Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

Justin Amash - Wikipedia

Never-Trumper to the extreme.....

Sorry Sanford attacked Trump, Trump will attack you back.....what's the issue?
Trump lied about the room’s reception of his bashing of Sanford. Simple. Hard to follow?
Freedom Caucus to Trump: Lay off Sanford attacks

MarkSanford’s job is to support and defend the Constitution. He’s one of the most principled, consistent, and conservative members of Congress I’ve ever known. And unlike you, Mark has shown humility in his role and a desire to be a better man than he was the day before.

Uh is he talking about the same Mark Sanford I know?

Sanford, a vocal Trump critic, had originally explained away an extended absence from his time as governor by saying he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. In fact, he was in Argentina with a woman he was having an affair with.

During a closed-door meeting of the Freedom Caucus Monday evening, a number of lawmakers in the powerful group adamantly called for members to come out in defense of Sanford and condemn president’s repeated attacks against one of their own.

vocal critic, he dishes it out....trumps gonna dish it back

and Sanford lie about his affair....
he's a friend of Amash and they both hate I really don't listen to Amash or Sanford.

Did Trump lie or didn't Trump lie?
Let's see, 252 vs 1726. But president Obama lied more.

Is this some.kinda conservative only math or what?

Not it's real math not the fantasy math of Neo-Marxist Trump haters.
Ok, so explain to me this "real math" where 252 is greater than 1726.

I'll wait. Use diagrams if needed.

Your 1728 is inflated because you hate Trump and have TDS so you find stats to support your POV. Simple really. You can find 'stats' on anything these days and you can find a lot of MSM to make up supposed lies by Trump. Trump is President because the majority of geographic America voted for him. What's your fucking problem?

I have a problem with dishonest people like you and your shitty president. You make a claim, can't back it up so you deflect. You got nothing, so be quiet. Whatever will you do when the Orange Virus is impeached? Blame Hillary? Dumbass.
Because they stuff you say Trump lied about, wasn't a lie dumbass.
you guys can distinguish nuance at all, you guys apparently don't get sarcasm, mockery and other attemps of humor.
When Trump says it's a hundred degrees outside you guys go fact check and say AH HA!!!! it's only 99.4 degrees...Trump is a go shut the fuck up.

LOL when Trump says its a hundred degrees outside and its the Democrats fault and its really snowing, you guys rationalize that well Trump was really joking- not lying.
WaPo gave Trump four Pinocchios for saying crime in Germany has risen 10%. In the article, they cited a couple-year-old study done in Germany that said violent crime had increased... w a i t f o r i t... 10% !

Lol the reason for the four Pinocchio rating is bc a study they cited claimed crime (not specified as violent) in Germany is at a thirty year low.

Moral of this story? WaPo and the like will make Trump look as bad as possible even when unwarranted. Also WaPo doesn’t think their readership is too bright considering they provided a statistic to back up Trump’s statement whilst dubbing that statement a bald-faced lie.

Trump said crime had risen 10% in Germany.

But it hadn't.

Violent crime had risen in one German state. Between 2015-2016.

But crime in Germany is down- and is at historically low levels.

Trump knows his followers are too gullible to know the difference or even care. Which is one of the reasons Trump attacks the media so often- because the Media does point out Trump's lies. Which he cannot stand.
Here's a fairly complete list.

Donald Trump has said 1726 false things as U.S. president

It's starts on inauguration day with "it looked like rain" and "even the media said the crowd was massive" and goes right on through to "Washington Post employees want to go on strike because Bezos isn’t paying them enough. I think a really long strike would be a great idea" which was said a couple.of days ago.

Enjoy, it's a looooong read.

Obama lied more. Go pound salt.
Got a list?
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

The following is a contribution from Dan from Squirrel Hill. The original title of the article is “Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.” it’s lengthy, but is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all the dirty details on the Obama presidency.
Let's see, 252 vs 1726. But president Obama lied more.

Is this some.kinda conservative only math or what?

