Liberals went too far!!!

I am a proud conservative capitalist when it comes to economics. Surprisingly, I’m pretty liberal on social issues. I live in a very liberal elite part of Maryland. One of the things top of mind with me are the liberal talking heads pointing to kids and hunger. Here, we have a very solid, robust food and nutrition program on the schools where qualifying kids can get food for themselves AND family. Many are not getting it. Why? Because their parents are not doing their part to simply fill out the paperwork or raise their hand for assistance. That’s a personal accountability problem, not a socioeconomic problem. I see this primarily among whites and blacks single women more concerned about their next degenerate baby daddy than they do the welfare of their children. The Latinos requiring assistance have their shit together to use these resources and comply. Asians don’t require the resources.

Socioeconomic assistance is not an exemption for personal accountability.
That's a damn lie. What do Rs do to destroy the country? there are extremists and narrow minded people in both parties but it is mostly the left who seem to hte America and Americans..

Again, this isn't good debate. This is boring. Bye.
ita about time issa....i remember arguing with you many a time about this very same shit.....i moved out and dont see any of that shit were i am least not yet...
Sadly it will reach you. The tide is too strong and unstoppable it seems.
For some of you here know how much I was anti Trump and the GOP establishment and was cheering for the only other party that can stop those maniacs.

But I have to say last couple of years, I opened my eyes on so many things. Like many immigrants like myself we are conservative but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

But seing what are the liberals priorities in my city and state lately I have to say I was wrong all along.

From the governor to the DA all their efforts is for protecting criminals, illegals who take advantage of the system not the hard working ones, taxing the shit out of hard working people. And don't get me started on laws against businesses and small landlords.

Also catering to the LGBTQ more than the majority and brainwashing our kids with values that defy nature and threatens the family structure.

Imagine you own a property and you can't evict someone because they don't pay, but you still pay inssurance, taxes and upkeep.
Imagine you get robbed and the criminal gets released and you get jailed for beating him up.
Imagine illegal family gets free food, Free education, free health care and they work under the table and don't pay taxes. While veterans and others are homeless.
Imagine you want to buy clothes and they tell you Its gender fluid and unisex that you need to go try it first and see if it fits you or not.
Imagine criminals going to stores grab what they want and leave unbothered.

It is too much and is turning this place to a nightmare. I completely admit that I was wrong and fooled by the left.

Mind you I live in the best part of LA I let you imagine what goes down in the rest of LA.

The rightwing isn't racist. Yes there are extremist nutjobs who claim to be rightwing, but they truly aren't.

I hope your epiphany is real, we need goo, honest, hard working immigrants.

They are ALWAYS welcome here!
Sadly it will reach you. The tide is too strong and unstoppable it seems.

Nope. Enough people are waking up to the dystopian future the progressives want for this country.
I don't know if you are being sarcastic here or not, but if not, welcome to the dark side.

You may not agree with the entire conservative agenda and neither do I, but they most fit my value system. I don't want the minority taking over the majority. I think girls should play sports against other girls and not sissies in dresses. Yet the left gives the cross dressers (minority) power over the majority (normal girls). They allowed these freaks and weirdos to steal trophies and even college scholarships that these hard working girls deserve.

The results are clear of being soft on crime which the Democrats support. Dividing people by race is in itself racist; wanting to pay every black person 5 million dollars in your state because of the color of their skin.

You said you came from another country, apparently did things by the book, and I'm sure it was a lot of waiting and money involved. The Democrats are allowing other foreigners into the country without so much as showing proof of vaccination. This is extremely unfair to you and every other person that came to this country the legal and proper way.

But I take issue with your comment about race. Take Trump and Biden for instance. Who said the most racist things in their lifetime about blacks? What have Democrats done for blacks besides holding them back? They let black criminals out of jail to cause more destruction in the black communities. Democrats love government dependents, that's why they never addressed the major problem of black communities which is single-parent households. Many single-parent households depend on one or several government programs to raise a family, and Democrats are tickled pink over that.

