Liberals: Their Common Denominator


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Listening to my fav radio host, Dennis Prager, yesterday, and heard the sort of wisdom that brings me back time and again.

Prior to the Left's ascendancy, excellence was what mattered. Now, color and gender are more important.

1. Liberals profess all sorts of things, some absurd, some truly to be wished, some just plain insane.
But the thread that runs through so many of their dogma is melanin.

a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye in people and animals.

As a rule, given two individuals, the one Liberals support is the one in which melanin is more prominent.

2. "I Only Voted For Obama ‘Cause He’s Black. Now What?
Tasha whipped her hed so fast and said “What! I’m not ashamed to admit that. I think that’s why a lot of people came out.“
I Only Voted For Obama 'Cause He's Black. Now What? | The Huffington Post

3. Now tie that aberration to the desire of Liberalism.....starting with the French Revolution, wherein middle class values and traditions were deemed coin a term..."deplorable"...and you have stories like this:

"Gibsons’s Bakery has been the focus of attention in Lorain County for the latter part of last week after students from Oberlin College boycotted the store and claimed racial profiling had a play in the Wednesday arrest of a 19-year-old accused of shoplifting.

The protesters, mainly students from Oberlin College, alleged that racial profiling was to blame for the arrest of Jonathan Aladin, who was charged with robbery after he was accused of concealing two bottles of wine under his shirt.

According to a police report, Allyn Gibson, whose family owns Gibson’s Bakery, was attempting to detain Aladin while Gibson’s father, David Gibson, called the police. The report said Aladin ran outside the store and Allyn Gibson chased him and tried to grab him again."
Shoppers flock to Gibson's Bakery in Oberlin

4. "...the operators of a small-business bakery are under siege by vengeful students and administrators trying to crush them under the wheels of the race-baiters’ bandwagon. The true victim in this latest tale of political correctness run amok is Gibson’s Bakery —

Allyn Gibson attempted to stop the alleged thief, Jonathan Aladin, from leaving the store and tried to take a photo him as he bolted. Gibson got whacked in the face with his own phone. Aladin then reportedly ran while throwing the two bottles of wine on the floor, becoming “violent” and “grabbing and hitting Allyn.”

Aladin, who is black, became the new poster boy of institutional racism and oppression. Students organized protests and shrieked about “racial profiling,” claiming that the bakery had a history of discriminating against customers “of color.”

Convicted in the crazy Oberlin College court of public opinion, the school refused to renew its longstanding daily order of donuts and bagels. For a small business with razor-thin margins, losing that order could be devastating."
Read more at: A New Victim in the War on Small-Biz Bakeries

Seems another "Gentle Giant" story in the making.
Social Justice....the opposite of 'justice.'
The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they're all smarter than you are.

Good thing all the genius leftists are housed here cause if they were out in the wild, Hillary might have been President-)
The term liberal, does not mean democrats, or democratic party...Sorry, try another misuse of a word(s) to describe your troll attempts..
The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they're all smarter than you are.

You left out two words. The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they think they're all smarter than you are. I fixed it for you. You can thank me later.
Listening to my fav radio host, Dennis Prager, yesterday, and heard the sort of wisdom that brings me back time and again.

Prior to the Left's ascendancy, excellence was what mattered. Now, color and gender are more important.

1. Liberals profess all sorts of things, some absurd, some truly to be wished, some just plain insane.
But the thread that runs through so many of their dogma is melanin.

a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye in people and animals.

As a rule, given two individuals, the one Liberals support is the one in which melanin is more prominent.

2. "I Only Voted For Obama ‘Cause He’s Black. Now What?
Tasha whipped her hed so fast and said “What! I’m not ashamed to admit that. I think that’s why a lot of people came out.“
I Only Voted For Obama 'Cause He's Black. Now What? | The Huffington Post

3. Now tie that aberration to the desire of Liberalism.....starting with the French Revolution, wherein middle class values and traditions were deemed coin a term..."deplorable"...and you have stories like this:

"Gibsons’s Bakery has been the focus of attention in Lorain County for the latter part of last week after students from Oberlin College boycotted the store and claimed racial profiling had a play in the Wednesday arrest of a 19-year-old accused of shoplifting.

