Liberals want anarchy no law, no police, no rules

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Look at this bullshit, they want to destroy other people's property and get away with it, no repercussions.

Well they get away with murder (abortions) what can we expect.

Look at this bullshit, they want to destroy other people's property and get away with it, no repercussions.

Well they get away with murder (abortions) what can we expect.

leftist want to use anarchist tactics to destroy what is and create what they envision which is more like a communist state where a small group controls everything,,,

they will have laws and police under their control,,,
Maybe I shouldn't paint such a broad brush, but judging by a fews actions it sure seems that way.
Look at this bullshit, they want to destroy other people's property and get away with it, no repercussions.

Well they get away with murder (abortions) what can we expect.

Yeah, the only thing prevent Veterans who swore an oath to defend this country from going after those who hate this country? Is the police...When the men in blue are gone, there is nothing stopping the 100 million legal gun owners from having a turkey shoot.

Look at this bullshit, they want to destroy other people's property and get away with it, no repercussions.

Well they get away with murder (abortions) what can we expect.

Yeah, the only thing prevent Veterans who swore an oath to defend this country from going after those who hate this country? Is the police...When the men in blue are gone, there is nothing stopping the 100 million legal gun owners from having a turkey shoot.

It was estimated at 100,000,000 in 2000. With the excellent sales of the Obama Administration and the recent uptick caused by the virus and the vermin, I suspect the number is substantially higher.

The thing is, no one really knows just how many guns there are in legal civilian hands.
Liberals want anarchy no law, no police, no rules
they will have laws and police under their control
Anarchy is a lie. The Dems and other libs have their own law of Omertà with their own enforcers, and their own unwritten rules. We law-abiding folks are hardened war criminals to them.
Let's be real. The police are more likely to confiscate your property than protect it, or return it when it's stolen.
Let's be real. The police are more likely to confiscate your property than protect it, or return it when it's stolen.
I don't think a vast reduction in the numbers, rank, and powers of police officers necessarily implies anarchy, although it is a very bloody and violent proposition to force police officers to have any respect for private property whatsoever. I am not claiming either that police officers as such have any moral superiority over common thieves, pickpockets, and robbers. Their own use of force and deception negates that.
Look at this bullshit, they want to destroy other people's property and get away with it, no repercussions.

Well they get away with murder (abortions) what can we expect.

Bullshit? Liberals don't know what the fuck they want because knowing anything requires brains that they just don't have.
Let's be real. The police are more likely to confiscate your property than protect it, or return it when it's stolen.
Why it happened to you?

To me this is crazy, people justify it by saying the Wendy's has insurance.
Let's be real. The police are more likely to confiscate your property than protect it, or return it when it's stolen.
Why it happened to you?

To me this is crazy, people justify it by saying the Wendy's has insurance.

I have not been a victim of civil forfeiture myself. I also have not had anything stolen returned. Though in fairness, I haven't reported anything to the police since 2006, when I found out the local ones were all murderers or the tacit supporters of murder.
Let's be real. The police are more likely to confiscate your property than protect it, or return it when it's stolen.
Let's be honest, without the police the liberal rioters and looters would be at work every night!!

Let's be honest, America has had municipal police for 175 years. Seemed to work reasonably well before that, huh? This movement isn't saying there shouldn't be policing, courts, etc. It IS saying that it can be done without the rampant abuses that there presently are. It is also saying that many functions that have been given to police could be better handled by social workers, community watch, etc.

If in fact any part of the system is significantly reformed, the result would be greater protection of property and life, not less.
It IS saying that it can be done without the rampant abuses that there presently are.

no rampant abuse, just communist inspired propaganda. Just 9 of 44 unarmed men killed by cops were black in the most recent year. Do you understand now? If anything this shows black privilege.

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