Libs: If Trump talk owns these violent clashes; Then YOUR side owns dead cops.

But no one did those things and you still think they should be attacked.
well, yeah.................they did.

Who says they were spitting at people? And they deserve to be attacked if they protest at a Trump rally?
you ever have someone in your face? When they scream, they spit. that's how again, you are one stupid fk. You need to learn about life.

So the person insisting that they were 'spitting at people' you citing yourself. Or jack shit. Thanks for confirming what we all already knew.

And protesting at a Trump rally means they deserve to be *attacked*? Really?
what the fk was that you just posted. Please I don't speak jive.

Or English it seems. Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

So the person insisting that they were 'spitting at people' you citing yourself. Or jack shit. Thanks for confirming what we all already knew.

And protesting at a Trump rally means they deserve to be *attacked*? Really?
They believe that simply being there is grounds for a justified attack.

All those other rallies not one of those incidents were caused by any physical actions. It was always Trump Nazi's attacking people for being there
NYC protesters are responsible for world wide police shootings before and after their protests? Or were cops being shot before for other reasons that you now dropped?

By the way, none of them called for violence against cops except the NYC crowd which no one defends. Do you know who defends Trump rally violence?

All of you. See the difference? I bet you play pretend again. You've called me and a TON of other posters here Anti Cop not because I called for violence against any cop...nope, but because they dont agree with every action from a cop. So you're pretending again.

ThAt NYC crowd clip was doctored audio.


Prove it was authentic. The only audio from that even was from 10 stories above...none from the ground. Every American has a phone with a camera and not one person decided to capture a large group of black people chanting that they want to kill cops from close enough to see mouths moving?

It was doctored, muffled audio.

well, yeah.................they did.

Who says they were spitting at people? And they deserve to be attacked if they protest at a Trump rally?
you ever have someone in your face? When they scream, they spit. that's how again, you are one stupid fk. You need to learn about life.

So the person insisting that they were 'spitting at people' you citing yourself. Or jack shit. Thanks for confirming what we all already knew.

And protesting at a Trump rally means they deserve to be *attacked*? Really?
what the fk was that you just posted. Please I don't speak jive.

Or English it seems. Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

So the person insisting that they were 'spitting at people' you citing yourself. Or jack shit. Thanks for confirming what we all already knew.

And protesting at a Trump rally means they deserve to be *attacked*? Really?
huh? I told you I don't speak jive. In English please. What is it you're after. spit? sorry it's an internet and not possible. wow you are a stupid fk.
They believe that simply being there is grounds for a justified attack.

All those other rallies not one of those incidents were caused by any physical actions. It was always Trump Nazi's attacking people for being there
what other rallies? still you've never produced any videos. I asked back last week ahead of the libs bad day Friday getting out their hate.
They believe that simply being there is grounds for a justified attack.

All those other rallies not one of those incidents were caused by any physical actions. It was always Trump Nazi's attacking people for being there
what other rallies? still you've never produced any videos. I asked back last week ahead of the libs bad day Friday getting out their hate.

Pick one...the list of violence by Trump psychos is extensive
They believe that simply being there is grounds for a justified attack.

All those other rallies not one of those incidents were caused by any physical actions. It was always Trump Nazi's attacking people for being there
what other rallies? still you've never produced any videos. I asked back last week ahead of the libs bad day Friday getting out their hate.

Pick one...the list of violence by Trump psychos is extensive
post one
They believe that simply being there is grounds for a justified attack.

All those other rallies not one of those incidents were caused by any physical actions. It was always Trump Nazi's attacking people for being there
what other rallies? still you've never produced any videos. I asked back last week ahead of the libs bad day Friday getting out their hate.

Pick one...the list of violence by Trump psychos is extensive
post one

Remember you said that people should be confronted physically if they were physically attacking someone or "in their face" because you're about to make up a new reason right now

There, now heres the part where you imagine something the girl being pushed around did something to deserve it
And if you are unable to control yourself to vocal people, then you deserve to be arrested for assault just like that sucker punching Trump supporter.

