Obama fault.. Blames Congress for not funding them more but the signs where there this would happen. Stevens begged for more security . Libs said about the funds but we had enough funds to buy new cars for other embassies in this same time frame

Fast And Furious .. Says Bush had the same thing under him but that is not true. Under Bushs Gun running they were actually tracked.. So this is not Obamas fault either..

This is a few examples...

SO LIBS .. How long does Obama have to be in office before he is accountable.. He is the President, Commander in Chief .. When is he to blame for the failures in the USA

Bush got to do it his way for 6 years and his policies blew it. Obama never got to do it his way. The GOP held up progress every step of the way, even when we had the majority in all three houses.

Maybe we should have allowed a terrorist attack in the USA so we could have used that to create a crisis. This was the only way the GOP were going to be able to pass their radical agenda. Tax cuts for the rich, deregulations, sending jobs overseas, cutting spending on social programs like ss and medicare, change the bankruptsy laws to favor corporations and fuck pension holders.

You right wing middle class voters are just too easy to con. Suckers.

And despite the GOP obstruction Obama is still doing better than Bush. Bush turned Clinton's surplus into a deficit.

Notice right wingers never argue anymore CLINTON DIDN"T REALLY HAVE A DEFICIT? Because compared to Bush, he had a fucking surplus and you all know it. Bush ='s loser. Worst president ever. And Romney's no better. Neither is any other GOP Candidate. Name the candidate and tell me how he's different than Bush.
The republicans simply do not understand. Democrats don't really support Obama. We just sort of hired him to keep the desk occupied until the republicans actually nominate someone who is not completely clueless and hopeless. Unfortunately, we may have to hire Hillary next, for the same reason. I read this morning that one of the Duck Dynasty guys is going in to politics, so god knows who the republicans will nominate next. Come on, guys...Jindal is not bad enough? Ted Nugent, anyone?

So that's your story and you're sticking to it, right?

So, perhaps the democrats should plan on this?

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The border is flooded with children due to what Obama put out they are saying he would not deport children. Liberal. Not his fault. The fence was not fixed prior to him being in office. Although he has been in office and has done nothing to fix it

Iraq.. Says this is Bush fault , Even though this is happening on his watch and if he would have kept some forces there this would have not happened.

Benghazi. Says its not Obama fault.. Blames Congress for not funding them more but the signs where there this would happen. Stevens begged for more security . Libs said about the funds but we had enough funds to buy new cars for other embassies in this same time frame

Fast And Furious .. Says Bush had the same thing under him but that is not true. Under Bushs Gun running they were actually tracked.. So this is not Obamas fault either..

This is a few examples...

SO LIBS .. How long does Obama have to be in office before he is accountable.. He is the President, Commander in Chief .. When is he to blame for the failures in the USA

Bush got to do it his way for 6 years and his policies blew it. Obama never got to do it his way. The GOP held up progress every step of the way, even when we had the majority in all three houses.

Maybe we should have allowed a terrorist attack in the USA so we could have used that to create a crisis. This was the only way the GOP were going to be able to pass their radical agenda. Tax cuts for the rich, deregulations, sending jobs overseas, cutting spending on social programs like ss and medicare, change the bankruptsy laws to favor corporations and fuck pension holders.

You right wing middle class voters are just too easy to con. Suckers.

And despite the GOP obstruction Obama is still doing better than Bush. Bush turned Clinton's surplus into a deficit.

Notice right wingers never argue anymore CLINTON DIDN"T REALLY HAVE A DEFICIT? Because compared to Bush, he had a fucking surplus and you all know it. Bush ='s loser. Worst president ever. And Romney's no better. Neither is any other GOP Candidate. Name the candidate and tell me how he's different than Bush.

Is that a fact? Funny, I thought that it was Harry Reid who would not allow a single piece of legislation to come forward for a vote.....silly me.

Remember, Barry had BOTH houses of Congress. Remember OBarrycare getting shoved through without ONE republican vote? How's that working for you? :cuckoo:
The border is flooded with children due to what Obama put out they are saying he would not deport children. Liberal. Not his fault. The fence was not fixed prior to him being in office. Although he has been in office and has done nothing to fix it

Iraq.. Says this is Bush fault , Even though this is happening on his watch and if he would have kept some forces there this would have not happened.

