Liberals Understand Human Nature.....Not.

Human nature's best characterized by Republicans.

-get ahead by any means
-all for me, none for you
-do what you will, just don't get caught

This is the disconnect. Republicans bad, Dims good.

Don't get me wrong, I have no use for the GOP. They have done virtually nothing to my liking..............ever, but this childish notion of good cop bad cop certainly gets old.
Sure as hell does. It's the greedy a-hole mega rich Pub bastards who are bad, not the poor ignorant hater, regular old racist angry functional morons...
Really? Liberals want Americans to have to conform to the Conservative dogma of marriage only being between a man and a woman?

its true that conservatives want govt control of this, but liberals want govt control of everything. That's why they spied for Hitler and Stalin.

Ranch or Blue Cheese?
Really? Liberals want Americans to have to conform to the Conservative dogma of marriage only being between a man and a woman?

its true that conservatives want govt control of this, but liberals want govt control of everything. That's why they spied for Hitler and Stalin.

Ranch or Blue Cheese?
its true that conservatives want govt control of this, but liberals want govt control of everything. That's why they spied for Hitler and Stalin.
No liberal spied for Hitler, fool. Hitler was a RW fascist. Only the constitution stops the GOP from doing the same stuff lol...Only spied for Stalin to keep things even...A-bomb wise.
In politics, or environmentalism, or any area of human endeavor, ascribing special, or higher order attributes to any group is both a mistake, and a hallmark of Progressive belief.

So I guess you believe that it would be a mistake to ascribe 'higher order attributes' to conservatives as a group, vs., say,

liberals as a group?
Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.


dear, under Mao they all wore black pajamas, here you have a million fashions.

Do you see the difference? Yes all where clothes, but here there is far less conformity and more dynamism. Do you understand?

Well then list the contemporary American liberals who are demanding a legally enforced black pajama uniform for all Americans.

Name a few million so we can consider calling it a consensus.

The classic conservative straw man fallacy common to the OP and most others on the right: contrive and attempt to propagate ridiculous lies about 'liberals,' repeat those lies often enough in the hope they're perceived to be 'true.'
The contents of this video is an example of diseased America:

O'Reilly hits it outta the park!

Liberals have destroyed the black family...and are using same to destroy the entire nation.

I wish I had faith that anything could reverse the slide into the abyss.

O'Reilly is a first class liar as well. Truly a liars liar and it's no wonder why you look up to him.

So....everyone who isn't a lock-step Liberal, as you are, is a liar?

See what I mean about Liberals claiming the other side is doing what, in actuality....they are.

It's a method of propaganda known as Turnspeak.

And the folks at Faux have perfected the technique. Lying out of both sides of the mouth and the rubes swallow it all.
Anyone who writes that liberalism is a totalitarian doctrine simply cannot be taken seriously.

Shut up and surrender your biggie soda to the state.

LOL, to the state of New York City (who actually lost that battle).

So....everyone who isn't a lock-step Liberal, as you are, is a liar?

See what I mean about Liberals claiming the other side is doing what, in actuality....they are.[/QUOTE]

It's a method of propaganda known as Turnspeak.[/QUOTE]

And the folks at Faux have perfected the technique. Lying out of both sides of the mouth and the rubes swallow it all.[/QUOTE]

Yesterday, I pointed out that you, a proven liar, go around slandering those who don't toe the Liberal line as 'liars.

Sure "Faux have perfected the technique. Lying out of both sides of the mouth and the rubes swallow it all."

So...let's ram that down your lying throat:

The data comes froma Brookings Institute paperdealing with the nature of opposition to immigration reform and a sub-section from E. J. Dionne and William Galston on political polarization and the media, all of which is interesting — but not quite as interesting as the results of this survey. The most-trusted name in news for all Americans is, unsurprisingly, Fox News, which also has the highest ratings by far in the industry. Broadcast news — the three networks — come in a close second, with CNN a more distant third place. However, the “honor” of being the least-trusted name in news, in practically every demographic, is MSNBC, a subsidiary of NBC News — which ranks below Jon Stewart among all but Democrats.

Here’s the chart that lays out the bad news for Comcast, in answer to the polling question: “Which of the following television news sources do you trust the most to provide accurate information about politics and current events?”

Almost as many liberals and Democrats identify Fox as their most trusted news source as MSNBC; with liberals, it’s presumably in the margin of error.

...MSNBC is a fringe choice in all demographics, and comes in next to last even among its target demos of Democrats and liberals.
The least-trusted name in news is Hot Air

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeee???
More ignorant pablum from a partisan fool who lacks the depth to grasp actual political philosophies. You think that your mindless adherence to the slogans of your party is knowledge.
Your philosophy is highlighted by such things as contempt at the idea that so-called unelected judges might overthrow the will of what you think is a majority...

