
When you live in your own reality, conversation is simply impossible. If you think our elections are similar to what North Korea's political system does then you are monumentally ignorant about how North Korea's system works and willfully so.

Ah yes, the 2020 election was the paradigm of integrity...

You're more subtle than Chomsky - but I've been calling you out for 6 months every time you spout statist rhetoric, so let's not pretend that you haven't gone full statist in your irrational hatred of Orange Man Bad.
And, though you have had ample opportunity in this thread, it seems that you cannot point to a SINGLE statement, post, position or other piece of evidence that actually backs up your claims. Considering you have lied about my position multiple times in this thread alone and refused to back them up as well, why would anyone take what you just said at face value?
And, though you have had ample opportunity in this thread, it seems that you cannot point to a SINGLE statement, post, position or other piece of evidence that actually backs up your claims. Considering you have lied about my position multiple times in this thread alone and refused to back them up as well, why would anyone take what you just said at face value?

The "go fetch" shit just doesn't work, sparky.

I don't know that you are a statist, but I'll be watching now. dblack is, and I nail him on it constantly.
You made the claim that I had abandoned libertarian principles. Which ones, and in what way?
Hmmm ... I've never been a fan of Chomski, so I'm not sure what you're going on about. You seem genuinely detached from reality.
The "go fetch" shit just doesn't work, sparky.

I don't know that you are a statist, but I'll be watching now. dblack is, and I nail him on it constantly.
Go fetch?

Yup, just lies. And it is pretty clear you know they are lies to or you would just go get an example. You even tried, finding a video clip of Chomsky that did not back up your claims but posting it in the hope we would all miss that little detail because he said the word SOCALISM. BOO!
You think you're clever, but you're not.

Straw man dismissed...
Oh, good. You are dismissing your own strawman.

I started this thread to demonstrate that Chomsky is a totalitarian thug.

If I impugned your hero, bummer.
But if you cannot keep track of your false claims of positions I have then I understand. There are just so many false claims here.
I think Hillary and Trump were the two worst candidates our two-party shitshow has ever produced. The fact that anyone voted for either one of them makes me truly ashamed of my country, and shows just how broken things are.
Hillary is in a world of her own making, as is Trump. I have never respected Hillary. She stood by her man because she wanted to stay in the White House. She’s a conniving lowlife. The evidence is in abundance and I’ve barely scratched the surface.

Trump made many legal moves I fully backed. BTW, I did not vote for him, nor Hillary, in 2016 but voted Trump the second time around after he proved himself. It was a few short weeks into his term that I supported him, and thought “Wow, that’s good keep it up” and he did. There were things Trump did that I didn’t like…mostly about appearances; but I’ve come to learn that appearances matter much less than actual deeds.

Like almost all political campaigns, Trump said he’d remove most of Obama’s actions (some he did) and then we get the same thing from Biden that he’s going to axe all of Trump’s policies, yet he’s continued many of them hoping nobody’s going to notice I guess lol We cannot say that these two particular politicians are alone in this respect. That is something the voters can demand to change with adding a battery of tests during campaign cycles. I’m a big supporter of submitting presidential candidates to IQ, world knowledge, and personality tests to show their worth.

Jumping back to your comments, is it primarily the way Trump acts or did you not like his policies? You can only pick one or the other lol Most libertarians despise limited choices, would you agree? The first time around I didn’t vote for Trump because I didn’t like how I thought he would represent our country. As I stated, however, I have grown to learn that what is done on paper as opposed to what is said is more consequential for us citizens.

Added thought: All lies and coverups should result in immediately ousting politicians from office. We’d have to backtrack a few hundred years to cover that one. The fact that it’s happening so much now is mind-boggling, particularly considering the current level of technology and information widely available. They will continue this charade until a third-party candidate wins.

Foundation of my views: good actions promote life/health/safety/freedoms while bad decisions result in death/destruction/chaos/deception. Then we have some decisions that appear good on paper which turn out to be the worst decisions ever. The intent gives us good or bad at the get go, and outcomes tell us how to improve. I don’t understand why so many “bad” decisions are allowed to be made at the top and middle, even with hidden payoffs as incentives. I reject all efforts moving us towards a police state, and we need the pendulum to swing back.

I am blown away that we are living in 2021, not 1821, yet most of us commoners fight over the most inconsequential things. This of course gives those on the hill the ability to run amok. There is a motive to keep things this way. If libertarians ever do decide to unite, what a difference we could all make to force political transparency.
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I'm kinda sorry you see it that way, though I realize a lot of people do.

My experience has been exactly the opposite. I've always seen libertarians, in many ways, as holdovers from the hippie movement. We actually believe in peace, love and understanding.
I used to fit that description more, live and let live. It was at a time in my life when questioning what the media said seemed unnecessary since investigative journalism was the norm. Now? Forget about it! Even the fact checkers don’t agree. I was looking at a few today and how they differ in rating media sources’ biases. A time when almost everything people told you was the truth or at least their version of it. Not now and it’s a human tragedy.
I'm kinda sorry you see it that way, though I realize a lot of people do.

My experience has been exactly the opposite. I've always seen libertarians, in many ways, as holdovers from the hippie movement. We actually believe in peace, love and understanding.
I agree that people should be allowed to live their own lives the way they choose as long as it’s not harming others. Considering this more it’s been a relatively recent change with my increased cynicism over the past; within the past two years it’s doubled. I probably need to step away from politics to reduce my awareness of constant scamming. Being big on fairness (one of my life traits) I see the world stage full of falsehoods overriding truisms. It’s not fair that people can get by with outright subversion due to ego quest for fame and money. If these types only affected their own lives I couldn’t care less. Personal freedom of choice. But because their actions affect me, my loved ones, and others including strangers, I see it and it’s changed me.
Your premise is that it's 0% effective.
Blatantly false.

No vaccine is 100% effective, not would I ever utter such a stupid claim.

If you wish to, that is your business, but don't lie and pretend I ever made such a ridiculous claim.
The Wuhan Designer Virus® and the RNA sequencers have been little more than an excuse for you Nazis to impose tyranny and dictatorship from the start. Nothing you have advocated was ever rational, you defy scientific fact and suppress effective treatments in order exasperate and prolong this outbreak, purely to consolidate absolute power for your Reich.
Your fanaticism is divorced from reality. Your rage against public health officials, epidemiologists, virologists and other medical professionals is quite deranged. Those imaginary Nazis that fester in your noggin are quite different from the real ones who are on record as sharing in your weird worship of one dude, apparently.

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Go fetch?

Yup, just lies. And it is pretty clear you know they are lies to or you would just go get an example. You even tried, finding a video clip of Chomsky that did not back up your claims but posting it in the hope we would all miss that little detail because he said the word SOCALISM. BOO!

There it is, the retreat to ad hom by the left..

I gave you a clip of Chomsky promoting a praising Socialism, but somehow you think it's cool to lie...
Blatantly false.

Then the unvaccinated don't pose a threat.

You can't have it both ways.

The inoculations work, or they don't. Flu vaccines are 99% effective against the strains of flu they are designed for.

No vaccine is 100% effective, not would I ever utter such a stupid claim.

If you wish to, that is your business, but don't lie and pretend I ever made such a ridiculous claim.

These are not vaccines, they are RNA sequencers that should release protein spikes in response to the virus. They do no create antibodies.

Beyond your ignorance of what these are, I note that you don't demand that no child go to school until all the illegals have typhoid inoculations.

You don't even grasp the massive hypocrisy you engage in, you just mindlessly bleat whatever your Reich programs you to bleat.

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