If you actually read the fact-checks of these supposed 1726 lies you’d see that, for a sizable portion of them, so-called “journalists” twist things however much they have to in order to call what was said a lie.

Here’s some light reading of the inaccuracies of one such fact check: ‘Washington Post’ Fact Check On Trump & Obama Immigration Policies Severely Flawed [Opinion]

The good news? They’re getting sloppy, by citing studies that prove Trump’s statement had merit whilst assigning him four Pinocchios.

Analysis | President Trump’s claim that crime is up in Germany

Has Trump lied as POTUS? Yep. Has he told 1726 lies? I highly, highly doubt it. But hey, if the obviously anti-Trump media says so, it must be true, right?
Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!”
— President Trump, in a tweet, June 19, 2018

“Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
—Trump, in a tweet, June 18, 2018

Trump alleged that crime is “way up” or “up 10% plus” in Germany, but he didn’t cite any source. It’s also unclear what time periods he was comparing when he said “up 10% plus.”

Meanwhile, the German government reports that crime dropped to a 25-year low in 2017.

“At roughly 5.76 million, the number of criminal offences committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992,” Horst Seehofer, the German minister of the interior, said in a statement May 8. “This drop in crime is even more apparent in relation to the total population: fewer than 7,000 offences per 100,000 residents. That is the lowest rate in more than 30 years!”

Crime overall was down 9.6 percent from 2016, which included a 2.4 percent decrease in violent crimes. However, violent crimes had risen 6.7 percent between 2015 and 2016, as our colleague Adam Taylor reported.

Pretty straight forward- Trump lied.

The question is why you are just so willing to accept such casual lies from President Trump.
Most of the supposed Trump 'lies' are not lies either.

That’s what the Trump haters refuse to understand. They think just bc their side says he told 1726 lies, he told 1726 lies. If they bothered getting into specifics AND looked at things objectively they’d see they’re being played.

I mean, I’m sure if Fox News claimed Obama told 1200 lies they’d believe it no question... that’s what they expect us to do—believe Trump told 1726 lies bc a press who hates him says so.

I frankly don't look at all 1726 of Trump's lies- but I see objectively him lying almost every day.

And I have seen him lying since 2011 when he started lying to attack President Obama by jumping on the Birther idiocy.

I have looked at the specifics enough times so that when idiotic Trumpsters like the OP ask 'what lies'- its easy to rattle off quite a few.

I don't think you have to hate Trump- to hate the fact that he lies so often- and so casually.

It is no accident that Trump attacks the press- because the press is who is pointing out his regular- and casual lying to Americans.
Mein Trumpf - Chapter 10

"All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly Impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars."

Mein Kampf, Chapter X
What is insidious about Trump's lying is why he is lying.

He lies to discredit others. To attack other nations. To attack anyone he perceives as his enemies or against him.

He lies about the media because he wants the public to distrust the media- so he is the only 'trusted' source of information.

Trump lies about himself to self aggrandize himself. But he lies about others to cause harm to them- and ultimately to the United States.
Just going to correct one of Leo's. Obama did try & close Gitmo, (cost 11 million dollars a year for each prisoner) the Republicans won the fight & it stays open. some one else can deal with the rest, the 11 million just bothers me. KNOW am off topic this is suppose to be about Trump lie's.
Whenever Trump uses sarcasm or hyperbole to make a point, the MSM intentionally misunderstands in order to spread more disinformation.

Whenever Trump gets nailed for something asinine he has said- Trump claims he was just joking.

How can it be 'disinformation' to actually quote Trump?

Whenever Trump tells a joke, TDSers try to find anything they can to convince the cud chewing leftists that it wasn't a joke. They have lost their sense of humor as they are consumed by hatred.
Trump does not understand humor

He is clueless
Whenever Trump uses sarcasm or hyperbole to make a point, the MSM intentionally misunderstands in order to spread more disinformation.

Whenever Trump gets nailed for something asinine he has said- Trump claims he was just joking.

How can it be 'disinformation' to actually quote Trump?

