Liberals Seize On Trump's Not Paying Taxes But Now Revealed Hillary Claimed Loss Too.

Seems, since we know how corrupt, and left wing controlled the IRS is, looking at Lois Lerner, it makes sense that THEY gave Trump's returns to a left wing paper...the conspiracies just continue to mount with the Fascist Democrats
does anyone think that Trump is the one who sent his 1995 tax returns from 3 States? could he have wanted this to leak so it could be discussed, debated inside out, before he actually releases his recent returns so to ease the shock of him paying no or very little, taxes?

If not Trump, someone, who knew he had filed tax returns in 3 States in 1995, found those 3 specific returns to give the full picture for Donald's 1995 income taxes? Why did the person pick the year 1995 that he took the near billion dollar loss? How did a thief know that this specific year of his tax returns would be the one, and most important year of past tax returns that we could ever receive...the year he took that HUGE loss?

It's a real insider insider, or Trump himself who released them and strategically gave them to the times.....if the public's reaction was bad and the Donald couldn't dance his way out of a negative reaction then he could claim theft or partisanship or the media is crooked or these are not his returns etc etc etc because it came from the NYT

So he holds on all summer when people following the news are slow and the Friday before Labor day when bad news is typically released because everyone's headed out of town and one month before he's going to be past the election decides crap, I'm not going to get past this so I'm going to release the worst year now.

The world really does just spin Democrat for you people
By the way.....Trump, as a business owner, has paid 10's of millions of dollars in payroll taxes over the years.

Is it that Hillary is not aware of something called "payroll taxes" when she claimed he does not pay taxes to support our troops and cops...or does she assume the American voter is too naïve to know any better.
The lower income 47% who don't pay income taxes do pay payroll taxes too, and they pay sales taxes and property taxes etc....yet you all just bashed them to no end.... in other words, you don't know what payroll taxes are.

Payroll taxes are taxes paid by the employer and is directly related to the amount of taxes deducted from an employees paycheck. But it does not come from the employees paycheck. It is an additional payroll liability to the employer.

As it pertains to federal...the employer "tax matches" what the employee pays in federal taxes....


If that employee gets a about 47% of them...the employer does not.

Are you not aware of employer tax matching payroll taxes?
By the way.....Trump, as a business owner, has paid 10's of millions of dollars in payroll taxes over the years.

Is it that Hillary is not aware of something called "payroll taxes" when she claimed he does not pay taxes to support our troops and cops...or does she assume the American voter is too naïve to know any better.
The lower income 47% who don't pay income taxes do pay payroll taxes too, and they pay sales taxes and property taxes etc....yet you all just bashed them to no end....

You're the one who keeps saying Trump doesn't pay taxes, so you recant your crap now?
The lower income 47% do NOT pay payroll taxes. They have federal income tax deducted from their paychecks and then get a refund for that amount the following quarter.

An employee does not pay payroll tax. They have income tax deducted from their paycheck.

I suggest you learn about things before you debate them.
By the way.....Trump, as a business owner, has paid 10's of millions of dollars in payroll taxes over the years.

Is it that Hillary is not aware of something called "payroll taxes" when she claimed he does not pay taxes to support our troops and cops...or does she assume the American voter is too naïve to know any better.
The lower income 47% who don't pay income taxes do pay payroll taxes too, and they pay sales taxes and property taxes etc....yet you all just bashed them to no end....

You're the one who keeps saying Trump doesn't pay taxes, so you recant your crap now?
ahemmm...we are talking about the IRS Tax returns of Trump are we not? What gets paid by filing your federal income taxes? duh...Federal INCOME TAXES....we are talking about federal income taxes my dear....and the 47% that you all claimed paid "no taxes" and said everyone should pay some towards taxes, is INCOME TAXES....that has always been what the rightwing has talked about, the 47% that they demeaned, they demeaned them for not paying any INCOME TAXES, these people still paid property, payroll taxes, sales, local, cigarette, gasoline taxes....but you all felt that these 47%, the lowest income earners in America, MUST CONTRIBUTE and should HAVE TO pay federal income taxes....

By the way.....Trump, as a business owner, has paid 10's of millions of dollars in payroll taxes over the years.

Is it that Hillary is not aware of something called "payroll taxes" when she claimed he does not pay taxes to support our troops and cops...or does she assume the American voter is too naïve to know any better.
The lower income 47% who don't pay income taxes do pay payroll taxes too, and they pay sales taxes and property taxes etc....yet you all just bashed them to no end....

You're the one who keeps saying Trump doesn't pay taxes, so you recant your crap now?
ahemmm...we are talking about the IRS Tax returns of Trump are we not? What gets paid by filing your federal income taxes? duh...Federal INCOME TAXES....we are talking about federal income taxes my dear....and the 47% that you all claimed paid "no taxes" and said everyone should pay some towards taxes, is INCOME TAXES....that has always been what the rightwing has talked about, the 47% that they demeaned, they demeaned them for not paying any INCOME TAXES, these people still paid property, payroll taxes, sales, local, cigarette, gasoline taxes....but you all felt that these 47%, the lowest income earners in America, MUST CONTRIBUTE and should HAVE TO pay federal income taxes....

they do not pay payroll taxes.

Grow up and learn something.
By the way.....Trump, as a business owner, has paid 10's of millions of dollars in payroll taxes over the years.

Is it that Hillary is not aware of something called "payroll taxes" when she claimed he does not pay taxes to support our troops and cops...or does she assume the American voter is too naïve to know any better.
The lower income 47% who don't pay income taxes do pay payroll taxes too, and they pay sales taxes and property taxes etc....yet you all just bashed them to no end....

You're the one who keeps saying Trump doesn't pay taxes, so you recant your crap now?
ahemmm...we are talking about the IRS Tax returns of Trump are we not? What gets paid by filing your federal income taxes? duh...Federal INCOME TAXES....we are talking about federal income taxes my dear....and the 47% that you all claimed paid "no taxes" and said everyone should pay some towards taxes, is INCOME TAXES....that has always been what the rightwing has talked about, the 47% that they demeaned, they demeaned them for not paying any INCOME TAXES, these people still paid property, payroll taxes, sales, local, cigarette, gasoline taxes....but you all felt that these 47%, the lowest income earners in America, MUST CONTRIBUTE and should HAVE TO pay federal income taxes....


You buy a share of stock for $50 and sell it for $60 and you only pay taxes on $10 while you demand Trump pay taxes on the whole $60. You're HYPOCRITES TO THE NTH DEGREE
Yes my little smug Liberal friiends. What say you now? Hillary claimed a $700K loss on her own taxe return in 2015. She can use the tax advantage but Trump cannot? LOL!! Hillary also seemed to have mysteriously lost $6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer miney while she was screwing up the Middle East and getting an Ambassador murdered while serving as the most incompetent Secretary of State in our nation's history.





It never ends. She screams about the evil, crookedness of her opponent while using the exact same “loopholes”. And the media lets her get away with this. This story provides links and facts to prove the claim. But, we all know what the Shrillarybots will do about it.

Story @ Clinton Campaign Admits Hillary Used Same Tax Avoidance "Scheme" As Trump | Zero Hedge

People are angry at Trump because we believe he's paid no taxes for 20 years or more. Also he's been GIVEN MONEY, what was it? $800 million?

You leftists are angry that people are not angry with Trump and don't really give a damn about the "gotcha" that the tabloid printed.

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