Libs: correct spelling is racist and bullying

So that's TWO non answers. Including one from a wag who himself posted a thread called "What the fuck is wrong with the left?" in another nonpolitical story about university life, apparently in a drunken stupor.

Why is no one surprised...

If I posted an article about how conservatives in the Southern Baptists had demanded an end to abortion, and the article didn't mention anything about conservatives, would you step in and demand that I explain how I got the idea that they were conservatives?

Why should anyone who points out that graduate students at the School of Education are liberal?
Conservatives, try to understand that every single thing isn't always about race. So please put those race cards away. Your chronic overuse of them is one reason why you lose elections. You need to start talking about issues, instead of constantly reveling in your victimhood.

Don't tell them!!! :eusa_doh: :D ;)
So that's TWO non answers. Including one from a wag who himself posted a thread called "What the fuck is wrong with the left?" in another nonpolitical story about university life, apparently in a drunken stupor.

Why is no one surprised...

They hate higher education (see Santorum) so they assume anyone attends University HAS to be a Liberal :eusa_shifty:
So that's TWO non answers. Including one from a wag who himself posted a thread called "What the fuck is wrong with the left?" in another nonpolitical story about university life, apparently in a drunken stupor.

Why is no one surprised...

If I posted an article about how conservatives in the Southern Baptists had demanded an end to abortion, and the article didn't mention anything about conservatives, would you step in and demand that I explain how I got the idea that they were conservatives?

Why should anyone who points out that graduate students at the School of Education are liberal?

Oh I dunno, maybe because (a) neither 'liberal' nor 'Democrat' appears anywhere in the article, neither express nor implied; because (b) the story itself isn't about politics; and (c) because the poster has a long history of specious easily-dismantled crap logic. Other than that, maybe his point is sound.

Again, posting that "What the fuck is wrong with the left" turd pretty much puts comprehension of these profound points out of your reach anyway.
Conservatives, try to understand that every single thing isn't always about race. So please put those race cards away. Your chronic overuse of them is one reason why you lose elections. You need to start talking about issues, instead of constantly reveling in your victimhood.

Psssst! It's not conservatives who are leveling the charge of racism here. It's the college students.
In a letter sent to colleagues in the department after the sit-in, Rust said students in the demonstration described grammar and spelling corrections he made on their dissertation proposals as a form of "micro-aggression.
Conservatives, try to understand that every single thing isn't always about race. So please put those race cards away. Your chronic overuse of them is one reason why you lose elections. You need to start talking about issues, instead of constantly reveling in your victimhood.


I wonder, what were liberals doing in 2008? "You just hate Obama because he's black! Racist!"
Conservatives, try to understand that every single thing isn't always about race. So please put those race cards away. Your chronic overuse of them is one reason why you lose elections. You need to start talking about issues, instead of constantly reveling in your victimhood.

Don't tell them!!! :eusa_doh: :D ;)

The students said it is about race. That makes it about race.
So that's TWO non answers. Including one from a wag who himself posted a thread called "What the fuck is wrong with the left?" in another nonpolitical story about university life, apparently in a drunken stupor.

Why is no one surprised...

If I posted an article about how conservatives in the Southern Baptists had demanded an end to abortion, and the article didn't mention anything about conservatives, would you step in and demand that I explain how I got the idea that they were conservatives?

Why should anyone who points out that graduate students at the School of Education are liberal?

Oh I dunno, maybe because (a) neither 'liberal' nor 'Democrat' appears anywhere in the article, neither express nor implied; because (b) the story itself isn't about politics; and (c) because the poster has a long history of specious easily-dismantled crap logic. Other than that, maybe his point is sound.

Again, posting that "What the fuck is wrong with the left" turd pretty much puts comprehension of these profound points out of your reach anyway.

Again, if I posted an article about Southern Baptists, and the article didn't use the word conservative, or even Republican, would you have me blasting about the idiocy of conservatives?

Of course not, but thanks for trying to defend the indefensible. It made almost as little sense as you agreeing with monmouth about this not being a race issue even though the students said it was.
You’re a liar.

As already correctly noted, nowhere in the article is anyone identified as a ‘liberal.’

Yet only self declared liberals have tried to say this isn't about race.

You just implied it was about politics. Now it's about race.

I'll check back in 15 minutes to see what it's about then...

