Liberia To Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola To U.s.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
That is if he survives Ebola, and us dragging him behind our SUV's.

MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — Liberian authorities say they plan to prosecute the man infected with Ebola who brought the disease to the United States, saying he lied on his airport health questionnaire.

With an Ebola crisis raging in West Africa, passengers leaving Liberia are being screened for fever and are asked if they have had contact with anyone infected.

On the questionnaire obtained by The Associated Press, Thomas Eric Duncan answered 'no' to those questions.

Neighbors say Duncan had helped a sick pregnant woman who later died of the disease. Her illness at the time was believed to be pregnancy-related.

Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters Thursday that Duncan will be prosecuted when he returns to Liberia.

Liberia To Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola To U.S.
Look at how many people he's put at risk. Imagine being stuck on an airliner with him, I'm sure those people who did share the flight with him are really sweating it right now.
Just living in Liberia is punishment.........what worse thing could they do to him?? .... :lol: :lol:
Look at how many people he's put at risk. Imagine being stuck on an airliner with him, I'm sure those people who did share the flight with him are really sweating it right now.
He wasn't contagious during the flight.

Yeah that's what they say, but if you were a fellow passenger breathing the same recirculated air, would you be sleeping comfortable tonight ?
Look at how many people he's put at risk. Imagine being stuck on an airliner with him, I'm sure those people who did share the flight with him are really sweating it right now.
He wasn't contagious during the flight.

Yeah that's what they say, but if you were a fellow passenger breathing the same recirculated air, would you be sleeping comfortable tonight ?
Yes, it's not an airborne virus. You should do some reading.
Send him back now, before he infects even more Americans.
Nah, pretty sure if he lives they will give him citizenship and pin a medal on his chest. But not before he has used up US taxpayers money to pay for his health treatment, and his family have sued a hospital here for more money. Why not just give him a yacht, a 5 star hotel, a tv sitcom called 'My friend Ebola', and a million dollars while they are at it? :puke:*

*Makes me feel sick just thinking about it, though fortunately not with Ebola.
Is it possible to have a circle jerk while shitting your pants out of panic at the same time? Hmm let's ask the conservatives in this thread.
I love it how liberals claim they would not be shitting their pants if they found out they shared a flight with a person with Ebola.

They cannot help lying to themselves, let alone to everyone around them.

Remember when the leader of everything liberal said it is UNLIKELY Ebola would come to America, and we, if flights are not banned from that region that it is LIKELY that Ebola would come to America.

And then morons like blackflag said we were being fear mongers for even hinting that Ebola would be here?

I love it. According to the same people now who believed their god obama that it would UNLIKELY be here are now trying to say they would not have any concerns whatsoever about sitting next to an Ebola patient, cause they know they could never catch it, unless he shows signs of the symptoms.

Yes, liberalism is an absolute mental disorder. I just fucking hate liberals.

This country over its history managed to eradicate infectious diseases from the this continent. From Malaria to Yellow Fever and Small Pox. The methods that were done in many of those cases would not be allowed today or would be protested by our beloved ACLU. BTW, a few years ago, the ACLU AND OBAMA fought against the notion of quarantining groups of people.

So, in Obama's presidency through his stupidity, socialist agenda, and fucking liberal policies we are seeing diseases that we have not seen here in decades. WE HAVE FUCKING EBOLA along with other diseases that the left are trying to deny has nothing to do with the open border policies.

We cannot even err on the side of caution and ban flights from WEST AFRICA whose outbreak of Ebola is unprecedented. Yes, we rely on the people to NOT LIE on a questionnaire. We rely on someone to "take their temperature" before they get on flights from that region.

What are we seeing? We are seeing our country that was a 1st WORLD nation that successfully eradicated all sorts of infectious diseases descending into a 2nd WORLD nation under this president through fucking liberal policies.

All while his fucking sheep yawn and claim there is nothing to be concerned about.

Here we are with a very dangerous disease rapidly becoming and epidemic, and our corksmoking 'Conservatives' can only think of punishing people already very ill.

Our CDC should be given whatever resources they need to find a vaccine to prevent the disease, and drugs to treat those already infected. It has to be down by the government, we have already seen in Texas how well private enterprise dealt with the situation.
Here we are with a very dangerous disease rapidly becoming and epidemic, and our corksmoking 'Conservatives' can only think of punishing people already very ill.

Our CDC should be given whatever resources they need to find a vaccine to prevent the disease, and drugs to treat those already infected. It has to be down by the government, we have already seen in Texas how well private enterprise dealt with the situation.

You are such a stupid useless waste of shit.

The FUCKING PRESIDENT is the fucking one (the one you voted for twice like the miserable sack of shit you are) that has not banned flights from that region.

It is the fucking president that just said one week and a half ago Ebola is most likely not going to get here.

Now it is here, and the FUCKING PRESIDENT still does not ban flights. Now we are told that there nothing to be worried about. As the fucking guy who LIED ON A FUCKING QUESTIONNAIRE came in from Liberia.

NOW we have to endure you piece of predictable shit that say that the conservatives are attacking the poor black victim who deliberately lied and exposed this country to this fucking disease. It is not this country that is charging him, (like they should), it is his own country.

You liberals will now claim racism, again. FUCK YOU.
You conservatives and liberals both need to take your heads out of your asses and realize that the best way to confront diseases like Ebola and HIV/ AIDS is to cull everyone infected with it.
I'm starting to think we want Ebola here, WHY THE FUCK ARE WE STILL TAKING FLIGHTS FROM COUNTRIES THAT ARE RAVAGED BY EBOLA? I can guarantee you if we had a disease like that here, Liberian and Africa would completely stop all flights coming in from the US right away and leave us to die.
I'm starting to think we want Ebola here, WHY THE FUCK ARE WE STILL TAKING FLIGHTS FROM COUNTRIES THAT ARE RAVAGED BY EBOLA? I can guarantee you if we had a disease like that here, Liberian and Africa would completely stop all flights coming in from the US right away and leave us to die.

Do not worry. The government that has lied about everything and claimed Ebola would unlikely come here, has said banning flights from that region would put us at a greater risk.

Those other countries like England that have banned flights from that region, yeah they must be really stupid.

Not like the wise ones here.

Obamacare anyone? Get your Obamacare here!
When did conservatives become such pussies? The amount of bed wetting from them over the last 6 years is hilarious.
According to Democrats, FDR was one of the greatest if not THE greatest president.

So, why does not the current Democratic president follow the example set by their idol?

1. Intern all perceived enemies of the country. Japanese then, Muslims now.
2. Refuse entry to the United States to all who present danger. Jews then, spreaders of deadly diseases now.
3. Sucking up to your worst present and future enemy. "Uncle Joe" then, ayatollahs and all other Muslim pieces of dirt now. Wait....he is already doing that.

And should another Democrat follow this waste of oxygen in the White House, would she have the guts to follow the example of FDR's successor to nuke the enemy into final and utter submission?

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