Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

Obama lied more. Go pound salt.
Got a list?
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

The following is a contribution from Dan from Squirrel Hill. The original title of the article is “Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.” it’s lengthy, but is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all the dirty details on the Obama presidency.
Let's see, 252 vs 1726. But president Obama lied more.

Is this some.kinda conservative only math or what?

Not it's real math not the fantasy math of Neo-Marxist Trump haters.
Ok, so explain to me this "real math" where 252 is greater than 1726.

I'll wait. Use diagrams if needed.

Wait how is the first one a lie?
Fdr did win 4 terms, which would be 16 years. so he said 16, that is not a lie. This is the crap I'm talking about.

First the 16 years wasn't relevant to his point. He said I cut regulation more than any President in 4, 8, 16 er years. So only one was greater than 8, and had he lived it would have been 16 and I doubt he was cutting to quibble over a detail that is irrelevant and prudent to the topic is stupid. It's like arguing over grammar. But notice they don't get to the point.....about the regulation cutting...they never answer that, which is the whole point of the statement.

The second statement on solar plants

First Solar to Open a New US Manufacturing Plant

Duke Energy opens solar power farms near Walton
After Trump tariffs, Chinese solar company says it will build U.S. factory
It said no new plants have opened since the tariffs. That's 3 new plants

I mean do you guys including the article not do any basic research? I debunked the first 2 stories in like 5 min.
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Everything on the list I posted can be independently verified as true.

You don’t even know if that’s true. You’re assuming... is assuming something is true wo evidence the same as lying?
Everything I looked at is verified, the paper publishing it says it is as well. Why don't you find one that isn't and show us.
Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much
Everything on the list I posted can be independently verified as true.

You don’t even know if that’s true. You’re assuming... is assuming something is true wo evidence the same as lying?
Everything I looked at is verified, the paper publishing it says it is as well. Why don't you find one that isn't and show us.
Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Harley is opening overseas, farmers are taking a hit,
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies....
President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far
By Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly
Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of May 31, 2018. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.

That’s an average of nearly 6.5 claims a day.

When we first started this project for the president’s first 100 days, he averaged 4.9 claims a day. Slowly, the average number of claims has been creeping up.

Indeed, since we last updated this tally two months ago, the president has averaged about 9 claims a day.

Our interactive graphic, created with the help of Leslie Shapiro and Kaeti Hinck of The Washington Post’s graphics department, displays a running list of every false or misleading statement made by Trump. We also catalogued the president’s many flip-flops, since those earn Upside-Down Pinocchios if a politician shifts position on an issue without acknowledging that he or she did so.

Trump has a proclivity to repeat, over and over, many of his false or misleading statements. We’ve counted at least 113 claims that the president has repeated at least three times, some with breathtaking frequency.

Seventy-two times, the president has falsely claimed he passed the biggest tax cut in history — when in fact it ranks in eighth place.
Fifty-three times, the president has made some variation of the claim that the Russia probe is a made-up controversy.
(If you include other claims about the Russia probe that are not accurate, the count goes to 90.)
Forty-one times, the president has offered a variation of the false claim that Democrats do not really care about the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that Trump terminated.

Thirty-four times, the president has wrongly asserted that a border wall was needed to stop the flow of drugs across the southern border, even though the Drug Enforcement Administration says a wall would not limit this illegal trade, as much of it travels through legal borders or under tunnels unaffected by any possible physical barrier.

Thirteen times in the past five weeks, Trump has claimed his long-promised border wall is already being built, even though Congress denied him the funding and prohibited the use of prototypes he had viewed with great fanfare.


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This is a fake Time Magazine cover Trump had made and framed and has posted on his wall out in the public for his golf resorts.

It's fake. Who does that? What kind of person does that.

Remember when you look at this picture, you see Trump lying.

Every time you see this picture. It's a Trump lie.

Don't forget.

Everyone who goes into that bar and gets a drink is seeing this lie.

