Liberals: Would you support making Obama King Of America?

The Bush years are over brah. I'm dealing with the current a-hole in charge.

Bush is no longer in the White House, but I assure you that the Bush years are far from over. He fucked us really long time...

I don't give a f about that even if it's true. And frankly it is true in various ways. Of course, I doubt he'll beat FDR's record but w/e. But stop deflecting. Obama is acting like a King and not a president. It's reprehensible.

If the crazy wingnut shit you say is remotely true, don't you think Speaker John Boehner and the Teabagger loons in the House would be jumping at the chance to impeach Obama?

So, regarding your delusional nonsense, there is no there there...
I asked the question; do you libs want Obama to be king. Most of you came back and said of course not, that's absurd. But now we have Obama ignoring Congress and declaring that he's going to give amnesty to 800K illegals. He's basically acting like a king. What say you now libs?

What he did simply did not exceed the authority of the President.

No, acting like a king is when an administration sets up "free-speech-zone" arround the president and herd any protester into that out of site restricted location thereby ensuring "The King" doesn't have to listen deal with the whole Free Speech thing......
Nah. His High-ness,Bernie Sanders, with Schiff, Celente and Ron Paul on the budgeting team would be OK.
I would love to hear what liberals would support Obama becoming king and your rationale.

Conservatives and Independents hold your tongues. No need to go off on any diatribes. Let the libs weigh in first.

Of course not. The Republicans pushing for Jeb Bush seem to be the ones looking to esablish a bloodline for the presidency.
Bush is no longer in the White House, but I assure you that the Bush years are far from over. He fucked us really long time...

I don't give a f about that even if it's true. And frankly it is true in various ways. Of course, I doubt he'll beat FDR's record but w/e. But stop deflecting. Obama is acting like a King and not a president. It's reprehensible.

If the crazy wingnut shit you say is remotely true, don't you think Speaker John Boehner and the Teabagger loons in the House would be jumping at the chance to impeach Obama?

So, regarding your delusional nonsense, there is no there there...

Why do you assume that John Boehner is my hero? I don't put my trust in him. I know he's a politician just like the rest of them. We as Americans still have the power though. We don't have to accept four more years of having our Constitutional rights trampled. And I ask, are your Constitutional rights being violated? Stop deflecting and answer that. If not then tell me how it is not so.
You'll see King obama soon enough. When the Supreme Court strikes obamacare, obama will ignore the ruling and do whatever he wants.
I would love to hear what liberals would support Obama becoming king and your rationale.

Did you actually believe that liberals would support Obama as a king?

I mean, I have a low opinion of liberals, but are you really THAT profoundly stupid?

This is probably the biggest strawman of all time. :lol:
I would love to hear what liberals would support Obama becoming king and your rationale.

Did you actually believe that liberals would support Obama as a king?

I mean, I have a low opinion of liberals, but are you really THAT profoundly stupid?

This is probably the biggest strawman of all time. :lol:

I'm sure The_GG believes they do but he knows they are too smart to outright admit it. It's all right there in the Playbook pp 157. He must have gotten a hold of a copy of that Playbook :eek:
For a time America had no viable conservative party, it had died with the end of second president's first term, John Adams. The period was called in some histories, "The "Era of Good Feelings". But then Andrew Jackson came along and Jackson was America's first king and a new party was formed to oppose the king, the Whigs. But the "king" sort of became worn out so Republicans came up with "dictator" much more modern and it meshed with the Hitler period. FDR was a dictator, as was Truman, and other Democrats, but like king, I wonder if it scares people as much as socialist, communist, or big ears? Those babies have some impact.
I would love to hear what liberals would support Obama becoming king and your rationale.

Did you actually believe that liberals would support Obama as a king?

I mean, I have a low opinion of liberals, but are you really THAT profoundly stupid?

