Liberals, why don’t you care if Obama spied on Trump?

When people like Pelosi and Schumer bad mouth Barr and demand he resign, isn’t that obstruction of justice?

They are trying to interfere with his investigation.
So according to Libs, Trump is a Russian spy, but Obama’s DOJ didn’t spy on Trump?

How did the DOJ know anything if they weren’t spying on Trump?

Court ordered FISA warrants aren't considered "spying". It's legal "surveillance".

What judge issued a warrant? The heads of the CIA and FBI testified no such warrant was ever issued. So if there were recordings, they were illegal. Otherwise Comey and Clapper committed perjury.

Google is your friend...
Isnt that an abuse of power?

He was supposed to be a great Uniter, yet you accept abuses of power by him, like spying on AP reporters.

Just seems odd that you expect less from your hero, not more.
If legally obtaining a wiretap warrant from a judge by showing criminal conduct is considered spying then yeah I guess that probably spied.

Except Comey and Clapper said no such warrant was ever requested or issued to “investigate” President-elect Trump or his staff before or after the election.

So are they liars?
The FBI’s Counterintelligence Investigation of Trump Was Prudent and Proper

If Russia has engaged in “espionage” or “other intelligence activities” to induce the president (knowingly or unknowingly) to act on its behalf, then those actions (and their effects) are within the scope of the FBI’s mission. It’s black-letter law under a currently operative presidential order.

See also: On What Grounds Can the FBI Investigate the President as a Counterintelligence Threat?

dont forget: nobody in the gang of 8 objected to said investigation.
Isnt that an abuse of power?

He was supposed to be a great Uniter, yet you accept abuses of power by him, like spying on AP reporters.

Just seems odd that you expect less from your hero, not more.
He's black. OK 1/2.
I expect him to spy on t~Rumps so he can sneak in the house and look for gold why he and Mel are at Arbys.

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