Yeah but a simple misdemeanor assault charge (small fine at worst if you don't have a rap sheet) vs the satisfaction of sending a liberal to the floor. Hmmmm.....

Yep you only prove my point that Trump supporters are just violent criminals.

Again....if you don't shove your protest within 6 inches of my face you have nothing to worry about. Safe space....right???

Within 6 inches liberals have such punchable faces.

Your comments only prove trump supporters are violent. Not sure why you keep responding you only confirm what I have said. This is why trump shouldn't be president because he and his supporters are way to hot headed. Luckily in the general election the majority of the country will see that and not vote for the temper tampering Trumptard.
so what, what is it your trying to achieve here except whining like a fkn cry baby?
I've already accomplished what I wanted to do, show that you Trump supporters are nothing but violent punks and that Trump incites violence. Mission accomplished and when the general election rolls around your fucking racist asses will be thrown to the curb like the garbage you are since the country will see it as well. Go fuck yourself and I'll be celebrating when Trump loses the general election asshole.
They believe that simply being there is grounds for a justified attack.

All those other rallies not one of those incidents were caused by any physical actions. It was always Trump Nazi's attacking people for being there
what other rallies? still you've never produced any videos. I asked back last week ahead of the libs bad day Friday getting out their hate.

Pick one...the list of violence by Trump psychos is extensive
post one

Remember you said that people should be confronted physically if they were physically attacking someone or "in their face" because you're about to make up a new reason right now

There, now heres the part where you imagine something the girl being pushed around did something to deserve it

not sure what it is you're trying to show with that. that was thirty seconds? hahahhahahaahahhahahahaha, epic fail bubba. but i expect nothing more from you.

also, you must be football fan, where only the retaliation is caught on tape.
Yeah but a simple misdemeanor assault charge (small fine at worst if you don't have a rap sheet) vs the satisfaction of sending a liberal to the floor. Hmmmm.....

Yep you only prove my point that Trump supporters are just violent criminals.

Again....if you don't shove your protest within 6 inches of my face you have nothing to worry about. Safe space....right???

Within 6 inches liberals have such punchable faces.

Your comments only prove trump supporters are violent. Not sure why you keep responding you only confirm what I have said. This is why trump shouldn't be president because he and his supporters are way to hot headed. Luckily in the general election the majority of the country will see that and not vote for the temper tampering Trumptard.
so what, what is it your trying to achieve here except whining like a fkn cry baby?
I've already accomplished what I wanted to do, show that you Trump supporters are nothing but violent punks and that Trump incites violence. Mission accomplished and when the general election rolls around your fucking racist asses will be thrown to the curb like the garbage you are since the country will see it as well. Go fuck yourself and I'll be celebrating when Trump loses the general election asshole.
you did? where? all you did was whine on here for hours. You got jack shit friend except confirming that all you have are insults with nothing to back them up. Come on now internet tough guy.
They believe that simply being there is grounds for a justified attack.

All those other rallies not one of those incidents were caused by any physical actions. It was always Trump Nazi's attacking people for being there
what other rallies? still you've never produced any videos. I asked back last week ahead of the libs bad day Friday getting out their hate.

Pick one...the list of violence by Trump psychos is extensive
post one

Remember you said that people should be confronted physically if they were physically attacking someone or "in their face" because you're about to make up a new reason right now

There, now heres the part where you imagine something the girl being pushed around did something to deserve it

not sure what it is you're trying to show with that. that was thirty seconds? hahahhahahaahahhahahahaha, epic fail bubba. but i expect nothing more from you.

also, you must be football fan, where only the retaliation is caught on tape.

So you dont see this video is your new thing?
Yep you only prove my point that Trump supporters are just violent criminals.

Again....if you don't shove your protest within 6 inches of my face you have nothing to worry about. Safe space....right???

Within 6 inches liberals have such punchable faces.

