Libs heads explode as top GOP candidate to replace Ryan is racially aware candidate

I thought racial awareness was being conscious of the scientific fact that there is only one race, the human race. Goes to show how out of touch one can be.

As if a Chinese person, a person from the Congo, and a Swede are all the same, how do you figure that one exactly?
The idea is that there are no clear boundaries between the races. There have been long scientific studies on the matter.
I thought racial awareness was being conscious of the scientific fact that there is only one race, the human race. Goes to show how out of touch one can be.

As if a Chinese person, a person from the Congo, and a Swede are all the same, how do you figure that one exactly?
The idea is that there are no clear boundaries between the races. There have been long scientific studies on the matter.

There's sometimes fuzzy boundaries in different Animal sub-species, so why is there a giant hypocrisy when it comes to Human ones?
With Paul Ryan’s retirement, the top Republican running for his seat is an avowed white supremacist

Nehlen is AWESOME and is straight white male and proud of it AND is Jew aware so OF COURSE the media and leftists hate him!
Sound familiar?
Nehlen drew national attention in 2016 when he mounted a primary challenge to Ryan, in part by criticizing Ryan as insufficiently loyal to Donald Trump

He was right. We need 110% loyalty to the President if we're ever going to pull this country out of the muck the globalists, elites, and liberals have put us into.
Huh! I don't see any exploded heads.

I see some left biased news sites getting giant erections over the possibility of a Democrat winning Ryan's seat.
You go ahead and promote your lunatic, and I will be pulling for Wisconsin to regain her senses and rejoin Minnesota as a leading state to live in. Scott Walker has done some serious damage, and I'm not sure she can recover.

Not going to happen. Wisconsin has always been the center for the lunatic leftards, and the birthplace of the wacko progressive movement.

However, we are also the birthplace of the Republican Party and in 2010, we came back to our senses. Scott Walker had to endure a howling unwashed mass of nut-cases occupying the capitol, urinating and defecating in corners and on the sidewalk, and making death threats against public officials.

He withstood a bogus recall, a witch hunt "John Doe investigation" that would rival Mueller's illegal and unconstitutional inquisition, but was re-elected with no problem.

Up until the election, Wisconsin was being ran by immature little children who didn't have a clue how to bring business into this state, create jobs, or provide for the safety and security of our citizens.

But like Donald Trump, we have let the adults take control of things. I wouldn't be willing to put any money on Walker's defeat, because I play to win, unlike you Marxist losers.
Huh! I don't see any exploded heads.

I see some left biased news sites getting giant erections over the possibility of a Democrat winning Ryan's seat.

Of course. They're living out their crackhead fantasies.

Not gonna happen though, no matter how much the commie media crossed their fingers.
"Racially aware"? Mac1958, how do you feel about Nazi's being so PC?
While I think he was being ironic and just rubbing your nose in PC, I'm happy to give people like this a forum to express their bigotry for all to see.

Well, I for one, preferred when racist assholes kept to the shadows and didn't openly get elected by being racist assholes.

Who are ultimately the "racist assholes"? It wasn't we assholes who have murdered over 60 million unborn children since 1973, the majority of whom were black or Hispanic.

Having a problem with perspective?
"Racially aware"! That's a good one!
Yeah, they're "racially aware", all right...

So much for you being open minded. My kids are racially aware but they WOULD play with nonwhites if they wanted to. I am racially aware but I also have my own political ideology and beliefs and I detest nonwhites and want them no where near me. There are differing degrees of racially aware. Some people like my kids KNOW there are racial differences but that's about it. Some like me know the same thing but also DO NOT want to live around,associate with or be around nonwhites.

Well that's good since you don't work and don't have to worry about leaving the house.
With Paul Ryan’s retirement, the top Republican running for his seat is an avowed white supremacist

Nehlen is AWESOME and is straight white male and proud of it AND is Jew aware so OF COURSE the media and leftists hate him!

Good. He now has ZERO chance of getting elected.

Doesn't matter. Paul Ryan's 1st Congressional District around Janesville is primarily Republican. He will obviously be replaced by another Republican, preferably a more conservative Republican.

I seriously doubt also that his successor as Speaker of the House will be a moderate Republican.
"Racially aware"? Mac1958, how do you feel about Nazi's being so PC?
While I think he was being ironic and just rubbing your nose in PC, I'm happy to give people like this a forum to express their bigotry for all to see.

Well, I for one, preferred when racist assholes kept to the shadows and didn't openly get elected by being racist assholes.

Who are ultimately the "racist assholes"? It wasn't we assholes who have murdered over 60 million unborn children since 1973, the majority of whom were black or Hispanic.

Having a problem with perspective?

Murdered children? Give me a fucking break. How many minority children are or will be murdered because of no health care or proper nutrition due to republican policies?

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Huh! I don't see any exploded heads.

I see some left biased news sites getting giant erections over the possibility of a Democrat winning Ryan's seat.

Of course. They're living out their crackhead fantasies.

Not gonna happen though, no matter how much the commie media crossed their fingers.
I'm not going to make any predictions.

Ryan has always won by double-digits. WI-1 is a solid red district.

