Liberals: Would you support making Obama King Of America?


Have you ever heard of general observations troll? Gee whiz dude. Put on your tamp-on already.

You still framed it on an attempt to create a coup scenario, when in reality, your premise was based on a clear lie of omission. If you wanted to discuss the issue, your lying framing must have gotten you quite a few ignorant reach around. Is that your real objective?

Have you ever heard of general observations troll? Gee whiz dude. Put on your tamp-on already.

You still framed it on an attempt to create a coup scenario, when in reality, your premise was based on a clear lie of omission. If you wanted to discuss the issue, your lying framing must have gotten you quite a few ignorant reach around. Is that your real objective?

I apparently left my broken record player running.
The last king, conservatives tried to scare Americans with, was Democratic Andrew Jackson. Since Jackson, the conservatives have dropped the scare word, king, and modernized to dictator, socialist, and communist. But despite all the conservative warnings about Truman, FDR, the others becoming dictators they've all gone quietly into the night. Incidently, the last Democratic king, King Andrew the First, not only inspired conservatives to create a new political party, the Whig party, but was the only king to ever pay off the national debt.
I asked a simple question.

You asked an idiotic question.

Conservatives’ irrational hate of Obama makes them only look foolish.

aaaaaww...spending is down, one of Bush's wars that he funded "off budget" is over and the other one is back "on budget" and winding down, Bin Laden is dead, Obama's administration has created more jobs in the last three years than were created during Bush's two terms, Obama wanted to make millionaires like Rom Mittney pay their fair share of taxes but the Republicans in congress honored the tea party and Norquist's stupid idea of fairness and used te filibuster to stop it.

The Republican plan to cut taxes for the wealthy and let the wealth trickle down failed and by gawd anyone who fails to see that has their head up their ass. The only thing which changed was a quadrupling of the national debt under Reagan-Bush41 then when Bush43 took the helm he immediately cut taxes and began to borrow from Communist Chinese banks and doubled the national debt again. Since 1980 the Republicans could phuck up a two car funeral.


Have you ever heard of general observations troll? Gee whiz dude. Put on your tamp-on already.

You still framed it on an attempt to create a coup scenario, when in reality, your premise was based on a clear lie of omission. If you wanted to discuss the issue, your lying framing must have gotten you quite a few ignorant reach around. Is that your real objective?

I apparently left my broken record player running.

Nice way of ducking the fact that you attempted to use a lie of omission to frame your argument. Once again, for anyone who missed what a worm turd you are: Bill to Repeal the 22nd Amendment
You still framed it on an attempt to create a coup scenario, when in reality, your premise was based on a clear lie of omission. If you wanted to discuss the issue, your lying framing must have gotten you quite a few ignorant reach around. Is that your real objective?

I apparently left my broken record player running.

Nice way of ducking the fact that you attempted to use a lie of omission to frame your argument. Once again, for anyone who missed what a worm turd you are: Bill to Repeal the 22nd Amendment

No. I've clearly explained the matter to you once. I'm not going to repeat myself just because you want to keep throwing out the same tired accusation. You want to act like you're five, you're going to get treated like you're five.
Why should I read it? I never said Democrats are the only idiots, I was pointing out that there are people who want Obama to have more than 2 terms.

Because the snopes article proves that the bill wasn't submitted by someone who "wants Obama to have more than 2 terms". It was submitted by someone who wants any and all presidents to serve as many terms as they can get elected for.

Does it somehow disprove my point that there are people who want Obama to have more than two terms? If not, there is no reason to read it, is there? It wasn't the only link I posted so Tuck didn't accomplish anything but proving himself to be a hack.
Did you read the Snopes article, or are you just offended by my fear of what Reagan might have done in a third term? But there are some good opinions on repealing the 22nd.

Here's an interesting op-ed piece from 2006 on the subject:

No More Second-Term Blues

It is interesting that our greatest political scandals happened in second terms. Ike's secret wars, Nixon's plumbers, Reagan's selling and giving arms to terrorists, and Clinton's blowjob. Does term limiting the President make him less accountable? Perhaps, but I still fear an imperial presidency.

Why should I read it? I never said Democrats are the only idiots, I was pointing out that there are people who want Obama to have more than 2 terms. If you want to point out that there were people that would have been happy to let Bush have a few more terms I will gladly admit you are correct.

That makes you the partisan hack, not me.

No, that makes you a partisan hack. I'm against it, especially in an era of unlimited corporate money. Citizens United has essentially given carte blanche to selling elected officials using corporate Madison Avenue techniques. Our corporations certainly know how to control an image. That makes the danger of an imperial president much easier to pay for.

The reason you should read the Snopes article, is it shows how full of shit the OP is. Bill to Repeal the 22nd Amendment

But since GreatGasby seems to be one of your reach around buddies, I doubt you will.

I reiterate, I'm against repealing the 22nd, in spite of a strong, logical argument for it, including the argument made in Federalist 72.

Nope dude, you're the hack. You really ought to learn how to think for yourself. It takes effort and research to do that. It's much easier to let FOX tell you what to think.

it was one of three links I posted to prove that there is an effort to make it possible. The only way that makes me a hack is if I deny there are Republicans who want the same thing.
No problem. I hope I answered for you.

Conservatives love kings. Liberals deplore them.

Which is why you guys try time and time again to squash the vote.

You simply hate elections.

That explains why none of those liberal Hollywood actor types hang out with Castro, Chavez, or...

Wait a minute.


What's your point here?

That you are an idiot when you say liberals don't like authoritarian figures.
That explains why none of those liberal Hollywood actor types hang out with Castro, Chavez, or...

Wait a minute.


What's your point here?

That you are an idiot when you say liberals don't like authoritarian figures.

I'm a John Kennedy type myself. Stood the Soviet Union down, Invested billions into a project which he knew private enterprise wouldn't do till snowballs fell in July and sent men to the moon and back. The irony is that big business got paid to renovate and miniaturi e the electronic state-if-the-art components which got us there and which are contained in the equipment now required to post at this board.

I should mention that he and Lyndon Johnson are the ones who really freed the slaves...not Lincoln.
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Gosh I'm not sure. Would still you support Romeny if he admitted he was a Goat Fucker?
Gosh I'm not sure. Would still you support Romeny if he admitted he was a Goat Fucker?

Did you by any chance see Bill Maher's latest skit on Romney

He called himself a "Wifer" and accused Romney of being born in the middle of a polygomy camp and having five wives. He said Romney has five sons and they're all 30 years old. He said they received Romney's marriage certificate but it was a copy. Then they showed some select(and doctored) videos of Romney talking about marriage. It was a rib splitter.
I think when it's time for Obamination to leave the White House, he will try to stay over some crisis he starts. The military might need to step in and remove him from the building. sound just like the Far Left kooks before 2008 when talking about Bush. Sound JUST like them.
Would I support making Obama king of America? No.

Is there a single instance of any liberal saying that they want Obama to serve more than two terms? I couldn't find any online.

Like me asking "Why do conservatives want to make the US a christian dictatorship?" Totally pointless.

FDR had 4 terms and libs worship him. You don't want to return at least to your days of yore?

Yes, FDR had 4 terms...and he was ELECTED each time. The Republicans couldn't come up with a better alternative during all 4 elections. I'm guessing THAT's your real beef.
I would love to hear what liberals would support Obama becoming king and your rationale.

Conservatives and Independents hold your tongues. No need to go off on any diatribes. Let the libs weigh in first.

That's dumb even for a right winger.

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