Libertarians and Virginia

A Quinnipiac poll from yesterday shows that Sarvis is actually “taking” slightly more of the vote from Democrat Terry McAuliffe (47 percent) than from Cuccinelli (45 percent).

Sarvis a Libertarian? Nope | National Review Online

Unless somebody has numbers that prove that wrong, then this thread is pointless.

Let me dispel you of something right now. I am not excusing in any form the underhanded tactics of so called republicans like the ones in the national review their part in this democrat winning. you see if the party actually supported their candidate the libertarian plant wouldn't have been successful. so you showing me a article written by establishment republicans spinning the actions of the libertarian and their own part in losing this election doesn't mean much.
Right on que, a right winger loses an election and Beck comes out with the tinfoil "blame da libs" conspiracies,..
With the recent loss of the Republican candidate Cuccinelli to the Democrat McAuliffe By a very thin margin I have to ask my self Are Libertarian candidates really just plants of democrats to skim conservative votes so the democrat candidate can win?


Yes, indeed we is.

How dare Libertarians steal votes from "conservatives" candidates. The gall!!!!

A Quinnipiac poll from yesterday shows that Sarvis is actually “taking” slightly more of the vote from Democrat Terry McAuliffe (47 percent) than from Cuccinelli (45 percent).

Sarvis a Libertarian? Nope | National Review Online

Unless somebody has numbers that prove that wrong, then this thread is pointless.

Let me dispel you of something right now. I am not excusing in any form the underhanded tactics of so called republicans like the ones in the national review their part in this democrat winning. you see if the party actually supported their candidate the libertarian plant wouldn't have been successful. so you showing me a article written by establishment republicans spinning the actions of the libertarian and their own part in losing this election doesn't mean much.

Can you disprove the quote? Was the author lying about the numbers? Are there other numbers that contradict the Quinnipiac poll? Otherwise, you're just looking for yet another excuse to pointlessly attack libertarians due to some personal vendetta.
Did you even have a point here, Cork? Or are you just mentally masterbating over libertarians again?
The libertarian movement has been taken over by the pot heads and nutcase fringe of society. Ask any person who claims to be a libertarian and nine times out of ten he/she will tell you the number one agenda is legalizing marijuana. Most of the time libertarians sit out the elections in a fog.
The libertarian movement has been taken over by the pot heads and nutcase fringe of society. Ask any person who claims to be a libertarian and nine times out of ten he/she will tell you the number one agenda is legalizing marijuana. Most of the time libertarians sit out the elections in a fog.

Oh, sure. :lmao:
The libertarian movement has been taken over by the pot heads and nutcase fringe of society. Ask any person who claims to be a libertarian and nine times out of ten he/she will tell you the number one agenda is legalizing marijuana. Most of the time libertarians sit out the elections in a fog.

Go ahead then, ask me.
In an election with low turn-out- the results, IMO, bode better for republicans. The money thrown around in VA by democrats was huge. No way McAuliffe would have won without all the negative pounding in ads.Based on democrats "road-map" of negative ads conservatives need to follow suit, and keep hammering how dysfunctional WA has become due to the lack of good leadership from the president.

Republican Gov. Chris Christie's resounding re-election victory in Democratic-leaning New Jersey sets the opening argument for a possible White House run while Terry McAuliffe's gubernatorial victory gives fellow Democrats — if not his confidante Hillary Rodham Clinton, herself — a road map for success in the pivotal presidential swing-voting state.

Christie became the first Republican to earn more than 50 percent of the New Jersey vote in a quarter-century. McAuliffe is the first member of the party occupying the White House to become Virginia governor since 1977.

In Virginia, McAuliffe eked out a smaller-than-expected victory over conservative Republican Ken Cuccinelli. Exit polls found Cuccinelli fared well among core right-flank constituents — tea partyers, gun owners and rural voters. But the victor, McAuliffe, held advantages among unmarried women, voters who called abortion a top issue and the vote-rich Washington suburbs.

Christie, McAuliffe, winners in slate of elections | General Headlines | Comcast
the point is that the libertarian candidate elected the liberal democrat. Thats what the GOP and those on the right need to learn from this election
I'm 100% ok with Republicans candidates losing. I honestly don't even care how seeing as they helped destroy the nation and the constitution, put us in massive debt and pretend Obama did it on his own. Fuck Republican candidates, their Progressive lite at best these days.

Problem is Reps had a super majority and they ran the country like Progressives... We all know in the end progressive policies will fail and the people will reject them, and that's what happened to Bush and his congress and that is what is happening now to Obama and his congress.
Libertarians apparently voted for the supposed libertarian candidate. And somehow this means they voted for the democrat.

In an election with low turn-out- the results, IMO, bode better for republicans. The money thrown around in VA by democrats was huge. No way McAuliffe would have won without all the negative pounding in ads.Based on democrats "road-map" of negative ads conservatives need to follow suit, and keep hammering how dysfunctional WA has become due to the lack of good leadership from the president.

Did you not see any of Cucinelli's ads?
I'm 100% ok with Republicans candidates losing. I honestly don't even care how seeing as they helped destroy the nation and the constitution, put us in massive debt and pretend Obama did it on his own. Fuck Republican candidates, their Progressive lite at best these days.

Problem is Reps had a super majority and they ran the country like Progressives... We all know in the end progressive policies will fail and the people will reject them, and that's what happened to Bush and his congress and that is what is happening now to Obama and his congress.

So the voters apparently want to try more of it in hopes to get rid of it. :lol:

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