Liberals should be strictly forbidden from government jobs

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The "unions" in the DOJ really don't have any power.....Truth be told none of the federal unions really do.
The thing is…..Federal Employees get fired if they strike
Kind of limits the clout of the union
Well considering 90% of abortions take place in the first trimester, I don’t really care about those particular FETUSES.
The Nazis (and by that I mean your beloved forefathers) also used that tactic. They tried to convince everyone the Jews weren’t “real people” just as you try to convince everyone it’s not “actually” a baby.

When a person is actively engaging in an atrocity, the first thing they have to do is attempt to dehumanize those they are victimizing.
After all, kids have a first amendment right.
Uh, no they don’t. If they did, I wouldn’t be able to stop my own children from saying what they want (and I can and do).

Children don’t have constitutional rights, my friend. It’s why they can’t vote.
But we see we don’t need those laws because voter fraud is statistically very rare, you whiny little bitch.
So now you admit he does and thus the infographic was accurate? :laugh:
Have you noticed you simpletons did not care about voter fraud prior to the GOP suddenly whining about it under Obama? The GOP told you to care so you blindly do lol
Are you ready for this? I’m not a Republican. Don’t follow them at all. Voter fraud is rampant, but the Dumbocrats Party told you it isn’t as a mindless minion, you obediently swallow whatever they spoon feed you.
Uh, no they don’t. If they did, I wouldn’t be able to stop my own children from saying what they want (and I can and do).

Children don’t have constitutional rights, my friend. It’s why they can’t vote.
That’s stupid of course they have the first amendment right. The first amendment simply says a person cannot be charged with a crime. An adult, like a child, is not free from consequences for their speech. You tell that hot new receptionist at your office that she has a nice ass. Your employer could then choose to fire you. That logic is no different than disciplining your kids. All this logic applies to the second amendment right.

Glad I could explain this all to you!
So now you admit he does and thus the infographic was accurate? :laugh:

Are you ready for this? I’m not a Republican. Don’t follow them at all. Voter fraud is rampant, but the Dumbocrats Party told you it isn’t as a mindless minion, you obediently swallow whatever they spoon feed you.
Oh no clearly that isn’t what I said. I’m just pointing how stupid the topic actually is.

The democrat party did not tell me this. Independent data tells me this. You want to prove me wrong? Show me the data.
That’s stupid of course they have the first amendment right.
If they had a 1st Amendment right, I would not be able to stop them from saying certain things.

It’s best you sit this one out as you’re humiliating yourself playing armchair attorney. Like, I’m embarrassed for you.
Your employer could then choose to fire you. That logic is no different than disciplining your kids. All this logic applies to the second amendment right.
Except that it’s completely different :lmao:

I voluntarily surrender my 1st Amendment rights when I enter my place of work. If I don’t like their rules, I’m free to leave.

That is not the case with my children :lmao:

Like I previously said, it’s best you sit this one out as you are absolutely humiliating yourself playing armchair attorney
The democrat party did not tell me this. Independent data tells me this. You want to prove me wrong? Show me the data.
I’m glad you asked! Here is a database of voter fraud cases that were prosecuted (and remember - how many more instances aren’t prosecuted due to lack of evidence or are never even caught?).

The best part? You can independently verify each instance because there will be court docket records. So you can’t cry about the source here!
Using political sounding names to identify groups to verify that the were not exceeding the political activity limit is all she did. What crime was she charged with?
Not true at all. But like all fascists, you’re committed to lying in order to cover up truth.

What actually happened is that Barack Obama instructed the IRS to postpone issuing tax status to conservative groups in order to suppress conservative efforts because Obama’s approval rating were fucking abysmal and he knew he was going to lose.

Once this story broke and they knew they were fucked, Lois Lerner’s hard drive magically “crashed” and was destroyed.

But here’s where it got really good: when they were asked for the backups of the hard drive, the Obama Administration said there were none (there were of course - but they destroyed that evidence like they did Lois Lerner’s hard drive). One problem though. Because Democrats are ignorant, they didn’t realize that backups of federal computers was federal law. So claiming there were no backups of was an admission of violating federal law. Oops.
The Nazis
The Nazis held your abortion policy, fascist filth. Banned abortions for desirables, forced abortions for undesireable, an d nobody got a choice.

In contrast, the pro-choice position is the exact opposite of the Nazi position. Every person gets a choice.

Is there any way at all in which you differ from the Nazis? That's a serious question, because I honestly can't see one. Across the board, you always take the position that emulates the Nazis.
Using political sounding names to identify groups to verify that the were not exceeding the political activity limit is all she did. What crime was she charged with?
Tell me, what “crime” was Adolf Hitler charged with?

Corrupt people in power don’t get charged with crimes, sweetie. They abuse their power to make sure of that. And nobody abused power like Obama.
The Nazis held your abortion policy, fascist filth.
Mammaries….shush sweetie. We’ve talked about this. Every time you post, you embarrass yourself.

The Nazis leveraged eugenics - just like Democrats do today.
Banned abortions for desirables, forced abortions for undesireable, an d nobody got a choice.
See why we talked about you not posting? It took you exactly one sentence to contradict yourself and prove you were lying in your opening sentence.
The Nazis held your abortion policy, fascist filth. Banned abortions for desirables, forced abortions for undesireable, an d nobody got a choice.

In contrast, the pro-choice position is the exact opposite of the Nazi position. Every person gets a choice.

Is there any way at all in which you differ from the Nazis? That's a serious question, because I honestly can't see one. Across the board, you always take the position that emulates the Nazis.
We aren't the ones forcing males into girl sports and bathrooms. Abortion is legal.
If they had a 1st Amendment right, I would not be able to stop them from saying certain things.

It’s best you sit this one out as you’re humiliating yourself playing armchair attorney. Like, I’m embarrassed for you.

Except that it’s completely different :lmao:

I voluntarily surrender my 1st Amendment rights when I enter my place of work. If I don’t like their rules, I’m free to leave.

That is not the case with my children :lmao:

Like I previously said, it’s best you sit this one out as you are absolutely humiliating yourself playing armchair attorney
Lol dude come on this is just stupid. You’re just making up your own rules on the spot. You surrender your 1st amendment rights huh? Does that mean that, while at work, a prosecutor can charge you with a crime for something you said to that secretary? I mean you surrendered your rights. Sure that legal reasoning isn’t in the constitution but neither is surrendering your rights when you enter your workplace lol.

So yeah, the logic applies to your kids. Your kids just can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Both adults and children are not free from consequences when it comes to their speech however. It just manifests itself in different ways. Also, when kids run away from their parents, regardless of the reason, they can’t be charged with a crime. That’s why you freely leaving the workplace doesn’t work as a justification.
What actually happened is that Barack Obama instructed the IRS to postpone issuing tax status to conservative groups in order to suppress conservative efforts because Obama’s approval rating were fucking abysmal and he knew he was going to lose.
Got it, you're going full Goebbels on us. You're going all out with the BigLie, figuring that if you just repeat it often enough, it will become true.

I know. Sucks for you that you lie so badly, and everyone is laughing at you. There's a fix for that. Stop lying. But you can't, so are there any other alternate histories that you'd like to share with us? Don't be shy. We can use the laughs.
Is there any way at all in which you differ from the Nazis? That's a serious question, because I honestly can't see one. Across the board, you always take the position that emulates the Nazis.
Nazi is short for National Socialists :lmao:

I feel so bad for you, Mammaries. I cannot imagine how embarrassing it must be to make the posts you make.

Like the Democrats today, the Nazis believed in socialism, eugenics, gun control, propaganda, and total government control. Your exact platform. Oops.
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