
Schmidlap is all too typical of today's democrat. He follows no ideology. He neither understands nor applies any political principles. He is not well versed in political theory, history, culture, sociology or much of anything else. All he knows is that he is a democrat and that everybody must follow what democrats say. It doesn't have to make sense. It doesn't have to be consistent or principled or honest. It just has to be democrat.

I have followed politics for 50 years and have watched as the democrat party has gradually abandoned liberalism and replaced it with a form of authoritarianism predicated upon identity. They keep getting more and more and more authoritarian and their faithful just keep going along with it. It's like boiling lobsters, I guess, in that as long as the changes are incremental enough, ignorant people lacking much in the way of perception will just go along with it.

He is in short, a Nazi.
You know that might be the common thread among libertarians -cynicism.
I'm kinda sorry you see it that way, though I realize a lot of people do.

My experience has been exactly the opposite. I've always seen libertarians, in many ways, as holdovers from the hippie movement. We actually believe in peace, love and understanding.
Is that your second example now?

Chomsky and Dblack, 2 people who have never claimed "that Marxist totalitarianism is a form of Libertarianism"

That is a very specific statement. Do you have a single example anywhere of someone claiming "that Marxist totalitarianism is a form of Libertarianism" or did you make that up out of whole cloth.

You clearly know zilch about either.

I'm not sure if Chomsky has ever made that claim, but he is a socialist. Definitely not a US style libertarian. More of European socialist libertarian, fwiw.

Socialist libertarian? Sort of like a pregnant virgin?

In your view, is true liberty the state taking from one by force to give to another? You know, socialism?
Sticking up?



I have yet to see ONE EXAMPLE of that claim. Just one. He reached for DBlack and Chomsky who have never made those claims that I am aware. It does not matter what you may THINK they support, it does not even matter what they actually do or do not support. He said they made the claim that one was a form of the other. They have not claimed such.

The claim is that someone, anyone, seems to think that Marxist totalitarianism is a form of libertarianism. That is moronic since they are polar opposites. Hell, it is even in the label he used, totalitarian and libertarian are directly opposed to each other.

deblack came out as a full blown statist about 3 years ago. If you haven't seen it, it's because you are closing your eyes hard enough to get a serious headache.

Don't like that I state the facts? Bummer.
Just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. They MUST have democratically controlled elections to choose their representatives, right? And the 'workers' party represents the workers....

And it would not matter anyway, he directly refutes the contention that the OP demands he makes.

The democratic republic of Korea has elections VERY similar to the one we had in 2020....
Many libertarians fell for the lesser-of-two-evils conceit and now support Trump. They know they've abandoned their previous principles, and it gnaws at them, so they attack anyone who reminds them of that fact.

What principles have we abandoned by not joining you in advocating for an all-powerful state?

Chomsky advocates for the forced isolation of anyone who dares make decisions about their own healthcare that is contrary to the goals of the state.
Now I back Joe Biden.

Of course you can find an actual quote this time for this next lie you pulled out of your ass.

No? Not one single quote? A single comment? I never said anything about the US, I made a statement that blatantly shows that party names do not reflect the parties actual political positions. It is a name. You still cannot find anyone that claims Totalitarian anything is a form of Libertarianism. One person. I know there is at least one out there, there is at least one person out there that thinks the moon is made of cheese. That those trying to defend the moronic claim in the OP, they still have yet to point out a single example.

I started this thread to demonstrate that Chomsky is a totalitarian thug.

If I impugned your hero, bummer.
You clearly know zilch about either.

So, where did Chomsky say Marxist Totalitarianism is a form of libertarianism? You just posted a 4 min video where Chomsky tries to talk about this utopic view of democratic socialism and then make a vapid accusation that I know nothing about either of them. This is what happens when you treat words like they have no meaning whatsoever.

Still no example of the claim in the OP.
What principles have we abandoned by not joining you in advocating for an all-powerful state?

Chomsky advocates for the forced isolation of anyone who dares make decisions about their own healthcare that is contrary to the goals of the state.
Hmmm ... I've never been a fan of Chomski, so I'm not sure what you're going on about. You seem genuinely detached from reality.
The democratic republic of Korea has elections VERY similar to the one we had in 2020....
When you live in your own reality, conversation is simply impossible. If you think our elections are similar to what North Korea's political system does then you are monumentally ignorant about how North Korea's system works and willfully so.
Now quote me saying anything like that. And when you fail, man up and apologize for your error.

You're more subtle than Chomsky - but I've been calling you out for 6 months every time you spout statist rhetoric, so let's not pretend that you haven't gone full statist in your irrational hatred of Orange Man Bad.
that has been every election this century.
It is almost every election in history - even those without a clear 2 person race.

Negativity works as people naturally focus in on the negative. It is why the system needs to take that into account, something that I think RCV does and why I think it is a superior system.

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