The protesters, mainly students from Oberlin College, alleged that racial profiling was to blame for the arrest of Jonathan Aladin, who was charged with robbery after he was accused of concealing two bottles of wine under his shirt.

According to a police report, Allyn Gibson, whose family owns Gibson’s Bakery, was attempting to detain Aladin while Gibson’s father, David Gibson, called the police. The report said Aladin ran outside the store and Allyn Gibson chased him and tried to grab him again."
Shoppers flock to Gibson's Bakery in Oberlin

4. "...the operators of a small-business bakery are under siege by vengeful students and administrators trying to crush them under the wheels of the race-baiters’ bandwagon. The true victim in this latest tale of political correctness run amok is Gibson’s Bakery —

Allyn Gibson attempted to stop the alleged thief, Jonathan Aladin, from leaving the store and tried to take a photo him as he bolted. Gibson got whacked in the face with his own phone. Aladin then reportedly ran while throwing the two bottles of wine on the floor, becoming “violent” and “grabbing and hitting Allyn.”

Aladin, who is black, became the new poster boy of institutional racism and oppression. Students organized protests and shrieked about “racial profiling,” claiming that the bakery had a history of discriminating against customers “of color.”

Convicted in the crazy Oberlin College court of public opinion, the school refused to renew its longstanding daily order of donuts and bagels. For a small business with razor-thin margins, losing that order could be devastating."
Read more at: A New Victim in the War on Small-Biz Bakeries

Seems another "Gentle Giant" story in the making.
Social Justice....the opposite of 'justice.'

You ought to take the introductory course in reading comprehension and writing. Concise does not ever enter into any of the threads you post (under the guise baffle them with bullshit - in this case the BS are premises you presume to be true but fail the test of reality.

"Prior to the Left's ascendancy, excellence was what mattered."

When was the "Left's ascendancy"? I can argue it was the civil rights movement, a time when being a WASP provided opportunity and your mentor's ideas seems to reject everything from the integration of the military to Brown v. the B of E to Affirmative Action (Consent Decrees) and allowing patriots who may be gay to serve our nation in both the civil service and the armed forces.

Now, color and gender are more important.

Now, color and gender are provided equal opportunity in the civilized and progressive regions of America. Of course we still have enclaves of bigots in every section of the United States, which explains the election of Trump.
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The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they're all smarter than you are.

You left out two words. The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they think they're all smarter than you are. I fixed it for you. You can thank me later.

USMB progressives are as stupid as stumps. Literally

The one-eyed man is king in the world of the blind. Are the keys on you keyboard raised by little dots, i.e. by braille?
Listening to my fav radio host, Dennis Prager, yesterday, and heard the sort of wisdom that brings me back time and again.

Prior to the Left's ascendancy, excellence was what mattered. Now, color and gender are more important.

1. Liberals profess all sorts of things, some absurd, some truly to be wished, some just plain insane.
But the thread that runs through so many of their dogma is melanin.

a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye in people and animals.

As a rule, given two individuals, the one Liberals support is the one in which melanin is more prominent.

2. "I Only Voted For Obama ‘Cause He’s Black. Now What?
Tasha whipped her hed so fast and said “What! I’m not ashamed to admit that. I think that’s why a lot of people came out.“
I Only Voted For Obama 'Cause He's Black. Now What? | The Huffington Post

3. Now tie that aberration to the desire of Liberalism.....starting with the French Revolution, wherein middle class values and traditions were deemed coin a term..."deplorable"...and you have stories like this:

"Gibsons’s Bakery has been the focus of attention in Lorain County for the latter part of last week after students from Oberlin College boycotted the store and claimed racial profiling had a play in the Wednesday arrest of a 19-year-old accused of shoplifting.