I give you credit for being so open minded about your decision. Most people that vote Democrat will never change over no matter what kind of evidence you show them that Democrats are the heart of our problems in this country.
I've always said I'm conservative like most immigrants from "third world countries". But like most western countries, the right harbors ill feelings towards immigrants and minorities in general.

Last 2 years really opened my eyes on how bad the left is getting. You better off being a criminal in California than a samaritan, a non paying Tennant than a landlord. Work under the table than paying taxes. Is a mess and the masses are still voting for this.
Which I highly doubt cause everyone I know (mostly liberals) wanted to vote out many progressives and we were all surprised that they made it.
For some of you here know how much I was anti Trump and the GOP establishment and was cheering for the only other party that can stop those maniacs.

But I have to say last couple of years, I opened my eyes on so many things. Like many immigrants like myself we are conservative but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

But seing what are the liberals priorities in my city and state lately I have to say I was wrong all along.

From the governor to the DA all their efforts is for protecting criminals, illegals who take advantage of the system not the hard working ones, taxing the shit out of hard working people. And don't get me started on laws against businesses and small landlords.

Also catering to the LGBTQ more than the majority and brainwashing our kids with values that defy nature and threatens the family structure.

Imagine you own a property and you can't evict someone because they don't pay, but you still pay inssurance, taxes and upkeep.
Imagine you get robbed and the criminal gets released and you get jailed for beating him up.
Imagine illegal family gets free food, Free education, free health care and they work under the table and don't pay taxes. While veterans and others are homeless.
Imagine you want to buy clothes and they tell you Its gender fluid and unisex that you need to go try it first and see if it fits you or not.
Imagine criminals going to stores grab what they want and leave unbothered.

It is too much and is turning this place to a nightmare. I completely admit that I was wrong and fooled by the left.

Mind you I live in the best part of LA I let you imagine what goes down in the rest of LA.

Continue your WALKAWAY from insanity. I did the same in 2015
I've always said I'm conservative like most immigrants from "third world countries". But like most western countries, the right harbors ill feelings towards immigrants and minorities in general.

Last 2 years really opened my eyes on how bad the left is getting. You better off being a criminal in California than a samaritan, a non paying Tennant than a landlord. Work under the table than paying taxes. Is a mess and the masses are still voting for this.
Which I highly doubt cause everyone I know (mostly liberals) wanted to vote out many progressives and we were all surprised that they made it.
The right doesn't care about LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who come here and embrace American values. We have issues with the ones who come here illegally and want to turn America into the place they left. See Minnesota
For some of you here know how much I was anti Trump and the GOP establishment and was cheering for the only other party that can stop those maniacs.

But I have to say last couple of years, I opened my eyes on so many things. Like many immigrants like myself we are conservative but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

But seing what are the liberals priorities in my city and state lately I have to say I was wrong all along.

From the governor to the DA all their efforts is for protecting criminals, illegals who take advantage of the system not the hard working ones, taxing the shit out of hard working people. And don't get me started on laws against businesses and small landlords.

Also catering to the LGBTQ more than the majority and brainwashing our kids with values that defy nature and threatens the family structure.

Imagine you own a property and you can't evict someone because they don't pay, but you still pay inssurance, taxes and upkeep.
Imagine you get robbed and the criminal gets released and you get jailed for beating him up.
Imagine illegal family gets free food, Free education, free health care and they work under the table and don't pay taxes. While veterans and others are homeless.
Imagine you want to buy clothes and they tell you Its gender fluid and unisex that you need to go try it first and see if it fits you or not.
Imagine criminals going to stores grab what they want and leave unbothered.

It is too much and is turning this place to a nightmare. I completely admit that I was wrong and fooled by the left.

Mind you I live in the best part of LA I let you imagine what goes down in the rest of LA.

You aren’t a conservative and never have been.

You bought into the bullshit and lies of the left.

We MAGA have been telling you all that the Dems main goal is to destroy America. It’s pretty self-evident if you just look at Dem run shit hole cities and states. They want those same failed policies for all of America. They hate freedom, they want authoritarianism. They are consumed with arrogance and resentment. The RINOs of the Uniparty aren’t much better, which is why we MAGA are at war with them and we will purge them.

