Liberals went too far!!!

I still think Trump is an idiot, don't get carried away. America can do better than him and his loonies, I know a handful of people that can run this country way better than him and Biden and i'm sure there are thousands of others that can. Let's not settle for the worst.

Nothing wrong with the way Trump ran this country: plenty of good paying jobs, strong stock market, strongly addressed the border problem, first President with the balls to meet with the leader of North Korea, cut taxes for businesses and most working Americans...... So what about Trump running the country did you find unacceptable?
I am a proud conservative capitalist when it comes to economics. Surprisingly, I’m pretty liberal on social issues. I live in a very liberal elite part of Maryland. One of the things top of mind with me are the liberal talking heads pointing to kids and hunger. Here, we have a very solid, robust food and nutrition program on the schools where qualifying kids can get food for themselves AND family. Many are not getting it. Why? Because their parents are not doing their part to simply fill out the paperwork or raise their hand for assistance. That’s a personal accountability problem, not a socioeconomic problem. I see this primarily among whites and blacks single women more concerned about their next degenerate baby daddy than they do the welfare of their children. The Latinos requiring assistance have their shit together to use these resources and comply. Asians don’t require the resources.

Socioeconomic assistance is not an exemption for personal accountability.
Social assistance is very abused. the tax payers money is going to the wrong people and by the billions and yes some that do deserve it don't get it.
History says otherwise. Democrats founded the KKK and still treat the black population like slaves.

They just call them welfare recipients instead.

Look up any policy that has hurt poor immigrants and they invariably originate from the dems.

I was a democrat for longer than you have been alive.

It took a long while for me to realize the truth.
They switched roles most KKK members vote republican and most of the hardcore racists lined up behind trump and the GOP.
For some of you here know how much I was anti Trump and the GOP establishment and was cheering for the only other party that can stop those maniacs.

But I have to say last couple of years, I opened my eyes on so many things. Like many immigrants like myself we are conservative but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

But seing what are the liberals priorities in my city and state lately I have to say I was wrong all along.

From the governor to the DA all their efforts is for protecting criminals, illegals who take advantage of the system not the hard working ones, taxing the shit out of hard working people. And don't get me started on laws against businesses and small landlords.

Also catering to the LGBTQ more than the majority and brainwashing our kids with values that defy nature and threatens the family structure.

Imagine you own a property and you can't evict someone because they don't pay, but you still pay inssurance, taxes and upkeep.
Imagine you get robbed and the criminal gets released and you get jailed for beating him up.
Imagine illegal family gets free food, Free education, free health care and they work under the table and don't pay taxes. While veterans and others are homeless.
Imagine you want to buy clothes and they tell you Its gender fluid and unisex that you need to go try it first and see if it fits you or not.
Imagine criminals going to stores grab what they want and leave unbothered.

It is too much and is turning this place to a nightmare. I completely admit that I was wrong and fooled by the left.

Mind you I live in the best part of LA I let you imagine what goes down in the rest of LA.

Good for you. You wouldn't be the first to see how destructive and what bad consequences come from so many Marxist/leftist policies.

I hope you'll look closer at that racism thing too. There isn't a racist bone in Donald Trump's body, and though there are certainly a few Patriots who are also racist, it is a racism of opinion and not action against any race or ethnicity. The GOP tends to take the view that you treat all races just as well and just as badly as any other race, i.e. skin color in practice is of no more importance than hair color or eye color, but you accept all people equally as good or bad, honest or dishonest, trustworthy or not, law abiding or criminal.

The left calls those on the right 'racist' for seeing it that way and their surrogate MSM dutifully repeats it again an again until some believe it even though there is no truth to it. And they call the right 'racist' even as they exploit ethnicities and people of color for their own purposes while never quite delivering the good times they promise these groups for their allegiance. And should one decide to leave that 'reservation', they will be demonized in the worst way.
They switched roles most KKK members vote republican and most of the hardcore racists lined up behind trump and the GOP.

Not true at all. For the most part the KKK is a joke. A bunch of fat, lazy bums swilling beer whining about black people. And most of them are dems.

Trump is not racist. Nor is he a homophobe. Hell, he introduced a good friend of mine to her partner, a ballerina.

They are still together.

You need to stop reading the lies. Remember, Trump received an NAACP award for his work with blacks.
Not true at all. For the most part the KKK is a joke. A bunch of fat, lazy bums swilling beer whining about black people. And most of them are dems.

Trump is not racist. Nor is he a homophobe. Hell, he introduced a good friend of mine to her partner, a ballerina.

They are still together.

