Liberals Seize On Trump's Not Paying Taxes But Now Revealed Hillary Claimed Loss Too.

So Hillary paid taxes and The Donald didn't.

I think what's more interesting is that he lost 9 million dollars running business' into the ground. That means a lot of lost jobs, unpaid bills etc.

That's the man they want in charge of the US budget....

Not a 9 million dollar loss- a 916 million dollar loss.

A few million here, a few million there- after awhile it adds up to real money......

They both have the number 9!!!
Lennon (-:
number 9 was McCartney, sorry. learn some beatles history
for fucks sake

Revolution 9 (song)
With the clinton loss that they wrote off, the clintons still paid 34.5% in federal income taxes for 2015 and another 9% in State income taxes totaling 43.5% in income taxes plus their local property taxes and state sales taxes.
so you have no idea what Trump did or did not pay on anything and he doesn't care to share that info with you for this very reason I'm sure. It's still 9,000,000 she didn't pay any taxes on right?

You really don't think Trump pays real estate, property, sales tax? Really, are you that naive?
We'll see if he does when he releases the past 10 years tax returns....until then, i'd have to believe he found loopholes to get him out of paying those too!
so carrying losses forward is loopholes to you? Really? I thought they were tax laws. hmmm . And there is no loophole to get out of paying property taxes. How many properties you think the guy might have? Casinos? Hotels? Restaurants? you think he doesn't pay property tax? dude you're naive.
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With the clinton loss that they wrote off, the clintons still paid 34.5% in federal income taxes for 2015 and another 9% in State income taxes totaling 43.5% in income taxes plus their local property taxes and state sales taxes.
so you have no idea what Trump did or did not pay on anything and he doesn't care to share that info with you for this very reason I'm sure. It's still 9,000,000 she didn't pay any taxes on right?

You really don't think Trump pays real estate, property, sales tax? Really, are you that naive?
We'll see if he does when he releases the past 10 years tax returns....until then, i'd have to believe he found loopholes to get him out of paying those too!
They are not loopholes. That's how it works regardless of left, right, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc.
LOL with these dopes. all day yesterday comments that he avoided paying. Even chuck todd knows nothing about the tax laws and how one can use losses in their returns. It's like a new idea Trump invented. right?
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Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

Well, Obama's IRS has audited him nearly every year. Have they charged Trump with tax evasion or anything?

Sorry, Trump told you the IRS audits him every year without proof. So I dont play along with his bullshit

It's really immaterial. What matters is the fact that all you Liberals have been giving Trump hell for two days now and even Hillary harped on his not contributing and now it is revealed that she is guilty of the same damn thing.
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


Hmmmm how do you know this?

Oh right- Clinton has released all of her tax returns.

How much did Clinton pay in taxes in 2015? About $3,000,000.

How much did Trump pay in taxes in 2015? We have no idea.

Is he hiding his tax returns because he doesn't want you to know he paid no taxes?

That's right. She got caught claiming Trump did something illegal when she did the same damn thing.
Not a 9 million dollar loss- a 916 million dollar loss.

A few million here, a few million there- after awhile it adds up to real money......

They both have the number 9!!!
Lennon (-:
number 9 was McCartney, sorry. learn some beatles history
for fucks sake

Revolution 9 (song)
oh my gawd, ahhhem, so you've never heard about spinning the record backward and number 9?

Well here, fk I fking stupid like you. you make have to waste my time on trvial things rather than just getting the joke.

Revolution 9 by The Beatles Songfacts

"This helped fuel the "Paul is dead" rumors. If played backwards, you were supposed to hear the car crash where Paul died, and a voice saying "Turn me on, dead man." Also, playing the line, "I'm not in the mood for wearing clothing" in reverse eventually becomes a rather odd but clear reversal, "There were two, there are none now." This is referencing the rumor that Paul McCartney died in a car with "Lovely Rita" and that the 2 were burned away after the wreck."

the number 9, is the number of letters in McCartney's name. It was part of the paul dead thingy. fk.
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


So the Scumbag NY Times, Hillary's tabloid hack paper avoided taxes, Deplorable Hillary avoided taxes, but Trump is BAD!!!!


Fucking Communist hypocrites.....
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

Well, Obama's IRS has audited him nearly every year. Have they charged Trump with tax evasion or anything?

Sorry, Trump told you the IRS audits him every year without proof. So I dont play along with his bullshit

It's really immaterial. What matters is the fact that all you Liberals have been giving Trump hell for two days now and even Hillary harped on his not contributing and now it is revealed that she is guilty of the same damn thing.

Hmmm Trump paid no taxes and is trying to keep his tax returns secret.

Clinton did pay taxes and we can see all of her tax returns.

Nope- you Trumpsters are just like Trump- when the facts show you are crapping your pants- just tell everyone that its the guy next to you.
so now everyone out there that use losses to get out of paying more taxes, you're really avoiding to pay. shame on all of us.
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


So the Scumbag NY Times, Hillary's tabloid hack paper avoided taxes, Deplorable Hillary avoided taxes, but Trump is BAD!!!!