So don’t sit here and act like you didn’t do these terrible things and try to blame it on Dems that ”went to far”. You knew damn well how far they would go, and you cheered for it. You just bought into the lie that these actions would usher in a new utopia. Instead you‘re stuck in a hell hole full of drug addicts, homeless, unemployed, criminals, illegals, and you have the privilege of paying through the nose with high taxes and inflation to experience it first hand. Congratulations, you won. Enjoy your prize.
Up until not that long ago I lived in LA. There is no best part of LA and I lived in the very best parts of LA, next to Brentwood and next to Beverly Hills. A woman was shot on the street I used to live on and her dog was stolen. I used to walk my dog on that very same street. LA is gone.
I hear you. I'm a male and I look scuffy sometimes and walk around the neighborhood and I can feel how intense women get when I'm approaching them and uncomfortable, I started switching to the other side of the street to help their anxiety. Sad state of affairs.
I've always said I'm conservative like most immigrants from "third world countries". But like most western countries, the right harbors ill feelings towards immigrants and minorities in general.

Last 2 years really opened my eyes on how bad the left is getting. You better off being a criminal in California than a samaritan, a non paying Tennant than a landlord. Work under the table than paying taxes. Is a mess and the masses are still voting for this.
Which I highly doubt cause everyone I know (mostly liberals) wanted to vote out many progressives and we were all surprised that they made it.

No, they don't. The right doesn't approve of ILLEGAL immigration. They totally support legal immigrants.
The right doesn't care about LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who come here and embrace American values. We have issues with the ones who come here illegally and want to turn America into the place they left. See Minnesota

Exactly. You will find few conservatives that disagree with legal immigration. What we don't like is that they allow these people into the country unchecked.

Look at that mass murder in CA. Six people dead including a 16 year old mother and infant because the open borders allowed these drug cartels to do this to our people. This is not my opinion. This was a statement from the Sheriff.

But the more they let in, the more power they can cheat elections on. The Census counts people as residents whether legal or not. The government uses these figures to determine how many congressional seats each area gets, and these illegals generally flock to Democrat areas.
For some of you here know how much I was anti Trump and the GOP establishment and was cheering for the only other party that can stop those maniacs.

But I have to say last couple of years, I opened my eyes on so many things. Like many immigrants like myself we are conservative but we vote liberal because of the racist approach of the right.

But seing what are the liberals priorities in my city and state lately I have to say I was wrong all along.

From the governor to the DA all their efforts is for protecting criminals, illegals who take advantage of the system not the hard working ones, taxing the shit out of hard working people. And don't get me started on laws against businesses and small landlords.

Also catering to the LGBTQ more than the majority and brainwashing our kids with values that defy nature and threatens the family structure.

Imagine you own a property and you can't evict someone because they don't pay, but you still pay inssurance, taxes and upkeep.
Imagine you get robbed and the criminal gets released and you get jailed for beating him up.
Imagine illegal family gets free food, Free education, free health care and they work under the table and don't pay taxes. While veterans and others are homeless.
Imagine you want to buy clothes and they tell you Its gender fluid and unisex that you need to go try it first and see if it fits you or not.
Imagine criminals going to stores grab what they want and leave unbothered.

It is too much and is turning this place to a nightmare. I completely admit that I was wrong and fooled by the left.

Mind you I live in the best part of LA I let you imagine what goes down in the rest of LA.

ILMAO @ Republican racist approach. The left are responsible and project like they ALWAYS do.
No, they don't. The right doesn't approve of ILLEGAL immigration. They totally support legal immigrants.
Exactly. You will find few conservatives that disagree with legal immigration. What we don't like is that they allow these people into the country unchecked.

Look at that mass murder in CA. Six people dead including a 16 year old mother and infant because the open borders allowed these drug cartels to do this to our people. This is not my opinion. This was a statement from the Sheriff.

