Libs: If Trump talk owns these violent clashes; Then YOUR side owns dead cops.

You're trying to make a moral equivalence between a simple shove vs a murder. Fail.

If a protestor wants to show up to our event...jump in my face 2 inches away screaming at me, specks of spit flying, shoving a sign in my face.....yes....if he's not immediately removed from my personal space by security...I will create the space myself and I support anyone who does (I don't support the sucker punch...that was 100% wrong).

That's not the same as lefties supporting the murder of cops.
You must be dumb, illiterate AND blind. They get into the middle of the crowd then start acting like feral animals screaming in people's faces.

And if you are unable to control yourself to vocal people, then you deserve to be arrested for assault just like that sucker punching Trump supporter.

Yeah but a simple misdemeanor assault charge (small fine at worst if you don't have a rap sheet) vs the satisfaction of sending a liberal to the floor. Hmmmm.....

Yep you only prove my point that Trump supporters are just violent criminals.

Again....if you don't shove your protest within 6 inches of my face you have nothing to worry about. Safe space....right???

Within 6 inches liberals have such punchable faces.

Your comments only prove trump supporters are violent. Not sure why you keep responding you only confirm what I have said. This is why trump shouldn't be president because he and his supporters are way to hot headed. Luckily in the general election the majority of the country will see that and not vote for the temper tampering Trumptard.

What you expect if you get your AIDS infested face within 2 inches of mine as you scream at me? Sorry. You're getting new teeth.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

When did 'libs' call for cops to be killed? Because Trump has certainly talked about wanting to punch protesters in the face and 'ruin their lives'.

And remember of course that cop deaths are near a 30 year low. So if you're going to blame 'liberals', make sure to 'blame them' for that too.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

Excellent point.
You make a very good point. Arguing against it would be incredibly hypocritical.

They cant. I agree....some of Trump's rhetoric has caused some pushing and shoving. Even...GASP....a sucker punch.

The lefts rhetoric is resulting in dozens of dead cops. Hundreds shot who survived. Countless assaulted.

Yeah; the next time the liberals have a meeting and the person they are all admire and are there to listen tells them to assault police officers, you may have a point. Right now, you have a silly correlation that isn’t remotely the case.

Anyone who resorts to violence should be captured and punished. It really is that simple.
NYC protesters are responsible for world wide police shootings before and after their protests? Or were cops being shot before for other reasons that you now dropped?

By the way, none of them called for violence against cops except the NYC crowd which no one defends. Do you know who defends Trump rally violence?

All of you. See the difference? I bet you play pretend again. You've called me and a TON of other posters here Anti Cop not because I called for violence against any cop...nope, but because they dont agree with every action from a cop. So you're pretending again.

Huh? You're saying the NYC one is the ONLY time leftists have called for killing cops? I'll show it all. YOUR people.

Like #BlackLivesMatter in Texas encouraging people to sneak up on white cops and ambush them (which happened 2 days later down the street from this activists call)

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

Sorry. Cats out of the bag. You leftist fags own this.

Oh....and yes....I DO SUPPORT getting physical with a shit bag protestor if they show up to a rally and get in my face or try to provoke us. You are trying to make a moral equivalence between a simple assault and murder. It's not. And if you show up to a rally with the INTENT to provoke and disrupt....and you do so outside the designated counter-protest areas (i.e. in someone's face) you deserve to be punched. I would NEVER show up to a #BlackLivesMatter rally and pull a thin blue line flag and start shoving it in people's faces. Why? I'd get punched....and I'd deserve it.

And you’re making an equivalence between a nut job on Twitter (whose name I don’t think anyone knows) and the leading candidate for the Republican Party nomination for President.

If you don’t think there is a difference…you’re being intellectually dishonest and nobody is surprised.
Sure and dont forget the part where people support and defend it like you, others here and Trump himself has done. You cant tho...because your side is the only one that supports violence openly and unapologetically by trying to blame everyone else

You're trying to make a moral equivalence between a simple shove vs a murder. Fail.

If a protestor wants to show up to our event...jump in my face 2 inches away screaming at me, specks of spit flying, shoving a sign in my face.....yes....if he's not immediately removed from my personal space by security...I will create the space myself and I support anyone who does (I don't support the sucker punch...that was 100% wrong).