Trump is lying to every person who sees this picture.

One at a time, Trump is lying to person after person.

Besides Trump, who else would do something like this?

Go ahead Republicans, defend this. Tell us why it's OK.
Everything on the list I posted can be independently verified as true.

You don’t even know if that’s true. You’re assuming... is assuming something is true wo evidence the same as lying?
Everything I looked at is verified, the paper publishing it says it is as well. Why don't you find one that isn't and show us.
Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Harley is opening overseas, farmers are taking a hit,
That wasn't the point....try and pay we've seen these doomsday projections before......end up as nothing....
He said he has the best health plan...where is it?
He said he will build a wall and mexico will pay for it, where is the wall?
He said he will slash debt and put ana amazing budget, did he?
He said he will be tough on Saudi Arabia, he went and danced with them :)
He said....well heck I need months to list his lies.
Everything on the list I posted can be independently verified as true.

You don’t even know if that’s true. You’re assuming... is assuming something is true wo evidence the same as lying?
Everything I looked at is verified, the paper publishing it says it is as well. Why don't you find one that isn't and show us.
Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Harley is opening overseas, farmers are taking a hit,
That wasn't the point....try and pay we've seen these doomsday projections before......end up as nothing....
It is the point

Trumps trade policies are

We are not better off
You don’t even know if that’s true. You’re assuming... is assuming something is true wo evidence the same as lying?
Everything I looked at is verified, the paper publishing it says it is as well. Why don't you find one that isn't and show us.
Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Harley is opening overseas, farmers are taking a hit,
That wasn't the point....try and pay we've seen these doomsday projections before......end up as nothing....
It is the point

Trumps trade policies are

We are not better off
No it isn't, you cant even read or follow a's not about the worthiness of trade..Jesus you guys are so stupid.
It had to do with did Trump lie about US Steel opening plants, my post showed that they are opening plants and that the paper lied about it, not Trump.
Here's a fairly complete list.

Donald Trump has said 1726 false things as U.S. president

It's starts on inauguration day with "it looked like rain" and "even the media said the crowd was massive" and goes right on through to "Washington Post employees want to go on strike because Bezos isn’t paying them enough. I think a really long strike would be a great idea" which was said a couple.of days ago.

Enjoy, it's a looooong read.

Obama lied more. Go pound salt.
Got a list?
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

The following is a contribution from Dan from Squirrel Hill. The original title of the article is “Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.” it’s lengthy, but is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all the dirty details on the Obama presidency.


Does it matter to you when Trump lies?

No, just like it didn't matter to me when Obama lied. I was just posting the same kind of shit that the butt-hurters post. Trump is President. Get over it.

Of course Trump is President.

Obama is not.

This thread is about President Trump- and his lies- and his followers rationalizations about his lies.

Yet some want to just divert it to 'but but but Obama.....'
Obama lied more. Go pound salt.
Got a list?
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

The following is a contribution from Dan from Squirrel Hill. The original title of the article is “Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.” it’s lengthy, but is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all the dirty details on the Obama presidency.


Does it matter to you when Trump lies?

No, just like it didn't matter to me when Obama lied. I was just posting the same kind of shit that the butt-hurters post. Trump is President. Get over it.

Of course Trump is President.

Obama is not.

This thread is about President Trump- and his lies- and his followers rationalizations about his lies.

Yet some want to just divert it to 'but but but Obama.....'

The thread has a bunch of TDSers who are making shit up.
Whenever Trump uses sarcasm or hyperbole to make a point, the MSM intentionally misunderstands in order to spread more disinformation.

Whenever Trump gets nailed for something asinine he has said- Trump claims he was just joking.

How can it be 'disinformation' to actually quote Trump?
Whenever Trump uses sarcasm or hyperbole to make a point, the MSM intentionally misunderstands in order to spread more disinformation.

Whenever Trump gets nailed for something asinine he has said- Trump claims he was just joking.