But the more they let in, the more power they can cheat elections on. The Census counts people as residents whether legal or not. The government uses these figures to determine how many congressional seats each area gets, and these illegals generally flock to Democrat areas.
I've said before and i'll say it again, most racists are Republicans. I know because it has been my experience for 23 years living here as an immigrant. Liberals are generally more accepting that I'll give it to them.
The reason why in my opinion because of ignorance, most republicans/conservatives tend to live in suburbia, red states and are generally not surrounding by immigrants as much as liberals in big cities hence the fear of the other kicks in.
You aren’t a conservative and never have been.

You bought into the bullshit and lies of the left.

We MAGA have been telling you all that the Dems main goal is to destroy America. It’s pretty self-evident if you just look at Dem run shit hole cities and states. They want those same failed policies for all of America. They hate freedom, they want authoritarianism. They are consumed with arrogance and resentment. The RINOs of the Uniparty aren’t much better, which is why we MAGA are at war with them and we will purge them.

So don’t sit here and act like you didn’t do these terrible things and try to blame it on Dems that ”went to far”. You knew damn well how far they would go, and you cheered for it. You just bought into the lie that these actions would usher in a new utopia. Instead you‘re stuck in a hell hole full of drug addicts, homeless, unemployed, criminals, illegals, and you have the privilege of paying through the nose with high taxes and inflation to experience it first hand. Congratulations, you won. Enjoy your prize.

It's rare but I totally disagree with you.

When I was younger I was a liberal: long hair, bell bottom jeans, called our police pigs, wore an army jacket, smoked pot, against our military and war, played lead guitar in rock bands.

When I got a few adult years under my belt, I started to change my views. I was a registered Democrat, but it took time until I fully converted to conservatism.

By the time I reached my late 20's, I did a 180 from how I seen things as an 18 year old. It was not overnight even though I knew the party I supported was wrong in many ways. But all it takes is the final straw that broke the camels back.
You aren’t a conservative and never have been.

You bought into the bullshit and lies of the left.

We MAGA have been telling you all that the Dems main goal is to destroy America. It’s pretty self-evident if you just look at Dem run shit hole cities and states. They want those same failed policies for all of America. They hate freedom, they want authoritarianism. They are consumed with arrogance and resentment. The RINOs of the Uniparty aren’t much better, which is why we MAGA are at war with them and we will purge them.

So don’t sit here and act like you didn’t do these terrible things and try to blame it on Dems that ”went to far”. You knew damn well how far they would go, and you cheered for it. You just bought into the lie that these actions would usher in a new utopia. Instead you‘re stuck in a hell hole full of drug addicts, homeless, unemployed, criminals, illegals, and you have the privilege of paying through the nose with high taxes and inflation to experience it first hand. Congratulations, you won. Enjoy your prize.
I still think Trump is an idiot, don't get carried away. America can do better than him and his loonies, I know a handful of people that can run this country way better than him and Biden and i'm sure there are thousands of others that can. Let's not settle for the worst.
I've said before and i'll say it again, most racists are Republicans. I know because it has been my experience for 23 years living here as an immigrant. Liberals are generally more accepting that I'll give it to them.
The reason why in my opinion because of ignorance, most republicans/conservatives tend to live in suburbia, red states and are generally not surrounding by immigrants as much as liberals in big cities hence the fear of the other kicks in.

Maybe, but on the flip side of that coin is that residents don't know if you are a legal immigrant or not. They have every reason to be cautious of illegals since your state caters to so many illegals.
I've said before and i'll say it again, most racists are Republicans. I know because it has been my experience for 23 years living here as an immigrant. Liberals are generally more accepting that I'll give it to them.
The reason why in my opinion because of ignorance, most republicans/conservatives tend to live in suburbia, red states and are generally not surrounding by immigrants as much as liberals in big cities hence the fear of the other kicks in.

History says otherwise. Democrats founded the KKK and still treat the black population like slaves.

They just call them welfare recipients instead.

Look up any policy that has hurt poor immigrants and they invariably originate from the dems.

I was a democrat for longer than you have been alive.

It took a long while for me to realize the truth.

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