Your comments only prove trump supporters are violent. Not sure why you keep responding you only confirm what I have said. This is why trump shouldn't be president because he and his supporters are way to hot headed. Luckily in the general election the majority of the country will see that and not vote for the temper tampering Trumptard.
so what, what is it your trying to achieve here except whining like a fkn cry baby?
I've already accomplished what I wanted to do, show that you Trump supporters are nothing but violent punks and that Trump incites violence. Mission accomplished and when the general election rolls around your fucking racist asses will be thrown to the curb like the garbage you are since the country will see it as well. Go fuck yourself and I'll be celebrating when Trump loses the general election asshole.
you did? where? all you did was whine on here for hours. You got jack shit friend except confirming that all you have are insults with nothing to back them up. Come on now internet tough guy.
You continue to prove me correct with each post you respond with. I also proved it to people that aren't Trumptards. You lost, deal with it asshole. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Hope your diaper ass doesn't cry to much when Trump loses the general election Trumptard.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

So Trump talking FORCES the leftists to be violent? :eek:
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

So Trump talking FORCES the leftists to be violent? :eek:

Well....THEY say it does. So...I take their word for it. And their talk forces their thugs to kill cops. They wanna own the "speech creates actions" be it.
You make a very good point. Arguing against it would be incredibly hypocritical.

They cant. I agree....some of Trump's rhetoric has caused some pushing and shoving. Even...GASP....a sucker punch.

The lefts rhetoric is resulting in dozens of dead cops. Hundreds shot who survived. Countless assaulted.
What the heck do you expect people to do when it seems cops are out of control and trigger happy? Are the victims of unjustified cop shootings and their supporters supposed to just shut up and let it ride? It isn't "rhetoric" that's getting cops killed. BTW:

Since hitting a peak in the early 1970s with 280 deaths, the number of officer fatalities in the U.S. has been falling. Of the gunfire that killed officers in 2015, the NLEOMF says those 42 deaths "are 26 percent lower than the average of 57 per year for the decade spanning 2000-2009."

Number Of Police Officers Killed By Gunfire Fell 14 Percent In 2015, Study Says

When the number goes over 300 per year, you might have a don't!
No, you don't. You are guilty of quote mining. How many lives were saved by better training, tactics and vests? You don't say. I have no problem with cops, like most people. Are you too stupid to understand why that might be?

Liberals refuse to accept responsibility for ANYTHING. It's always somebody else's fault. You go to a rally to stir up shit and cry foul if you get socked. Not long ago everyone would have laughed at such stupidity.
Quote mining?Heh heh heh...On a message board that is quite common I suppose. Looks like I struck gold!

1. We can go on forever speculating about cop's lives being saved by vests and tactics while ignoring the real issue that a lot of bigoted, corrupt cops are causing good cops to be stereotyped along with them. You seem to be too stupid to understand that vests, better training and tactics mean very little to a sniper with a scope training his weapon on a cop issuing a ticket or investigating a traffic accident. If there was a war on cops, the body count would be significantly higher.

2. That catchall moniker, "liberal," is overused and inappropriate. To you anyone who does something you don;t agree with is a "liberal." I doubt if any of the GOP establishment diehards who don't like Trump would
concur with your tunnel vision. Be that as it may, I do feel that attending a Trump rally to disrupt it is not something I would recommend. Those who do so may be among the bravest people I have seen or the most foolhardy. Nevertheless, those patriots bring the dark side of Trump mania to light. The response to them by Trump or his supporters is recorded by the unblinking eye of the camera for all the world to see. Trump's groupies drew first blood. That swooshing sound you hear is not just idle gusts of wind; it is the sound of people withdrawing their votes for a man who cannot handle criticism or opposition well.
what other rallies? still you've never produced any videos. I asked back last week ahead of the libs bad day Friday getting out their hate.

Pick one...the list of violence by Trump psychos is extensive
post one

Remember you said that people should be confronted physically if they were physically attacking someone or "in their face" because you're about to make up a new reason right now

There, now heres the part where you imagine something the girl being pushed around did something to deserve it

not sure what it is you're trying to show with that. that was thirty seconds? hahahhahahaahahhahahahaha, epic fail bubba. but i expect nothing more from you.

also, you must be football fan, where only the retaliation is caught on tape.

So you dont see this video is your new thing?

i didn't see anything in the video that is anything of what you stated, so where's the video?
Again....if you don't shove your protest within 6 inches of my face you have nothing to worry about. Safe space....right???

