Liberals Seize On Trump's Not Paying Taxes But Now Revealed Hillary Claimed Loss Too.

People, please. I should have just copy and pasted it from the last two threads on this.
Hillary Clinton paid 30+% in federal taxes last year, the tune of over $3,000,000. (That's three million dollars, for those who need help with big numbers.)
Exactly so. And that's why details of both "losses" would be illuminating. We are looking at means testing social security and medicare, and limiting COLAs. I'd be nice to see how our "leaders" lead.
You think presidents write all those laws?
People, please. I should have just copy and pasted it from the last two threads on this.
Hillary Clinton paid 30+% in federal taxes last year, the tune of over $3,000,000. (That's three million dollars, for those who need help with big numbers.)
Exactly so. And that's why details of both "losses" would be illuminating. We are looking at means testing social security and medicare, and limiting COLAs. I'd be nice to see how our "leaders" lead.

So Hillary paid taxes and The Donald didn't.

I think what's more interesting is that he lost 9 million dollars running business' into the ground. That means a lot of lost jobs, unpaid bills etc.

That's the man they want in charge of the US budget....
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

He never claimed he paid no income tax for 18 years
Shillary mentioned 2 and only 2 years from 40 years ago in the debate and that's when he said "That makes me smart"

And FYI that democrat only stole 2 or 3 pages from a tax return that was most likely hundreds of pages long so using that woefully incomplete data to make a statement that Trump paid no taxes for 18 years is disingenuous at best

Whoa slow down with the Excuses.

He claimed he was smart for skipping on taxes. And he's so smart that immediately after he claimed he never said it.

So your excuse is he didnt say that and you need more papers but no denial? No one is denying it, just like you just couldnt.

I am really curious about who think Donald Trump was 'smart' because good accountants and lawyers found legal ways for him to not pay taxes?

If that is a measure of being 'smart' then there are lots of people who went broke last year who are as smart as Trump.
How much did Clinton pay in taxes in 2015? About $3,000,000.

How much did Trump pay in taxes in 2015? We have no idea.
Exactly! Could have been even more. But how many people did Hillary provide income for? Go ahead and look it up, I'll wait.

So Hillary approached taxes in the same way as did Mr. Trump!


She's not as stupid as she looks!
How much did Clinton pay in taxes in 2015? About $3,000,000.

How much did Trump pay in taxes in 2015? We have no idea.
Exactly! Could have been even more. But how many people did Hillary provide income for? Go ahead and look it up, I'll wait.

So how come you aren't calling for him to release his taxes?

So Hillary approached taxes in the same way as did Mr. Trump!


She's not as stupid as she looks!

I thought there was something wrong with that? Where did your outrage go?

Oh, you are a hypocrite...

Trump has paid way more taxes than Hillary... it was just one year...
People, please. I should have just copy and pasted it from the last two threads on this.
Hillary Clinton paid 30+% in federal taxes last year, the tune of over $3,000,000. (That's three million dollars, for those who need help with big numbers.)
Exactly so. And that's why details of both "losses" would be illuminating. We are looking at means testing social security and medicare, and limiting COLAs. I'd be nice to see how our "leaders" lead.

So Hillary paid taxes and The Donald didn't.

I think what's more interesting is that he lost 9 million dollars running business' into the ground. That means a lot of lost jobs, unpaid bills etc.

That's the man they want in charge of the US budget....

Not a 9 million dollar loss- a 916 million dollar loss.

A few million here, a few million there- after awhile it adds up to real money......
How much did Clinton pay in taxes in 2015? About $3,000,000.

How much did Trump pay in taxes in 2015? We have no idea.
Exactly! Could have been even more. But how many people did Hillary provide income for? Go ahead and look it up, I'll wait.

So how come you aren't calling for him to release his taxes?
He said he's under audit and would be a fool if he did. Ask ten accounts and you'll get eleven answers. Do you suppose libs would give him any benefit of doubt?
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!
no, what's funny is that you make that claim without proof. wow.
So Hillary paid taxes and The Donald didn't.

Yeah we know Hillary paid taxes because she showed Americans her tax returns- all of them.

We only know that Donald didn't pay taxes in 1995- because Donald is fighting to prevent us from seeing his tax returns.

We can only guess how many other years Donald Trump didn't pay taxes in- but we know Donald didn't pay taxes in 1995.
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

Well, Obama's IRS has audited him nearly every year. Have they charged Trump with tax evasion or anything?
I looked it up once and linked to it here on the USMB. If you are audited and nothing wrong is found, you will be skipped for a certain number of years. That's IRS policy. If Trump is audited every year, it's because of something they found every year.
How much did Clinton pay in taxes in 2015? About $3,000,000.

How much did Trump pay in taxes in 2015? We have no idea.
Exactly! Could have been even more. But how many people did Hillary provide income for? Go ahead and look it up, I'll wait.

So how come you aren't calling for him to release his taxes?
He said he's under audit and would be a fool if he did. Ask ten accounts and you'll get eleven answers. Do you suppose libs would give him any benefit of doubt?

Tricky Dick showed voters his tax returns while he was under audit.
Every other Presidential candidate has for decades.
Why won't Tricky Trump?

What doesn't he want voters to see?

(look at the 1995 Tax return)
With the clinton loss that they wrote off, the clintons still paid 34.5% in federal income taxes for 2015 and another 9% in State income taxes totaling 43.5% in income taxes plus their local property taxes and state sales taxes.
How much did Clinton pay in taxes in 2015? About $3,000,000.

How much did Trump pay in taxes in 2015? We have no idea.
Exactly! Could have been even more. But how many people did Hillary provide income for? Go ahead and look it up, I'll wait.

So how come you aren't calling for him to release his taxes?
He said he's under audit and would be a fool if he did. Ask ten accounts and you'll get eleven answers. Do you suppose libs would give him any benefit of doubt?

You didn't answer the question. Just provided excuses.
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

He never claimed he paid no income tax for 18 years
Shillary mentioned 2 and only 2 years from 40 years ago in the debate and that's when he said "That makes me smart"

And FYI that democrat only stole 2 or 3 pages from a tax return that was most likely hundreds of pages long so using that woefully incomplete data to make a statement that Trump paid no taxes for 18 years is disingenuous at best

Whoa slow down with the Excuses.

He claimed he was smart for skipping on taxes. And he's so smart that immediately after he claimed he never said it.

So your excuse is he didnt say that and you need more papers but no denial? No one is denying it, just like you just couldnt.
he followed the law, would he be out of jail if he didn't? Seems that makes him smart. I don't know, jail, no jail, playing it smart got him no jail and president.
And if the only thing Republicans can say is that it was legal then...

People, please. I should have just copy and pasted it from the last two threads on this.
Hillary Clinton paid 30+% in federal taxes last year, the tune of over $3,000,000. (That's three million dollars, for those who need help with big numbers.)
Exactly so. And that's why details of both "losses" would be illuminating. We are looking at means testing social security and medicare, and limiting COLAs. I'd be nice to see how our "leaders" lead.

So Hillary paid taxes and The Donald didn't.

I think what's more interesting is that he lost 9 million dollars running business' into the ground. That means a lot of lost jobs, unpaid bills etc.

That's the man they want in charge of the US budget....

Not a 9 million dollar loss- a 916 million dollar loss.

A few million here, a few million there- after awhile it adds up to real money......

They both have the number 9!!!

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