Liberals Understand Human Nature.....Not.

Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.


dear, under Mao they all wore black pajamas, here you have a million fashions.

Do you see the difference? Yes all where clothes, but here there is far less conformity and more dynamism. Do you understand?
The contents of this video is an example of diseased America:

O'Reilly hits it outta the park!

Liberals have destroyed the black family...and are using same to destroy the entire nation.

I wish I had faith that anything could reverse the slide into the abyss.

O'Reilly is a first class liar as well. Truly a liars liar and it's no wonder why you look up to him.

So....everyone who isn't a lock-step Liberal, as you are, is a liar?

See what I mean about Liberals claiming the other side is doing what, in actuality....they are.

It's a method of propaganda known as Turnspeak.
Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.

As I pointed out, you are both ignorant and uneducated. You argue against the same points you advocated a few posts back. But you don't grasp that you are contradicting yourself, because you lack the foundational knowledge to grasp what you are trying to say.

The left, which you blindly and stupidly follow, does indeed demand conformance to the will of rulers. This is the opposite of individualism. The idea that one is able to buck the tide is anathema to the the leftist.

Why do we have traffic laws? For one good reason, to rein in those who think their individualism should be immune to any sort of 'conformity' to any rules of the road.

Individualism isn't an aspect of basic safety. The person who declares that poking a knife into his leg will give him super-human strength is a delusional fool, not an individualist. As I said earlier, you lack the education and the wits to grasp complex concepts, you are one who bases his views on bumper sticker slogans and memes - a typical democrat.
Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.


dear, under Mao they all wore black pajamas, here you have a million fashions.

Do you see the difference? Yes all where clothes, but here there is far less conformity and more dynamism. Do you understand?

Well then list the contemporary American liberals who are demanding a legally enforced black pajama uniform for all Americans.

Name a few million so we can consider calling it a consensus.
Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.

As I pointed out, you are both ignorant and uneducated. You argue against the same points you advocated a few posts back. But you don't grasp that you are contradicting yourself, because you lack the foundational knowledge to grasp what you are trying to say.

The left, which you blindly and stupidly follow, does indeed demand conformance to the will of rulers. This is the opposite of individualism. The idea that one is able to buck the tide is anathema to the the leftist.

Why do we have traffic laws? For one good reason, to rein in those who think their individualism should be immune to any sort of 'conformity' to any rules of the road.

Individualism isn't an aspect of basic safety. The person who declares that poking a knife into his leg will give him super-human strength is a delusional fool, not an individualist. As I said earlier, you lack the education and the wits to grasp complex concepts, you are one who bases his views on bumper sticker slogans and memes - a typical democrat.

Really? Liberals want Americans to have to conform to the Conservative dogma of marriage only being between a man and a woman?
Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.

As I pointed out, you are both ignorant and uneducated. You argue against the same points you advocated a few posts back. But you don't grasp that you are contradicting yourself, because you lack the foundational knowledge to grasp what you are trying to say.

The left, which you blindly and stupidly follow, does indeed demand conformance to the will of rulers. This is the opposite of individualism. The idea that one is able to buck the tide is anathema to the the leftist.

Why do we have traffic laws? For one good reason, to rein in those who think their individualism should be immune to any sort of 'conformity' to any rules of the road.

Individualism isn't an aspect of basic safety. The person who declares that poking a knife into his leg will give him super-human strength is a delusional fool, not an individualist. As I said earlier, you lack the education and the wits to grasp complex concepts, you are one who bases his views on bumper sticker slogans and memes - a typical democrat.

So you object to having traffic codes?

O'Reilly is a first class liar as well. Truly a liars liar and it's no wonder why you look up to him.

of course if that was true you would not be so afraid to present to us his most significant lie. What arewe to learn from the silly liberal's fear?
Really? Liberals want Americans to have to conform to the Conservative dogma of marriage only being between a man and a woman?

its true that conservatives want govt control of this, but liberals want govt control of everything. That's why they spied for Hitler and Stalin.

Oligarchy is minority rules.

It might be, though it is not individualism. You simply lack the education to grasp the principles at play.

Yes we know conservatives support that because they are a minority desperate for power they cannot have in a government of the People.

More ignorant pablum from a partisan fool who lacks the depth to grasp actual political philosophies. You think that your mindless adherence to the slogans of your party is knowledge.
Yes we know conservatives support that because they are a minority desperate for power they cannot have in a government of the People.

I thought conservative Republicans controlled the House and Senate?? A liberal would not know that.

Oligarchy is minority rules.

It might be, though it is not individualism. You simply lack the education to grasp the principles at play.

Yes we know conservatives support that because they are a minority desperate for power they cannot have in a government of the People.

More ignorant pablum from a partisan fool who lacks the depth to grasp actual political philosophies. You think that your mindless adherence to the slogans of your party is knowledge.

Your philosophy is highlighted by such things as contempt at the idea that so-called unelected judges might overthrow the will of what you think is a majority and grant equality and civil rights to a minority of Americans that are gay.
Really? Liberals want Americans to have to conform to the Conservative dogma of marriage only being between a man and a woman?

its true that conservatives want govt control of this, but liberals want govt control of everything. That's why they spied for Hitler and Stalin.

Ranch or Blue Cheese?
Really? Liberals want Americans to have to conform to the Conservative dogma of marriage only being between a man and a woman?

its true that conservatives want govt control of this, but liberals want govt control of everything. That's why they spied for Hitler and Stalin.

Ranch or Blue Cheese?
its true that conservatives want govt control of this, but liberals want govt control of everything. That's why they spied for Hitler and Stalin.
I love getting under your skin .... but isn't this when you are usually shedding it?
News for ya Korean girl, you couldn't get under my skin if I gave you a carving knife and taught you how to use it. I just enjoy insulting your gook ass who does nothing but complain about a country they weren't even born in while rejecting the very thing that founded it. You are the dumb bitch complaining that it's hot and smelly while standing in the sauna of your own piss. Whatever country you should be in, this isn't it and you are an American in name only.

Woo ... certainly looks like the "Korean girl" is under your skin, Princess. :lmao:
GD it. I was betting another gays can't make babies thread.
Why is it one gets the clear sense that you Libs hate the thread ... yet can't find any way to point out any errors in it?
I should of said I was hoping for gay baiting rather than "dems are commies." The gay thing is better suited for humor. But I gave you rep for amusing.

"Should of...?"
"Should of said...?"
Ironically it is often the semiliterate loony lib slugs who are the most pompous.

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