How can it be 'disinformation' to actually quote Trump?

Whenever Trump tells a joke, TDSers try to find anything they can to convince the cud chewing leftists that it wasn't a joke. They have lost their sense of humor as they are consumed by hatred.


Does it matter to you when Trump lies?

No, just like it didn't matter to me when Obama lied. I was just posting the same kind of shit that the butt-hurters post. Trump is President. Get over it.

Of course Trump is President.

Obama is not.

This thread is about President Trump- and his lies- and his followers rationalizations about his lies.

Yet some want to just divert it to 'but but but Obama.....'

The thread has a bunch of TDSers who are making shit up.

Simple yes or no question….do you think Trump has lied during his campaign or during his first term in office?

If so, what was it?
We can look at it, so the first one crime in Germany

Violent crime rises in Germany and is attributed to refugees

Young male refugees in Germany got the blame on Wednesday for most of a two-year increase in violent crime, adding fuel to the country’s political debate over migrants.

NOT A LIE.........

Actually- yes a lie.
What did Trump say?

"Crime in Germany is way up."
Donald Trump on Monday, June 18th, 2018 in a tweet
According to the latest government numbers that came out in May, crime in the European Union’s largest economy is down by about 9.6 percent from 2016 to 2017.

It is also down nearly 4 percent compared to 2012. This chart shows the percentage drop in all crime, violent crime, and the three most common crimes of street crime (a catchall category that spans offenses from sexual harassment to extortion to gang violence), theft and property damage.

"The number of criminal offenses committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992," Seehofer said May 8. "This drop in crime is even more apparent in relation to the total population: fewer than 7,000 offenses per 100,000 residents. That is the lowest rate in more than 30 years!"

Not every type of crime went down. Those involving drugs went up about 9 percent in the past year, and weapons violations rose by 10 percent.

Which makes Trump's most recent claim even more of a lie

Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2018

Flat out lie.

The White House didn’t respond to a request for clarification, but our best guess is a German government-sponsored report from January that showed violent crime increased 10 percent between 2015 and 2016 in the German state of Lower Saxony.

So yes Trump is lying.

Crime is down in Germany- not up.
Whenever Trump uses sarcasm or hyperbole to make a point, the MSM intentionally misunderstands in order to spread more disinformation.

Whenever Trump gets nailed for something asinine he has said- Trump claims he was just joking.

How can it be 'disinformation' to actually quote Trump?

Whenever Trump tells a joke, TDSers try to find anything they can to convince the cud chewing leftists that it wasn't a joke. They have lost their sense of humor as they are consumed by hatred.

Remember how for 5 years Trump joked about President Obama not being born in the United States?
The 3rd one, for opiods
I don't know about this one, but crazy as it sounds, they forgot to report 70000 deaths in a perios of 1999-2015

Pitt study: 70K opioid overdose deaths went unreported on death certificates

"We got $6 billion for opioid and getting rid of the scourge that’s taking over our country," Trump said May 29. "And the numbers are way down."

"We’re getting the word out — bad. Bad stuff. You go to the hospital, you have a broken arm, you come out, you’re a drug addict with this crap. It’s way down. We’re doing a good job with it. But we got $6 billion to help us with opioid.

However, the latest government figures show a 15 percent increase in opioid overdose deaths between 2016 and 2017. And research casts doubt on the tie between reduced prescribing and a drop in the number of overdoses.


Does it matter to you when Trump lies?

No, just like it didn't matter to me when Obama lied. I was just posting the same kind of shit that the butt-hurters post. Trump is President. Get over it.

Of course Trump is President.

Obama is not.

This thread is about President Trump- and his lies- and his followers rationalizations about his lies.

Yet some want to just divert it to 'but but but Obama.....'

The thread has a bunch of TDSers who are making shit up.

The thread has a bunch of Trumpsters rationalizing all of the shit Trump makes up.

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