liberals think America is a shithole. theyre racist against their own country

liberals think America is a shithole. theyre racist against their own country

They say as much at least a dozen times here every day that I read! They are just trying to follow their fearless leader Barry Hussein Barack bin Obama from Honolulu Connecticut, Kenya, just south of Chicago. The dope-smoking choom gangster who never held a job 'cept Social Organizer until they paid his way through college to be the first constitutional scholar who knows nothing of the Constitution before going straight into being a Senator just long enough to do nothing there just to run for and win the Presidency from a mental defective RINO and a skank bitch nobody wanted (including Bill) then or now.
President Trump never made the statements that he is accused of making.
What makes you say that? Because a pathological liar with 2000 plus lies said it?
Does it seem REASONABLE taking the word of that type of person?
When he said it Lindsey Graham immediately jumped all over him. A few other Dems also reported he said it.
The racist POS sent out two of his flunkies today to say,” I don’t recall if he said it.”
That’s like saying WE NEED TO BE LOYAL but we won’t commit we heard it on the grounds it would incriminate us.

Amazing you have the audacity to say that,Tipsy.
You’re not putting this genie back in the bottle.
The damage is already done
remind us who has been saying our country is "going to hell" and we need to make America "great again".


It was going to hell, but we have a real leader in the white house.

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A real leader? Lol
He’s refusing to go to the U.K. because he’s afraid people will be mean to him.
Does that sound like a real brave leader?
You idiots crack me up.
President Trump never made the statements that he is accused of making.
What makes you say that? Because a pathological liar with 2000 plus lies said it?
Does it seem REASONABLE taking the word of that type of person?
When he said it Lindsey Graham immediately jumped all over him. A few other Dems also reported he said it.
The racist POS sent out two of his flunkies today to say,” I don’t recall if he said it.”
That’s like saying WE NEED TO BE LOYAL but we won’t commit we heard it on the grounds it would incriminate us.

Amazing you have the audacity to say that,Tipsy.
You’re not putting this genie back in the bottle.
The damage is already done

Democrats reported that he said it because democrats don't want their careers destroyed because they "normalized" the president and worked with him on anything.

God willing, this is only the beginning and the next democrat president gets "resist" and a refusal to "normalize" the presidency.

Split this SHITHOLE wide open and flush the democrats down the sewer where they belong.
This is also my country, that doesn't mean we haven't made plenty of errors along the way, and its a fact that errors have been made by both major political party's. the last time I saw us this messed up was over Vietnam. we always are the losers, while we fight each other those with the power & money make the rules that serve them best.
It's just part of the game. Keep us divided and at each others throats. Think about it, no matter WHO is in charge nothing ever really changes. Why do you think that is? They've all got the "power" and the money and they don't care about the rest of us.
Couple that with them being controlled by higher powers and it all really does make sense.

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