That's not the same as lefties supporting the murder of cops.
Except you qualify them being there protesting as "agitation" without them yelling or being in anyones face.

That never happens everytime its been Trump supporters going after people who were no where near them. You'll make up a new reason why that too is ok.

Any protesting at all will be caused "agitating" and you think people should be physically attacked for anything you say is agitating

You must be dumb, illiterate AND blind. They get into the middle of the crowd then start acting like feral animals screaming in people's faces.

And if you are unable to control yourself to vocal people, then you deserve to be arrested for assault just like that sucker punching Trump supporter.

Yeah but a simple misdemeanor assault charge (small fine at worst if you don't have a rap sheet) vs the satisfaction of sending a liberal to the floor. Hmmmm.....

Yep you only prove my point that Trump supporters are just violent criminals.

Again....if you don't shove your protest within 6 inches of my face you have nothing to worry about. Safe space....right???

Within 6 inches liberals have such punchable faces.

Maybe with you but the other supporters dont follow those rules...they go and attack people who arent 6 inches in anyones face.,

Over and over...event after event

Bux even excused this too! So his bullshit about getting in peoples faces is false, like all other things Bux
NYC protesters are responsible for world wide police shootings before and after their protests? Or were cops being shot before for other reasons that you now dropped?

By the way, none of them called for violence against cops except the NYC crowd which no one defends. Do you know who defends Trump rally violence?

All of you. See the difference? I bet you play pretend again. You've called me and a TON of other posters here Anti Cop not because I called for violence against any cop...nope, but because they dont agree with every action from a cop. So you're pretending again.

ThAt NYC crowd clip was doctored audio.
Why am I not surprised. I bet Bux will say so what the audio was doctored and he just used doctored audio to make a point.

So Bux only example happens to be a lie so he has not one excuse for why supporting violence is someone elses fault
it wasn't a punch, so try again.

Yes it was, a bitch move at that you pussy. wasn't. It was a fkn forearm and not a punch a push. So again, you're wrong.

You don't even know what a sucker punch is pussy. It's hitting someone when they're not looking. No wonder you are a pussy.
you should learn what a punch is. A punch is done with a fist, a slap with a hand. A little education for you.

Again you are clueless. Not surprising from Inbreeding Trump supporters.

Here let me educate you clueless pussy:

suck·er punch
noun: sucker punch; plural noun: sucker punches; noun: suckerpunch; plural noun: suckerpunches
  1. 1.
    an unexpected punch or blow.
I.e. an unexpected blow is a sucker punch which is what the guy did. Not only have you proven yourself to be a pussy, but a clueless pussy at that. You've lost HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
no, that isn't what happened.
Like #BlackLivesMatter in Texas encouraging people to sneak up on white cops and ambush them (which happened 2 days later down the street from this activists call)

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

Commenters on a internet radio show? Thats your proof that there is some sort of wide support? Because 2 guys on a radio show call in said it?

And thats the same as Trump instructing people at his rally to punch and assault people how?

Let me guess, the radio show commenters have the same power as Trump? Or the radio callers are leaders who instructed people to do something except no one heard of this?
And NO its not the same as Trump saying to push a protestor. It's much worse. A push is not the same as MURDER.

Trump said they should be leaving on a stretcher but you are trying to forget that because you are pretending that he only said people should shove them...which is ok I guess for a Presidential Candidate to tell a group of people.
obviously, we're ok with what he did and said. So what?
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

When did 'libs' call for cops to be killed? Because Trump has certainly talked about wanting to punch protesters in the face and 'ruin their lives'.

And remember of course that cop deaths are near a 30 year low. So if you're going to blame 'liberals', make sure to 'blame them' for that too.

When? I already showed a few samples.
There's many more examples of you lefties calling for cops to be killed. Want me to keep posting them?

Sure and dont forget the part where people support and defend it like you, others here and Trump himself has done. You cant tho...because your side is the only one that supports violence openly and unapologetically by trying to blame everyone else

You're trying to make a moral equivalence between a simple shove vs a murder. Fail.