The protesters, mainly students from Oberlin College, alleged that racial profiling was to blame for the arrest of Jonathan Aladin, who was charged with robbery after he was accused of concealing two bottles of wine under his shirt.

According to a police report, Allyn Gibson, whose family owns Gibson’s Bakery, was attempting to detain Aladin while Gibson’s father, David Gibson, called the police. The report said Aladin ran outside the store and Allyn Gibson chased him and tried to grab him again."
Shoppers flock to Gibson's Bakery in Oberlin

4. "...the operators of a small-business bakery are under siege by vengeful students and administrators trying to crush them under the wheels of the race-baiters’ bandwagon. The true victim in this latest tale of political correctness run amok is Gibson’s Bakery —

Allyn Gibson attempted to stop the alleged thief, Jonathan Aladin, from leaving the store and tried to take a photo him as he bolted. Gibson got whacked in the face with his own phone. Aladin then reportedly ran while throwing the two bottles of wine on the floor, becoming “violent” and “grabbing and hitting Allyn.”

Aladin, who is black, became the new poster boy of institutional racism and oppression. Students organized protests and shrieked about “racial profiling,” claiming that the bakery had a history of discriminating against customers “of color.”

Convicted in the crazy Oberlin College court of public opinion, the school refused to renew its longstanding daily order of donuts and bagels. For a small business with razor-thin margins, losing that order could be devastating."
Read more at: A New Victim in the War on Small-Biz Bakeries

Seems another "Gentle Giant" story in the making.
Social Justice....the opposite of 'justice.'

You ought to take the introductory course in reading comprehension and writing. Concise does not ever enter into any of the threads you post (under the guise baffle them with bullshit - in this case the BS are premises you presume to be true but fail the test of reality.

"Prior to the Left's ascendancy, excellence was what mattered."

When was the "Left's ascendancy"? I can argue it was the civil rights movement, a time when being a WASP provided opportunity and your mentor's ideas seems to reject everything from the integration of the military to Brown v. the B of E to Affirmative Action (Consent Decrees) and allowing patriots who may be gay to serve our nation in both the civil service and the armed forces.

Now, color and gender are more important.

Now, color and gender are provided equal opportunity in the civilized and progressive regions of America. Of course we still have enclaves of bigots in every section of the United States, which explains the election of Trump. can't find anything in the OP to dispute?


You'll remain in the 'Confused and Liberal' column.
The term liberal, does not mean democrats, or democratic party...Sorry, try another misuse of a word(s) to describe your troll attempts..

The following terms are interchangeable...synonyms:

Liberal, socialist, Nazi, Communist, Fascist, and Progressive.

And, currently, Democrat.

See if you detect any difference any of those dogmas wish for in the outcomes for society.
The term liberal, does not mean democrats, or democratic party...Sorry, try another misuse of a word(s) to describe your troll attempts..

The following terms are interchangeable...synonyms:

Liberal, socialist, Nazi, Communist, Fascist, and Progressive.

And, currently, Democrat.

See if you detect any difference any of those dogmas wish for in the outcomes for society.
I bet you think all sub-files are files none the less..
The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they're all smarter than you are.

You left out two words. The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they think they're all smarter than you are. I fixed it for you. You can thank me later.
We are a little short of creme pies to smash in faces...

I generally use the term 'custard pie,' but it is heartening to see you learning from my posts.
The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they're all smarter than you are.

You left out two words. The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they think they're all smarter than you are. I fixed it for you. You can thank me later.

USMB progressives are as stupid as stumps. Literally
Ah yes, another misuse of words to pigeon hole people...

Don't be so ashamed to stand up for what you believe.
The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they're all smarter than you are.

You left out two words. The common denominator for all Liberals on USMB is that they think they're all smarter than you are. I fixed it for you. You can thank me later.

USMB progressives are as stupid as stumps. Literally
Ah yes, another misuse of words to pigeon hole people...

Don't be so ashamed to stand up for what you believe.
I believe you folks have not the slightest idea how to do anything else but paint with a broad brush, refusing to categorize the individual correctly...

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