Within 6 inches liberals have such punchable faces.

Your comments only prove trump supporters are violent. Not sure why you keep responding you only confirm what I have said. This is why trump shouldn't be president because he and his supporters are way to hot headed. Luckily in the general election the majority of the country will see that and not vote for the temper tampering Trumptard.
so what, what is it your trying to achieve here except whining like a fkn cry baby?
I've already accomplished what I wanted to do, show that you Trump supporters are nothing but violent punks and that Trump incites violence. Mission accomplished and when the general election rolls around your fucking racist asses will be thrown to the curb like the garbage you are since the country will see it as well. Go fuck yourself and I'll be celebrating when Trump loses the general election asshole.
you did? where? all you did was whine on here for hours. You got jack shit friend except confirming that all you have are insults with nothing to back them up. Come on now internet tough guy.
You continue to prove me correct with each post you respond with. I also proved it to people that aren't Trumptards. You lost, deal with it asshole. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Hope your diaper ass doesn't cry to much when Trump loses the general election Trumptard.
I know, you are one whiny little libturd dancing and jiving on an internet message board. You are correct you are good little libturd with no path to glory.
Well Bucky being utterly unable to factually establish his claims that the only reason that deaths have gone down is 'bullet proof vests' takes the wind out of his sails. As he can't prove anything he's said.

While cop deaths being near a 30 year low is pretty much indisputable. This despite the fact that the number of cops has gone up. Meaning that the per-capita death rate for cops is even lower.
You make a very good point. Arguing against it would be incredibly hypocritical.

They cant. I agree....some of Trump's rhetoric has caused some pushing and shoving. Even...GASP....a sucker punch.

The lefts rhetoric is resulting in dozens of dead cops. Hundreds shot who survived. Countless assaulted.
What the heck do you expect people to do when it seems cops are out of control and trigger happy? Are the victims of unjustified cop shootings and their supporters supposed to just shut up and let it ride? It isn't "rhetoric" that's getting cops killed. BTW:

Since hitting a peak in the early 1970s with 280 deaths, the number of officer fatalities in the U.S. has been falling. Of the gunfire that killed officers in 2015, the NLEOMF says those 42 deaths "are 26 percent lower than the average of 57 per year for the decade spanning 2000-2009."

Number Of Police Officers Killed By Gunfire Fell 14 Percent In 2015, Study Says

When the number goes over 300 per year, you might have a don't!
No, you don't. You are guilty of quote mining. How many lives were saved by better training, tactics and vests? You don't say. I have no problem with cops, like most people. Are you too stupid to understand why that might be?

Liberals refuse to accept responsibility for ANYTHING. It's always somebody else's fault. You go to a rally to stir up shit and cry foul if you get socked. Not long ago everyone would have laughed at such stupidity.
Quote mining?Heh heh heh...On a message board that is quite common I suppose. Looks like I struck gold!

1. We can go on forever speculating about cop's lives being saved by vests and tactics while ignoring the real issue that a lot of bigoted, corrupt cops are causing good cops to be stereotyped along with them. You seem to be too stupid to understand that vests, better training and tactics mean very little to a sniper with a scope training his weapon on a cop issuing a ticket or investigating a traffic accident. If there was a war on cops, the body count would be significantly higher.

2. That catchall moniker, "liberal," is overused and inappropriate. To you anyone who does something you don;t agree with is a "liberal." I doubt if any of the GOP establishment diehards who don't like Trump would
concur with your tunnel vision. Be that as it may, I do feel that attending a Trump rally to disrupt it is not something I would recommend. Those who do so may be among the bravest people I have seen or the most foolhardy. Nevertheless, those patriots bring the dark side of Trump mania to light. The response to them by Trump or his supporters is recorded by the unblinking eye of the camera for all the world to see. Trump's groupies drew first blood. That swooshing sound you hear is not just idle gusts of wind it is the sound of people withdrawing their votes for a man who cannot handle criticism or opposition well.
ahh the little libturd got his wittle feewings hurt.

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