Liberals Understand Human Nature.....Not.

Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.


dear, under Mao they all wore black pajamas, here you have a million fashions.

Do you see the difference? Yes all where clothes, but here there is far less conformity and more dynamism. Do you understand?

You thought this thread was about pants?

...It's the greedy a-hole mega rich Pub bastards who are...

blah, blah, blah...
Like a one-trick pony (or jackass) you bang the same stupid drum like it's your job:
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Fact, hater dupe. The greedy lying stupid GOP rich. The story of our time. See sig, memorize.
Fact, hater dupe. The greedy lying stupid GOP rich. The story of our time. See sig, memorize.

blah, blah, blah...
Like a one-trick pony (or jackass) you bang the same stupid drum like it's your job:
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich
Shut up and surrender your biggie soda to the state.
LOL, to the state of New York City (who actually lost that battle).

That they even made an issue of it is indicative of just how far down the wabbit hole some elected officials are.
Rome is burning and they are fiddling.

Who is they? Personally, I oppose such bans on purchases of any size.

Woo. "They" are the NY city officials who made a political issue of the size of drinking cups.

And they were rightfully shot down by the courts too.
That they even made an issue of it is indicative of just how far down the wabbit hole some elected officials are.
Rome is burning and they are fiddling.
Who is they? Personally, I oppose such bans on purchases of any size.
Woo. "They" are the NY city officials who made a political issue of the size of drinking cups.
And they were rightfully shot down by the courts too.

They should be shot down by the electorate for having even made an issue of the size of drink cups. It says a lot about the clowns being elected to office.

INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Shut up and surrender your biggie soda to the state.
LOL, to the state of New York City (who actually lost that battle).

That they even made an issue of it is indicative of just how far down the wabbit hole some elected officials are.
Rome is burning and they are fiddling.

Who is they? Personally, I oppose such bans on purchases of any size.

Woo. "They" are the NY city officials who made a political issue of the size of drinking cups.
Who are are in no way "representative" of all "liberals," or even a tiny fraction, hence the fallacy.
No liberal spied for Hitler, fool. Hitler was a RW fascist. Only the constitution stops the GOP from doing the same stuff lol...Only spied for Stalin to keep things even...A-bomb wise.

got it!!!! the stupid stupid stupid liberal is happy to admit liberals spied for the world's most evil human being and gave him the atomic bomb to keep things even so that Stalin's huge liberal central govt could starve another 60 million human beings to death very very slowly...just to keep things even!!

Now you can see why our Founders hated liberals and sought to make them illegal.

OMG!! to this liberal Stalin was a good fascist and Hitler was not so liberals were compelled to spy for Stalin, the human races greatest killer? OMG!!!
Last edited:
Who are are in no way "representative" of all "liberals," or even a tiny fraction, hence the fallacy.

of course there is no fallacy, liberals support 10,000 interventions in the economy and so ultimately are communists.

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:

"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy Socialism and Public Education Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”

"I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."
--- Roger Nash Baldwin
...It's the greedy a-hole mega rich Pub bastards who are...

blah, blah, blah...
Like a one-trick pony (or jackass) you bang the same stupid drum like it's your job:
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Fact, hater dupe. The greedy lying stupid GOP rich. The story of our time. See sig, memorize.

yes the rich are evil for inventing the things that got us from the stone age to here. Franco is a total illiterate Marxist and will admit to it if you ask him!!
Well then list the contemporary American liberals who are demanding a legally enforced black pajama uniform for all Americans.

Dear, our Founders and modern Republicans prevent liberals from subjecting us to communism.
Why did you think our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin? Why did you think Obama loved Rev. Wright and Frank Marshall Davis( communist party no. 346778)?? Why did you think Bernie Sanders, an open communist, votes with the liberals?? Why do you think liberals support 10,000 interventions in the free market?
Fact, hater dupe. The greedy lying stupid GOP rich. The story of our time. See sig, memorize.

blah, blah, blah...
Like a one-trick pony (or jackass) you bang the same stupid drum like it's your job:
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich
Listen, dupe, I only fight, don't even hate, lying, greedy functional a-hole megarich Pubs who brainwash poor fools like you. I love rich Dems, don't mind rich Pub dupes at all...
...It's the greedy a-hole mega rich Pub bastards who are...