However, if Nehlen ends up being the GOP candidate, then the Democrats have a shot.
With Paul Ryan’s retirement, the top Republican running for his seat is an avowed white supremacist

Nehlen is AWESOME and is straight white male and proud of it AND is Jew aware so OF COURSE the media and leftists hate him!
Sound familiar?
Nehlen drew national attention in 2016 when he mounted a primary challenge to Ryan, in part by criticizing Ryan as insufficiently loyal to Donald Trump

He was right. We need 110% loyalty to the President if we're ever going to pull this country out of the muck the globalists, elites, and liberals have put us into.

Ah what a good little fascist- loyalty to your Fuehrer before loyalty to your country.
"Racially aware"? Mac1958, how do you feel about Nazi's being so PC?
While I think he was being ironic and just rubbing your nose in PC, I'm happy to give people like this a forum to express their bigotry for all to see.

Well, I for one, preferred when racist assholes kept to the shadows and didn't openly get elected by being racist assholes.

Who are ultimately the "racist assholes"? It wasn't we assholes who have murdered over 60 million unborn children since 1973, the majority of whom were black or Hispanic.

Having a problem with perspective?

Murdered children? Give me a fucking break. How many minority children are or will be murdered because of no health care or proper nutrition due to republican policies?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Gimme a break. Your ignorant and uninformed spin is so transparent, that Stevie Wonder could see right through it.

The truth is that you Democrat's idiotic social programs have done more to keep minorities poor, on welfare, and disabled than any Republican Presidency.

We didn't create the massive ghettos across this country, the utter disrespect between black folks between each other, the black-on-black murders, the soul-killing institution of welfare, the stereotype of blacks as being "victims", and the wholesale genocide of unborn black children.

That's all your doing, so enjoy your legacy and go wash your hands with soap and hot water. Wash them as well as you can, although I doubt that you'll remove all of the the bloodstains of the American minorities that are on them.
Huh! I don't see any exploded heads.

I see some left biased news sites getting giant erections over the possibility of a Democrat winning Ryan's seat.

Of course. They're living out their crackhead fantasies.

Not gonna happen though, no matter how much the commie media crossed their fingers.
I'm not going to make any predictions.

Ryan has always won by double-digits. WI-1 is a solid red district.

However, if Nehlen ends up being the GOP candidate, then the Democrats have a shot.

The question is- will Trump endorse his loyal supporter?
Huh! I don't see any exploded heads.

I see some left biased news sites getting giant erections over the possibility of a Democrat winning Ryan's seat.

Of course. They're living out their crackhead fantasies.

Not gonna happen though, no matter how much the commie media crossed their fingers.
I'm not going to make any predictions.

Ryan has always won by double-digits. WI-1 is a solid red district.

However, if Nehlen ends up being the GOP candidate, then the Democrats have a shot.

As the "anti-racists"? Honestly, they've been running with "We're so un-racist" as part of their platform for the last 20 years, but 8 years of Obama's total disregard for his own race showed how much of a bunch of liars and hypocrites you people really are.

You're no longer fooling anyone.
Huh! I don't see any exploded heads.

I see some left biased news sites getting giant erections over the possibility of a Democrat winning Ryan's seat.

Of course. They're living out their crackhead fantasies.

Not gonna happen though, no matter how much the commie media crossed their fingers.
I'm not going to make any predictions.

Ryan has always won by double-digits. WI-1 is a solid red district.

However, if Nehlen ends up being the GOP candidate, then the Democrats have a shot.

The question is- will Trump endorse his loyal supporter?

Trump Tweet
With Paul Ryan’s retirement, the top Republican running for his seat is an avowed white supremacist

Nehlen is AWESOME and is straight white male and proud of it AND is Jew aware so OF COURSE the media and leftists hate him!
Sound familiar?
Nehlen drew national attention in 2016 when he mounted a primary challenge to Ryan, in part by criticizing Ryan as insufficiently loyal to Donald Trump

He was right. We need 110% loyalty to the President if we're ever going to pull this country out of the muck the globalists, elites, and liberals have put us into.

Ah what a good little fascist- loyalty to your Fuehrer before loyalty to your country.

At least I have someone to be loyal to. Who do you have? Bernie? Hillary? Obama?

Nope: They've all become irrelevant footnotes in 21st century American history.

So now the only allegiance you have is to a dying progressive movement, which grows weaker and more ineffectual by the day.

Fucking LOL.
With Paul Ryan’s retirement, the top Republican running for his seat is an avowed white supremacist

Nehlen is AWESOME and is straight white male and proud of it AND is Jew aware so OF COURSE the media and leftists hate him!
Sound familiar?
Nehlen drew national attention in 2016 when he mounted a primary challenge to Ryan, in part by criticizing Ryan as insufficiently loyal to Donald Trump

He was right. We need 110% loyalty to the President if we're ever going to pull this country out of the muck the globalists, elites, and liberals have put us into.

Ah what a good little fascist- loyalty to your Fuehrer before loyalty to your country.

At least I have someone to be loyal to. Who do you have? Bernie? Hillary? Obama?

Nope: They've all become irrelevant footnotes in 21st century American history.

So now the only allegiance you have is to a dying progressive movement, which grows weaker and more ineffectual by the day.

Fucking LOL.
It's going to suck for you when Trump introduces single payer healthcare.

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