You need to stop reading the lies. Remember, Trump received an NAACP award for his work with blacks.
Trump like many have racist tendencies but is not full on Hitler for example. Is what I call a light racist.
Nothing wrong with the way Trump ran this country: plenty of good paying jobs, strong stock market, strongly addressed the border problem, first President with the balls to meet with the leader of North Korea, cut taxes for businesses and most working Americans...... So what about Trump running the country did you find unacceptable?
islamophobia is one of them as I'm a Muslim
divisive, vulgar and thrives on conflicts
bully and dismissive
I'm heavily in the stock and real estate markets and I can tell you that he had little to do with both and the economy as a whole. It's just running it's course, and if he would've won the second term we would have this same very economy.

It pains that we have as choices Trump and Biden, and some are hardcore pushing for Trump. I'm like really? can't do better than this? America is full of geniuses who can better this country, especially in these tough times. Why we have to choose between an old washed up man and and another maniac?
Trump like many have racist tendencies but is not full on Hitler for example. Is what I call a light racist.

Not even close. When he bought Mar-A-Lago he opened the club up to blacks. The FIRST one to do so, and the other country clubs hated him for doing so.

Like I said, you have been lied to. Do your own research and you will discover that pretty much everything you have been told about Trump is a lie.
islamophobia is one of them as I'm a Muslim
divisive, vulgar and thrives on conflicts
bully and dismissive
I'm heavily in the stock and real estate markets and I can tell you that he had little to do with both and the economy as a whole. It's just running it's course, and if he would've won the second term we would have this same very economy.

It pains that we have as choices Trump and Biden, and some are hardcore pushing for Trump. I'm like really? can't do better than this? America is full of geniuses who can better this country, especially in these tough times. Why we have to choose between an old washed up man and and another maniac?

Nope. He has no problem with Muslims either. That too is a lie.

He has issues with Islamists, but so does anyone who doesn't like extremists of any sort.
Imagine how much better off this nation would be iif some average working person, who never amassed much wealth, was able to hold high public office instead of Uber wealthy candidates. The system is skewed so that those with wealth are somehow propelled to the top.
Are there racists on the Right? Yes. Do most of us condone a "racist approach" to govt? Nope. At root, conservatism believes in local, limited govt. When you elect someone, it's best if you can walk down the street--or at best, take a short drive--to see them eye to eye. Liberals are in favor of strong federal govts with a lot of power. Historically, that's a bad plan.

California has become a liberal utopia--where the ideas SOUND great but never work.
I have to second this Issa . The "racist approach of the right" is something made up by Democrats once they decided that their own racist approach needed to change from treating black folk as third-class citizens to be denied the vote to treating them like second-class citizens to be given welfare instead of opportunity and telling them that racist whitey will take their welfare away if they don't vote Democrat.

The concerns you expressed in your OP are the concerns expressed by Republicans. The sad fact is that politicians who are part of "the GOP establishment" only express those concerns to get votes, but do little about them when in office. That is the reason for movements such as the Perot third party run, the TEA Party, and MAGA.

If you decide to vote Republicans, but are willing to give your vote to Republicans like McConnell and Cheney, you might as well stick with being a Dem.
islamophobia is one of them as I'm a Muslim
divisive, vulgar and thrives on conflicts
bully and dismissive
I'm heavily in the stock and real estate markets and I can tell you that he had little to do with both and the economy as a whole. It's just running it's course, and if he would've won the second term we would have this same very economy.

It pains that we have as choices Trump and Biden, and some are hardcore pushing for Trump. I'm like really? can't do better than this? America is full of geniuses who can better this country, especially in these tough times. Why we have to choose between an old washed up man and and another maniac?

Trump never said or did anything about American Muslims, just like he never did about Mexican-Americans. Now that your eyes are opened up a little more you're going to have to come to terms with one thing: the media works for the Democrat party. That includes spreading hatred and lies.

Trump is a nationalist and said so openly. That means Americans and country always come first in his books. Remember it was Muslim terrorists that committed the worst domestic attack on our soil killing 3,000 people. Also remember that Trump is a New Yorker and lived there when it happened. Anybody that actually seen the aftermath of the attack will tell you it was so terrible that nobody watching it on television could possibly comprehend how bad it was.

The economy was moving along but Trump gave it a boost by lowering taxes on our job creators keeping more jobs here. He also removed a bunch of job killing business regulations and created a policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. Tax cuts for American workers gave us more money in our pockets to help keep the economy going, and getting rid of Commie Care fines was also a huge help. That's why before we got hit with covid, we had a million more jobs than Americans who could do them.
For some of you here know how much I was anti Trump and the GOP establishment and was cheering for the only other party that can stop those maniacs.