Benghazi. Says its not Obama fault.. Blames Congress for not funding them more but the signs where there this would happen. Stevens begged for more security . Libs said about the funds but we had enough funds to buy new cars for other embassies in this same time frame

Fast And Furious .. Says Bush had the same thing under him but that is not true. Under Bushs Gun running they were actually tracked.. So this is not Obamas fault either..

This is a few examples...

SO LIBS .. How long does Obama have to be in office before he is accountable.. He is the President, Commander in Chief .. When is he to blame for the failures in the USA

Like I've said a thousand times - if this were a republican administration, the Nazis on the left would be screaming at the top of their little pussy lungs for their heads on pikes on Pennsylvania Avenue.


And if Ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry Christmas :lol:
Yeah, it's like Bush was never President, and he didn't start two endless, unwinnable wars over lies, and he didn't leave office with the worst financial meltdown since 1929.

After six years of the entire Republican party fighting Obama on every single trivial thing, you wonder why he hasn't been able to fix everything that Bush and the GOP fucked up?

The party of "personal responsibility" can't even admit that Bush lied to invade Iraq. Your only response is "Democrats said Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, too!" That doesn't change the fact that the Bush administration lied to the UN, the world, and the American people to invade Iraq. More Americans died in Iraq over 9/11, which Iraq was not involved with, than died in New York on 9/11. Trillions of dollars gone, added to the national debt, payable over centuries to whoever, tens of thousands of Iraqis tortured, maimed and burned, and the party of "personal responsibility" that started all of it over lies will never admit it and accept blame.

Afghanistan was not a "choice" on baby Bush's part; Iraq was. We should have finished neutralizing al Qaeda, instead the Bush boy wandered. I do blame Obama for following too many Bush era policies, no one forced him to do so.
The republicans simply do not understand. Democrats don't really support Obama. We just sort of hired him to keep the desk occupied until the republicans actually nominate someone who is not completely clueless and hopeless. Unfortunately, we may have to hire Hillary next, for the same reason. I read this morning that one of the Duck Dynasty guys is going in to politics, so god knows who the republicans will nominate next. Come on, guys...Jindal is not bad enough? Ted Nugent, anyone?

I admit I find something in Obama that reminds me of Br'er Rabbit
The OP has half of it right. The liberals on this board wont blame Obama for anything....and the conservatives on this board wont blame the GOP for anything.

If two people (or organizations) agree about EVERYTHING it means one of them isn't really thinking for themselves. In the case of USMB it's sad, but many posters don't actually think for themselves and are just parrots for the Republicans and Democrats. There's always exceptions of course....but they seem to be few on here at least.
I blame Obama for expanding the Patriot Act.

I blame Obama for expanding surveillance by the NSA on American citizens.

I blame Obama for trying to use a watered-down Republican plan for healthcare reform and then having a stupid shitty site to help implement that plan.

I blame Obama for maintaining the political status quo in the White House with lobbyists and sleazy spokespeople.

I blame Obama for kowtowing to Democrats and special interest groups too much.

I blame Obama for having underhanded Chiefs of staff.

I blame Obama for being a poor executive, and choosing mediocre cabinet members.

I blame Obama for not schmoozing enough as a politician with his fellow politicians like JFK or Reagan did.

I blame Obama for not being the transformative leader he campaigned as.

However all the things that you blame Obama for are not really issues that any President has the power, authority, or ability to change or influence. Some of them are simply the fault of obstructionist intransigent Republicans, and tea party extremists.
The OP has half of it right. The liberals on this board wont blame Obama for anything....and the conservatives on this board wont blame the GOP for anything.

If two people (or organizations) agree about EVERYTHING it means one of them isn't really thinking for themselves. In the case of USMB it's sad, but many posters don't actually think for themselves and are just parrots for the Republicans and Democrats. There's always exceptions of course....but they seem to be few on here at least.

This is where (at least in my case) you're full of crap. I DESPISED Bush. Most worthless "president" the republicans have ever put forward. Still not as incompetent as the fool we are saddled with now - but stupid none the less. He allowed a Congress (controlled by democrats the last two years of his presidency) to drive our economy off a cliff (Thanks Bwany Fwank and Chris Dodd)

He allowed Wall street to run wild and he bowed to democrats, rather than tell them to go to hell.

See how easy it is? Bush sucked - Barry sucks worse. If this is the "best" this country has to offer - we are done.

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