Libertarians Are The True Political Moderates


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Libertarians want government limited to those functions which only government can do. Most of us would generally agree with police, military, civil and criminal courts, roads, management of limited resources and recognition of property rights. I am not referring to anarchists who want no government here who like calling themselves libertarians, I am referring to the masses of us who want government limited, not eliminated.

Fiscal polices. We want taxes, but we want them low, flat and for the good of the people as a whole and not used for income redistribution. The left are the extremists here not only punishing success and harming employers, but even using tax COLLECTION as a welfare program with refundable tax credits. We are moderates, taxes should be reasonable and to fund the government, not implement social policy. And spending should be within our means.

Social policies. Socons go to church (or other religious institutions) then go to government to implement morality by force. Clearly they are the extremists. Libertarians believe they should have the right to persuade people to live moral lives, they should not have the right to force their morality on them. We are, the moderates.

NeoCons. We want the military used for the defense of the United States. We don't want to be policeman to the world like the right, we also don't blame our troops for the failures of our politicians like the left. And we don't want them in everyone's back yard, like both sides do. We are moderates, protect and defend, don't use force to make other's decisions just like we don't want government making our decisions here.

Republicans and Democrats are just so deep into the question of what government can do to impose their social and fiscal wills on us, they have stopped even asking the question, should government even do that? Do we have the right to make that choice for everyone and use force to impose it on all our citizens? Libertarians are the moderates, that is the first question we ask, that is the right question to answer before proceeding any further.
Libertarians want government limited to those functions which only government can do.

And I promise to support those functions just as soon as I determine which ones the government can do best.

But we are by definition EXTREMISTS, we support FREEDOM 100% - no ifs buts or howevers. NO COMPROMISES.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)
Libertarians Are The True Political Moderates

Utter nonsense. Nuff said. Carry on...

Thanks for your typical no content contribution to the discussion. What about responding to the OP? If what you say is true, should be easy.
Libertarians want government limited to those functions which only government can do.

And I promise to support those functions just as soon as I determine which ones the government can do best.

But we are by definition EXTREMISTS, we support FREEDOM 100% - no ifs buts or howevers. NO COMPROMISES.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)

I did say what ones I believe those are, and in discussions with libertarians, they are pretty generally the ones that are supported by libertarians. So that would give you a place for a more specific comment. I am referring to limited government libertarians, not no government anarchists, which I did state.
Libertarians, like Scientologists, talk a lot but never actually say anything.

Libertologists need to present some real ideas in order to be taken seriously.
Libertarians Are The True Political Moderates

Utter nonsense. Nuff said. Carry on...

Thanks for your typical no content contribution to the discussion. What about responding to the OP? If what you say is true, should be easy.
It is easy, it's also a waste of my time. Your post is total nonsense. There's nothing Centrist about Libertarianism. In American politics you might as well have said Communism is Centrist, it's just as stupid.
Yeah "freedom" for those that can afford to hell with the rest of ya. AKA more extreme republicans.

How much money someone has is irrelevant to freedom. It's how much effort someone is willing to put into it. Which is why liberals think what you do. I'll fix it for you.

Yeah, "freedom" for those that are willing to work and take personal responsibility for their own lives and to hell with the rest of us.

The Republican thing always cracks me up. We agree with Republicans on one thing, money. And you call us "more extreme republicans." Which proves you care about only one thing. Money. That's what you measure everything on, it's all that counts. Once again demonstrating that for the left, it's all about the greed. The rest is window dressing.
Libertarians Are The True Political Moderates

Utter nonsense. Nuff said. Carry on...

Thanks for your typical no content contribution to the discussion. What about responding to the OP? If what you say is true, should be easy.
It is easy, it's also a waste of my time. Your post is total nonsense. There's nothing Centrist about Libertarianism. In American politics you might as well have said Communism is Centrist, it's just as stupid.

It's not a waste of your time to repeatedly post in the discussion, it is a waste of your time to provide any content. LOL.
Libertarians, like Scientologists, talk a lot but never actually say anything.

Libertologists need to present some real ideas in order to be taken seriously.

I actually wrote a post to discuss, and you can't address any of it. The one who talks without saying anything is you.
Libertarians want government limited to those functions which only government can do.

And I promise to support those functions just as soon as I determine which ones the government can do best.

But we are by definition EXTREMISTS, we support FREEDOM 100% - no ifs buts or howevers. NO COMPROMISES.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)

I did say what ones I believe those are, and in discussions with libertarians, they are pretty generally the ones that are supported by libertarians. So that would give you a place for a more specific comment. I am referring to limited government libertarians, not no government anarchists, which I did state.

Well, we have traveled so far to the left that even minarchists are considered "extremists" . How many people here support CONSTITUTIONAL TAXES? How many people here support reducing the size of government to those SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED?
Half of Americans consider themselves moderates, and yet Libertarian candidates rarely win more than single digit support in elections.

That's because the Libertarian message boils down to "You're on your own and I don't give a fuck". It's politics, for teenage boys who think Ayn Rand was a god.

Government not doing it for you means "You're on your own." Liberty is not even conceivable to a liberal. It's all about government.

Actually, libertarians do believe in government. Not being the sharpest knives in the drawer (which is why you say government not doing it for you is leaving you on your own), you don't grasp that. We believe government should be there, but it should be the last choice, not the first. We just say you do it first, then ask your family, friends and community, then charities. Then we'll discuss government. Pretty moderate of us. You say Government first, foremost and always and no government solution means we're screwed. You're the extremist.
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Half of Americans consider themselves moderates, and yet Libertarian candidates rarely win more than single digit support in elections.

That's because the Libertarian message boils down to "You're on your own and I don't give a fuck". It's politics, for teenage boys who think Ayn Rand was a god.

That 's because the fascists/socialist axis message is I am a parasite , I need you to feed me, insure me , and quench my thirst.

Calling narco libertarians centrist is hysterical. They are the most radical movement out there short of Marxists, their 2nd cousins.
Society of its self is a COLLECTIVE. You get shit done because others help you either by working for you,cashing your check,picking up your trash,cutting your grass,working on your car whatever it may be. Society is a collective. Want to be an individualist go to Alaska and do everything your damn self. Society can't survive when everyone works for themselves. We ALL must work together to make society a better place.

So you think Government = Society.

That's just scary.

I think you, your family, your friends, your community, your church, charities, they are all also part of "society." They are all part of the equation.

You're like, nope, government, that's society. They need to take care of us.
Peter Thiel, billionaire douche and Libertologist quack, had a plan to build autonomous floating island city-states where other Libertologists could live and own machine guns and not pay taxes.

He also said that on his floating island city-states, building codes would not be as stringent as they are in landed countries. So a Libertologist wants to build floating islands in international waters that have lax gun laws and lax building codes. What could possibly go wrong?

Libertologists need to come up with some real ideas in order to be taken seriously.

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