But I have to say last couple of years, I opened my eyes on so many things. Like many immigrants like myself we are conservative but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

But seing what are the liberals priorities in my city and state lately I have to say I was wrong all along.

From the governor to the DA all their efforts is for protecting criminals, illegals who take advantage of the system not the hard working ones, taxing the shit out of hard working people. And don't get me started on laws against businesses and small landlords.

Also catering to the LGBTQ more than the majority and brainwashing our kids with values that defy nature and threatens the family structure.

Imagine you own a property and you can't evict someone because they don't pay, but you still pay inssurance, taxes and upkeep.
Imagine you get robbed and the criminal gets released and you get jailed for beating him up.
Imagine illegal family gets free food, Free education, free health care and they work under the table and don't pay taxes. While veterans and others are homeless.
Imagine you want to buy clothes and they tell you Its gender fluid and unisex that you need to go try it first and see if it fits you or not.
Imagine criminals going to stores grab what they want and leave unbothered.

It is too much and is turning this place to a nightmare. I completely admit that I was wrong and fooled by the left.

Mind you I live in the best part of LA I let you imagine what goes down in the rest of LA.

Welcome to the party pal ( Mazel Tov )
Social assistance is very abused. the tax payers money is going to the wrong people and by the billions and yes some that do deserve it don't get it.

It was designed to be abused. The more people on social programs, the more likely Democrat voters. That's why there is a push by this President to keep people home.

Trump refused to sign the Democrat pork bill because the economy was beginning to recover from covid. Employers were looking for help running their business. Dementia got in and signed that bill in March of 2021. That gave people collecting unemployment even more money to sit home. In fact a lot of people made more money not working than they did working. Trump knew that would be the result which is why he never signed the bill in the first place.
Some make it sound like employers had it hard finding help. That was never the case.
For some of you here know how much I was anti Trump and the GOP establishment and was cheering for the only other party that can stop those maniacs.

But I have to say last couple of years, I opened my eyes on so many things. Like many immigrants like myself we are conservative but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

But seing what are the liberals priorities in my city and state lately I have to say I was wrong all along.

From the governor to the DA all their efforts is for protecting criminals, illegals who take advantage of the system not the hard working ones, taxing the shit out of hard working people. And don't get me started on laws against businesses and small landlords.

Also catering to the LGBTQ more than the majority and brainwashing our kids with values that defy nature and threatens the family structure.

Imagine you own a property and you can't evict someone because they don't pay, but you still pay inssurance, taxes and upkeep.
Imagine you get robbed and the criminal gets released and you get jailed for beating him up.
Imagine illegal family gets free food, Free education, free health care and they work under the table and don't pay taxes. While veterans and others are homeless.
Imagine you want to buy clothes and they tell you Its gender fluid and unisex that you need to go try it first and see if it fits you or not.
Imagine criminals going to stores grab what they want and leave unbothered.

It is too much and is turning this place to a nightmare. I completely admit that I was wrong and fooled by the left.

Mind you I live in the best part of LA I let you imagine what goes down in the rest of LA.

"Going too far" is what both far ends of the political spectrum do, at every last fucking opportunity.

That's why they can't be given too much influence. But they still are. Every day.

And that's why we have the deck hands pointing at each other as the Titanic sinks.
For some of you here know how much I was anti Trump and the GOP establishment and was cheering for the only other party that can stop those maniacs.

But I have to say last couple of years, I opened my eyes on so many things. Like many immigrants like myself we are conservative but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

But seing what are the liberals priorities in my city and state lately I have to say I was wrong all along.

From the governor to the DA all their efforts is for protecting criminals, illegals who take advantage of the system not the hard working ones, taxing the shit out of hard working people. And don't get me started on laws against businesses and small landlords.

Also catering to the LGBTQ more than the majority and brainwashing our kids with values that defy nature and threatens the family structure.

Imagine you own a property and you can't evict someone because they don't pay, but you still pay inssurance, taxes and upkeep.
Imagine you get robbed and the criminal gets released and you get jailed for beating him up.
Imagine illegal family gets free food, Free education, free health care and they work under the table and don't pay taxes. While veterans and others are homeless.
Imagine you want to buy clothes and they tell you Its gender fluid and unisex that you need to go try it first and see if it fits you or not.
Imagine criminals going to stores grab what they want and leave unbothered.

It is too much and is turning this place to a nightmare. I completely admit that I was wrong and fooled by the left.

Mind you I live in the best part of LA I let you imagine what goes down in the rest of LA.

If you are sincere, congratulations on escaping The Cult and welcome to the real world.
but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

Yeah, that is not actually a thing - it was just your cult needing you to believe that.

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