This is probably the biggest strawman of all time. :lol:

Breaking news bro: libs (and the media) have been treating him like a king. And the fact that none of them are coming out and saying hey, Obama; you can't just unilaterally make immigration law; it's showing that they'll allow him to act like a king as well. I think you are profoundly stupid to ignore that.
Holy shit. This might rival the Divorce Thread as the dumbest fucking thread in the history of any message board EVER.
Holy shit. This might rival the Divorce Thread as the dumbest fucking thread in the history of any message board EVER.

I'm sure you rival all of the dumbest posters. You think you're cute and sensological. But you're just coming in here and deflecting and trolling. You don't like the topic and you think you are too good to discuss it rationally then stay the fuck out of it loser. And that goes for your fellow trolls who are up to the same b.s.
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Holy shit. This might rival the Divorce Thread as the dumbest fucking thread in the history of any message board EVER.

I'm sure you rival all of the dumbest posters. You think you're cute and sensological. But you're just coming in here and deflecting and trolling. You don't like the topic and you think you are too good to discuss it rationally then stay the fuck out of it loser. And that goes for your fellow trolls who are up to the same b.s.

Favorite pot/kettle moment EVER.
Holy shit. This might rival the Divorce Thread as the dumbest fucking thread in the history of any message board EVER.

I'm sure you rival all of the dumbest posters. You think you're cute and sensological. But you're just coming in here and deflecting and trolling. You don't like the topic and you think you are too good to discuss it rationally then stay the fuck out of it loser. And that goes for your fellow trolls who are up to the same b.s.

Uh. No. It's a really, really stupid question. Even some of your fellow Conservatives have told you so dude. I'm just more blunt than they'll ever be: This is a shitty thread and if I were the Admin I would take away your ability to create threads for the rest of your life because of this abortion of a thread.
Holy shit. This might rival the Divorce Thread as the dumbest fucking thread in the history of any message board EVER.

I'm sure you rival all of the dumbest posters. You think you're cute and sensological. But you're just coming in here and deflecting and trolling. You don't like the topic and you think you are too good to discuss it rationally then stay the fuck out of it loser. And that goes for your fellow trolls who are up to the same b.s.

Uh. No. It's a really, really stupid question. Even some of your fellow Conservatives have told you so dude. I'm just more blunt than they'll ever be: This is a shitty thread and if I were the Admin I would take away your ability to create threads for the rest of your life because of this abortion of a thread.

Like I sad -- trolling. The question is based in reality. You don't want the question? Then stop worshiping Obama. Stop making excuses for him. And stop looking the other way when he f'ing spits on the Constitution and ignores the laws of the land that he swore to uphold.

Seriously, I'm not just mirroring your crap. You truly are lame for deflecting and pretending that there is no basis for this discussion. I'm not going to apologize. I didn't elect a fucking king. But I have a president that sure as hell is acting like he is. You are the fucking apologist and you have no credibility as far as I'm concerned.
I'm sure you rival all of the dumbest posters. You think you're cute and sensological. But you're just coming in here and deflecting and trolling. You don't like the topic and you think you are too good to discuss it rationally then stay the fuck out of it loser. And that goes for your fellow trolls who are up to the same b.s.

Uh. No. It's a really, really stupid question. Even some of your fellow Conservatives have told you so dude. I'm just more blunt than they'll ever be: This is a shitty thread and if I were the Admin I would take away your ability to create threads for the rest of your life because of this abortion of a thread.

Like I sad -- trolling. The question is based in reality. You don't want the question? Then stop worshiping Obama. Stop making excuses for him. And stop looking the other way when he f'ing spits on the Constitution and ignores the laws of the land that he swore to uphold.

Seriously, I'm not just mirroring your crap. You truly are lame for deflecting and pretending that there is no basis for this discussion. I'm not going to apologize. I didn't elect a fucking king. But I have a president that sure as hell is acting like he is. You are the fucking apologist and you have no credibility as far as I'm concerned.

What "reality" involves America switching over to a monarchy? Seriously, Dummy, this is a terrible, terrible thread idea. Really, really terrible. Obama's not acting like he's a king. If you believe that, then you have hold GWB twice as accountable for acting kingly.

Seriously, shut the fuck up. This thread is all kinds of fail.

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