Whenever Trump tells a joke, TDSers try to find anything they can to convince the cud chewing leftists that it wasn't a joke. They have lost their sense of humor as they are consumed by hatred.
Trump does not understand humor

He is clueless

TDSers are clueless and humorless.
Whenever Trump uses sarcasm or hyperbole to make a point, the MSM intentionally misunderstands in order to spread more disinformation.

Whenever Trump gets nailed for something asinine he has said- Trump claims he was just joking.

How can it be 'disinformation' to actually quote Trump?

Whenever Trump tells a joke, TDSers try to find anything they can to convince the cud chewing leftists that it wasn't a joke. They have lost their sense of humor as they are consumed by hatred.
Trump does not understand humor

He is clueless

TDSers are clueless and humorless.

Trumpsters are gullible idiots.
Whenever Trump uses sarcasm or hyperbole to make a point, the MSM intentionally misunderstands in order to spread more disinformation.

Whenever Trump gets nailed for something asinine he has said- Trump claims he was just joking.

How can it be 'disinformation' to actually quote Trump?

Whenever Trump tells a joke, TDSers try to find anything they can to convince the cud chewing leftists that it wasn't a joke. They have lost their sense of humor as they are consumed by hatred.
Trump does not understand humor

He is clueless

TDSers are clueless and humorless.

Trumpsters are gullible idiots.

TDSers are humorless, lying idiots.
We would like to help generate marijuana tax revenue for the State; but the right wing, won't let us.

Infrastructure with drug money! two birds with one stone; only the capitally useless, right wing doesn't like it.
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We would like to help generate marijuana tax revenue for the State; but the right wing, won't let us.

Infrastructure with drug money! two birds with one stone; only capitally useless, right wing doesn't like it.

I don't agree with the right wing on that. I'm with you.
Let's see, 252 vs 1726. But president Obama lied more.

Is this some.kinda conservative only math or what?

Not it's real math not the fantasy math of Neo-Marxist Trump haters.
Ok, so explain to me this "real math" where 252 is greater than 1726.

I'll wait. Use diagrams if needed.

Wait how is the first one a lie?
Fdr did win 4 terms, which would be 16 years. so he said 16, that is not a lie. This is the crap I'm talking about.

First the 16 years wasn't relevant to his point. He said I cut regulation more than any President in 4, 8, 16 er years. So only one was greater than 8, and had he lived it would have been 16 and I doubt he was cutting to quibble over a detail that is irrelevant and prudent to the topic is stupid. It's like arguing over grammar. But notice they don't get to the point.....about the regulation cutting...they never answer that, which is the whole point of the statement.

The second statement on solar plants

First Solar to Open a New US Manufacturing Plant

Duke Energy opens solar power farms near Walton
After Trump tariffs, Chinese solar company says it will build U.S. factory
It said no new plants have opened since the tariffs. That's 3 new plants

I mean do you guys including the article not do any basic research? I debunked the first 2 stories in like 5 min.
No ya didn't.

1. No president has served for 16 years. The longest-serving president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, served just over 12 years, dying shortly into his fourth term.

2. It doesn't say "no new plants". The exact quote is "There is no indication that "many" shuttered solar plants have reopened since Trump imposed his tariffs." 3 is not many.
Everything on the list I posted can be independently verified as true.

You don’t even know if that’s true. You’re assuming... is assuming something is true wo evidence the same as lying?
Everything I looked at is verified, the paper publishing it says it is as well. Why don't you find one that isn't and show us.
Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much
#3. "United States Steel is now expanding and opening six new plants."

But it's not. It reopening one according to your link.

The actual quote: "in fact: At the time Trump spoke, U.S. Steel had only announced a major development at one facility since Trump introduced his steel tariffs: it said it was restarting two shuttered blast furnaces at its plant in Granite City, Illinois. Chuck Bradford, an industry analyst who follows U.S. Steel, said he was "not aware" of the company opening any other facilities. U.S. Steel did not respond to repeated requests for comment about this."


You haven't debunked anything.

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