Liberals: Would you support making Obama King Of America?

No problem. I hope I answered for you.

Conservatives love kings. Liberals deplore them.

Which is why you guys try time and time again to squash the vote.

You simply hate elections.

True. Many conservatives advance the notion that only ‘property owners’ be allowed to vote, as they alone have a ‘stake’ in an election. There’s also the rightist desire to repeal the 17th Amendment. And of course this ‘voter fraud’ nonsense and the right’s efforts to eliminate minority voters and others for whom they have contempt.

Which conservatives advocate that?

I've advocated that for years.

In fact, I started a thread about it not long ago in the Congress forum.
True. Many conservatives advance the notion that only ‘property owners’ be allowed to vote, as they alone have a ‘stake’ in an election. There’s also the rightist desire to repeal the 17th Amendment. And of course this ‘voter fraud’ nonsense and the right’s efforts to eliminate minority voters and others for whom they have contempt.

Which conservatives advocate that?

I've advocated that for years.

In fact, I started a thread about it not long ago in the Congress forum.

So transitioning from an unenlightened democracy to an informed republic is the liberals hugest fear? LMAO.
Which conservatives advocate that?

I've advocated that for years.

In fact, I started a thread about it not long ago in the Congress forum.

So transitioning from an unenlightened democracy to an informed republic is the liberals hugest fear? LMAO.

Are you seriously claiming that requiring property ownership to vote woud to "transitioning from an unenlightened democracy to an informed republic"?
I've advocated that for years.

In fact, I started a thread about it not long ago in the Congress forum.

So transitioning from an unenlightened democracy to an informed republic is the liberals hugest fear? LMAO.

Are you seriously claiming that requiring property ownership to vote woud to "transitioning from an unenlightened democracy to an informed republic"?

Of course. It’s indicative of the right’s disdain for the middle class. Imagine rendering millions of apartment-dwelling urban liberals ineligible to vote.
I've advocated that for years.

In fact, I started a thread about it not long ago in the Congress forum.

So transitioning from an unenlightened democracy to an informed republic is the liberals hugest fear? LMAO.

Are you seriously claiming that requiring property ownership to vote woud to "transitioning from an unenlightened democracy to an informed republic"?

Yes, I'm claiming that the non-property owners are generally the most ignorant people and that politicians are playing upon their ignorance for votes.

Das Fuhrer

Well, since we've already had a Fuhrer, maybe it is time for a King or Party Chairman.

Comrade Obama has a nice ring to it.
King? No....... I'm not sure if I would even want him in the white house much longer. But even if I did like him more than i do now, I would much rather see someone like Al Gore stay for longer than 2 terms (if he hadn't been robbed and lost the election).
I think Al Gore would have been a fine president. Yes, he was cheated.
Would I support making Obama king of America? No.

Is there a single instance of any liberal saying that they want Obama to serve more than two terms? I couldn't find any online.

Like me asking "Why do conservatives want to make the US a christian dictatorship?" Totally pointless.

FDR had 4 terms and libs worship him. You don't want to return at least to your days of yore?

LOLOL.... nice one, we're not talking classical politics. We're talking American politics, and monarchy, communism, facism, it's all the same and the right isnt for more government, we're for less, so I guess we're for utopian socialism (or as we like to call it anarchy), but since we know it's impossible, we stay in the real world and want a liberal democratic-republic based on conservative ideology.

The right is for leaders chosen by god.

The left is for leaders chosen by people.

Simple as that.
The Left is for Leaders chosen by People told what to think, say, and do. Got it. Thanks. :D

Did FOX tell you to think that?
Would I support making Obama king of America? No.

Is there a single instance of any liberal saying that they want Obama to serve more than two terms? I couldn't find any online.

Like me asking "Why do conservatives want to make the US a christian dictatorship?" Totally pointless.

You didn't look very hard.

Daily Kos: Repeal the 22nd Amendment

H.J.Res.5: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of... OpenCongress

The New York Times Upfront | The news magazine for high school

Ok. good data,

But the first site is a hypothetical - a liberal trying to point out what changing the constitution seems like to others.

The second article I does show some members of congress (including Democrat Harry Reid) looking to get rid of amendment 22. Research shows republicans tried to repeal it as well during Regan's second term. So I guess some fools on both sides have thought the same thing.

As I keep having to say, I am not a Democrat or Republican. I think both parties are dishonest and driven fully by special interests, as all US politicians seem to be.

Anyone wanting to allow someone unlimited term as president is an idiot, and it seems this sentiment is not specific to a party.
Would I support making Obama king of America? No.

Is there a single instance of any liberal saying that they want Obama to serve more than two terms? I couldn't find any online.

Like me asking "Why do conservatives want to make the US a christian dictatorship?" Totally pointless.

You didn't look very hard.

Daily Kos: Repeal the 22nd Amendment

H.J.Res.5: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of... OpenCongress

The New York Times Upfront | The news magazine for high school

All you've done is post people, some on liberal sites, debating the question. There were those arguing for, and those arguing against. I argue against, because this scares me:


As for House Res 5. The representative has introduced that same bill every two years since 1997, for a total of seven times. Yes, he even introduced it when Bush was President. Bill to Repeal the 22nd Amendment

Check out the Snopes article. It even has Republicans, like Mitch McConnell submitting similar legislation.
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Would I support making Obama king of America? No.

Is there a single instance of any liberal saying that they want Obama to serve more than two terms? I couldn't find any online.

Like me asking "Why do conservatives want to make the US a christian dictatorship?" Totally pointless.

You didn't look very hard.