If a protestor wants to show up to our event...jump in my face 2 inches away screaming at me, specks of spit flying, shoving a sign in my face.....yes....if he's not immediately removed from my personal space by security...I will create the space myself and I support anyone who does (I don't support the sucker punch...that was 100% wrong).

That's not the same as lefties supporting the murder of cops.
boy for all the space these asswipe libturds expect, they sure as hell don't return the favors. Eh?
NYC protesters are responsible for world wide police shootings before and after their protests? Or were cops being shot before for other reasons that you now dropped?

By the way, none of them called for violence against cops except the NYC crowd which no one defends. Do you know who defends Trump rally violence?

All of you. See the difference? I bet you play pretend again. You've called me and a TON of other posters here Anti Cop not because I called for violence against any cop...nope, but because they dont agree with every action from a cop. So you're pretending again.

ThAt NYC crowd clip was doctored audio.
Why am I not surprised. I bet Bux will say so what the audio was doctored and he just used doctored audio to make a point.

So Bux only example happens to be a lie so he has not one excuse for why supporting violence is someone elses fault

Proof it was doctored?
There's many more examples of you lefties calling for cops to be killed. Want me to keep posting them?

Sure and dont forget the part where people support and defend it like you, others here and Trump himself has done. You cant tho...because your side is the only one that supports violence openly and unapologetically by trying to blame everyone else
it's the rally that the libturds want all of the attention in an effort to hate bait the thousand people. they succeed and then cry like a bunch of fkn babies. You get what you sow, just remember that.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

When did 'libs' call for cops to be killed? Because Trump has certainly talked about wanting to punch protesters in the face and 'ruin their lives'.

And remember of course that cop deaths are near a 30 year low. So if you're going to blame 'liberals', make sure to 'blame them' for that too.

When? I already showed a few samples.

Where? Give me the post number and I'll take care of the rest.
I'm not one of these who won't just say it: Yes....if a protestor is determined to get in my face and try to provoke a response....i support pushing them. Absolutely.

And so does Trump and it has led to more than pushing. And since the very act of protesting seems to be seen as "trying to provoke a response" and your justified response is physical then you just excused any action taken by anyone based on if there felt provoked whether they were or not
again, it isn't trump starting it. Sorry, but you fail. Some disrespectful piece of shit gets in someone's face, I smack him too. again, reap what you sow. don't cry when you reach the outcome you expected. That's all, be a fkn man and accept it.
NYC protesters are responsible for world wide police shootings before and after their protests? Or were cops being shot before for other reasons that you now dropped?

By the way, none of them called for violence against cops except the NYC crowd which no one defends. Do you know who defends Trump rally violence?

All of you. See the difference? I bet you play pretend again. You've called me and a TON of other posters here Anti Cop not because I called for violence against any cop...nope, but because they dont agree with every action from a cop. So you're pretending again.

ThAt NYC crowd clip was doctored audio.
Why am I not surprised. I bet Bux will say so what the audio was doctored and he just used doctored audio to make a point.

So Bux only example happens to be a lie so he has not one excuse for why supporting violence is someone elses fault

Proof it was doctored?

Proof its real?
I'm not one of these who won't just say it: Yes....if a protestor is determined to get in my face and try to provoke a response....i support pushing them. Absolutely.

And so does Trump and it has led to more than pushing. And since the very act of protesting seems to be seen as "trying to provoke a response" and your justified response is physical then you just excused any action taken by anyone based on if there felt provoked whether they were or not
again, it isn't trump starting it. Sorry, but you fail. Some disrespectful piece of shit gets in someone's face, I smack him too. again, reap what you sow. don't cry when you reach the outcome you expected. That's all, be a fkn man and accept it.

I'm talking about the people who didnt get in anyones face, but you keep ignoring that because it doesnt fit your narrative
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

When did 'libs' call for cops to be killed? Because Trump has certainly talked about wanting to punch protesters in the face and 'ruin their lives'.

And remember of course that cop deaths are near a 30 year low. So if you're going to blame 'liberals', make sure to 'blame them' for that too.

When? I already showed a few samples.

Where? Give me the post number and I'll take care of the rest.
search him in the thread you lazy fk.

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