Everything is about politics, some things are about race. This is about both, according to the protestors.
Conservatives, try to understand that every single thing isn't always about race. So please put those race cards away. Your chronic overuse of them is one reason why you lose elections. You need to start talking about issues, instead of constantly reveling in your victimhood.


I wonder, what were liberals doing in 2008? "You just hate Obama because he's black! Racist!"

Who said that, TK?
If I posted an article about how conservatives in the Southern Baptists had demanded an end to abortion, and the article didn't mention anything about conservatives, would you step in and demand that I explain how I got the idea that they were conservatives?

Why should anyone who points out that graduate students at the School of Education are liberal?

Oh I dunno, maybe because (a) neither 'liberal' nor 'Democrat' appears anywhere in the article, neither express nor implied; because (b) the story itself isn't about politics; and (c) because the poster has a long history of specious easily-dismantled crap logic. Other than that, maybe his point is sound.

Again, posting that "What the fuck is wrong with the left" turd pretty much puts comprehension of these profound points out of your reach anyway.

Again, if I posted an article about Southern Baptists, and the article didn't use the word conservative, or even Republican, would you have me blasting about the idiocy of conservatives?

Of course not, but thanks for trying to defend the indefensible. It made almost as little sense as you agreeing with monmouth about this not being a race issue even though the students said it was.

To the extent your babble is worth responding to at all, of course I would. But you don't. Because that isn't your obsession.

Where did I say it was "not a race issue" ?

Yet only self declared liberals have tried to say this isn't about race.

You just implied it was about politics. Now it's about race.

I'll check back in 15 minutes to see what it's about then...

Everything is about politics, some things are about race. This is about both, according to the protestors.

Bullshit. Not everything is about politics. There's no politics in this story. No Democrats, no Republicans, Whigs, Tories, Wobblies, no Labour, Socialists, Communists, Royalists, no Sensible Party, no Silly Party, no Birthday Party, nary even an Anarchist. Not even the word "political" appears in the story. In any form.

To be fair the OP is a Know Nothing but that doesn't count.

Right Steve?


He's run away as usual.
Conservatives, try to understand that every single thing isn't always about race. So please put those race cards away. Your chronic overuse of them is one reason why you lose elections. You need to start talking about issues, instead of constantly reveling in your victimhood.

Did you read the article? It's libs crying racism, again

Where the hell do you see "libs" in this story about a university class? Or for that matter conservatives or any other political label?

Is "libs" just an automatic term that goes in all your threads now? Like "trannies"?

Yes, it is.

But, more than that, if it took place at a university, by definition, its was liberals because conservatives don't believe in education.

These dunderheads have even said that education is elitist and to be discouraged. That hypocritical Santorum said Obama was a snob because he said he wanted every American to have the opportunity to get a college education.

Stevie is the poster gurl for ignorance and vox is her flower gurl.
It made almost as little sense as you agreeing with monmouth about this not being a race issue even though the students said it was.

All you do lately, on any thread, is say that people are stupid, and then lie about what they supposedly said.

You never did have ethics or intelligence, but at least you made an effort to conceal that before. What changed recently, to bring the nasty gutless partisan side of your personality to the forefront?
Conservatives, try to understand that every single thing isn't always about race. So please put those race cards away. Your chronic overuse of them is one reason why you lose elections. You need to start talking about issues, instead of constantly reveling in your victimhood.


I wonder, what were liberals doing in 2008? "You just hate Obama because he's black! Racist!"

Who said that, TK?

Obama himself, Pogo. It was a rather effective campaign strategy.

"John McCain right now, he’s spending an awful lot of time talking about me," Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said today in Rolla, Mo. "You notice that? I haven’t seen an ad yet where he talks about what he’s gonna do. And the reason is because those folks know they don’t have any good answers, they know they’ve had their turn over the last eight years and made a mess of things. They know that you’re not real happy with them."

Obama continued: "And so the only way they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me. So what they’re saying is, ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he’s… doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, you know, he’s got a, he’s got a funny name.’

"I mean, that’s basically the argument — he’s too risky," Obama said, per ABC News’ Sunlen Miller. "But think about it, what’s the bigger risk? Us deciding that we’re going to come together to bring about real change in America or continuing to do same things with the same folks in the same ways that we know have not worked? I mean, are we really going to do the same stuff that we’ve been doing over the last eight years? … That’s a risk we cannot afford. The stakes are too high."

Did Obama Accuse McCain of Running a Racist, Xenophobic Campaign? - ABC News

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