Daily Kos: Repeal the 22nd Amendment

H.J.Res.5: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of... OpenCongress

The New York Times Upfront | The news magazine for high school

Ok. good data,

But the first site is a hypothetical - a liberal trying to point out what changing the constitution seems like to others.

The second article I does show some members of congress (including Democrat Harry Reid) looking to get rid of amendment 22. Research shows republicans tried to repeal it as well during Regan's second term. So I guess some fools on both sides have thought the same thing.

As I keep having to say, I am not a Democrat or Republican. I think both parties are dishonest and driven fully by special interests, as all US politicians seem to be.

Anyone wanting to allow someone unlimited term as president is an idiot, and it seems this sentiment is not specific to a party.

Uggh. I've often said, that I'd hate to be a real liberal (not a fake one like 97 percent of them) b/c of the condescending rubbish that so many pinhead libs say. That first article was just full of it.

"You guys have no one to replace Barack Obama with. No one running is actually fit to debate him"

"there are no smart and decent people who call themselves Republicans"

"So, let's repeal the 22nd. Let's just keep electing Barack Obama President until you, as a party, grow up. He' young, he's healthy, he can run the country for the next 12 or 16 or 20 years until you get over your desire to elect a right-wing talk radio host President"

"of course the fabled "life begins at conception" amendment."

And you guys seriously brag about your alleged higher intelligence and yet you write and read this mind numbing nonsense.
True. Many conservatives advance the notion that only ‘property owners’ be allowed to vote, as they alone have a ‘stake’ in an election. There’s also the rightist desire to repeal the 17th Amendment. And of course this ‘voter fraud’ nonsense and the right’s efforts to eliminate minority voters and others for whom they have contempt.

Which conservatives advocate that?

I've advocated that for years.

In fact, I started a thread about it not long ago in the Congress forum.

That is one, there are millions of people that call themselves conservative in one form or another.
Would I support making Obama king of America? No.

Is there a single instance of any liberal saying that they want Obama to serve more than two terms? I couldn't find any online.

Like me asking "Why do conservatives want to make the US a christian dictatorship?" Totally pointless.

You didn't look very hard.

Daily Kos: Repeal the 22nd Amendment

H.J.Res.5: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of... OpenCongress

The New York Times Upfront | The news magazine for high school

Ok. good data,

But the first site is a hypothetical - a liberal trying to point out what changing the constitution seems like to others.

The second article I does show some members of congress (including Democrat Harry Reid) looking to get rid of amendment 22. Research shows republicans tried to repeal it as well during Regan's second term. So I guess some fools on both sides have thought the same thing.

As I keep having to say, I am not a Democrat or Republican. I think both parties are dishonest and driven fully by special interests, as all US politicians seem to be.

Anyone wanting to allow someone unlimited term as president is an idiot, and it seems this sentiment is not specific to a party.

I agree it isn't a party thing, just like allowing immigrants to run for president is not a party thing, but there are people out there from both parties that want to do both. I just wanted to point out that you really didn't look when you said you didn't see anyone trying to get Obama more than 2 terms.
Would I support making Obama king of America? No.

Is there a single instance of any liberal saying that they want Obama to serve more than two terms? I couldn't find any online.

Like me asking "Why do conservatives want to make the US a christian dictatorship?" Totally pointless.

You didn't look very hard.

Daily Kos: Repeal the 22nd Amendment

H.J.Res.5: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of... OpenCongress

The New York Times Upfront | The news magazine for high school

All you've done is post people, some on liberal sites, debating the question. There were those arguing for, and those arguing against. I argue against, because this scares me:


As for House Res 5. The representative has introduced that same bill every two years since 1997, for a total of seven times. Yes, he even introduced it when Bush was President. Bill to Repeal the 22nd Amendment

Check out the Snopes article. It even has Republicans, like Mitch McConnell submitting similar legislation.

Do you have some type of point or are you just being your normal hack self?

All you've done is post people, some on liberal sites, debating the question. There were those arguing for, and those arguing against. I argue against, because this scares me:


As for House Res 5. The representative has introduced that same bill every two years since 1997, for a total of seven times. Yes, he even introduced it when Bush was President. Bill to Repeal the 22nd Amendment

Check out the Snopes article. It even has Republicans, like Mitch McConnell submitting similar legislation.

Do you have some type of point or are you just being your normal hack self?

Did you read the Snopes article, or are you just offended by my fear of what Reagan might have done in a third term? But there are some good opinions on repealing the 22nd.

Here's an interesting op-ed piece from 2006 on the subject:

No More Second-Term Blues


While political commentators analyze every twist in White House politics, while citizens follow dramatic stories of leaks, investigations and indictments, the one person who does not have to care is George W. Bush. In a sense, he has transcended the risks and rewards of American politics. He will not run again for office. The voters will not be able to thank him - or dump him.

And yet accountability to the people is at the heart of a democratic system.


While George Washington limited himself to two terms, it had never been his intention to create a precedent. Washington didn't want to die in office and have the succession appear "monarchical." But his primary reason for retiring was simply that after a lifetime of public service, he was bone-tired, desperate to return to the tranquillity of Mount Vernon.

Washington's close confidant Alexander Hamilton also had firmly opposed presidential term limits. In Federalist No. 72, Hamilton argued that term limits for the chief executive would diminish inducements to good behavior, discourage presidents from undertaking bold new projects, deny the nation the advantage of his experience and threaten political stability. For his part, Washington added that term limits would exclude from the presidency a man whose leadership might be essential in a time of emergency.

It is interesting that our greatest political scandals happened in second terms. Ike's secret wars, Nixon's plumbers, Reagan's selling and giving arms to terrorists, and Clinton's blowjob. Does term limiting the President make him less accountable? Perhaps, but I still fear an imperial presidency.

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