Liberals should be strictly forbidden from government jobs

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And by "facts", you mean the really dumb propaganda that you were told to repeat.
The Obama / IRS scandal happened, Mammaries.

You know it. I know it. The American people know it. You can’t disinformation your way out of this one, sweetie.
Bwahahaha!! Nothing says “free markets” like demanding total government control, endless regulations, unending legislation, etc.
I believe I already mentioned how you just parrot whatever dumb propaganda TheParty orders you to repeat.

Has your propaganda ever worked on anyone outside of your cult?

No? Then why bother? Are cult brownie points really worth consigning your soul to Hell?

Needless to say, there isn’t a single person here who believes that you actually believe the propaganda you’re shoveling.

Notice how the courts all laugh at your stupid propaganda? Sucks to be you, loser. You can throw all the butthurt tantrums you want, and you will, but the courts don't care.

Don't fret too badly. Maybe DearLeader will be allowed conjugal visits, and you'll still be allowed to service him.
We see from this thread how you want all liberals purged from the government. Purges are usually associated with Stalin. You seem to be mixing Stalinism with Nazism, trying to form some sort of unholy hybrid that combines the worst of both.
So here’s the thing, Mammaries. We strip criminals of rights/privileges when they commit crimes.

Since the Democrats have embraced fascism in its purest form and continue to abuse power in government jobs (a crime), I’m merely advocating that we prevent crime.

It wouldn’t be necessary if you fascists weren’t weaponizing government 🤷‍♂️
Nobody proudly stand behind criminals. Why do you proudly lie?
Because you proudly stand behind the side that spent 5 years assaulting children, burning entire cities to the ground, overthrowing actual US governments and replacing them with “Autonomous Zones”, and more.

You’re a proud/devout Democrat. The side that did all of that and more. Gross.
Poor Mammaries is having another complete and total meltdown :lmao:
Notice how the courts all laugh at your stupid propaganda? Sucks to be you, loser. You can throw all the butthurt tantrums you want, and you will, but the courts don't care.
Who is going to tell her that no court has ever “laughed” at me (I’ve never been to court 🤷‍♂️ )
Time and time again, Democrats have proven they are unfit to hold any job of power/authority/influence. Sadly, a liberal believes “the ends justifies the means” so they refuse to operate within the law, restrain themselves, or respect limitations of power.

First we learned that F.B.I. Agents Peter Strzok & Lisa Page were caught in texts discussing how they would “stop” We the People from electing our own representatives. And now we’ve learned that piece of shit F.B.I. Agent Timothy Thibault conspired to conceal the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell.

The level of corruption by liberals in government jobs is outrageous and a very serious threat to our republic.
"But don't call me a fascist"


Liberals should be strictly forbidden from government jobs​

I agree

Now tell me, how are you going to enforce that? :eusa_think:
And as I stated originally, how many more cases weren’t prosecuted due to lack of evidence and how many were never caught?

In other words, way more than enough to alter the outcome of nearly any election.
You are purely speculating right now. Either way, any cases possibly left unchecked would not nearly be enough to change the outcome of ANY election. That’s right. Biden is your president lol
Who is going to tell her that no court has ever “laughed” at me (I’ve never been to court 🤷‍♂️ )
Abandoning your OP so soon? I guess it really was that stupid.

Your OP was about how Democrats are all so meeeeeeeeaaaaaaaan to DearLeader. Funny how the courts always laugh at such claims.

That's when your side even presents your conpsiracy babbling to a court, which they so rarely do. They know they run the risk of getting tossed in jail for lying to the court if they do.

Your leaders spew idiot conspiracy swill for one reason - to keep weak-minded sheep like you hysterical, which keeps you obedient. So very, very obeident, just how you fascist masters want you to be.
(Needless to say, liberals, who embrace actual free markets, are not like the Nazis.)
Needless to say, nothing says “actual free markets” like the ISO setting a new merchant code for gun sales (LMAO!!)

Note how this originated with Democrats (Elizabeth Warren, Madeleine Dean, etc.). The same Democrats that Mammaries desperately wants you to believe are committed to “actual free markets”.

When asked to do that, Visa vehemently refused. So the captive market liberals (who fight 24x7 for a centrally planned economy by a totalitarian government) then turned to the ISO (ie outside of America) knowing Visa would then comply because they have to follow those standards.

Once again Mammaries, I just humiliated you with basic facts. Your disinformation doesn’t work in the era of the internet.
You are purely speculating right now. Either way, any cases possibly left unchecked would not nearly be enough to change the outcome of ANY election.
I just proved you wrong on that already :laugh:
That’s right. Biden is your president lol
I didn’t say shit about Biden. Fascinating that you went right there. Especially after 4 years of you and your fascist pals claims “Russia STOLE the election for Donald Trump”.
So here’s the thing, Mammaries. We strip criminals of rights/privileges when they commit crimes.
No, you don't. Shall I list all of the convicted criminals in the Trump admin whose rectums that you've been lovingly tonguing?

I should mention that the poor quality of your lies is insulting. Given how many years you've practiced, you have no excuses for sucking at it so badly.

Since the Democrats have embraced fascism in its purest form
You're not actually that stupid. You know you're lying.

So why do you lie?

1. The party told you to lie, and as a good authoritarian-follower, you always obey TheParty.

2. You hold a "The ends always jsutify the means, but only for my side" life philosophy. You think your lies are blessed by God, since they'll lead to your Christofascist utopia.

3. You get a sick pervy tingle up the leg when you lie to own the libs. Deviants like you literally get off on lying.
Needless to say, nothing says “actual free markets” like the ISO setting a new merchant code for gun sales (LMAO!!)
What does that idiot conspiracy have to do with anything? You need to understand that we can't make ourselves think like stupid people, so you have to explain why you're saying the stupid things that you say.

There's literally nothing like the propaganda faucet that you guzzle from on the liberal side. They isn't anyone on the liberal side hyping up the masses with weirdass propaganda stories about nothing. That's entirely a conservative thing. I couldn't find a source of idiot things to get outraged about if I tried.

Why? Because liberals see through the BS, and liberals aren't easily terrified, so no one bothers with propaganda.
The Hatch Act bans Party influence over Government Employees
Well then the FBI is FULL of little dirty "hatch-lings"...

And the Hatch Act works the other way around. Doesn't concern PARTIES exerting control over employees. Prohibits EMPLOYEES from participating in politics.

But hey. TWICE interfering in an election seems to be a new FBI focus campaign.
We cannot have Democrats holding government jobs.
FBI field office cooking the books to exaggerate the threat of domestic terrorism, and using an “overzealous” January 6 investigation to harass conservative Americans and violate their constitutional rights
They’ve become too extremist - embracing fascism in its purest form.
What does that idiot conspiracy have to do with anything?
Whenever Mammaries crosses paths with a fact that is inconvenient to her disinformation agenda, she cries “conspiracy” :laugh:

But the thing is, this can all be easily verified. Think about this - Visa even publicly released an official statement. And here Mammaries sits, desperately hoping to convince you that what actually happened, “didn’t” happen.
Nothing fascist about the New Republicans, nothing at all.

Vote them out ladies They want to strip everyone of their rights.
I don't understand.

Letting you decide, instead of having the government decide for you, is stripping you of your rights?

(scratches head)

Lefties are weird...
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