Liberals Trying to Promote a Recession Ahead of 2020 Election

Liberals are trying to promote an economic downturn in hopes it will get them elected in 2020. They don’t care about the damage this will do to people’s lives, because liberals don’t care about people. They are so obsessed with removing President Trump from office that if they had a plan, but a million people had to die in order to accomplish this, they would be willing to do it. That’s how deranged they are. There are many indicators for the future of our economy. Nobody knows. It’s like picking the winner at a horse racing track. Inverted curve is not as strong an indicator as it once was.
Also, there is a plethora of economists out there saying the economy is fine. I would invest now. Be bold, and ignore the chickenshits. That’s how you can make $$$$$.
Caution is warranted but US 'should avoid a recession,' economists say
Yellow cation light clicks on every election year. Economy is fine.
Top Ten US Economic Indicators
Don’t see an “inverted curve” listed anywhere in the above link.. Gloom and doom talk is political ploy by Democrats.
Sorry, President Trump, But the Best Economy Was Eisenhower's
Trump is trying to move us into a position like we had under the glory days of Ike.
Sorry, President Trump, But the Best Economy Was Eisenhower's


They were right both times. Reagan was a criminal and now Republicans put another criminal in office.

Reagan was a criminal? :cuckoo:
We're just trying to scare Trump into increasing the national debt a couple more trillion in tax cuts. NaziCons should be thanking us.
Tax cuts are a good thing. Democrats upset that he didn’t push billions more into useless welfare programs and increase the Obama debt even more.

Tax cuts have a time and place to be most effective. Trump doesn't understand that fact. He artificially juiced the economy with massive tax cuts when it didn't need it. So, what's he gonna do now?

Trump doesn't have to do anything to avoid recession before 2020. The Fed has room to cut interest rates for another year or two. The Fed can cut rates from 2.5% to about 1% with no major concerns. Cutting below 1% might adversely affect US banks. Meanwhile Trump can bring back jobs and keep the US consumer buying goods. The US economy is about 60% consumer based, and no signs that the US consumers are consuming less. If Trump's tariffs work, the US might even sell more products overseas.
The chart below shows the interest rate the FED has. It has room to cut if needed, and with no inflation, no concerns. Worries about a recession are overblown.

View attachment 275197

If the Feds cut the rates to delay the recession...what is left to do when the recession hits? They have no bullets left in their gun
Show me on The Doll where Putin touched you.

What happened to Russia, Russia, Russia?
Find the picture with the white male Democrat. He would have a handful of the anatomically correct doll. He would come out of the room with lint on his lips.
The new narrative by Dem controlled media is that 75% of economists predict a recession by 2021. Don't Democrap idiots realize:
#1. The election is 2020.
#2. Never trust an economist.

Gawd.......Democrats have gone gazooks bananas.......:banana:.
We're just trying to scare Trump into increasing the national debt a couple more trillion in tax cuts. NaziCons should be thanking us.
Tax cuts are a good thing. Democrats upset that he didn’t push billions more into useless welfare programs and increase the Obama debt even more.

Tax cuts have a time and place to be most effective. Trump doesn't understand that fact. He artificially juiced the economy with massive tax cuts when it didn't need it. So, what's he gonna do now?

Trump doesn't have to do anything to avoid recession before 2020. The Fed has room to cut interest rates for another year or two. The Fed can cut rates from 2.5% to about 1% with no major concerns. Cutting below 1% might adversely affect US banks. Meanwhile Trump can bring back jobs and keep the US consumer buying goods. The US economy is about 60% consumer based, and no signs that the US consumers are consuming less. If Trump's tariffs work, the US might even sell more products overseas.
The chart below shows the interest rate the FED has. It has room to cut if needed, and with no inflation, no concerns. Worries about a recession are overblown.

View attachment 275197

If the Feds cut the rates to delay the recession...what is left to do when the recession hits? They have no bullets left in their gun
If the Fed cuts to 1% they still have bullets, plus a balance sheet.
But the recession concern is bullshit because if there is a recession it will be about 6-months long, then the next expansion starts. Its a normal economic cycle. These scare tactics are nonsense. We might go from 3.7% unemployed to 4.4% or so, it won't be a depression. If a recession hits buy stocks.
Morons. The Republicans spent 8 years denying a recovering economy. Then, magically, without any trend changes other than reversing a shrinking deficit to a growing one, it was fixed!

there's BS, and then there's total BS, and then there's completely over the moon BS........~S~
Liberals are trying to promote an economic downturn in hopes it will get them elected in 2020. They don’t care about the damage this will do to people’s lives, because liberals don’t care about people. They are so obsessed with removing President Trump from office that if they had a plan, but a million people had to die in order to accomplish this, they would be willing to do it. That’s how deranged they are. There are many indicators for the future of our economy. Nobody knows. It’s like picking the winner at a horse racing track. Inverted curve is not as strong an indicator as it once was.
Also, there is a plethora of economists out there saying the economy is fine. I would invest now. Be bold, and ignore the chickenshits. That’s how you can make $$$$$.
Caution is warranted but US 'should avoid a recession,' economists say
Yellow cation light clicks on every election year. Economy is fine.
Top Ten US Economic Indicators
Don’t see an “inverted curve” listed anywhere in the above link.. Gloom and doom talk is political ploy by Democrats.
Sorry, President Trump, But the Best Economy Was Eisenhower's
Trump is trying to move us into a position like we had under the glory days of Ike.
Sorry, President Trump, But the Best Economy Was Eisenhower's

The recession is another fake Russia Collusion headgame, or Trump will start WW3 headgame, or all the others. The news media just flat out lies, and the dopey moron liberal idiots in this forum gobble it up.

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