Liberals should be strictly forbidden from government jobs

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I’m glad you asked! Here is a database of voter fraud cases that were prosecuted (and remember - how many more instances aren’t prosecuted due to lack of evidence or are never even caught?).

The best part? You can independently verify each instance because there will be court docket records. So you can’t cry about the source here!
Lol I knew you were going to post this link. It’s just adorable. You may want to check the dates on this compilation. This a record of 1300 examples of voter fraud in every election level that goes back 40 YEARS. That’s right. 40 years. This 1300 examples that span 4 decades. Given that span of time, this actually just proves that voter fraud is statistically rare lol.
Does that mean that, while at work, a prosecutor can charge you with a crime for something you said to that secretary?
No, it means my company can fire me for saying “God Bless you” even though the 1st Amendment guarantees both freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Because I surrender my 1st Amendment rights the moment I step on their private property. I agree to their terms. If I don’t like it, I’m free to leave.
No, it means my company can fire me for saying “God Bless you” even though the 1st Amendment guarantees both freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Because I surrender my 1st Amendment rights the moment I step on their private property. I agree to their terms. If I don’t like it, I’m free to leave.
Lol again, this is shit you made up on the spot. The first amendment does not have this caveat.
Oh good - so you were already aware and as such, are now admitting you have been lying about voter fraud this entire time?

I salute you for your rare moment of honesty here :salute:
I mean you can ignore the rest of my post if you want but I’m still right. Sorry not sorry.
Got it, you're going full Goebbels on us. You're going all out with the BigLie, figuring that if you just repeat it often enough, it will become true.

I know. Sucks for you that you lie so badly, and everyone is laughing at you. There's a fix for that. Stop lying. But you can't, so are there any other alternate histories that you'd like to share with us? Don't be shy. We can use the laughs.
As usual, you’re losing your shit (not to mention your grip on reality) when faced with indisputable facts.

I sincerely hope there is someone who cares enough about you to get you the help you need.
Lol again, this is shit you made up on the spot. The first amendment does not have this caveat.
Exactly. The 1st Amendment does not have that caveat. Like I said, voluntarily surrender.

It’s kind of weird that you read it, repeat it correctly, but yet don’t even understand what you read.
I mean you can ignore the rest of my post if you want but I’m still right. Sorry not sorry.
Like the part where you said several thousand and then tried to declare this is “rare”?

Tell me something - if you were severely beaten several thousand times in your life (40 years), would you consider it “rare” that you are beaten? :laugh:

If you were fired from a job several thousand times in your life (40 years), would you consider it “rare” that you were fired? :laugh:
Nazi is short for National Socialists
According to your fuktard logic, North Korea is a democracy, because it's called the "People's Democratic Republic".

Even by Trump cult standards, you're a moron, and that's saying something. The Nazis were _not_ socialists, and it takes a special type of stupid to say they were. They were crony capitalists, just like Republicans. That's one of the many, many ways in which you emulate the Nazis.

(Needless to say, liberals, who embrace actual free markets, are not like the Nazis.)

Like the Democrats today, the Nazis believed in socialism, eugenics, gun control, propaganda, and total government control. Your exact platform. Oops.
We get it, little fascist cocksuck. TheParty tells you to project, so you project.

We see from this thread how you want all liberals purged from the government. Purges are usually associated with Stalin. You seem to be mixing Stalinism with Nazism, trying to form some sort of unholy hybrid that combines the worst of both.
Exactly. The 1st Amendment does not have that caveat. Like I said, voluntarily surrender.

It’s kind of weird that you read it, repeat it correctly, but yet don’t even understand what you read.
Lol dude, by this logic, you can make up any random rules you want. Take the 2nd amendment for instance. I can say that someone forfeits their 2nd amendment right when they fire a semi automatic rifle. This rule would be just as random. To be clear, I don’t even believe this to be true. Im just using your logic against you.
Like the part where you said several thousand and then tried to declare this is “rare”?

Tell me something - if you were severely beaten several thousand times in your life (40 years), would you consider it “rare” that you are beaten? :laugh:

If you were fired from a job several thousand times in your life (40 years), would you consider it “rare” that you were fired? :laugh:
Dude the amount was even lower than I remembered lol. It’s 1300. In 40 years. For any election type. Yeah dude that would make it statistically very rare. Certainly not nearly enough to change the outcome of an election.
Even by Trump cult standards, you're a moron, and that's saying something. The Nazis were _not_ socialists, and it takes a special type of stupid to say they were. They were crony capitalists, just like Republicans. That's one of the many, many ways in which you emulate the Nazis.
“Crony capitalism” is literally another way of saying “socialism” :lmao:
As usual, you’re losing your shit (not to mention your grip on reality) when faced with indisputable facts.
And by "facts", you mean the really dumb propaganda that you were told to repeat.

Snowflake, you do understand that your feelings do not represent reality, right?

And no, the prodigious volume of your fascist sore-loser bitch-tears doesn't change that.
Dude the amount was even lower than I remembered lol. It’s 1300. In 40 years. For any election type. Yeah dude that would make it statistically very rare. Certainly not nearly enough to change the outcome of an election.
That makes 0 sense. You’re operating off the assumption that 1 prosecution = 1 fraudulent vote.

Some people were prosecuted for hundreds of fraudulent votes. And some local elections are decided by single digits.

So more than enough to change the outcome of an election. Furthermore, you’re logic is so severely flawed. If it doesn’t change elections, they why are they doing it?? 🤦‍♂️
(Needless to say, liberals, who embrace actual free markets, are not like the Nazis.)
Bwahahaha!! Nothing says “free markets” like demanding total government control, endless regulations, unending legislation, etc.

Needless to say, there isn’t a single person here who believes that you actually believe the propaganda you’re shoveling. We all know that you know you’re pushing disinformation for an agenda.
That makes 0 sense. You’re operating off the assumption that 1 prosecution = 1 fraudulent vote.

Some people were prosecuted for hundreds of fraudulent votes. And some local elections are decided by single digits.

So more than enough to change the outcome of an election. Furthermore, you’re logic is so severely flawed. If it doesn’t change elections, they why are they doing it?? 🤦‍♂️
Lol hold on. 1 person was charged with 100s of counts? Are you sure you didn’t make that bullshit up right on the spot again? But okay, let’s pretend you’re right. How many people are guilty of this in that list? How many people were guilty of this in one election? Can you point these cases out for me? Where in this list should I be looking for these examples? Go ahead and do that. Prove me wrong.
Like the Democrats today, the Nazis believed in socialism, eugenics, gun control, propaganda, and total government control. Your exact platform. Oops.
We get it, little fascist cocksuck. TheParty tells you to project, so you project.
Oof! Mammaries is mad as a big girl. :laugh:

You know what’s interesting though sweetie? You didn’t even attempt to dispute anything I said. Because it is in fact, 100% accurate.

The Democrats platform is literally socialism, eugenics, gun control, propaganda, and total government control. Exactly like the Nazis. 🤷‍♂️
Dude the amount was even lower than I remembered lol. It’s 1300. In 40 years. For any election type. Yeah dude that would make it statistically very rare. Certainly not nearly enough to change the outcome of an election.
And as I stated originally, how many more cases weren’t prosecuted due to lack of evidence and how many were never caught?

In other words, way more than enough to alter the outcome of nearly any election.
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