Libertarians have a bad understanding what government is


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Often times I will hear on this forum from cons is that "government" is either evil, inefficient, or flat out useless. It's hard to say what exactly they mean. Sometimes the very word "government" will make the hard right go bonkers and start ranting non-sensically. Other Rightwingers are more specific. They'll say the federal government is evil/useless/inefficient and states' rights should reign supreme. Some cons are so opposed to the very idea of government that they believe the private sector should rule the land and that corporations can do whatever the fuck they want because this is amuricah damn it!

So yes there is certainly some nuance to the rightwing. Absolutely.

However, what I notice that is consistent about the rightwing is that they at least have some level of distrust in the government and have too much good faith in the private sector.

That my friends is the worst kind of fallacious thinking.

The idea that the private sector is inherently better than the public sector is complete non sense. Neither one is inherently better or worse. What makes both bad or good are the people who run it.

When it comes to bad people in charge of shit, is Vladimir Putin any better than the assholes who run Monsanto? No! They are both horrible people. One represents oppressive government on people, and one represents oppressive rule over farmers.

The point I am trying to make is that no one should make the mistake in believing govenment nor the private sector are inherently bad or good. It's individual people who make anything evil/inefficient/useless.
Let's break down the words "inefficient" and "useless" and apply them to real world examples on both sides:

Solyndra was a government program. Blockbuster was a private company. Both failed.

Are you following? PEOPLE ruined them.
Let's break down the words "inefficient" and "useless" and apply them to real world examples on both sides:

Solyndra was a government program. Blockbuster was a private company. Both failed.

Are you following? PEOPLE ruined them.

Solyndra was a private company who got a government loan. It was not a government program. They failed because the price of silicon dropped and they couldn't compete with other forms of energy production - such as solar panels. Blockbuster failed because they rented videos, once videos became easily obtainable on the internet the market died. Neither of these situations was the result of inefficiencies, only a change in the market.
Let's break down the words "inefficient" and "useless" and apply them to real world examples on both sides:

Solyndra was a government program. Blockbuster was a private company. Both failed.

Are you following? PEOPLE ruined them.

Solyndra was a private company who got a government loan. It was not a government program. They failed because the price of silicon dropped and they couldn't compete with other forms of energy production - such as solar panels. Blockbuster failed because they rented videos, once videos became easily obtainable on the internet the market died. Neither of these situations was the result of inefficiencies, only a change in the market.
I will admit I mischaracterized Solyndra, but that is hardly the point of this thread don't you think?

Essentially you do seem to agree with me however. They both failed because of people.
Let's break down the words "inefficient" and "useless" and apply them to real world examples on both sides:

Solyndra was a government program. Blockbuster was a private company. Both failed.

Are you following? PEOPLE ruined them.

Solyndra was a private company who got a government loan. It was not a government program. They failed because the price of silicon dropped and they couldn't compete with other forms of energy production - such as solar panels. Blockbuster failed because they rented videos, once videos became easily obtainable on the internet the market died. Neither of these situations was the result of inefficiencies, only a change in the market.
I will admit I mischaracterized Solyndra, but that is hardly the point of this thread don't you think?

Essentially you do seem to agree with me however. They both failed because of people.

Everything is people. Good or bad, it is all people. So I do agree that the private sector is no more apt to be a problem than the public.
Billy Zippo ha a poor understanding of libertarianism.
Billy Zippo has a poor understanding of economics
Billy Zippi has a poor understanding of government.

I am not sure what Billy Zippo actually understands. Perhaps how to write a troll thread.

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