Fucking Communist hypocrites.....
Trump: paid no taxes- hides his tax returns
Clinton: paid taxes- show us her tax returns.

Fucking Fascist hypocrites.
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

Well, Obama's IRS has audited him nearly every year. Have they charged Trump with tax evasion or anything?

Sorry, Trump told you the IRS audits him every year without proof. So I dont play along with his bullshit

It's really immaterial. What matters is the fact that all you Liberals have been giving Trump hell for two days now and even Hillary harped on his not contributing and now it is revealed that she is guilty of the same damn thing.

Hmmm Trump paid no taxes and is trying to keep his tax returns secret.

Clinton did pay taxes and we can see all of her tax returns.

Nope- you Trumpsters are just like Trump- when the facts show you are crapping your pants- just tell everyone that its the guy next to you.

From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

No, HE is NOT claiming it, the sleazy leftist tabloid, the NY Times is claiming it - and the Times is lying since a loss is only able to be used for 7 years.

Now it turns out Crooked Hillary did the same thing, but that's different, because, uh, um, OBAMA AKBAR!


  • upload_2016-10-3_14-12-5.jpeg
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Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


So the Scumbag NY Times, Hillary's tabloid hack paper avoided taxes, Deplorable Hillary avoided taxes, but Trump is BAD!!!!


Fucking Communist hypocrites.....
Trump: paid no taxes- hides his tax returns
Clinton: paid taxes- show us her tax returns.

Fucking Fascist hypocrites.
how do you know he didn't? again, you don't think he pays for all of his property taxes? why isn't he in jail then? you have no idea what taxes he's paid and it isn't any of your business. he uses tax laws and I for one can now see why he doesn't produce them. what a fking bunch of libturd stoops you all are.

From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

No, HE is NOT claiming it, the sleazy leftist tabloid, the NY Times is claiming it - and the Times is lying since a loss is only able to be used for 7 years.

Now it turns out Crooked Hillary did the same thing, but that's different, because, uh, um, OBAMA AKBAR!
so she didn't pay on 9 mil. zip, no taxes.
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Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!
BTW, I'm laughing at your insanity.
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


So the Scumbag NY Times, Hillary's tabloid hack paper avoided taxes, Deplorable Hillary avoided taxes, but Trump is BAD!!!!


Fucking Communist hypocrites.....
Trump: paid no taxes- hides his tax returns
Clinton: paid taxes- show us her tax returns.

Fucking Fascist hypocrites.
how do you know he didn't? again, you don't think he pays for all of his property taxes? why isn't he in jail then? you have no idea what taxes he's paid and it isn't any of your business. he uses tax laws and I for one can now see why he doesn't produce them. what a fking bunch of libturd stoops you all are.

Oh was I too general for you?

I know that Donald Trump didn't pay any income tax in 1995- I don't know more than that because he refuses to show voters his tax returns- which makes Tricky Trump even less transparent than Tricky Dick.

As voter, it is my business, as much as any information is.

If you don't care- then don't care.

From the everything is like everything else file.

This guy is claiming that paying NO Income taxes for 18 years is just like losing money one year! SAME THING they yell. SAME THING!

No, HE is NOT claiming it, the sleazy leftist tabloid, the NY Times is claiming it - and the Times is lying since a loss is only able to be used for 7 years.

Now it turns out Crooked Hillary did the same thing, but that's different, because, uh, um, OBAMA AKBAR!
so she didn't pay on 9 mil. zip, no taxes.

Actually she did.

We know this because Clinton showed us all of her tax returns.

Trump doesn't want us to know what taxes he paid- or didn't pay.
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.

Sorry my friend, but you are lying. In 2015 Hillary paid a tax rate of over 30% on her income. There was no loss
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.


So the Scumbag NY Times, Hillary's tabloid hack paper avoided taxes, Deplorable Hillary avoided taxes, but Trump is BAD!!!!


Fucking Communist hypocrites.....
Trump: paid no taxes- hides his tax returns
Clinton: paid taxes- show us her tax returns.

Fucking Fascist hypocrites.
how do you know he didn't? again, you don't think he pays for all of his property taxes? why isn't he in jail then? you have no idea what taxes he's paid and it isn't any of your business. he uses tax laws and I for one can now see why he doesn't produce them. what a fking bunch of libturd stoops you all are.

Oh was I too general for you?

I know that Donald Trump didn't pay any income tax in 1995- I don't know more than that because he refuses to show voters his tax returns- which makes Tricky Trump even less transparent than Tricky Dick.

As voter, it is my business, as much as any information is.

If you don't care- then don't care.

Actually I really don't. I can't make sense of my own taxes and I don't have nearly the return Trump has. If the IRS is satisfied I certainly am.

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