My prob with elected judges is simple ... arrogant improprieties resulting in miscarriages of justice. They are often attorneys who, once elected, act on behalf of the special interests (other attorneys, unions) who supported their campaigns.
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...It's the greedy a-hole mega rich Pub bastards who are...

blah, blah, blah...
Like a one-trick pony (or jackass) you bang the same stupid drum like it's your job:
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Hate the rich...
Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.


dear, under Mao they all wore black pajamas, here you have a million fashions.

Do you see the difference? Yes all where clothes, but here there is far less conformity and more dynamism. Do you understand?

Well then list the contemporary American liberals who are demanding a legally enforced black pajama uniform for all Americans.

Name a few million so we can consider calling it a consensus.

The classic conservative straw man fallacy common to the OP and most others on the right: contrive and attempt to propagate ridiculous lies about 'liberals,' repeat those lies often enough in the hope they're perceived to be 'true.'

And you notice how casually and matter-of-factly that preposterousness was thrown out on the board by that idiot RW poster. These people are on political LSD.
So....everyone who isn't a lock-step Liberal, as you are, is a liar?

Only a practiced liar would try to make that claim. But coming from someone who lies in broad strokes in nearly every post, that is to be expected.
Conformity is a major and important component of all truly civilized societies and that's why civilized societies enforce conformity.


dear, under Mao they all wore black pajamas, here you have a million fashions.

Do you see the difference? Yes all where clothes, but here there is far less conformity and more dynamism. Do you understand?

Well then list the contemporary American liberals who are demanding a legally enforced black pajama uniform for all Americans.

Name a few million so we can consider calling it a consensus.

The classic conservative straw man fallacy common to the OP and most others on the right: contrive and attempt to propagate ridiculous lies about 'liberals,' repeat those lies often enough in the hope they're perceived to be 'true.'
I think PoliticalSpice is some dopey High school kid posting from class or a patient posting from the Day Room. Prolly the latter because those types keep doing the same thing expecting different results.
So....everyone who isn't a lock-step Liberal, as you are, is a liar?

Only a practiced liar would try to make that claim. But coming from someone who lies in broad strokes in nearly every post, that is to be expected.
She HAS to :eusa_liar: or her zany rw ideology implodes on itself like a house of cards. We saw what unbridled greed resulted in in 2008 :thup:
So....everyone who isn't a lock-step Liberal, as you are, is a liar?

Only a practiced liar would try to make that claim. But coming from someone who lies in broad strokes in nearly every post, that is to be expected.

So.....let's look over your list of my 'lies.'



Case closed,
Your broad stroke lie of this thread was exposed in my first post.

Liberalism is not totalitarian doctrine.

Liberalism includes a broad spectrum of political philosophies that consider individual liberty to be the most important political goal, and emphasize individual rights and equality of opportunity. Although most Liberals would claim that a government is necessary to protect rights, different forms of Liberalism may propose very different policies (see the section on Types of Liberalism below). They are, however, generally united by their support for a number of principles, including extensive freedom of thought and freedom of speech, limitations on the power of governments, the application of the rule of law, a market economy (or a mixed economy with both private-owned and state-owned enterprises) and a transparent and democraticsystem of government.

Like the similar concept of Libertarianism, Liberalism believes that society should be organized in accordance with certain unchangeable and inviolable human rights, especially the rights to life, liberty and property.

Liberalism - By Branch Doctrine - The Basics of Philosophy
In politics, or environmentalism, or any area of human endeavor, ascribing special, or higher order attributes to any group is both a mistake, and a hallmark of Progressive belief.

Whether it be Liberalism, or Communism, or Nazism...or any totalitarian doctrine, all begin with the misunderstanding that human nature is malleable, plastic, and can be altered by just the right combination of governance, rules, regulations, and/or punishment.

Bottom line: human beings have been, and always will be, what they are today. The Founders knew this, and built the concept of 'checks and balances' to account for same.

1. Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1] New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

2. Leon Trotsky wrote in his Literature and Revolution [2] : "The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will" New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

3. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.

“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

I believe Dr. Pavlov already gave us a definitive answer.
Shut up and surrender your biggie soda to the state.
LOL, to the state of New York City (who actually lost that battle).

That they even made an issue of it is indicative of just how far down the wabbit hole some elected officials are.
Rome is burning and they are fiddling.

Who is they? Personally, I oppose such bans on purchases of any size.

Woo. "They" are the NY city officials who made a political issue of the size of drinking cups.

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