blah, blah, blah...
Like a one-trick pony (or jackass) you bang the same stupid drum like it's your job:
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Fact, hater dupe. The greedy lying stupid GOP rich. The story of our time. See sig, memorize.

yes the rich are evil for inventing the things that got us from the stone age to here. Franco is a total illiterate Marxist and will admit to it if you ask him!!
You're an idiot Pubtroll. I'm a well read liberal, twit. You don't know any communists. They now only exist in theory and in brainwashed Pubworld. No liberals spied for Hitler the RW fascist shytte, you silly git. lol
No liberal spied for Hitler, fool. Hitler was a RW fascist. Only the constitution stops the GOP from doing the same stuff lol...Only spied for Stalin to keep things even...A-bomb wise.

got it!!!! the stupid stupid stupid liberal is happy to admit liberals spied for the world's most evil human being and gave him the atomic bomb to keep things even so that Stalin's huge liberal central govt could starve another 60 million human beings to death very very slowly...just to keep things even!!

Now you can see why our Founders hated liberals and sought to make them illegal.

OMG!! to this liberal Stalin was a good fascist and Hitler was not so liberals were compelled to spy for Stalin, the human races greatest killer? OMG!!!
Ok, I only said that to make a distinction between H and S...the spies were pretty much communists or radical socialists, and it was a time when the Russians were much sympathized with. And they just got the bomb a little sooner than they would have otherwise....
So....everyone who isn't a lock-step Liberal, as you are, is a liar?

Only a practiced liar would try to make that claim. But coming from someone who lies in broad strokes in nearly every post, that is to be expected.

So.....let's look over your list of my 'lies.'



Case closed,
Your broad stroke lie of this thread was exposed in my first post.

Liberalism is not totalitarian doctrine.

Liberalism includes a broad spectrum of political philosophies that consider individual liberty to be the most important political goal, and emphasize individual rights and equality of opportunity. Although most Liberals would claim that a government is necessary to protect rights, different forms of Liberalism may propose very different policies (see the section on Types of Liberalism below). They are, however, generally united by their support for a number of principles, including extensive freedom of thought and freedom of speech, limitations on the power of governments, the application of the rule of law, a market economy (or a mixed economy with both private-owned and state-owned enterprises) and a transparent and democraticsystem of government.

Like the similar concept of Libertarianism, Liberalism believes that society should be organized in accordance with certain unchangeable and inviolable human rights, especially the rights to life, liberty and property.

Liberalism - By Branch Doctrine - The Basics of Philosophy

Interestingly enough, it appears you bastardized liberalism. Because by my definition, human rights don't apply to just your key voting demographics.

Listen, dupe, I only fight, don't even hate, lying, greedy functional a-hole megarich Pubs who brainwash poor fools like you. I love rich Dems, don't mind rich Pub dupes at all...

blah, blah, blah...
Like a one-trick pony (or jackass) you bang the same stupid drum like it's your job:
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich
I've noticed that post jfk liberals seem to think human beings only do things when compelled to. A good example is health care. That use to be a private decision but the government is determined to whip us into,shape. If it wasn't for the label liberal I would think these people would be happier in an authoritarian style government.
I've noticed that post jfk liberals seem to think human beings only do things when compelled to. A good example is health care. That use to be a private decision but the government is determined to whip us into,shape. If it wasn't for the label liberal I would think these people would be happier in an authoritarian style government.
It used to be a private decision for those who could afford it in that scam of a Pub system. Now it's an affordable right like in every civilized country.

and now no more irresponsible freeloaders...
...A good example is health care. That use to be a private decision but the government is determined to whip us into shape...
It used to be a private decision for those who could afford it in that scam of a Pub system. Now it's an affordable right like in every civilized country.
and now no more irresponsible freeloaders...

Really? My premiums and deductibles have gone up significantly thanks to 'Bamacare. Who do you think is subsidizing all the newbies?
There's no such thing as a free lunch. In order to give it to you the gov't must take it from someone else.
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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