Liberals understandably oppose super rich buying elections....


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
because the liberals don't want any interference with their buying elections by promising more and more welfare to a more and more dependent and crippled population!!
RWNJs are in favor of elections being bought by the super rich.

They also really love gerrymandering, vote theft and voter suppression.

I can remember the days when we registered people to vote instead of trying to stop them from voting.

Oh and its the blue states who support the red states. Even SpecialEdDear knows that. DUH.
RWNJs are in favor of elections being bought by the super rich.

and liberals are in favor of them being bought with promises of more and more welfare. That is subversion and treason.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin
and liberals are in favor of elections being bought with promises of more and more welfare. That is subversion and treason.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin

but what did Ben Franklin know-right? Liberals know more for sure! That's why they spied for Stalin and Hitler.
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Liberals haven't been crying as much as I expected about the rich and their donations, but then so far Soros has been smarter than the Koch brothers.
When I hear the libs bitching about the rich buying the election I laugh my ass off. Obama spent more money to become President than anyone in history. Clinton has created a whole illegal pay for play system to raise hundreds of millions from big businesses and wealthy donors, many from overseas but still want a say in our elections. These lib crybabies are something else.

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